afternoon Widely scattered show REMINDEEDF NEAR TRAGEDY MUNICIPAL COMMENTARY Signs Are Alliston Heads For Expansion The writing is on the wall for tile town of Allislon Enough interest is being shown in the community by various manu facturers to suggest Alliston may be in for mushroom growth with all its problems such as Barrio has had over the last ten years Such thoughts are going through the minds of the town fathers and they arc anxiously considering ways of meeting the demands which will bemadc on town services The two chief items in con trolling such growth are plan ning it beforehand and financ iugi when it happens Any error in either of these two considerations results in unior tunate consequences in the first place you get town nobody wants to live in in the second place you get town nobody can afford to live in So how is Alliston getting on The town has lately reconstp tutEd its Planning Board There was planning board appointed before but it had ceased to func tion consequently new bylaw WEATHER Synopsis Cooler air is edging across the north side of Lake Su perior On Thursday it is ex pcctcd to spread across most of Ontario accompanied by spotty showers and by lower tempera tures in the evening Lake Erie Lake Huron Georg ian Bay Windsor London Sud bury Sunny andtwarm today be coming cloudy late tonight Clean log and turning cooler Thursday ers and thunder storms tonight and Thursday morning Winds southeast is today light tonight shifting to west 15 Thursday morning Lake Ontario Niagara Hali hurton Toronto Hamilton Sunny and warm today Th rs cloudy with sunny intervals clear ing and turning cooler in the late afternoon Chance of few isov Iated showers Thursday morning and in the early afternoon Winds southeast 15 today light tonight west 15 Thursday afternoon Kirkland Lake TimminsKapA uskasing North Bay Sunny with few dandy intervals and very warm today becoming dandy with rain early Thursday fol lowed by scattered showers and much colder weather Thursday afternoon Winds south to south west 15 to 25 today becoming northwest 15 to 25 Thursday Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Thursday Windsor 75 St Thomas 75 London 75 Wingham 75 Toronto 80 St Catharines 30 Hamilton 80 Muskoka woo was passed last month to start it up again The board has held no meetings but council this week sent two subdivision plans along to it for tentative appro val so now the body will be able to get its teeth into some planning ZONING BYLAW But before the Planning Board can operate properly it must have zoning bylaw At pres ent anybody can start up scent factory or put fishand chip shop in the middle of the highest class residential area the town has to offer One has only to drive into the town from the east to see what this deficiency is doing to the towns appearance The first major task then of the Boord shouldbe to study what areas are needed for com mercial development what for recreation what for businesses farms and residences The aim must be to preserve the values of the towns many beautiful houses while giving fair op portunity to commerce FINANCING GROWTH The towns swelling millrate gives added point to the second item that of financing the towns growth Projects for more water and sewage under active consideration by council members now total $100000 Paidover 20 years at the current rate of interestincreas ing week by week with the pre sent business boomthe total cost will be about $150000 or $7500 per year The cost of the water scheme will be carried by the Public Utilities Commission leaving half the cost to be paid by taxpayers This may amount to two mills on current assessment with substantial reduction when the new Salada Shiriff Horsey plant comes onvthe tax register NEW HOMES Recent statistics issued by the Department of Flaming and Devdopment show that for each 100 employees in new busi ness 451 new people come into town So in Alliston there may be up to 500 new persons occupying about 150 new homes so the effectof the potato plant will be greater than just the factory budding it will of course be some time before the full effects in terms of growth are evident but there will in evitably be period of much activity in the building trader The urgency of the zoning by law is now apparent Not only must the planners specify suit able locations for up to 150 houses but they must set aside land for the extra shops and otherfaeilities which these