Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1944, p. 1

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VI Vasey Soldier Reported Killed Assessor For County Favored By Cou Fight or Freedom AciiIilics of Men and mum in the NAIyrIIIyir lone Leg Broken in Ilve Places IJLUI Dough Sn1ii tJll 115vsr53 Mr El 111Itl1 llluke Sr 1e with very Lll0tlj actiileiiiae really while on lLllt eritce i14 Ilelgjitini 111l11ilirr of the Intel1 it il Inotoreyrlc vili 11 hit by at Hurt Jae leg 2111 fractured injlltlllllti flkllxk and one hand broken He is non in ZZYIIII 1itii111 Iliag pital i11li11ylanltl letter ecziYeLk this week I1otii the nexus 211 is getting along well and expect to have complete recovery lt3 Smith tllllsliil first with the Grch yonConis He went overseas last year after graduating from the erboro 02 too Henson Commissioned Mr and Mrs Ilenson llurton been tlllldt Pilot Officer on May 20 of this year He went overseas in June Illl3 and had been on opl crational duty for several 111111t1s At the time of going overseas hi rank was Sgt Wireless Air Gun ner New Padre at No srrs llon Flight Lieutenant Arthur Maclhcrson has been posted from Trenton to No SFTS Camp 1301 dcn as Protestant chaplain in place of IVL Clark who is re turnimr overseas FL Maclhcrson is native of Orangevillc Barrie Boys Graduate as Wireless Air Gunners at Jarvls on Friday Two Barrie boys Pilot Officer Maurice Smith and Sgt Kenneth ll Keeley graduated as wireless air gunners at No Bombing and Gunnery School Jarvis on Friday PO Smith is son of Mr and Mrs Walter Smith 128 Bradford St His mother and his wife the fornr cr Edna liiddcll were present for the ceremony when he received his wireless air gunncrs badge and commission His wife and four ycarold son Paul reside at 129 Eur ton Ave Maurice joined the RCAF at Trenton in 1941 He went over seas in 1942 and was there for two years attached to stores and ac counts section of RCAF lHQ at London Returning late last year with the rank of corporalwa re Inustered to aircrew month ago he received his wireless sparks at Guelph At present he is home on furlough after which he re ports back to Jarvis Sonof Mrs Ivan Keeley Barrie Sgt Ken Keeley Wasonc of the originals of Barrfc Air Cadets and one of the first to join the RCAF III also received his wireless sparks at Guelph in October Returns From Overseas McKermw R90853 who en listed at North Bay in May 1940 and went overseas in 1943 has been home for monthand is re suming work at the First CoOpery ativc Packers plant Barrie Mr and Mrs Arthur Jennett Oi Vasey received word on Oct 28 that their oldest son Lloyd Arthur Jen mnett had been officially reported killed i1i5ctlon on Oct life be longedto the GovernorGenerals Foot Guards No Squadron let Canadian Armoured Regiment Born on March 1922 at Vasey he lived most Of his life in that com munity He enlisted in Sept 1942 at thage of 20 and trained in To ronto Newinarket and Camp Bor den beforc going overseas on MEIICIIJZ3 1943 gt sPromoted 111 Italy XIICpl AJAnconib 5011 of Mrs May Ancomb Waverley has been promoted from private when trzfns fcrred from Artillery to the In Turn to page eight please MAILING LIST CHANGED The type for The Ex aminer mailing list was corrected last week and all payments made up to and including WEDNES DAY NOVEMBER 15 should be shown by dates on labels Please check 0n yours and if there is anyseem ing lnaccuray kindly advise 0111 office giving numberbf receipt if po sible IEIIEI AUDIT IJRUU Ci CIRCULATIOMS 51 Yearw Sent Home Wounded ncil 171 lli1ll1 1111111 117 311lll llltittll it In 1111iil1111 c1 it litti 1e1111s ill Corps I2 was iridiin fltltlcltt LP mm WWW Ill llltl Ill SIIYDSUN would he oiztlcicl Itll SAt Isl rs vii 11111 the tent liw 1ie ltiini Ii1 t11itl 111 1111 1111 1111111 Merlot1 