LENDORSES RUN WELFARE PAGE 1310111 1111 mining 11111111111111111 uARRlL ONTARIO CANADA 111111511 23 1044 Wffmy MM 1w1 wAHMAWmarymwdwWWW 111 1761 iifidliKVl MEFTlNG I10NF BOlRD T0 far GE2rr11anemone ll ll 11 if Freedom III 111 Kml Hi 11 Aciimm 11111 11 If Hand Saws $315 MITRE BOX 55c 10111 OPEN BAKER 31c Quail 37C 7111111 CASSEROLE 59c llllllllill LOAF PAN167c 11111111015220 ICopaco Opens $18000 II II PYBEX FLAMEWARE Poultry Plant Elmvale Jjj with handle 353153 am 1111 1111111101111 IlIiI IllIuInul I1I1 if 11 STOVE $5951 TEAPOT 1111 111111 11 1111111111 111 SKI poms SPECIAL ffftlIIi SKI HARNESS tech 98c 31313LJJgtEJ123JLxiii LacihhiAIRIhlwgi23331133131113 11 1TiiiIII1I131fiI SKUS Large Selection of ii fl111iIifi From 95 up DUST MOPS under in 1111113 lxlr II gt11111 11211121841111 children 1111211 111 1111111111111111 11 1111111 II 1I 11 113111111111 10111111121lxl$ult1r Safety 49c 1111 1111 111 l1 111l 11=l i1i liiid iii Smm 11111l II II 11 1Ii If 1l121l ti11lt111111ly iiuiiiiniil 1111111111 1131111 11 11 11 it 111 13 11 1111111 would11111101311 l11i11cl1111 11111111111 11 111ll11 lll11 21 11511011111102 Hm LwhH 111 1111i111l HUMIH Tlir l11 111 II I1 1111 min II 1111ln111lllIiliilliittil1 III 11111l111l 11 III 11 Umw 31111l1l 11111 tiiilc L11 1111i1l1gt1ll1E 11111 AW 11 Each $525 BARROW $139 1121 M1111 lc ll1111l1 1111111 1311 1mm lliliit 21111111111 1111 ll 111 Willi lil IYllIiHHi No1 Irimwmm Chili1iifhiiiiiiiilti will 0111311 11111=Iisno1s NianIlzoox IIIIII WWW mm FIREPLACE SNOW 3i EDENVALE 1I3i3i1 1I1 111111 GBATES $793 SHOVELS 29C FLASHLIGHTS BO BLOCKS Hill 10hat101111111iiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiin Iliccti111iiltlinliinrhii bilitiiJLVkilli iii 51 1i CW my hm Slze 111 l1iti IIIIII III II MII ll lllllll sage Silo 1l11l 1ch 15 Im IImImI 1111111 Mm 1me 1M1 II III IIIIIIII WWII 11 111111t1111 do 111 11 the 1111111 IIIIII II IIIIIIIMII IIIIINHII II IliiII Mr 1111l lrgt vim IIIIIIIIII1 GAMES BooKS 111 l111111111 111 l11l gt11 11 11 liliiiilza lIlllll Ilitllilli iltll 131 Ii 11l Mr and Mfr ll iil lllil llil IVS 11 1111 11511111111111l111111 1111111 RA i1111gt1ll 11 2111111111 111111i11l 111 It 11111 11 11 it111tt3 110111111 for IIIIIIJ IIIIIIIlIIIr III IIIIIEIII II WI 11111 up north over the 11111111111111 Omplete II II 11 11 the illlillitlli here the Smooth NM llIm 1915 liu and Mr ll lllllISllulltlIviRi ChrlSlInaS ll 11 I1 11 lll1l 1l 1llln ere 11111151 111 11111 131 I11 IIIIIII 11I III HJUN II 111I 11c 111 111 11 II iI 1111111 11 111111111111i1 111111111 11101 iMrs llziwus 1101111111 lllt itllw Large seleChOn 11111 prmrnmhml it Im iicar ionipiclloilu 11111 ailinmmtc t1e 111 1ll Wi 11111111 in 111111 li lli 1111111 l111121L Hf ilmnll effort to limp them that way 1I1II IIIIII MIISI IIIOI FIIEIIII IIIMIE andI II1I 1II 1IHI1 lilt afternoon lrmn there the Apto were viill 1111 51 1I1 11111 11 lilll gt1I11tl lilil an adjoining room MWMi and Mrs 111731 II National nth1111111 11 illllII 11 111111l 111111ls1l111l111 how the birds 1111 OI lte OConnor MI lilllttl 111 National 1111 II litiltlll are FpCllttlllL 1111 11111113 Liill been 1l1111 in 111 liz 11 111 1151 lluttanuii the 111111911 1111i illti 10x llllilllllltt 11 All llelll liiltigt Vim1 kph gt 1214111111 81111111111u1t 1111 1111111113111 1f Visiting ill1 and Mrs iach ll111n ac Urernan illiitlat Hwll lllllillllgti 11 hi bk initOd lillliii Mrsinih ll lilac 11 SNOW SHOVELS ROCK BANNER f111rl111lti11 i1 11111111 1111 111w VI IfII 1111l1i11rnt11111 of the plant is pro Itle Art