new people will call into being So many residences And here is the thought that willjhaunt the good town fathersu Each has bathroom Each residence will likely have car Each will have school children Where is the money coming from to TODAYS STOCK PEIcEs Compiled at noon by FL Crawford and Co Ltd Flynn 91 Dunlop street East Aoltlbl Paper Algulnu steel Aluminium Ltd Alberta Gu Asbestos Atlas Steel Algom ran flu or Mont or of Mont nu Bk Nov Sco hell rel Co Brazilian nr Am on co ac Power Cdn Bk comm can Brew CPR Can Coin rCan Curt Canadian Oil CariErin Camp Cblb Schwinn Con Min Con Paper Cons Nexus con nuu Coldsuenm paragon Dis Sea Dom stores Dom Tax Sullivan Ford Can Hudson nay imp ran in on ln Ace Intelp Muss Marl nl Consumerl of Dom Faun Harden rxrms Home on lnternntlon Nickel on rov Pips KerrAddison Ferguson 15 Nometul New no Nor Ont loom Corp ontogeny ruinous Play St Law Corp Sher Gard Sal Shir snnp Lt Steel of Can TorDom Bk TransCan Pipe Trader Fin Texaco Min 55 lo any any 151 Wall cow provide the necessary roads sewers and schools SUBDIVISION BYLAWS The cynical will snarl The taxpayer But that is not true subdivision bylaw can take large part of the cost off the municipality and put it on the developer who passes it on to the eventual owner of each lot That is fair person who builds new home should pay for sewage and roads it needs and person who already has home can hardly be expected to hear these costs for somebody else through municipal taxes However Alliston does not put all of these costs onto the de veloper and unless it amends its bylaw sometime the costs of sewers may force the present unhealthy tax rate higher still TRAFFIC PLAN other matters which will be forcing themselves onto councils at ntion include traffic plan present traffic moves smooth ly through the streets but with the growth of the town more traffic will want to use the same streets and there may be congestion Another place where there is even now congestion is in town council Councillors find them selves sittiog until past mid night at regular meetings white few weeks go by without spe eial meeting it seems coune could use traffic plan them selves or they will be over worked Reporters at this weeks coun cil meeting noted that the main business was finished in less than two hours Yet the meet ing dragged on for another6t minutes mostly dealing with minor items or fruitless discus sion which should have gone to committee imagine for example ten men talking for 20 minutes about dogs rule that councillor speaks only once on any subject and than only on motion would expedite council business Thirty Earrie Rotarians were unofficial ambassadors of the city on their interclub visit to Aurora on Monday night Tins was the first visit of the Barrie Club to Aurora since it sponsored that club during the presidency of Bill Brénnan For part of the evening the program was handed over to the Barrie Club Denis Sheard past president gave brief history of thelocal club and what it AliTIsTs CHOSEN CONCERT SERIES With successful member ship campaign behind them Barrie Community Concerts Association has chosen the artists to appear in their corp cert series here The Ralph Hunter Drama tie Chorua will open the sea son at Barrie District North Collegiate on October 14 Other artists to be heard will be duopianists Whittemore and Lowe and the Bel Canto trio consisting of soprano tenor and bass The dates of the Mo later concertshave hod heard only that has had WANT slnNALs mn nannrz MIR WEDNESDAY MAY 13 Six Students Kept In RV Hospital Six of approximately 22 stud were many tearful reunion in eats who were injured yogaday the emergency ward as students when school bus drove off the smiled at mothers and other dock into Kcmpenfelt Bay are from stretchers reassuring them still in Royal Victoria Hospital that outside of docking in here cold water and some cuisand Most seriously injured was Lln bruises they were all right do Marshall of RR Barrie Likewise at the Royal Victoria who is reported to have exten Hospital the staff cooperated sive head lacerations multiple 100 per cent with press radio back and chat and television men whose job Other students admitted to it was to convey to worried hospital are Anne Ferris Fcr Barrie district that miracle ris lane Candles severe budse had occurred that all students on tho right side of her head were alive Diane Cairns lllldhurst lacera The two schools affected by