and 111 Milli ttnlti 111It 11 the p1oizm 11 FavorsTu ning 105 Areeehar PTE McLELLAN iva IQ Simeoc lorcNtcrs IIAM and sei 521 cured his conunibsion in April liltiLlI1 He went on active service later inml the Jtll and served as instructor p1 pHe at the North flay lraittiny Cetitruiw where he conducted School for it Illra til itlt t11I11 QJALII 2111111 vi 1111 lI1y 13 Illlluiv VIII 011911 llitlm Winn 1tgtlltl11l l1 11 Iittltltl Ile 11III1 gt11fleiii illtt l111 Sr th ll11llitgll 1Illttl il1111 It Tuitlvgder Sptliv ll llhl lllc1 tie iii 11 Over double tincture of the 1121111 0111 11 wounds lle war arrived l111el t1 lltVt lt 1131 lioyal Military College liiilxtlmtthe Vteiz His wife who 1t1s in llarric dilllttlnif summer is now residing in ICln1c time 2111 had It1i lItl pi11r1ol 11 While 31211 doubt 1tl in CHIN and atla ltt 1111i 111l lgtk lltl 1111 Lout lam ll Iacii ttl Ill itliotlirl 1112 3111113111 1111 10111111111111 I1I Ill t11itll iti1 111111 outcif t11 titie As Pilot Officer Effective May Np WWI lleferrin Iziieulluial Ave recently received llttsfttlittv MM 11 fiom llAl Ileailquarters Ottawa to the effect that their son VOLIvar 1W George Arthur lienon who 13111t reported nussing in June last with of the IlCAII 111 action 11ClgtLtlS haddm worl1ip Ill tin mtl IJttll tuli livwltel Iit1iet tiouYlul1 littlluwnlr tteful and proud 1ep1ccntatvi ioipe even the older 111115111s well as the 111111 will take advantaer of what llltr info tutti each us It1ie 1111 aitcn the gtllt club and the Womens Institute for their vondcrful war work in many lines County roads are in good Ililil though there had been trouble I1t1 11acl1i11ery the to difficulty of get 1113 repairs We 111 llnce prisoners escaped from the Simeoc County Gaol last Friday all of them Irawlcy returned voluntarily Mom5 morning lGeorge Murphy and lloy 1311111 large The trio was hunted Friday 1f ternoon and all night by posse of 111 lrovincial police plus Iniliv provosts llhey were seen northeast of the ltown and were believed to be bid1 ling in the woods Presle they escaped under cover of darkness Frawlcy reached Toronto where he went to his home but his mother persuaded him he should return to1 gaol and she drove him to Barrie and 11c gave himself up to Governor Garrin Monday morning According to story recounted for Izaol officials by prisoner in the same cell block as those who fled clever method of escape was piece of wire was taken front the broom in the cell block Iand bent in the shape of hook Tied to shoe laces the hook was used to snare jimmy bar cigbtt feet froth the Pie Alfred Jll1orogool brother The jimmy bar had been left by of Albert lhorogood 1117 Bayfiold Carpenters working on alterations $1 Barrie is now recovering from to the County Gaol who had gone wounds suffered for lunch Wilh the jiinmylbar the in Italy The shrapnel tore through Corridor door waspricd open and his shoulder and back but hcvis the three prisoners escaped into the 110w reported to be making favor able progress to recovery Pic Thorogood was employed by the Barrie Fuel and Supply Co be fore enlisting two years ago and seas last year the front wounded has another brother Orillia KLIA lt1tlll Ill ll noon and one William The ll tire lay other tn Joint Slim 11 1111112 11 li plain i1 tary and Barrie policen Counly Ctlliws oun Georgc lallcrsen reported fnrthe County Cruise C11111111ittee These outings had been held ltJtltl the entertainment members of County Council friends but were discontinued 11 the outbreak of war They were self sustaining and Cost the County nothing balance of $100 was us Turn to page seven please Pie Thorogoqd In Italy Recqvering From Severe Wounds to 1938 and devised ilstributed pro 1511 tannin hurl sl1arcl1olilers Iii shares outstand The money Iby the Council of the Count 