K03 PARKE IN DEMAND These hot days show the use being made of the waterside Down at lnnisil the parks crowds are flocking into the big park and the rwlmmere cries of fun are heard far into the night The park looking well after the work which has been put on it under the supervision of Park Superintendent CliftCarscsddeo Here the townshi is catering mostly to the out district via item and it is anticipated that HELPING TlIE MOTOBIST IN DISTRESS This motorist in distress ro selves assistance from the Carling Courtesy Patrol While Stu Patterson changes the flat tire for Mn Marie Mill bank Peter Wyshyoski hands daughter Karen heated bot tle of formula Baby bottle warmers are part of standard equipment Calls For Revisions Of Business Thinking ST ANDREWS NIB CPI Busincss was advised today to change some of its attitudes The advice come from McDonald of Montreal executive vicepresident industrial Roe Canada Ltd in discussion at the annual meeting of the Canadirin Manufacturers Associa tion Due for revision said Mr Moc Donaid is the view that in cco nomic affairs government should be virtually referee and rarely an active articipant and also the fquon tlve concept that something must be big to be im portant Ho termed these two hoary eontingents of conventional wis dom that cry out for review His comments ware contained in text made available to the press in advance of delivery NEED WORLD VIEW areas nor changes in communi cations and travel speeds nor the growth at nationalism and urination of reetrade areas However he said the general publie believes the vintage theor iesthat they can get Canadian wages and buy low wagearea moodsbecause they have been itoid so in an address Monday night Trade Minister Gordon Churchill said Canadians should under stand clearly that their fortunes depend upon keeping the eco nomy competitive He said Cana dian export trade probably will establish record this year Norman Mathews of Tea ronto participant in panel discussion on industrial relations said that in some cases workers lore being exploited to as great an extent by unions as they ever were by employers He laid acts of violence are nlty because there is no possi bllity of recovering damages from the union Mr liiotths recalled strike near Timmins in which highways leading to mine were blocked and asked Can you imagine any indivi dual or group at individuals apart lrom trndc unionists fore ibly preventing access along one of the Queens highways without any department of government doing anything about it Yet in this case the govem mentof Ontario refused to or der the provincial police to clear the road MfuMalilews said it is to be hoped that the governments of other provincesnnd the federal government will show similar courage to that of Newfound land and British Columbia In in troducing legislation to make trade unions conduct their ac urged canadians to develop psrformed by pickets with impu tlvitier in lawful manner II iworld perspective As one of the great food pro ducers we could express our world perspective in leading active search for way to dis tribute land on world basis in discussion on trade Wal tet Lattman of Toronto said he regards the European Common Market as An stifliuiating cbai ienge rather than threat It has to be viewed as step but only stepin the inevite able process of European unifica don Mr Lattmen group vicepresi dent Masscvaerguson Ltd said haileelsjsomeiorm of economic integration between Canada and the United States is more thana possibility RAPS FREETRADE IDEAS Ii George DaYoung president of Atlas Steels Lid Welland said freetrade dogma is early 1500 vintage thinking and does not recognize technological ad vances which allow efficient plants to be installed in lowwage NorthViet Nam an army spokes The disclosure of thehattalions into the struggle bemoan the ProCommie Ba ttalion Eacapes From Laos To North Viet Nam VIET NAM Laos AP proCommunist Paths Laos bat talion which refused to be incor porated into the Royal Leos Army has escaped to Communist man has reported escapeLcame on the same day that Britain rejected Soviet move for an international inquiry Laos government and the Pathet Laos rebels Britain and Russia exercise special responsibility or ensue ing thetthe tonne of the 1954 armistice agreement are fulï¬lled In Laos and the other Indochin ese territories Viet Nam and Cambodia Britain and Russia presided over the Geneva parley SCtYS Protessors Are Deep In Debt TORONTO CPlFRBV Calder of Georgetown told the General Assembly of the Presby terian Church meadow that many Freshyterlen college professors mortgagedtu the hilt try ing to maintain homes they can not aflord The assembly was discussing recommendation that professors in Knox college Toronto and Presbyterian College Montreal bepaid $8000 