ted left leg and injuries to the yesterdays accident likewise right shoulder and right side of cooperated with Police Chief chest Courtney McNabb no1 Ed Tschlrhnrt and his men Midhurst cut nose David Sut whose job it was to find out too RR hfldhurst left ear quickly whether all studentshad badly cut and torn and Barbara been accounted for or whether Holloway RE Barrie Their some had lost their lives in the conditions are reported satisiae bay cases ATTENDANCE nous Nancy Orser another outof town student suffered lacera The Prmï¬lpalsof Barrie North tions to both legs two out thumbs mum an Burr District and fractured left shoulder 03$ Coneglate and their After treatment she was allowed we Wish attendance 3° me ï¬ll out 333 $332331 The staff of the Royal Vic in school and by process torin Hospital yesterday rose to elimination It was found that all great heights as doctors nurses of we smden had and all other staff members met cued the emergency will and There was some worry at Bar efficiency the cam orthColleglnte when one doggefofdistractgld parentémggo gm nude 35 Puma him yet was not listed as survrvor fast telephone call to her home by Chief Ed Tschirhart brought the information that she was ill and not able to attend school By this method other children who had been driven directly home from the scene of the ac cident were located and it was found finally tbiit all were ac counted for plunged into Kcmpenfelt Bay was that hospital authorities at lowed them to come right into the hospital locate their young sters and find that at least all were living and that most of them were not seriously hurt HOSPITAL COOPERATION The hospital in this case did not go by the book and them POLICE PIIOBE TRAGEDY Continued from page one the police report said The bus VPolice investigators Frank 35g sea high Saghaï¬d Mflffrï¬fwï¬m The driver had attempted to the bus into lower gear driver and some of the students who were in the bus Bill Bert mm was mm The has picked speed on the ram of Mldhurst told them that at the Cundles stop the bus had mm that if he made left stopped well After it started mm up again mm police be hand turn into Grove Street smelled brake fluid there might be fatal injuries The driver had decided to The has had started up again drive the but down the boat after admitting several passcnv launching ramp at Le foot of gers and at the top Bayfield Simcoe Street and into the we Street at the flashing light the ter to cushion and stop the driver noticed he had brakes LOCAL AND GENERAL bylnw for the purpose and also to prohibit the letting off of firecrackers in the street 10th MILL RATE With public school education costs about the same as last year Flos township council Monday was able to strike smol ler mill rates for the coming year That for business purposes was set at 439 mills and for farm and residential 406 These are reductions of 21 millsand L9 respectively In addition there are various school levies For high school purposes the Alliston is to ask for flash ing light or other traffic con trol device to be installed at Victoria and King Streets Council members complain there will be serious accident there unless this is done Last approach to the Department of Highways on the subject was made January 20 this year FIREWORKS IN BEETON Beeton is having so inucb trouble with fire worls being let off in the streets that it is taking steps to restrict their sale At council meeting the UNOFFICIAL llMBllSSllDCBS Barrie Rthrians Visit The Aurora Rotary Club levy will be up about onetenth clerk was instructed to prepare of mill was doing within the community Eldon Greer spoke for the city as former mayor of the town of Barrie still holding the dis tinction of being the youngest mayor Barrie has had Another former Barrie Mayorthe only Mayor to become mayor Grant Mayor was introduced alll Caldwell traced the bist nry of industrial development in Barrie underlining the important part played in this by the Bar rie Chamber of Commerce FASCINAIING TALK The highlight of the evening was talk given by Captain Don anry TCA check pilot who competing against the over whelming odds of noise from an adjoining room gave graphic account of the development of the aeroplane engine He made it abundantly clear that despite the increased speed of commer cial aircraft improvements in navigational aids had also great ly increased their safety The numerous questions asked at the