Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1959, p. 4

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NAB RADIO Milli CHARGE MURDER AT SEA Willem Marla Louis Van file of Hoofstroot Holland sits between two police officers as he is taken to Felony Court after he was charged with murder of Lynn Xauffman 81 at sea during voyage lice laid the was beaten and 1mm Singapore At right is then hurled overboard to detective Bernard Hurley of Boston Miss Kauffmans body was washed ashore on an island in Boston HarborI Po drown on the night of Sept 13 as the Dutch freighter Utrecht neared the end of 41day voyageVan Ric was radio operator on the freighter Watch It Uncle Sam Claim Of InventionReally Oursl Bureau of Standards said theyprnlect had its beginnings in the Canadian Press staff Writer had developed an experimental boards telecommunications ear system in which radio signals tublishment here in 1952 By DAVE MclNTOSU OTTAWA CP Watch it please Uncle Sam Remember those guffaws about Russian claims to inventing mn chines first developed in the United States Tho same type of guifnw was heard in Ottawa when this Sept 20 report from Washington ap peered in US newspapers Government scientists re ported good prospects today for developing worldwide commu nications system employing mo teor trails or reflectors of radio waves Researchers of the National were bounced off ismiielong Tile proiect is far beyond the trails of electrons and ionized development 5mg Canada atoms left by meteors or The first transmission employ shooting stersas they enter mg the new method Mk me the earths atmosphere between Ottawa and Port ur On July 10 1056 the Canadian Defence Research Board issued ggsgugskgmflfimfim statement saying promising new communica tions technique which uses trails Halifax in 1954 Two slmilarlinks now are be of meteors to transmit radio ins tested One between Eamon messages over long distances has YEHOWknlfe NWT and been developed by the listener the other at the request at Research Board SAME DISCOVERY NATOs military between The Hague and Rome Canadian scientists aid Thurs Its the some development The day that blackout Item code named Janet in Canada have med because of mm WORLD News IN BRlEF Rasmussen said he did not know mafion between the two coun QUADRUPLEIS BORN PRAGUE AWHealthy ouad rupletstwo boys and two guis have been born to Mrs Marie ilourova in the Czechoslovak town of Kutna Hora Ctk the of ficial Czechoslovak news agency reported today GRANTS TO WIDOWS PARIS APlThe French gov ernment has decided to give sub stantial immediate grants to wid ows and families of soldiers killed in action in Algeria Each widow with no minor children will re ceive 687000 francs $3107 with increases for each dependent child SEAS CLAIM 160 SHIPS LONDON AP0ne hundred and sixty ships totalling 347545 tons were lost on the high seas in 1958 Lloyds register of ship ping reports Fifteen were from the British isles and18 from other parts of the commonwealth Fourteen Panamanian rcgls tered ships were lost and eight American vessels URANIUM IN GREENLAND COPENHAGEN AP Dan ishgeologist Knud Rasmussen Thursday said he found uranium in concentrations between one and 1000 grams to the too in numerous throughout Greenland during an expedition to thaLArctic island last sum mer concentration of 1000 solar activity Oilicialssaid Janet was pa to the United States in the nor mal exchange of defence infor if his finds could be profitably tries mined CHINESE NOT IN NEPAL KATMANDU Nepal Reuters Premier Bisheswar Prasad Kol rala told parliament Thursday he has no knowledge of reported in cursions by Chinese troops into Nepalese territory Nepalese government delegation is at pres eat in Peking for the 10th annl versary celebrations of the Chi nese Communist republic Kol rnla said it has been fully briefed to discuss problems affecting Nepal and Tibet should any op portunity arise ENGINE TROUBLE MINERAL WELLS Tex AP flaming engine forced an Amer ican airlines DC7 to make an emergency landing here Thurs day night No one was hurt as Capt EdBachner oiFort Worth Tex landed the four engined plane it was carrying 29 passen gers and five crew members from Dallas to Los Angeies PASSENGERS ILL HONOLULU APMore than half the 4s passengers on United Air Lines plauerolnSan Fran cisco wereill on arrival Thurs dayand 