11II rcww COMING EVENTS Turn to page IlllCC please Dance Midhurst 11111 Friday 47b bars of window Silncoc originally to assist agriculw severe shrapnel No Ausiiecsl 11 OVER 50 PAY $5 EACH gt Dance Brentwood llall Fridayi Novembcr 211 Vlillougltbys OrI 47p Bingo llll Orange Hall Elin abeth St Barrie Monday Nov 27 attic with the aid of ladder left by the workmen roof it was an easy matter to climb down the scaffolding around the The cseapc washo tlced by gaol officials at 1110 p111 The three prisoners were on rcI mand and were therefore wearing Three other pris oners in the same cell block did 1101 attempt to leave coe Rid Hon Earl Rowe Newton liob inson was chosen Progressive Con servative candidate for the Federal riding Of DitffeiiIISiiircoe at the convention in Alliston Town Hall Monday afternoon Ovcr 50 local residents were summoned to court Friday for failing to produce radio lie clisc for the current fiscal year atitiacII paid fine of Charges verc laid by Inspector Leslie of the Dominion Once out on the adtive service he wentoven He was fighting on when Thorogood Stanley outside wall lines Pte Italy civilian clothes HonTEarl Rowe Dufferin Si Erisonerbf War Wing Commander Maurice Bryson has been awarded the Dls tinguishcd Flying CrOss for over seas service with the RCAF flu is the younger son of Mr and Mrs Ed Bryson Barrie Prior to joining the Air Force in Nominated by rite and Cunningham Alliston Mr Rowesname wasthc only one placed before the large gathering and his choice and unanimous Mr Hughes retiring president the riding association opened the meeting and called on Dr Campbell of Orangevillc to conduet the election of officers This result ed as follows with no voting neces sary President Reg Hoare Or angeville lst vicepresident Geo Banting Ivy 211d Vice Charles Evans Bradford 3rd vice Mrs W17 Brett Shelburne secretary rer Hopper Tottcn seconded ITSTapid treasu ham Hon Earl Rowewi Rowe extended thanksth the gathering for accordinghim anoth er nomination and hit straight out at the King Cabinet on its army policy In regards to thcmeeting of Commons this week he left no doubt as to his views propose to urge that our troops Overseas be reinforced immediate ly hi declared with the trained diaftces ready to go He regarded the present as one of the most critical periods of this war There were many issues he hoped to discuss before his riding later but the only one he would touch on at the moment was the reinforce ment matter What concerned most Canadians today Was to bring the Willto successful and speedy con clusion and the vital question was me we going to back our boys overseas or are we not Some people still were in doubt about how to do this but Mr Rowe said he was convinced that the whole Dominion Was on fire right Turn to page three please $1111 113 11112111311 Mrf and Mrs Wilfred Baker 40 Main street have message from Ottawa reading The Minister of National De fence has been advised by the In ternational Red Cross Committee Geneva Switzerland thatyour son Tpr Bruce Duncan Baker B48628 previously reported missing in ac tion has been reported prisoner of war No 86318 at Camp Stalag 7A Germany Mr and Mrs Baker previously of Meafordhave been residents here for the past four years Tpr Baker enlisted in Meafordwith the Tank Corps in June 19 1941 with the Grey and Simco Foresters otherbrother Alvin is in Italy staff sergeant major and third boy Bert is at received Hist llhlt he Worked in his fat ers stare on Elizabeth St He trained at various stations in Can add and was an instructor here for Chi Womens IllSlIIUIO Purl some time before going UV bridgeand euclnc dancing to Bell seas in Sptcmbcr 194 He was Roberts orchestra Good prizes scornin action and completed more DlaW I0 lum Admissml than 30 trips as Squadron