out TELEPHONE Business and Editorial ea c3531 miner Want Ads Eh smug owns and Jim 6011an SIM 5m 1864 Lorin manna Cloudy but clearing this even ing Sunny tomorrow with cloudy intervals For full summary an me three attic Examiner 95th YeorNo 145 THE FUGITIVES huddle in their fort an underground Camp Borden BoySchk FromTrip Lost 19 Hours 55inao army search for five Camp Borden boys was called off at am today when the youngsters returned from their vacation tired wet and repentant Robert 12 and George Tess ier 11 Billy Ward 12 Gordon 13 and Bill Culleton 10 on lheii way to the Holland Marsh for their summer vacation got half way to Alliston before they do cided to return home but they wcretoo tired to walk further so they slept in haystaek in barn secret meeting place where the plans for their trip were made From the left Billy They had two candles for light couple of potatoes to eat and they slept curled toge ther to keep warm Gordon and bill Culleton were last seen by then parents Sul urday night When they reported ttiat they were going to Alliston to sec donkey baseball game They were reocrted missing at pm Sunday They returned to the camp Sunday and met the three other boys in candy store and de cided upon their trip They were this time still being sought Device Shocks Faltering Heart ExpectMan Lead Normal Life NEW YORK fAPtA 67year old mankept alive by portable electric device plugged into his heartleaves hospital today to live what resident surgeon pre dicts will be fairly normal life The patient Herman Nisonoff jeweler entered the hospital last March suffering from an in termittent heart blockage The twopound device installed at the hospital preserves heart rhythm Whenever the heart fal ters the device gives the heart muscles enough of an electric shock to restore the beat Dr Seymour Furmaii who pre dicted fairly normal life for Nis oaof said seven patients previ ously have benefited from the de vices but the previous machines were the size of aconsole They were wheeled around and were switched on only whentthe heart failed Furman said Nisonoffs case is the first timé heartpacing ma chine will operate automatically at signal from faltering heart Nisonoff is connected to the bat terypowered device by cable with an electrical singer at its tip The cable enters his neck then runs inside vein down into the right side of the heart dress shirt collar can hide the spot where the cable enters the body Queen Prince Soil Saguenay CHICOUTIMI HE Queen Elizabeth Prince Philip sail up the cliff lined Saguenay River today for whirl ground Quebecs region of broad shouldered um rjacks and mighty industries lheir llï¬month Canadian tour lift Papezsjspln on Chasm Ol Tour By Coupleln Canada LONDON Reuters Cana suggests the diaii criticism of Queen Eliza been made hetbs tour was played up in the Sunday papers which split over the importance of the criticism an in between line and took an odd swipebaok at Canada The News of the World with circulation of 8000000ran front page banner headline read ing of Course Canada Wants the Queen But front page story in Rey nolds News noted mounting critv icism of the Royal Tour and 400 50mins Miirsf co Kwangsi Is Flooded Afterj5Dciy Storms PElPING Reuters Flopds have inundated nearly 400 square milesoi farmland causing heavy losses in the Kwangsi region of South China reports from the area said today Kwangsi adjoins lung province which is reported to be threatened by what may be the worst floods for century More than quarter of the area under water in Kwangsi will have bad harvest yielding only half the originally estimated crop or even nothing at all the Commu nist party newspaper Peoples Daily reported Tokyo tour should nbtthave The correspondent of the Sun day Dispatch Don lddoo took adrnitï¬ng there had been criticism but claiming the Queen herself has vanquished the critics tremendous reception ivanto HerMajesty and Prince Philip in Newfoundland and Quev bee provincehas shattered stor ies circulating in some quarters that many Canadians think the six veok RoyalrTour is ill timed Rice is the in sin crud in Kwangsi other grains sugar cane and fruit also are grown there Pcasants are working day and night to drain off flood water and salvage crops The iiewspaper said that the floods followed five days of heavy storms about the middle of the month The Kwangtung floods are ex pected to reach their peak