Barrie Examiner, 29 May 1959, p. 4

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The ifiarrir iEXamincr Published by Canadian Newspapers Ltd id Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario PAGE FOUR FRIDAY MAY 11 135 EDITORIAL Municipal censorship Recently the Reeve of Vespra Gar man Downey stated at board meeting that no report of council proceedings of that township was allowed to be publish ed in the press without first the approval of the township clerk in fact he inti mated that no reporter could alt at an open council meeting and tell the story as he saw it The other day the Reeve of Wasaga Beach Eric lawmson asked his council lors for resolution requiring all press releases be censored by the village clerk Here again presumably the reporter had to sit through the meeting write the story and then submit it to the clerk for approval before it could be published in the press Fortunately in the latter case council members had the good sense not to fav our such motion Apparently in the township of Vespra there exists municipal censorship At Wasaga Beach there is move who would like to see such censorship imposed lProbably both gentlemen who in pri vate life would abhor any suggestion of dictatorship or censorship would state the reason for such action was inaccur acies of press reports It cannot be denied that mistakes are made in reports on occasions Reporters are no more infallible than councillors and in the opinion of some councillors make enough mistakes There is no de nying too that often words in black print while basically correct put dif ferent complexion on things It depends so much as to which side or the fence you are standing But mistakes can be corrected in print NEARING DANGER POINT Oshawa Times The phrase blunt and outspoken has been used so often to describe business men labor lea ders and almost anyone who fails to hide his ideas under bushels of words that it has become cliche But trite or not it is valid description of Ambridge president of Ahitibi Power and Paper Ltd Mr Ambridge lived up to his reputa lion this week when he testified before the Com mons resources committee at Ottawa Mr Amhridge may have been guilty of some slight exaggeration in getting his point across to the committee members sometimes sit in my office on University avenue in Toronto and look out at all the new buildings going up and think if we let our exports go this town will be ghost town he said His advice to governments lStop hardening us Stop regarding us as milk cow as big industry with his source of money on Abitibis Ontario operations 55 per cent of the ncome goes to the federal and provincial govern menfs while in Michigan the total rate is 49 per cent wood is onethird cheaper and plant can construclion 50 per cent cheaper than in Ontario so Abitibi built $21 million plant in Michigan We wouldnt spend fivecent piece on new plant in Ontario today The Canadian pulp and paper industry is completely out of the world market because its prices are higher than those of competitorsScandinavian countries are sell ing at $15 to $25 ton less than Cande News oi FonnerYears MAY 30 1935 Dry weather caused trouble at the Midhurst Forest Station where 170 men were employed and until rain came Superintendent Adamson stated that it was the driest season in his expen lanes when lifting and planting trees The roots had to be kept moist and with thousands planted daily and the hot sand sifting into the trenches Shipping too was well under way with supplies of some species already depleted such as white cedar soft maple hard maple and polar cut tings but they still had plenty of red and white pine spruce and jack pine The community of Cooksan was shocked at the death of Dr Scott their physician and he wasalso well known throughout South Simone He had suffered serious iniuries in motor accident and had been in the Toronto Gen eral Hospital since then Dealh was caused by fall from the fifth floor balcony of the Private wrong statements can be retracted if need be Censorship is not the way nor will any selfrespecting reporter stand for such action if he covers council meeting Municipal councils are elected by the people to conduct the business of the peo ple The people have right to know what the councillors are doing without muni cipal censorship or how else can they Judge if they havothe right men in the Job While not questioning for moment the integrity of either the men of Vespra or Wasaga Beach it has to be admitted that municipal censorship cuts across all the basic beliefs in Canadian democracy It lends itself to the man ipulation of the news by the unscrupul ous it leads to complete dictatorship Perhaps both the reeves quoted have failed to read thoroughly the Municipal Act Section 210 of the act provides that the ordinary meeting of the council shall be open and no personshall be excluded therefrom except for improper conduct There is nothing in the act to say that any municipal authority may censor the thoughts words or writings of those who attend these meetings How then can these men who have been elected for their clear thinking believe that they can effectively censor reporter attend ing such meeting Municipal government reaches den gerous stage when the leaders of the community start thinking in terms of censorship These are facts which should be borne well in mind by the electorate and remembered when next reeves and councillors seek office Opinions of Other NerSpapers But exaggeration or not the point of Mr Arn bridges statement is still valid exports are vital to the Canadian economy but if we cannot com petein the world market because our prices are too high we are in for some very hard times indeed Canadian business is at the point where it has to run faster and faster to stay in the same place It has to boost sales and at higher prices simply to stay solvent Certain obvious cost factors that affect production have been talked about great dealhut not so much has been said about the disc of taxes on the cost of doing business in this regard Mr Ambrldge took his message to the right placeand it is pity that there are not more articulate business men to preach the same lesson from the some pulpit mam ro sour Windsor Star it is not so long ago that victims of gout were