Leader LUIICh DlOVided 46471 heavy bomber unit Two Nora Wake Up by Crown Hill talent Recreation Room St Aidans Church Hawkestone Wednesday given command of the famous Nov 29 pm Admission 40c and Lion Squadron of giant foulLinotor 20 Refreshments Angus Presbyterian Church La dies Aid announce bazaar Home made baking sale and afternoon tea Brysonradio technician also servo empty Dec at common Room ing with the Air Force overseas Forestry Branch to months ago he was promoted to the rank of Wing Commander and An ed Halifaxes The 27yearOld Wing Command Camp Borden er has an older brother Cpl Stan xemlnerClasSledl Headland use BABRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY NOVIW Obit Simcoe County Council Unanimously Urges To Send Draftees Over The llominion iovvrunient renolution passed tl the metinn ol Slnicoc tuuut ouneil on Ionda le strongly urged to send much needed reinforce ments to the t111uliui Army overseas and specifically lllllllltllltll 11111lr1i11cdand tit draiteesf The resolu tion which was lllll1ttl by 111111 Eco lark of Barrie and seconded by IIIevglrunli Patterson of olllngwootk adopted llllititll sincli dissenting word It reads followszw Whereas Siniroetouuiy ouneil in opening ses sion today knoninc that 111111 of her native sons are at ltst11trl11 in His Illljlhln anadian services overseas some Inning already paid the supreme sacri ticI1111l fully realizing that reintorecmcnts are most 1it1l need to flu strength of anzulas our effort this ouncil Ines strongly urge the Dominion Government to meet the need iinnicdiatilv by sending in addition to volunteer enlistmcuts Il trained and fit Drafteds over Mitts Also that copy of this Resolution he sent to lri111clli11istcr MaeKenIie liing by wire and also to our three sitting le111bers IIarl ltotve HeCuaig and Ieorgc lclct1 IS AWARDED 1141 l111l1l llvl1l111 1111t 11 11 11 11111111 11 311111 111474 111111 11 1111111 tl11l11 lit HI He SWIIIMI 1ltil Iiultll 1111 ttttlt tt IllWM Ipjvgllw All um vl lllnl Iiitil ittieiL The mutt It 51 maenf to l111111fw 311 lllltl anti t1liiit1lIII11111111illilr Ittx1E4lfl11111it1 Llllllt Hi It HI I1 t1111117a111lls1ttl1tri11 Hill til ii hen 111 l1111111ori11ce 111111 lesl Ridttl Ill vo 11113115 11mmHmrmh I1Icll11111 2111111111i l11r1 previo ly iietl 11 1111 tlmuglt enemy in 171 and lts are in 1ll IIIDI as no doubt v11 Nov 24 chestra 830 p111 cnnes 35c 4ftfbl Radio Branch who had made twwday canvass 0f the town on Homemade baking and rummage October mm isale at Market am Nov 2m Aus pices Candles Womens Inst Bells Orchestra Draw for rug Tea 25c 50 cents Wolielo Class 250 ll Imissi0n25e Wing Commander Bryson Kings Return iGeneraIMeetingFIe Probably Killed III II MED 111111111111 11111 111 119 111111111 Iv1 tlttt 11l1111 the plum 1113 ittiIII afoizlitiiwl l1111111111 III11m llllltg lti1lti 111 fllllitl Medal for heroic action 11als company llll 1111112I 1111t11e1 11 Andrew SurOr11c lhe llegiv 1151 apparently Miltl Ag tet11l Aid Iml liatl been 11111 There I1 111 mutttrend and casualtin more time to have the 1111u rItll1b twinnilatinig in the Iieltls Uncle its buildina 11l Uphill0111 tin 1111 intcuse l1o1b1il11lt11l l111v11ofllarrit if th 11 election on the 11 Monday 11 December hertt i1 111 I111Ht l1etl wheie they are eith one Dilllri tltllllill lI 111i itl 01c I111 I11tl ri of pods itiifl paid $3100 The pupil n11rti1l11lc Ihe loitll anmuh 11 11min Ill litllllt but Ilu millimluui iiJrI litis IlLll nationwide drivi 111illwced pods for use in lltllitltl life prescrvcrs and safety 11ft the armed forces material in the pods is lltl tuffing and i11 bags of pods p11 ride cnbuah to fil one lite jacla InfillW1 JV lrletl111 tirove l1 111bul111c IttllI ciml tne down roatc where Lltl TIM lbiitlliii MillHill lik tilltll had been Iicttoycd by the 