along the west and north rivers of the Pearl River delta either Tuesday or Wednesday the Associated ress reported in dispatch from BARRlE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY JUNE 22 1959 fOtt MOUNTSFEAR 34mm ill 51 Ward Billy Cullelon Robert Tcssier Gordon Cuueton and George Tessicr The Tcssicr boys and Billy Ward accompanied the other two boys on the trip and when they got half way to Alliston became tired and went to the barn Billy Ward and the two Toss ier boys hitchhked back with some teachers this morning and arrived home at nine but the other two ducked into some bushes when they saw the reach ers because they didnt want to be discovered They arrived at their home about half hour later alter walking through the fields hwent because everybody else went said liin ward and he added we alcchlps and potatoes and radishes rAfter theymetratxfheAcaody store the boys went to the fort secret meeting place they use in the bush to plan their journey Well never do it ag said Robert Tessicr feltkiud of sick and it made everyone worried We were so relieved when we saw them back said Mrs Tessier that we didnt even feel like spanking them brings them to the industrial heart of region with broad in flowing rivers producing ous electric powerhuge forests of evergreensto feed the newsprint industry and agigan lie aluminum plant at nearby Arvida QUEBEC CITY NEXT At Port Alfred the itinerary called fora fiddle motor tour of theregion before the couple again board the Britannia for Quebec City and full days ac tivities including state dinner Sunday the couple went through the historic townof Gaspe where 425 years ago French explorer Jacques Cartier cfaiiried Canada for France Fourteen vessels of the Atlan tic fleet were in formation in the natural deep water mountain ringed harbor when the blue royal yacht sailed into Gsspe Bay They fired zlgun salute of welcome The visitors motored to the Gaspe Sanatorium and then at tended morning service of SL Pauls Anglican Church Directly meoaced in Kwang tung are the Canton delta Chinas most heavily populated area and Canton the ancient provincial 33ain with population of i50li COLOMBO APSeveral thou sand people atehomeless in lon after widespread floods which followed three days of torrential monsoon rains Landslides have blocked major roads and the main railway line PROTEST Texas DURBAN South Africa Reul crslPollcc today threw tear gas bombs to disperse crowd of about 200 demonstrating Negro women near the Kwa Mashu Af rican township office near here The women were protesting against payment for water taxes in the township were told deputation sent to township mana ger Jenkins but that large ring could not go into his office The tear gas bombs were thrown when the women refused to disperse Jcnkins later received deputation Kwa Mashu is modern town ship being doveloped by the Dur ban city council in bid to re settle somc of the Negroes living in the squalid native quarters of the city The township is 15 miles north of Durban Todays incident nndcd more than 24 hours of calm in thc Dur ban area where four Africans were killed and 13 persons injured last Thursday in battle in the native quarter of Cato Manor be tween police and riotcrs PORT ELGIN Ont CPLThe Canadian council of the United Automobile Workers CLO SunA day criticized the big three of the auto industry for styling and pricing their small cars in com petition with large models George Burt Canadian director of flieunion said that little if any added employan would result from the introduction of the Canadianmode small car an nounccd recently by Chrysler Ford and General Motors He said opinion was general among delegates to the councils quarterly meeting that small cars to be made here would compete withj present standard models rather than with small cars of European manufacture Now that the manucments of the big three of the aut iile in dustry have announced they are going to build their small cars in Canada the Canadian auto workers have decided to ask Prime Minister Diefenbaker to encourage European manufae WASHINGTON AP Pres ldent Eisenhower got firsthand report on the deadlocked foreign ministers confereiiealrom Sec retary of State Christian Hflter over the breakfast table today call was the start of new round of studies here on what to do about the rigid Soviet stand in the German crisis PolicéIree Mani Chained in