13 were takento hos pital UAL spokesman said the illnesses developed after thepas sengers ate Food samples were taken forchemical analysis to gramsis considered the mini rnum for profitable exploitation Sometime between theipasaing of the information several years ago and this week it apparently slipped somebodya mind in Washington that the development was initially Canadian Million Jobless In Steel Strike WASHINGTON APlThe num ber of workers on strike or made idle by strikes in the United States is estimated to have soared beyond 1000000 VOtticial figures were lacking but reliable sources said days surprise walkoutof 8500 dockworkers in east and gulf coast ports shoved the strike caused manpower loss past the 1090000mark by conservative count Major strikes already were In der way in the steel meatpack log ship repair glass andmnon ferrous metal industries Beyond these officials said there is the usual rash of scat tered small strikes For example several thousand miners have been idle since early March in coal industry dispute in mow laboratory None of or cases arena mum mom was serious Biggest of the strikes byfar is thcsteel stoppage now in its 12th week An estimated 500000steel Tour By Khrushchev Favorable transgressions s¢£PI°Pagénda Good For US By LEWIS GULch WASHINGTON AP Ameri canotficials have concluded that Nikita Khrushchevs tour dill make an impact on his Commu nistindoetrinated mind and in wayfavorable to the United States But they are adopting wait andsee attitude before deciding whetherany gains were perman ent or merely temporary thaw ing of the cold war Authorities who travelled with the Soviet premier and who were in on last weeks Camp David talks between Khrushchev and President Eisenhower ie thatrkhrushchev sin the strange or the ing standards the freedomof pression among US citizens workers in industries dependent FORBES QUITE ACADEMY TORONTO OP Kenneth Forbes 67 year old artist re 2Foundthat people socially live well under capitalism despite Elfinfiisfg SEEFess mmlhem Flair Pm Thursday from the RoyalCana system which aoonwill dim Academy saying he give way to socialism Recognized thatiheAmEfl be member Ionger considers it an honor to letter of can people and their government gunman he id are united on foreign policy Sawtbat Americans gener new my CanadimAudemy ally want peace Recognized that smaller of to erican produu is devoted to tion than Arms This flies in the face of Communist party line content lions that Americans fear disar mamentbecause it might bring economic collapse and that capitalists are beefing the war could not descend lower than the shows armsor crs fugue uncut =Iganénsmgtou tomorrow yvrnI1Nesroes nonsuruywellalludea meet gt uwnoon CmWhat appears ingszettm cnd tnuproar tébolhlufllmfimpalm nyurcidzwulmy land mmmnhmlw owhszWldwflngtbneat mxflm Mk1M from George Basal Labor No Vfashieanhlednndoa district warm Elm mm bubeeomeleodpitdndalmnuv strife Given resourcaauulowln is wfiflmwfir Bob Bliibrook somewhat un typical Conservative who be goalie 35 lleves in free movement within the Commonwealth and says Io like 31er satherbs If Wally he runs into troole In thisdistrict or from the antiNegro whltcs mom mum on Rogers wants the flow of immi grants controlled so adequate mm mm housing can be provided But Teddy Boys and Negroeshave occllrred in the last 10 months The area is overcrowded in manyeases squall Ontario Farmers of 1y 300 Ind find May Share Rebate MollBY CANDIDATE This train the areawhere Sir ronomo for Ontario Oman farmers who marketcdwheat Fascist gaugmnolg stand1m dung the 58 mp Wm mt If elected promises ha Interest Decllnes For Second Week OTTAWA GP The Bank of 575 per cent from 505 per cent last week withtha sale of $100 share in rebate of $579000 candidate forhis Union Move wimn me um tweaks um on lt tnrio Wheat Producers Market ing Board announced Thursday The rebate is five cents bushel WASHINGTON AP Com 000000 In 91 day sovemmenl plaints of discrimination against uncommon Thurs en treasury bills cent Figure 17550000 Sept Population of thlsryear The bureau of statistics also to 5032000 ported Thursday that Ontario sold and dollars continues to have the largest The flow of payments now has numerical population growth reversed and the 115 has been with an eightmonth increase of suffering heavy drain on its 106000 to 5900000 