111dt11c11111e Ilitllllltl that buill Hm in and ltltlll 111tl1e lltllllt The Cwmltll Ill3 llv1v 37000 nlhi front line battle positions and Victory 1114111 bonds at the presein time and will probably have 5110111 in bonds and cash before the Town ardin position to install ice111ak it i112 equipment This 11111111111 will but urade iIvl1l11t lliiltillil itlrmllllt llllllntl for his 11ll atety Ilt drove up tol 111l tlitrief 1911 rescued large numbers of wounded Ills vehicle was hit and put out of action twice but be repaired it and em goingback for more wounded lc drove continuously for more 11111 12 hours under heavy fire and ttlllijl The soft silky lli tliiir auto left the 11d 1111111 large 11111letree lid not stop until every casualty had been evacuated I11 Ilartie the Intoley out by Morrow I111 behalf of Government I1altllbeeu supplied free from agricultural $271950 has been lividuals and groups for their work in gathering the pods lhe pods are now owed in the the Aaricultural other communities will be sending their Collections in Barrie to an shipment to the plant where they will be processed If there are any individuals in the district who still have some bad of pods these may be taken to the agricultural office will be made llftl paid Dominion The bar local oftiew and paid out shed lark into belts Bingo every Friday night in Le gnon Ilall Owen St 83 sharp and payment CIVIC NOMINATIONS FRIDAY AT LIBRARY Inuit Ink 1111111 ts returning UlIIvtl for be 1111 lltlltll =III be In life Ilii 1111 ILIII Irulll 711 to ll 1i 111111114 Nutriiihrr lie 11Itl1mc11rnonnitationslortlu Mine of lior lilih Iiilitli Iiiaw tiltl 1111 the Ililvrnmnii til ttnnottmns will aim in riitIHrl I111 liir Illntitl 11f Itltl Ntion 1111l lllt lulrln ltiliite Ulllllllwsltill public Hell 11 ltiliuu the 1111111111111111 hr1 111dul111 11411 at 111l 1IiilIHI IhiII lllllllrlill 1I111I1I0lllllllu I111r111 11tl it their 1121121 111l111i I11 tlii other Iltlltltl ottivv lo In tIII11l H111 III l111t 111 i=1 ItllWIth iletliuii Illllllll PTE RJSCOTT WOUNDED TWICE BACK IN ACTION Three People Injured thn Car Hits Trcc Near Churchill Tenn sLIItlwts and 21 111111 red near Churchill ND ll Ii Saturday 1l1en1 crashed IL Cecil Dean and Ipr Wes 11 ll Neal Bl of Camp llordcn LlllV of the 11 suffered cuts on the face Ills brother 87 Neal 271 owner11t the auto received cuts about the lacc and an injured left leg Sgt Neals wife Anne 21 of Barrie suffered cuts on the legs and shock All were taken to Royal Vic Jtvri1 Hospital Barrie Tpr Neal has been charged 1111111 careless driving driving without at permit and having liquor other than in residence You can save many times the price of your subscription by readj ing and acting upon the advertise1 meals in The Barrie Examiner 47b Runnnagc Sale Saturday No 35 El a11i anadian Legiinii slot1111s Auspiecs liailics AWARDED DFC Remember Stroud War Fund 111 chre and dance Friday Nov 2M wool 47115 Aftcrnoon tea and sale of workl auspices Central United WMA in the school room Nov 303 to 630 New Presumed Dead Trinity Church Junior Guilds bridge to be held at American HO tel lhursday Noy 30 815 pm 15 4647b 219 Club bazaar tea and sale of homemade baking Burton Avenue Jliiiterl Church Saturday Decem ber2 pm 4743 Rummage sale Saturday Dec Central United Church Schoolroom doors open at 130 under auspices 4713 BCI Commencement Exercises will be held Thursday Nov 30 and Friday Dec at=8 pm Good pro gramme All tickets reserved 4748b llo ShadoIv Social and dance Utopia School FridayNov 24 in aid of RedCross Smart music Lunch served Admis sion TlicBarric WIwill 110111 e11 chre inthc Orange Hall Barrieon Monday December at pm Draw will be madeon quilt Ad 47b British Israel World Federation Lions Club Rooms Monday Nov 27 815 p111 Speaker RevH Linnen