Truck OKLAHOMA CITYJAP naked 34Ayearold man locked in sometimes kept in chains by his parents wastreed by police sat urday 2er Bob Turner said Arthur Ferdinand Davenport had been cuts because of mental condi tion Turner said theyman was removed from amenial institu tion to years ago The parents were identified as Mr and Mrs 0ttoDavenport They said their son sometimes had spells and that he would beathimsclf about the head and eyes and tear up things He is getting better treatment here than he ever got his mother told officers He was nearly lead and had broken nose and was badlybealen when we went down to get him when she realized the officers to the central tea and rubber growing districts has been cut intended to remove her son She cried Canadian llulo lndusir £01Small Car klrice Hurl Tear GClS At Negro Mob Damage fnom last weeks riot ing has been estimated at more than $700000 Churches schools clinics stores and post offices were set on fire during the out break The South African government blamed last weeks troubles on Shcbcen QueensAfrican women selling illicit liquorwho regard official municipal bcerhalls as uns fair competition it was at beerhell in the con ire of Cato Manora Ssqunre mile shuntytown where 30000 Af ricans live in poverty that 5000 women gathered last week to vent their feelings TrainBus Collision Death Toll Is 37 LAUrrEN West Germany ReuterslThe death toll climbed to37 Sunday from trainbus col lision near here Saturday An other bus passengers were in jured 12 seriously when the train sliced into the packed bus WorkersBlast iurers of small cars to follow Suit Mr Burt saidhe suggested to delagates that the federal govem ment should also be askedfo eo force tariff regulations designed to insure Canadian content of 60 per cent of manufactured parts for small cars The council called on the fed eral gavelrunan to ball what it described as the growing prac tice of the importation of used electrical appliances from the United states referring to it as form of dum in Iraqi communist Arrested by PM CAIRO Reuters lheCairo new aper Al Ahram reported to day at the highestm ranking Communist in the Iraq army Col Taha Elsheikh Ahfned has been placed under house arrest Ilse Andi The early morning White House jaillike cell in abig truck and kept from civilization byhis par by Prime Minister Abdul Karim Kassem Hertér if 11 Berlin United States authorities fig ured the best course for the West was to stand firmand see what Russia comes up witlpwbendha foreign ministers conference re sumes July 13 at Geneva The first meetings recessed Satur Washingtons view was th BritainFrance and the United States hadhit rock bottom in the concessions they could offer Rus ia on Berï¬nBut officials in tended to return loGeneva still willing to bargain sincerely if the Russians forsaking their uncom promismg stan will do so too UNITY sen rniM There was no summit conference to shore the Allies or even for Western foreign ministers gatheringme cept at Geneva day or two be fore the EnstWest talks resumc estern unify waspictured as al ready firm Upnnlhis return Suuda crter hit at the Soviets7 but voiced confidence that we ca continue to face theproblelns ahead jwith patience and firmness he Russians have continued to insiston an end to the postwar occupation of Communist Heifer said the Soviet when Geneva elearly revealedthat ls desire is to absorb West Eer lin lnto East Germany and to keep Germany divided until it can be brought under Soviet finches supporteiiident ere for proJuly 13 Western 5c per Copyl Pages RCMP Islrying To Pinpoint Size 70f ESCUMINAC NBCPAn ibucto about 40 miles down the coast bringing to the number of known dead in the Northumbcr Another 21 were listed llSrlnlSSA ing and presumed to have perished in the churning sea which shattered the fleet gently stirred the cairn era RCMP at Richibuclo announced all boats of the illietod fleet had been accounted for However they were still trying to pinpoint the exact size of the fleet believed between 50 and 60 which ventured out Friday night to tangle with sudden vicious storm At Sapin 40 miles from Rich ibucto wrecked Escuminac boat belonging toAndrcw Martin turned up emply with its bull in aparl Martin and his nephew Alonzo both of Baie Ste Anne wcra aboard the boat when it left here RCMP were attempting to com pile on accurate missing WILL START DRAGGING The weather over the