hlcCiialll Toiiintu OIIIIIIIIIIII VIIIIIIIIII album dmu Long handle 790 ASH SIETERSI iltkll 11111111111111 11 1111131111111 111 11 ii llili 11111 Villtls tllllllllCs111S ms humc rm r0 dd LN iii the weekend 54 DllkithSS 3389 71 11111 111111 13 111 111110 111 111111111 Sam 03 ill Ollie 1111 11110111 11 LOMBINAHON N001 CCOOPSi 111 13 llI II IIIII1111 I1 gtI It II1III 11 113 II IIII 11 ii it1t 111 All lli ltll ll 11K 1111 l11111 tll1i lli11i gt1ill ill 1124111 11111l111l lielnie incl1111 1ii1i le1gt liirtliti inlininaiion itttilllt i1ll III5I111111111and has Capacity of 13 1111IO we mm 110 1IchincI QuoI and Mrs lizlgecl gt11 09L Ilbll Iii illllfilidtd 111i Willi liI1l11v11111 1111 ii hash illllf 111 Toronto last week Owen Sound 111 VNimh ASBESTOS Study mill 1C1lli lliI llllrtilltl of 11 ll iill1 1l1I 11101112 AMI mm than rigId potn Oilkm Inch CUHIHI pxiitIIiils Mr and Mrs POWDFR II 10 WEATHERsTRIPPING Lil 11 Willi II TI 11 illiilliiw go 11 11 gt1 I1IIJ1 IFrmZWMMWA il11l inc and 111fl11 Lie III111I1I1III1I1I1III pIcu toiletrIn In MIX GIIIII MIIIIIIIII MISS IIIIICIIIII ICELT BRONZL 1111111 hr the Wotan11 institute of Miller liltl STRIPSEAL 11 Mr and Mrs llLlltitlSllll blinthleton and 11 iLtlllt MIIIllIi11 11 tom td 111111 subhtlp 1111l1111l11 LUIkIICWI WWII gum III 111 mm MRI My minimum attended LI 436 II From 10c pkgI and up II I17 1111111111111 1111111lted by the manse laxt wel ill Wig ROOM SmglCCqn txciIi 1110 11 11 Willi liltillli lllUVidLd it the Mr and Mrs Bert Tlionipmt 151 Umcl Lhulm mmi 11l1711 II 11 torizi CollCLC 11l1tlill and 1141 producers of tilt Orillla spent the weekend WtiiliiIIIHNmxzEIEIEI ick pcukch IIIII II 11 lblllti and tne lllClCllL 11th ill 01111013 lllllilllbv IHII ii xr Part or iv hi1l1 the plan at lillnvale was 113 J1 Grimm 11 mum The dip rate were guests of Mr and Mrs God Kingdom Specm WEN Phone 2431 nBARRIE 31 Dunlop St 11 he YourU Smith duringl the weekend gyliIJUTIIICIEi 13 Ml and 3111s Tl EtllOll lldVC 80 L01 toxpend the winter with Mr and 442121212121E1212121219i2ia2121212211212151E121E1222122131512151211231312121219111 13v renewed year 511 50 111 11111 1111 1111111 11111111111119 WWW 5cm Mls Alcllle Sllllsburr Wreblldgex Have l1 IIIIII SIICIIIIIIII II III IIIVII III TI mon ciiiiimumiy MrsI UmsI 5131mm 17011 Sumtwh two ltllliil with friend MIS IIIIIII IIII 111l Mary Mathew mill1 silent II Ihc IIIILkIIIII III1IIIHIIII1 IIIIIIWITFII III 11 EIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIILIII IIIIIIIICIIII IIIIISI IIIIIIICIISI IIIIISI III RIIIDIIISIIIII II IIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII MIISI IIIIIIII MIIIIIIIIIII III II innit limiie melt Sonata with IIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIII II Til hill iililtiv dintm iVliJll1 II 3113111133135151113111333 1111 success 1111131111151 will he held 511111 II I1 Mrs 110121 11111111151111 01111 1111 10 1mm 413 VFWml month with Mr and M13 Horror 111 on the outskirts of 530 llllti Mll llllli Ellim lddi Ii aionc upre II the riIcho11 II II II Cllllofamounmm on IIIIIIIIIII IIlIiIIillLIIllllIllIls IIIilIlIsIsluIII II ICII II Snails 13111 the 111111 cwniiiiencme operations 31 1iVernr1eciois of the Elmvale Board of Millilblltlkt illlW Sillm ill llUltiii11ltle have been commended in at ill iii1 llliii1il 361331 41791413iElEIJEZPIDiEQZREERAZJJJRSi azizxfhmyahmzzmmxmm 31 1331z22zxmazmzamgtzmmzxxu1igtJazx WWWa BIT of Mother lia nowhth if of troll lfrchIiln ho xrUI trod before CI here no man Mm Smmgdnlg IvIlirSWicha Selling hisTQM II IllLlII