subject fFacts of the 102 PILKEY and Mrs DavidjA IIsz Shanty Bay Guthrie have received word that their elder son W02 JD Pilkey is nowtfor offici al purposes presumed deadHe was repertcd missing after flight over enemy territorylast December W0 Pilkcy was born Township in April 1920 He attend edfsehool at Vigo and helped his father on the farm before he joined the RCAF in December llltll lie was graduated as an air gunner aIV Paulson Man in October 1942 and went overseas the following month information that twu members of the same crew had been buried but they had no record of Pillteyor the other 1110111 bers of the crew W02 Pilkcy IiasOne brother Roy at home and five sisters Norma Barrie Reta Toronto Rose Velma and Freda at 47b borne lilkey Mr the home fires burning the boys overseas Flos Monday evening Nov 27 Chur 350 reported German former home onleave fiioInIndia andBri New Entrance OpenZd For Simcoe Centenial lhe Centennial of the first coun cil in Sinicoe County was marked Tuesday afternoon with the of ficialopcning of the imposing new entrance to thccounty courthous in Barrie As part of the celebra tion more than 100 persons goth cred for Club 15 anCvcorge Banting as chairman remarked on the impressive cere monies in marking the one dredtli anniversary of Simcoc County dinner in the 1111115 us in the evening WarI hun Rev Dr ll Sinclair look ing back to 1843 recounted other important events about the same time Ithcrc would be more improvements in the next one hundred years than in the past century gt importance of trainingr in order to take advantage of 111ecl1anical inventions Vludgc llarvic said hcd watt proud and privileged to be pro Jul die rccalled that his grand father had settlednemaOrillia lie commended the coutIaLIOr for get ting the workai the county build ing tIUIl IIIIderadverse circum stenmes He extrsscd the beliefsthat He urged the Lil The County Judge emphasizeil i111portance of keeping the brightly for at the Councillor Edgar Evans deliver ed recitation he composed about an early settler in Sluicoc telling of the struggle in the Woods 100 years ago Gcoigcdohnston MLA con gratulated the council on their work and he paid tribute to Prime Minister Wintson Churchill IFItLieut Hugh Grant of Oijillla county councillor now tain recounted how he and an other former councillor Capt Bill Thompson of Beneiang were lyp Turn to page Ilve please Illit tiiil 6975 CM MWumWWM Eectica lPoges to artiiy ndorses Arena Ice 11t111 St 1011a lltllll jleic11ce Ulla sou James wounds but was 1111 given ari1iz11l Hilfiltl111 ll1221 No l1lll1 Lieut I1111 Iv tI1e youngest 5111 111 lit Codiiitllini 51 Robert llol 2111 Coliiplciinh his cour 111 Barrie Collegiate Instill tended the l711ivelt11v of and after very in Commerce and lil 19115 Bachelor of VLonnneree uation he tool position Iapcr C11 which his uncle ll Weld president 1Sccylrc1s11rer llejoi11ed up with the corps at Camp llorrlen ti errand trained there lioinuiission toiltl th Wclvlo lulu 11 llIl pitul 121111 tpltioii i111111 ated with the E1 1111 tfl llrovineial the mind iVLl JAS XVI1111 flcers training course at Bjorluxillt 5mgsung t1151ed by Jot 11 In June 1043 he went overrcas hi Voodsfnwith Ken Walls piano with transferred larmouretlt when he Went to Italy served witlrthc tlth Army letter received by his 1111111101 not longago he spoke of spending leave in the city of Florence Besides his mother threg ers and 0110sistcr survive liobt If Wcldon Port Arthur John Weia don Toronto Captain Isaac Vei don with the 20th Canadian llgm pilal inJEngIaud and Mrs 11111111111 Georgia of Miami Florida whose husband is 11191 ricer in the USA Na port England he was Hussars Three he luut livers than xi ilLil iuot It Ksiworth val Air Trans

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