depicted as crotchcty obese rich aristooratic and somewhat dissolute men addicted among other evils to port wine It never was true picture Modern science is finding out more and more about the ancient disease though ancient remee dies still are used it is finding the traditional piclure less and less true One can get gout and many do even if one neverhas tasted port Wine or indulged un duly in spirituous liquors Patients Pavilion there He had practised his pro fession in Cookstown for nineteen years following service invlhe Great War and graduation from the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine brilliant surgeon he was member of the the Academy was Junior Medical Officer of Grey and Sirncoe Foresters and also Mall of Cooks town School Section Barrie Junior Hockey players were honored including the Colts and Lions as guests of the Barrie Lions Club at banquet held in the Queens Hotel Barrie President Craig Chairman extended hearty welcome from the Lions and called on representatives to speak Replies were from Douglas Hedger Secretary of Barrie Hockey Club who introduced the players of Junior Colts He also suggested two year building up plan Atkey VicePres of Barrie Lions Hockey Club which operated Jun ior Lions expressed appreciation to the Lions and paid tribute to the players also Paragraphically Speaking Food should never be usedss was pon says military official But would Old Sorehead sayspredictlons thatthe world will soon come to an end have him nt person be justified in using it to wavering between fearand hope fight hunger with My ism Examiner Authorizes second mn Port ama szutmutllimwp Dally sumy In anth anusy excepted It wn lfl General was wanna business mum evllLB unannoun can as BBDCKWBLL Advirtfrlanlnalar no mini null In no memo nu lflees at tomato cum urgent matings zarwm doom skint vmwvei mbo um Cnnnaisn er enAssoclntton oamafin Elfin in maid of ellalumni Cunamnvfrsn In exciuuveiyentltlld tn the repr utidn or an mm an anchor in tan or mum to if or The Assoc tedere ror 1150mm local news pllbflubedth rein Ilu gum or republication of Ipeclui anyune herein as also reserved hone Number Editorial Advertising and lanai2 Parkwan in Want Me Funny IMM Having topay everrhlgher priceafor the next best things in life in order to live and enjoy these best things of life which are free is becoming increasingly burdensome It is useless for woman to ask man if her hat ison straight He wouldnt know whether it was straight hind part before bottom upwards or antigod ling Inorder to enioy spring lever to the fullest augment the delightful feeling nowand then by taking tranquilizer Lets take cheerful view Theres nothing wrong with the world but the people and nothing wrong with the peo pie except selfish human nature The peoplehope world leaders holding powwows Will keep the world from going to the bowwows Mr THE TIME HAS COME THE WALBUS SAID Living NZ Fossil Joins Calgary Park By LC GRAHAM AUCKLAND NZ CF Cal gary Zoo will soon get real pre historic monster for its prehis toric park Permission has been given for New Zealand expedition to cap ture is iuatara for the Alberta city The tuatara is New Zea QUEENS PARK Next Election Will Be Big Fight By DON OEEARN Special Correspondent For Thu Barrio Examiner TORONTOThe next provin cial election should be corker It has been assumed all along that the big fight if the PCs are ever to get one would be in the 1963 vote If that is the year it is heldl And the way things have shaped up this has not only been upheld but indications are that it will be banggup contest indeed Chief among the indications is the way the secondstring bench of both parties has beenvdevelop ing lot of the load in the cur rent campaignis being carried by the Maloneys MacAulays Resumes and others There are more of these on the government sidethan the opposition of course But still on both sides there is bank of new campaign ers developing that promise some good battlesin the future Another of the signs of the fu ture is the prospect of new is sues The current campaign is being fought without any great accent anisaues Premier Frost to date at leasthas pretty well succeeded in making his record the only real issue Which makes for calm campaign But behind this there is story building up There are issues of the era devel oping which by tbe next election should be matters of hot debate The Liberals in this campaign are just touching the fringe of some of them Homeownership and pensions are two of them In addition there are others that arent being touched at all Aging and occupation of the elderly is one of these Another is the length of the work week and the balance of demand wages and production to inflation By the next vote there should he fresh set of questions concerning the public By that time at least some of them will have comeJo the stage where they must be discussed So in effect we will have mainly new cast acting in new play The present vote lt is one would say rolling along infhandy fashion The pundits who write about quiet elections this time are havinglheir day Despite tha bands and fireworks from time to time and despite the attempts of the oppositionleaders to get BIBLE THOUGHT Ilcus 2220 We can take nothing with us save What wevgive away Why then give good works only add moments and warnout ragsi Whotsoevur bath blamlslh Ibat shall ye not oftenbovi lands living fossil It can call the dinosaur which once roamed the earth its first cousin Now rare on the mainland of New Zesland and found in any numbers only on few small is lands off the coast the tualara is small version of the monsters of prehistoric times The average specimen is only about two feet long and weighs two pounds but still bears close resemblance to the giant creatures of the past The species has survived al most unchanged for untold cen turies and still has rudimen tary third eye in the forehead Looking like grim bored aloof and singularly ugly lizards they move in sluggish way which seems to indicate complete dlslb luslon with an existence extend Mr Frost in fight it is rela tively placid At least one ob server csnt personally agree with this as good for us it would be much more reassuring to see some honest and strenuous fight ing on the hustings Stress is the backbone of our progress ing