N11ll lSlrll all l121 it 011 911163 Kfiillext 31011111 IMHO Wild 111 during IIIIIIIIFII ant mmch Imp 1111 11111111 II flaming Wales wli he r111 1111111 June 71 11 01l 111 if llwxllcuor 11ng 13 the inlhNL He came 11 Canada Calm hi Nylons an in mowers new Illlit 01O L1l1iltll iii Killl ii 1511 ILESS THANFIVE WEEKS TO CHRISTMAS TwentySeven emcrpnbu 1111 is rec 1111 settled in the until end will tn lllill1 near itltx mikeJIb aniihasilCCiiclosclyssu When he was lllll Irear ShOpplngI Days Lots Of things TO do In IihOT COITIpOlOlIVGin with the gmmh 0f 111111in mwi 11110 in iiiiliistry di 11ng I1 151 11011 IIIIIIIIICIIIIIIIIZ IiIicrIo11I1Iic1i essential 11111111 IiILIJ InnIIIIgIIIIlIICIlII IIIIII II IIIIIIlIlIIIII1ziI shortspoIce Ioftime YIothge to select and wrap and most 171 II II spirit of the Candi11 tom the sellreliant I1c11111111111111111 111 11111511111101 1111111 gifts loiyour dear ones in they Forces here in Conoclo end p601 my IIWmmlgllW UNIM was 11 11111111 111112110 iillit ou went to do olloffhot well ihZOdionce of lost moilin date lag9 GdJyftoni analee word and irieiicIllle smile tutti IIIiI IIIII 115 This centuryold Ciaied His wife xuirvixes with 11 11111113 0f seveiizlred lrt Sunnidale llors Thus yOull be sureYOlJr Gifts fortth will orriVe before Christ 15 II 92 Obie undertaking 10110111111 Gift List MessiIah The pailbearers were lhiiiis the kind of 10111111 it is hard to get rid of mm 50 LAC 55 133535 the kind that bothers you dining the day and keepfi mid WW CHUV ptexwc icwrwme II mas and too you11 be helping lo keep mall and delivery1561w CIfcclI ulI TIzlUIllItli IM1Ioa111iiiit Vices frombecomlng overcrowded during very busy tImIESt II I1 If ara 11 ll 1011 1a 11 fir1 II Anderson 113111111111 01 Manseld 11 The I111 0f hijhuffllulL1115ll11lti$l1 1I Thee10lcurs1 the the Ce9LSi Of Gifts our Ifhe I1 11 IIoIIi 1111II32 0111110c11112111e11gii 11 folks othome Its delightful but at the some timefo srze I1 111 1110311 whieii held Nov 14 Services at the 111111 115131111161 UC my Branches from Cogst to Cogsf stone assisted bv Rev Gtuii SO llS Wise l0 ChristmasShop NOW YOUiiflllCi ll II il 81113531111113 iii 53l139111 worth your while when it comes to selecting Just the RightI NYC i01ds T1111 15 cough Sucks 11 highligilalvh 5131221g11111 Gifts Youll find too that Early Christmas Shopping poys 1051 Cm anIdI StayneiIIEAn10iiefi tireltlonlzzIJr dwidendstm PhYSICGi COmfort and peace Of mind YOU find WE lat angs ch Church that stores are less crOwded and ossortments of merchandise Mon Tues Thms Hi if more varied now than they Will be later on and that sales ladies f0 yuwukcubnighh Cameron Ernest AnderSlln Harold JODCS and NQImii pmssen have moretime in rViC IlOVlIWlhOn Iwednesdayl f0 II Syn and see how quickly it will help to relievcziyou Wi have iaier ISaturday19 f0 lobsomiig the phlegm soothing tlie irritated uir passiigesrend stimulating Price 309 SUbscripum by read nI thebronchiul organs II 111 and acting upon the advertise ii Dr Woods has been on thomarlget for the past 48 years melllisniill The Baltic Examine IIII Whynolgcl abottle ofIlrIWoods Norwayno II his coughing IIIIIIIIIIIUII you CAN SAVE 11 II 11 so HURRY T0 CHRISTMASSHOP Now zELLERS LIMITED ltaactsproinplly aiidelioctivclyEoingtolliofouiidatiulioftliotroublc YUU can save many times the Prioe35o1a bottle the large family size about times as much 600 at JwImIcqntas Fine 1111 Printing Prompt Ser TNT313mm 3TIimimwlllmntn0m rviee Fair Prices ttx YOO LL BE GLAD YOU DID SOI WHEN CHRIISTIMAS COMESIl II