Quehec was gold stock next with an increase of77000 The board is without direct United States and Canadian ex Th decline of 10 per cent fol ports will be investigated by the lowed drop of 28 per centin internationalMonetary Fund of the rate last week from per ficlais said today Per Jacobsson iMFfs manag ing director was expected to an nounce plans for the inquiry at todays final session of the five day joint meeting of the fund and the World Bank Jacobsson told the funds gov arrows CBCanadas pop more he agrees with the Amerii nlation was estimated at 17550 can position that many prospel 000 on Sept lan increase of ing European countries on longer 266000 in the first eight months need to keep the trade restriclt tions invoked after the war to conserve their scanty reserves of power to end unjustified restriclt Confinued from page onel Trafalgar allvdeueascd to 40 mandecreased to 45 increased to 40 way excepting the locality locality of Raeboro entrances hence to Peterboroug ener both decreased to 45 WAS 15 runs HIGHWAYS SPEEDS wail increased to soexcepting was we Creek both decreased to 45 1°55 45 bury 60 excepting the locality of Long Sault decreased to 45 lo camy 311mm increased to as Pointe au Barri decreased to 40 Na Pals t0vClaprisons Nestor Falls to Highway 71 jlmclt Corners 60 excepting the all fion so excepting the south en Pfllachfl 5L Gauge de trancetoNcstor Falls decreased creased to 45 Clappisons Coro 45 ers decreased to 40 Clappisons Camera to Mississauga 3051150 junction 60 excepting eastern excepting Nelon Palermo and entrance torAiikokan decreased No Caledonia toHamiiton 60 excepting the locality of Ryck River 60 excepting the localities and the of Schreiber and Terrace Bay northern entrance to Caledonia decreased to 40 Nipigon toMen No Perthto No 11 high an entrance to Fort William in Manilla entrances to Oakwoad beka Falls increased to 40 en Omemee entrances to Norwood 45 locality of Upsala decreased Havelock Marmara Madoc and to 40 entrances to Wabigon in the locality ofVKaleara de creased to 40 Ottawa to Quebec creased to 45 iheeaetern en border 60 excepting to eastern increasedtn sand 40 Kitchener trance to Alfred decreased to to Guelph 55 except Breslau and 45 the eastern entrance to Kitch 0mm Wm bem so willing at htersecuim ARE YOU FULLY COVERED with No highway decreased No 35 Junction of Noullb fiuntsvilie decreasedto 35 en trances to South River and Trout No 69 Parry Sound to Sudlt No 70 Rainy River district No 120 Atikokan to Highway to 40 No 1m Nipigon to Montreal itoba border so excepting west oi creased toss locality of Katie to trances to Ignace decreased to entrances to Ottawa 50 and en highway in Durham County and junction at No highway in Vic toria County 60 No 452 East of Chestcrviils to Alexandria 60 exce ring west en trance boclmt entrances to Finch mtrancea to Monkland and wesLentrance to Alexandria albdecrelucd to 45 N0 Klrklield to Highway junction 60 excepting entrances to Woodviile and south entranoe to Kirkfield decreased to 45 No on Footes Bay to Wau bnusbene increased to 60 No 115 From Highway 40 junction to Highway II iunction increasedtofio No 11 Northdiay bypass and Nash Bay airport road de creased to 40 CrownrlIlill to flip lasing 00 excepting entrances to For COMPLETE 4v HUNTING COVERAGE Sea SIEVENSONS INSURANCE snr us mar con Insurance on AL KINDS 95Dunlop St North rpm logic his hasybgl warned of kidnapping The Liberal candidate Eyebr old Michael Eydlernan pros porous business man ischiah and in Karina North where racial problems have keyed up feelings about all nationalities and origins he has hem plagued lklly antiSemitic letters and hec era Hog Production Cut Forecast For Rent CEAIEAM CEA large de crease in hog production was forecast in Kent County Thurs day with the introduction of the governments new floor price of $065 hundred weight The second largest hogproduc ing county In Ontario Kent alone has shown fipercent increase in sow marketings up to Sept 19 of this year 11M Rutherford of the Kent agricultural department said Thursday it gave every indi cation that county producers would cut back production Al Probe Discrimination Reports ii°i°lii$i 0i Exports From Canada US tions but its findings generally have more than moral force APPROVE NEW BODY American delegates wqe elated at Thursdays decision of the World