back into the dawn of history In fact individual tuaiaras are thought to live more than 100 years although thclrlife span is uncertain since they naval only been known for little more than century and have been subject to close study fora much shorter period They roar but in muted tones vlspe recordings of their cries sound when amplified for all the world like the famed movie lion Tuataras may be captured only with special permission from the New Zealand government and few zoos in the world have spec imens Calgary asked for specimen OllllWll REPORT Widening Economic Breach In NATO By PATRICK NICHOLSON Special Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner UllAWA The first Atlantic th congress will be formally opened by Queen Elizabeth in London Engon June II will consist of 650 citizens representing the 15 allies in the North Atlantic Treadv Organization lbe declared purpose of the congress is to bring together the ablest and most distinguished citizens representative of the principal aspects ofnaiional life in the NATO countrlesto 0011 am alder ways and means of further developing cooperation particu larly in economic and political affairs between the North Amer ican and European member coun tries of NAT Without any doubt the most serious problem which will face the Atlantic congress is the eco nomic breach which is fast widening between the NATO part ners on the two sides of the At lantic with great farsighlcdness our Liberal government in years ago insisted that the North Atlantic treaty should pledge its support ers to create an economic part nersbip as well as military al linnce thu the treaty came into effect Hon lester Pearson then our foreign minister pub llcly declared his belief that this provisionwidely known as The Canadian Cluusewould lead to the creation of an economic coma monweallh and perhaps uiLl mater political commonwealth of the nations around the North Atlantic basin Nothing less he gravely but wisely asserted would ALL FOR WAR Largely through American or position and Canadian inertia this economlc clause of the treaty has been ignored Our European Allies grew tired of NATOS fail um to take that urgentlyneeded step towards economic partner ship and already six oflhem have gone ahead without North American participation to form huge customs union of 162000 000 souls The other European allt last year in order to have live creature to match the models of prehistoric monsters in special display there The Auckland Zoo offered to obtain specimen but the gov ernment at that time banned an expedition to Stephens Island the only place which has sui ficienlly thriving colony to spare specimens for expert The govv enuncat said visits to the island could only be made at intervals and no further trip Was planned for some months Permission now has been given however and the Auckland Zoo has arrangements in hand for an expedition to Stephens Island which lies in Cook Strait between thedtwo main islands of New Zea lan lies will certainly form second common market or else Join the first The 175000000 citizen of the USA already constitute err own huge common mar ket large enough to rapport comprehensive range of manu facturing industries These developments will leave tiny Canada isolated on our hlgls cost economic plateau Already trade rivalries be tween thesegroups are intensify ing and seem likely to assume proportions which will split the very foundations of the Atlantic once What steps can we take to an able tha NATO Allin to wage successfully the cold or coo4 nomlc war against the Commun lst bloc and to enable us to main tain indefinitely the heavy cost of dalerrcnt against nuclear aggres sionl Above all what can we in Canada do to enable our iso lated economy to support our prcsent standard of living let alone one which will rise stead ily These are the grave prob lems confronting delegates at the Atlantic congress This of course is nqt now or unforeseen crisis CANADIANS IGNORE Mr Pearson foresaw this need 10 years ago when he made that famous statement Five years ago group of Canadians al ready worricd by lack of action towards an economic partnership within NATO played apromln out part in drafting The Declara ion of Atlantic Unity urging im mediate implementation af The Canadian Clause and they played the leading role in organ izing an international deputation to present the declaration to the council of NATO Approximately 60 prominent Canadians have endorsed that declaration including Prime Min istcr Didenbaker Liberal Leader Pearson CCF Leader Caldwell all our prominent lsbcr leaders as well as university presidents religious leaders bankers news paper publishers and writers and industrialists Against that background it comes as more than shock to learn that Canadas 45 delegates to the Atlantic congress consist predominantly of backheach pol itlcians and of equally undlslin guished private citizens very few selected for their leadership or for their knowledge of and inter est in Atlantic affairs but very many because they have rendered some small service to the Con servative Parti Only one signer of the declaration is included The chartered airliner carry ing Canadians to the Atlantic con gresslargely at the taxpayers expenscgwill be one for the boys taking not truly repre sentative and distinguished Can adian delegation which could speak up persuasively and with knowledge but Conservative party jrmket whose voice can con tribute no more than an un informative whimper 139 McClARY are 3use Less Trude aum $369 The big features or this big refrigerator are the automatic defrost and the three big porcelain crispers that are so easily cleaned and hold so much food This machine is high lighted by thezero Zone Freezer that holds 15 lbs of frozen food There are so many featues to this McClary and your own goodtaste will tell you it is your best refrigerator buy Once POWER gLAWN MOWER With The Purchase OfAbove McCLARY Refrigerato Otaco is one of the best power mowers you can buy This model we are giving you is equipped with ll stroke RP Engine and has rope starter Come in today and have look at both the refrigeratorand this time saving work saving power mower LIMITED TIME or iv s4 ESSA ROAD lANDA LEAPPLIAN CES PA 82422

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