completion of the talk was some indication of the in terest with which it wasfollowed by the audience As memento of the evening Barrie president Jack Batatone presented to Bob Goody presid not been fixed as yet Clarke iieolihg eat of the Aurora club small clock ti Sheet Metal PROMOTION Word has beenreceived that Sgt Emil Pete Bileski RCAF Marville France has been promoted to FlL Sgt Flt Sgt Bileslds wife the former Bertie Mulholland of Stroud and his daughter Cin dy are with him in France We Have Received Forther Supplies of Good Quality MAPLE SYRUP liediicedrrlce RE APPOINTMENT Hebcr EmilL QC Progress ivo Conservative Member for Simeon Northphns been re appointed to the Sessional Committee of Railways Air Macs and Shipping Young Pucksters Bradford Bradfords youthful puckstcrs will be honoredthls evening at banquet at the Memorial HalL The Squirts will herprescnted with trophiu chanted by the communities of Belle Ewart and Lelroy Brad Walker will do the honors Tho PceWee Trophy donated by Bradford police will be pre sented by Jim Hosting Ontario Provincial Police No District will have atrophy presented to tho Bantams by Jim Murphy Bantam Black Howl Leonard Bray Bob Watt Joe Bninntng John Wendell Don Lee David Blackwell David Scotto Elli Frolic hierle McKnight Robert lencb Jim Rolando and coaches Shorty Bray and Cpl John Lee Peech Canadians Richard Carson EricBittcnbinder Ed Cntnola Richard Goiby Garry Plans Before Alliston council For Two More No more rbdivlslons come before Alliston council at the Monday meeting Councillors were asked to state any objec tions to the plans before they were sent off to the Department of Planning and Development Ontario land surveyor Lloyd Thompson explained it was eas ier to do that than wait until the department had formally approved them only to find ctr liliislon Dogs Face Confinement The hounddogs of Alliston will be tied up for the summer if council employees can catch theml The old subject came up once more in the town council meet ing Monday when clerk Lorne Whiteslde reported he was still getting complaints about dogs which were roaming He sug gested the three members of the police committee looked like having to strike out some night to catch them Deputy Reeve John Darling think we should do some thing to make the bylaw elfec tivé for the st six months Id like to have suggestions Criticized Juncillor Mitchell dont think the by law is worth the paper it is written on He said there was nodng pound to keep any caught dogs is it Ae feeling of council this bylaw aiiohd enforced and all dogs ld be tied up 12 months of the year The clinical viewpoint came from Dr Pitcher thinkwe are very ft hardy to change our rabies program just on the strength of Tie Alliston Herald he commented After Mayor Mintford Storey had urged the bylaw be enforced or repealed Deputy Reeve Dar 1ing lawyer told council All we have to do enforce it when we vant We dont have to enforce it No motion was passed New Cruiser For Illlision Alliston police department is to have now police cruiser Or at least new used cruiser Council agreed Monday to buy new cruiser using their present vehicleas tradein and adding $1000 Councillor Pitcher chairman of the po lice cornmittee told members he had contacted every dealer in the area Several had offered 56 vehicles Councillor Pitcher indicated he would be quite happy to have an official tender for cruiser but council agreed with Councillor Stan Noseworthy who queried Why go to the ex pause of tender motion wds passed author izing the police committee to purchase the cruiser Reeve Ross Williams voted against it having suggested the present eruisers deplorsble condition was due to its handling and urged ithe patched up SIIIIS arm son TEE MAN GOINGTLACES 5995 orhe intent materials orhc newest nyler The lmalfut eolo wowon car not wean IT was IT TE Subdivisions Sections when they were con sidered by local authorities Both sets of plans will be only sldercd by the newly recon stituted Alllstou planning board The proposed subdivision will be on land north of the River Boyce opposite Church Street where is lots will be made avail able and south of Elm Street Frank Evans developer of the land north of the river asked for clarification of the bylaw re lilting to roads onxnew develop ments He was willing to put in roads 40 feet wide with nineinch gravel top But the bylaw specified noudng about total widths As far as am concerned