Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1958, p. 1

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MRS wnuniir Romano or Barrie 1m with the minister Rev Seymour Boyce or lgindon Ontario and her daughter Mrs pnown Gnriin service yesterday at AFRICAN nunci NE 5ciieial citizens turned out yesterday af Duncan Cowan euro al ser HomerBatric fonncrprofes vlce at the old AfricanEpiscopal sional entertainer cordion music tolcad the sing oc County song and rendered solo dur ternoon for the Church in Oro ranged by the Tourist and Indust ce They heard an in nspiring address mour Boyce Negro irom London Ontario and ed in the singing hymns on the dawn beside the Ihurcbh which was ppenod in fled their 1846 by slaves wh southern bonds fiRain stopped an hour beiore thc service was in Start though iihere Was the suri shone of chairs was on hand the service county chairman sot the tour committee presided along with Reeve Ken Gillespie or large truck servedras for the service and there wds system adequate sound Worship VWarden ship byiRev no trudkload but three more truckloads had to belhroughtin ramaxes oi 3r commit ing the offertory teresiing rm ister core sermon This is historic pléce should go through roller coaster wori and al sic wind brought to to start of Israel many centurvim ers On platform ada riandoif libe hey timid trawleri in whovwas eporte child esterda othered two also waliace marshifii ol Episcopal Church service the proyided ac Something to Hang On To The minister Mr Boyce made fine impression with his sin very in the mindsoi many of you people of Simeon County he said helieve we with something to rhangon toin this life Heiiouched on the early life oi the Airicans who had been America as slaves Theych out and God heard them But unlike the children who had cried out earlier chose not one but several lead Most of those who got rid of their chains of bondage went north and many came to can where mans man witha manspmud his ri ht the right to own himself hav God inlldeay charged sum 01 nrroe Connty withsin mdncy from Behona berg service atalion mackoa onhrlo ipfiovlnchl PolkL the three were arrested ye my alter Wail Kaniiisky primer the burincsr phonéd the OP AVPieked up shortly all were Cari Mama gt St Robert Macintosh Dov room Road andPt Pick 19Maiclnnount4lload allsj Famous an énra nian whonnvays insiatcd hi hi oiiicersleadthelr mohnnd ot rhoutirorn the pavement en from chains and the Whip and Lheywcrcp able to breath th breath of God inpeac vFoundPIuposcdn Lilo They found here no roads no fields just wilderness came the cold and snow of win ter had df so elli They lucky totind people sympatheti Worlr was provided they end friends people lent them hand and they found life Had purpose after all Mr Boycesaid he wished to divert to another problem The land from which the slaves fled was full of prejudicc He found th preconceived notion does two ass orpeople it plants fear in the minds of those who are oppressed and it 31050 oppressed unstable in one heso are the two great evils of prejudice Mn Boycesaid One basic reason for prejudice is the ear of assimilation that these people cannot asimiiate the culture of the new lie in which they find themselves But history will prove this to be wrong There is no foundation forit Boyce cited three exam pie Booker Washington man exposed to slavery who wanted to work for mankind re gardless of race color or creed Marian Anderson not borii to butthey sumvcd because have seenjn the prose ay The result was that when rel ti be had lostone legand latr erythe other one through til practice the early days whenMr first got acquaintEd with is members every member had able scamans dischargo7ln only est was the raising of vailable between flirnily offour irom hi cd fish shop the in iihmrdflrmdohrflhven was fully recognized at the amide display inftheVictoria Park London bytlie thousands gather cd there to give their boys as they called them their just rc wards slavery in Scandinavia and came back to her homeland asa great sing er and Ralph Bunche who became worid figure lnhis ei ljts for peace through the ted Nations abhor nything to do with the subjugation of any human in this world Mr Boyce said We should look dotvnon any nation whidi dries glo do this Andyet wei have slavery in the world That great ours is trying to peoplesoi theworld under doin ination We must be vigilant at allitirn or this happenszto null have to 1eaVe melandand Vireedoin mmiresdmm the frccdolu frorn sin to en joy complete liberty in vChr That somethinng hang onto is ihcvword or he Lord éd the child treatment ome BARBIE ONTARIOQCANADA MoNoA Band fibresFr sts ethic in MWorltl an Festival enrich weekend in Kerhide flounnl It Iguldappur trom two cabin err received th the