you tobe reached in two annual increases beginning next October and that principals be paid $3500 year They are obllged to maintain homes on totally inadequate sal aries he said FULLTIME SECRETARY Rev Arthur Gowland of Tor onto was chosen as fulltime sec retaryot the board thefirst such appointment slots 1925 Mr Gow land has been acting secretary on voluntary parttime basis The missionary and Deaconess Training School which is raising 5400000 tor anew building on its present Toronto site was granted permission to proceed with con structlon early mom or as soon as proceeds of the campaign warrant it Proposals of special commit tee set up last year to study the administrative struchire of the church were adopted in modiliod form On motion by Rev Dr Deane Johnston of Branttord the Presbyterian supreme court de cided tocontlnue the specch com mittee and authorized retention of the servier of firm of profes sional consultants The board of evangelism and social action was authorized to pursue its policy of helping for mer Roman Catholic priests when need the counsel and friendshipr of Reformed Church people that producedtheérlnisticc ac cords ASKS COMMISSION aor gt indian Prime Minister Nehru has urged Russia and Britain to seek Laotian approval for the re vtval of the lndian Canadian Polish commission which until 1958 supervised the working of the armistice New Delhi report said Nehru has sent personal message to Prime Minister Dlefenbakcr at the same time as notes to Brit ain and Russia The source said Nehrus note drew attention to increasing ten sion in Laos He urged chfen batter to nominate Canadian representative as soon as posA sibie canada has opposed the recon venlug of the commission FISH STORIES HARD TO BEAT TERENCE BAY NS GP Two fivoton fish each 35 foet long which veteran fish ermon said were cross be tween whale and shark were brought ashore in her ring nets here The unidentifiedflah took two hours to lend after en tangling in the nets of herrings fishermen Harold Ryan and John Bartlett both fishing not far trom shore Veteran fisherman James Little said he had never seen anything like it The jetltblack lish had two sets of line four foot wide mouth and buttnoses We couldnt boat it be cause it was bigger than the boatf said Mr Ryan if the weather is good with plan of hot weekends the park will provide substantial sur plusi This surplus is what has kept the rest of the township parks from receiving their share of development The council argue that to forth parks commisinn and turn over all the parks and assets to that commission the possibility absorbing this surplus into the general funds would be lost As result at blinets Point there is lakeside park which is second to none for its size for bathing bench However there is not even comfort station in this park The people come and lo and although it is known that there is dangerously deep hole out beyond the sand beach which has already been the cause of double drowning there is not so much as safety line erected nor is there any litesavlng equipment available similar condition exists at the end at every road leading to the lake The most the township does is erect no parking signs rather than provide offroad parking facilities Then there are the parks that are demanded when aubdivlders place their land on the market These are alloweo to grow weeds and most of the owners who buy property do not know the loca tion of the park In tho hamlets there are parks that need crass cuttinl and weed eradiction No one nor funds are available to care for these in Cookstown this week bus load at strangers from across Ontario ate lunch in the Cooks town park There the lovely shade noes planted in memory of veterans of the first world war provide cool placeto sit huttry to tied seat One park tableia available This park is part of Innisfll these inland residents than one of the new type swimming pools or even swimming hole pro perly handled There are many of these places that could be made enjoyable and safeit the management of the ark of lnnistii were placed in handa of parka oommisslnn llIens Association that there he parks committee of persons outside the council is something However what use is commit tee if they cannot have funds and how are they to get these so long as the surplus of park revenue is channelled oil for general expenses The City of Home has plans for narkside drive and park along its water frontage rare Minetl Paint to the government dock This is being financedby special levy and grants that are available for such projects It is ugly that the ratepayers of In until used their parkq use sufficient revenue to be had 10 support all th parks in the AntiCombines Law Will Be Revised OTTAWA emuThe Commons was given notice by Justice Min ister Fulton Wednesday