it is quite indefinite he stated He had allowed on his plans for five per cent of the land to be available as park Mr Thompson told council such land was frequently sold off and the money credited to special parks fund There was some argument about the planning board As the board had not yet hadone meeting there was no chairman who could be notified Students llitend Council Meeting Goldwater village council Mom day night had before it an esti mate from Councillor Gordon Chamberlain for resurfacing the large tank at the village reser voir Costof labor and mater ial is put at $1795 and the work is to be started as soon as the materials are available Present at the meeting were number of students from grades and together with the principal Mrs Irene Robin son They were welcomed on behalf of the council by Reeve Lawr ence Devine Council was asked to give lea dership in the matter of teenage activities and this it agreed to do by contacting intersted local ETDHP5 Presentation was made of trophy by Reeve Devine to Daph ne Smith of grade in recogni tion of her fine performance in the recent Simcoe county essay competition Council decided to study the question of hydro rates with rebate to customers meeting between the council and the On tario Hydro commission will prolt bably be held next week See all models plustho rideon toairr at your doctors today pornode is cnorsomanc 1251 nnmxn 21 in crucial In economy is ampon Learner otfllï¬Alb Maxim Noon SE 393=$ was an moms my owner 40 Buyflcld at view to possible reduction or Banquet DatumIm Chris Moboch John Blake Bob Mooney Glen Marib man Lloyd Dow Gunter Kldl and coaches Phil smallholder and George Carson Rockets Bill Kunyo John Kanyo Steve Kenya Paul Wist Gary Copson may wot finger Bateman and coaches Ronny Noble Tommy Saint Bill Kauyo and Doug Abbey Sewage Plant Will Cost $50Jlilfl Plans of new sewage treat ment system for Alliston are being considered by the town council Suggested plans ln elude three lagoons holding lagoon of 15 acres and two secondary ones Total lagoon acreage said Councillor Mitchell would be about 21 The system is estimated to cost 350000 it would handle about 5000th gallons of sewage day double immediate re quirements Deputy Reeve John Darling told councll Monday Welfare drinking at having some tobacco firms use the water for irriga tion purposes Mayor hfiotford Storey corn mooted this raised problems The water from the new potato practising plant had starch content and if it were sprayed on the leaf could have de trimental effect CasesHeardilt Bradford Court By Carl Sturgeon who had his case deferred while awaiting the assurance that the careless driv ing charges were to be consid ered legal plladed guilty through his solicitor to lesser charge involving rules of the road He was fined $3000 and costs He had been attempting to pass and found after getting out of his lane that he could not make it He pulled back nod bashed into the rear of the velt hiclo he had attempted to pass long list of speeding charg es was dealt with in fast order when the accused persona did not appear Magistrate Barron after having the officer testify under oath that the copy of the charge had been handed the he cused and that no changes had been made levied fines averag ing $1500 and costs or three days and gave the accused two weeks to make settlement North Bay citizen who had not brought his current drivers licence along was fined an ad ditional $1000 as well the speeding fine Snark Missile 0n Full Flight CAPE CANAVERAL Fla AP Snark intercontinental guided missile has been fired on the start of an allstheway test flight one of the final tuneups More the weapon becomes operational with troops The missile the second opera tional type to be launched by the Northrop Corporation streaked chr the waves late Tuesday night on what appeared to he the smoothstart ofa ismmile jour nay It was not known whether the results of the test would be anlt nounced raiser JAYS ONLY May 6789 I959 WALiillCE Dunns cnnsr HARDWARE Et Dunlap SLR PA 82556 DEAGLES bwanar 128 ranching St PANom nonINsoN murmurs from mononro suocn Potomac moan Industrial down 23 holds up 09 am Motll down 04 our down 19 NEW ronn srocn Exclmmsn AVERAGES lndustrlols up lI5 italit down 54 Utilities down no rgvn Mosr Acrlve Timpani Telephones hightil kl longed vrllvsournma cavasmooannva renames now LOCATED Rear 212 BRADFORD ST usual mum COOP 259 Innisfil rho2mm