Banks board of gov ernors to set up the longdebated International Development ASH ciation to make easy payment loans to poorer countries mummy rum 110mm scil Fdrmi Credit Act orrnwn rob new Farm Credit Act paced at the last session of Parliament will go into effect Monday raising the amount avaliahlagfor farm pun chase or improvement to loans it 513000 rather than $15000 rbe implancntatioo of the new credit system announced Thurs dayby Agriculture Minister Harness includes flat inter est rate five per cent The act Farm Assets and rapeosibiilties oi the Canadian Farm Lean Board will be assumed by the fiveman farm credit corporation Four of the five members were named today They are Rutherford chairman vacating his present position as adirector of the Soldier Settlement and Vet erans Land Act DeputyMinis terrLuclco beionde of the vet erans affairs department Abel director of the federalpro vincial relations section of the fi nance department and Turner vice chairman of the Agricultural Stabilization Board There was no indication of IOOF BINGO Proceeds to car Fund Monday not and 310000 moms IIIIIF lllill COLLIER ST HOUSE OF HITS FiilST WiTlIl THE BEST IN BARer IIIIIII SIIIIWIIIIiS TIIIIIGIII Slllji Evening ShowsiAr 650 and pm Continuous Soturdoyvfrom 230 pun WE URGE YOU ONE AND ALL TO SEE THIS ONE Mondin whmuoannmber wouldbe be an advisory committee ap pointed by the agriculture minty tutSm whole system It was It piained by the government ear lier is stained in make provi sion for loans more flexible For example farm loan now can be based on 75 per cent of the appraised value of farm rather than on theprevieus 05 per cent And for the younger tanner there is supervised loan applicable to farmers aged 21 be 45 years to help them becomeu tabiished Supervised loans may not al ceed 821500 CONQUERS CHANNEL FOLKSTONE England AP Aratl Saba 19 from Calcutta struggled through choppy seal Wednesday to swim the English Channel from France to Eng land She is the youngest swim mer to congea tba dismal this season BRING THE KIDS TOO MARCEL moot wrnllrscllr EvanlngShows or 650 and pm Wéflnesdd 230 DAWSON Ci Slim and at Grey is the woman eidcrn The flfalr lira Gruisl her first year be calmed ti hold an alan dU of toidAnu kled by soc nary to ramp George Show devote his tlrna rltorlal council Born at Lean Grny Jumped to come north she was world officer of the merit 0an Hunt it had aiwu twuo Dad and would get bar called In up dont know how it is about the like It One rea busy dont about it This summer busiest Eh YOUR Scatil Relax VISIT to it shear reimtior the dentist in future You will be ably on chub dental chair uni be seated besid FUTURE OF That at lull future of lentil cording to an issue of the lo arisen Dental The article in of four year 5000 dental ps nllort is good and patients DEGREE OF When the del upright as he III we of def comes fatigued minutes to but log to the study But when he recline in do 50 degree only minor fat three and four work DENTISI WIL The dentist Wl fit more than this new tech hots per disease Thls very result at least ions hours of there is less sh when be Is sittil FDR TOMORRD Th1 dayé asp all outlineant Eur achede er unreasonan Concentrate on tieted matters on on new eute week Look for personal as roe runan it tomorrow Ii your horoscope where career It cerned efforts MW and the or could well attrac those in autho gout prestige an wayof prom ex12311510 dEFer Individual benefits are also the same period whim dont Pauling show of importance the middle of ne During the no American economy the high liv drums in order to boost protits jollllllllllllirheuue To the Citizens of Barrie by virtue of my office hereby prodaim the week ofOctobar to October 10 1059 as BUSL NESSWOMENS WEEK1urge the citizensof Barrie to co operate with the Business andProfessional Womens Club of Barrie lntheir plans to observe thisweak In recognition of the achievement of the adieu Federation litBusiness and Professional Womens Clubs and particularly of the contribution made to the economy of our community we salute the business women of Barrie and wish them no cued success in their elforts to elevate the position of em ployed women with the resultant beneficial effect to th wel fare of our citizens KINZIE Mayorotnanl EARN mm an ON slum

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