subdued strait was overcast and cool fair sea We boats were ex pected here later in the day to begin dragging Miramichi Bay for bodies Ground carch patrols along the coast were being maintained by both the RCMP and the RCAF search and rescue in Halifax anl nounccd they were cancelling all air searches Mounties with flashlights probed beach fronts during the night The boats carry neither radio our radar equipment The howling ooreaster wth gusts to 75 miles an hour whi ed the sea into angry mountains of waves which scuttled the fleet Friday night and early Saturday causing unfold damage RCAF search planes sighted 22 derelicts Sundayoight along the admile stretch of coastline be tween Point Escuminac and Rich ibucto Others lay sunken in shallow in shore water Some drifted upside down There was no sign of life The stormhit the 50boat fish unidentified fishermans body was washed ashore today at Rich land Strait fishing fleet disaster Meanwhile as light wind tact but the superstructure ripped One veteran fisherman said it was station at nearby Cbatham RCAFi Some were washed ashore list of dead and THIN THREAD 0F HOPE from it came stories of death heroism and terror Edward Cook28 of Howards iCove PEl fisherman since he was 14 was out with his father Fraser 60 He said in an interview We started to ball when the lsea filled the boat Then another sea stopped the engine Then an eother one broke over the boat She turned over After she came back on her feet lrlied myself to the mast sung outtwo or three times for him his father to tie himself to the most But be kept working at the engine big sea came over and washed the old man overboard never saw him again The crew of another boat saw Cook lashed to the mast and threw him rope He dived info ifhe water and was pulled to saf ety IDLING T0 SLIGHT HOPE Anxious relatives waited out the night still clinging to thin thread of hope that more of the men survived ing fleet with little warning And 531 Tragedy Fowiic Red Cross relief chairman said four boats in the fleet werestill unreported At least eight men were believed aboard EXTRAORDINARY FEATS Hunchcd around steoming cof fee pots in the rescucvcoordinnA tion centre here survivors talked of superhuman displays Jack Doucct 43yearold father of 12 children stayed alive 20 minutes in the icy water and sup ported his teenage son until they were rescued 0thers mourned for men such as Albert Chinsson father of it His brother was missing too An oldtimcr huddled in oil skins gave advice to RCMPled search parties combingthe hatlt tered coastline They want to go through every not he said There could be body wrapped up in it and thats the only way to find it Doors of victims homes in neighboring Baie Ste Anne were draped in purple crepc mass funeral service for five of the known dcad will be held Tuesday at the Baic Ste Anne Roman Catholic Church Waves as high as so feel thun dared Saturday against the horse shoe shaped breakwater that makes this area the centre of the fishing fleet operations Those ashore weregivcn hope when the smaller boats began seas but it was the opposite this time No one could explain ll Escape Plane llsvFire Ignites SHANNON Ireland iRcuters Six crewmembers and twopas seagers escaped from Pan American World Airways cargo plane with only seconds to spare today as the big DCoB caught fire while faxiing for atake off to New York The fire gutted the $2500000 plane and destroyed six dogs aboard airmail and other cargo The fire blazed for two hours and could be seen in miles away off Captain Raymond Raunun the pilot said everything appeared nonha as he preparedto take gt Prime Minister Nehru arrived heretoday to inves ate political stnfeand mob Viol ce Com munistheld Kerala state Thousands of lndiaits antiCommunist slogans greeted dill trouble in upsurge agol governm The Indian Vrcm wasTre ported to be ready to urge state leaders of his own9Congress part to call off their participa1 tion agioinl direct hction campaign against Keriaias Com rested Two Congress party members al iea popular were reported to have her notes will Ca coMMniVIST rooms sroniiaivanisnriion scnooi ritrvANDnan League to laun their campaign aimed the start June 12 in fighting am we aim Communistmabay polio and era About 1000 stabbed zto death Sunday in Sat ousting the Commu ORM lstmggling in Usually smaller icraft stand less chance in savage ment rm have beenxni