at the governments lane to revise the antivcornblnee ow lotormantc laid the changes will include provision suited at penalizing businesses that ea gage in misleading cdvertiains such as incorrectly representing prices as being wholesale prices Changes also are to be pro noaed they said to allow certain typos of campetltlouvelimlnatins business mergers it such mer gers are in the public interest PLAN NOW1 ATTEND NEXT SEPTEMBER PEOPLE no one SMALL ADS you Anti BIIIIIIIE BUSINESS COLLEGE gt your aarswav To ornaments 56ToRoNrros1nsrreAanrr ESTABLISHED 1897 WE mam srarr FOR REMINGTONRANDS rï¬nOhronfrmon AB WELL as you GENERAL ausmcss EMPLOYMENT cVaaasnut amass anon ME announces ABOUT your apricotv WITHOUT ANY onus TION onMv FAB1 DATE NAME Lh ADDRESS BAIIIIIEBUSI ESSCODLEGI BS TORONTO STREET BARRIE INNISFIL NOTES Manama MAY JUN ll it Sagests Russians May Teach English Better Than England SASKATOON CPIThe Con ferenee of learned Societies spent much of lts time here talk tional Conference of Canadian Universities and Colleges during symposium on Near and Far ing about the advantage of Run Eastern Studies township if it were being prov perly handled for parks only BRADFORD DES report has been received from the Municipal Board on the hear ing held in Bradford over two weeks ago regardingthe ionis fil assessment for that area COUNCIL MEET CHANGED Owing to the meeting of coun ty council the week of June 15 lnnisfila council meeting which is set by bylaw for the third Wednesday afternoon will be held in the evening of that date special meeting is likely to be held to consider changes in speed zones when representa tive of the Department of High ways has asked to meet the council on Friday of this weeki sian education Dr Cyril James principal Dr Nathan Kayfltx the Do minion Bureau of Statistics in 0t 01 Montreals McGlll University spoke in glowing terms of Radial lulled again 513 Nod suggested the Russians might even lead the field in teaching English One advantage oi the Russian system is that all students grad uating from high school must pass uniform exam Dr James said In Canada ï¬nal exams dif feréd in each province There are no financial barriers to prevent Russian student going to university Dr James said There were no fees and stu dents could apply for stipend if they lacked money on which to live They were assured ofe lob otter graduation and would be at the top of the salary scale Dr James addressed the Na THISWEEKI and what could be nicerrfor The suggestion of the Business DAV MARGARINE gt Marmot93m JunkHWOL PEANUT BUTTER was comfysod 17 saccharine 453329 MP KETCHUP 6h€w99¢gt WFIWW ZRMia CORN mm 1M99e 3m99 BE aa Ohei BoyArDII saw49 assranom Boo eta MW 1h Chef BoyArno éwm99ti Spaghetti Meat Bails 4m Boutttss run ROASI Day one tiolé 53 3WIQS3 irrbfziéen FeedbSpecials Frmh Fried use for aresavs 19¢ AaP POTATOES SouthlnudFrancb But Roth bk BBQDAY Bo GREEN BEANS Zioszpkssdilc LEAN Mismysuoh mas stser NCKLEP ale to not Anniversary canoes carter 4zpk6155c Enquiry made at the innisftl sian university education while Emun gut Township otiice reveals that on Dr Seary of St Johnlibuilt of R3315 dgputdtloiiwi that field Dr Seary proressorof English at Memorial College in St Johns quoted letter tothe Londoni Times from group of English scientists laying Rinsla probably has more load English teachers than England has WOMENS AGE LONDON tCP hlr Justice Danckwerts was told in High Court that point in case was whether single woman of 55 are aged The judge who is 71 repliedz should be mobbed when not outside if said they were analstttd I929 he 59 Special Reo urgessave we Netns lireh Moisture Supply For Crops Critical OTTAWA tCPlhlolsture sup plies for crops in Saskatchewan and Alberta are at critically low level the bureau of statis tics reports lt said that though crops are standing up well eiy rains will be needed to pm vent rapid deterioration Prairie crop seeding la practi cally completed except for some wet areas in Manitoba and warm weather in the last week has stimulated growth the bureau said in one of its regular crop reports Ontarios crop outlook gener ally is good Southwestern 0o tarlo has bad warm weather and plenty of moisture for month wtcss seam saws HAIR STYLING to Dunlap at PA 52930 Permanents Speciaib $300 up to $2000 No Appointment Necessary 3PIECE can roar warms nuts towcsr carers wv SUPERRIGHT M54153 BEEFRDAST SALE BONELESS tom STEAK or ROAST BONEIESS POINT SIRLOIN ROAST cucumotr mm omen Dole Fancy Quality Oennld Meet PREM Briohtu Fnoy Quality Ron tin WAVE FRUIT COCKTAIL thns99¢ Rap tin459AVE no1 21min Rent tln adoSAVE ITOMAIOVJIJICE assess Bakery Special Parker swam Rte CHERRY ms nu sapeaves 496 nlul mm netwc innm AP Super Markets uus niatnDaaInw All Prices In My Ad cummad trough ï¬rturday June 130v 1059