young mealtime Inade an excellent flowing lint details are at press time inn mm will be available chnoeduya edition My the bend is invol ling thionfli Hoilahd ou bum due to men Flnah cries of accidents in the area were repomdoy the Ont ariQProvtricisi Police over the weekend One accident sent ourpeopleto hospital and three mishapsinvolved more than mo cars Wed Ivy Fourpeoplejemlout to Royal Victorialilospital remit of twdcir cailillon Viut night at the intersection oilthe 20 side road and the revenihlinc in Essa Township 111 miles west of Ivy flhe vchlcle driven by Karl HelmOwézwarek ital highland RoadBurllngtonwas hit ontho teneciioni min minm naea SlllcN Kcnzle It rend Band re ceivcd first place gay aitcrooon Sunday afternoon Mr and 115 Emerson Swain receiv til cablo which read ear Mum and Dad three int ondertul Mrle slgned Historical Members of Barrie Collegiate nd on their European tour om been greatly impressed willh the historical sites they have visited lhcy have attemp ed to visit as many places as ssible in the llmlled time preclices and tngagemenls Following 15 an account of cirsiay in England aswritten one of tlio on musician and tent home to her rents Alli 27liflriv iflvm Empress of Emnca with everyone up 600 am embarked by 1000 As group wentrthrcugh customs without checking individual bags immi gratioii stamped passports Two buses ready and had an hours tour of city Rainiug Wonder iul meal at Strand Hotel On to Birmingham by 230 pm Very scenic hut not used to road systemyet Annette Traubs uncle met her at dock and drove her to Birmingham where she met rest of Points of ntcrcstv in Liver BearBiies gone time mother Craig wh to stuck finger through th iron mesh in painted irom the visitors The bear apparently playful at the timer bitoff the ids third finger at the iirsij nt Mr Stewart immediately call ed Dr Taylor Who order Ward at Royal Victoria Hospital The child was released after gt thought the big and wanted Mrs Craig stated have barricr around the One isnt enough mother said 1230 right rideby truck driven by Frank Hdrvartb New Lowell RR as he was crossing the in Hospitalized were Bruno Owe urek abrothcr of the driver of the car who suilered revere right shoulder and hackbruisea Ind broken ribs and Jozsel Sziahura lll Galley Avenue Toronto passengerin the truck who aut ieredseverc cheatand font bruis es and broken ribs rlleleascd after treatment were Monica Brande 1431 Leighland Road Burlington who suiiered England St Lukes Cathedral Mersey tunnel built in 1928 Hudtcuat 430 in new at Smarts Country Cafe ed aroundfim at Birmingham proceeded to Midland Hotel for full course meal but no one had much appetite lefi Curfew at 11 pan with most everyone tired and iewlefthotel Auliz Evorynne up at 830 ade rcaidngtloaded usessand atarledgt out stopped at 71000 Warwick tovisit castle andmtbedilal With tombstones dating back to 700s Village of thatched roofs high stone ils andvery old houses built around 915 in defeat of Danes Magnificent gardens at castle paintings Iurniture ctc be yond written description Proceeded to Stratiord on Avonthrough picturesque vil lich and coun de every house garden and hedges four miles Tiny uireelwhceled and riders At Straliord by Narrow streets Visited Hathaways cottage Had lurich at Royal Hotel then spent two hours visiti gthe oiy Saw Shakespeares birthplace Hadtea cola Resta ant Mord passed the rsrty hd private boys col Arrived lbndanatBDO pm hus driver explained the County London divided into bur roughes rhinos practically no enjoy eir in scooters are fascinating with helmets day in Bimu gham dinner in nation was cancelled Teas filled usup on way to the Imperial Holel we passed the castle where Queen Victoriawas born Hyde Park Millionaires Land and LondonrMuseum Ev to get dcckcrrzbus rrtilr here theyll never kn Wonderful an expe Arriv back bruises and decorations to the abdomen and SteveToLb lit Galley Altvenue Toronto gui cred laceration iothc lace Dam age was ertinuted at $2100 At Guthrie threecar collision caused more than $1000 damage on High way 11 south of Guthrie Milton Frau oi Vinoland wu driving his car Ind boat trailer south on the highway when be slowed at an intersection The second eardriven by Campbell 210 Booth Avenue Toronto oneeeing Fret slow down applied his hralrcr and was coming to atopwhen he was struck in therear by vehicle driven by Carol Montabone Kara RE Ontario Campbells veblcle was slam med into the rear of the hoat trailer cnuring serious damage Weather Today Sunny Cooler lWealher has been some cooler since Aug 15 with low or 47 on Saturday night Yesterday started sunny and clear but showers rolled up from the west later and cleared again Tcmperatureo were High Low 75 54 85 63 12 63 31 so 12 54 74 41 60 68 58 rnncmn Pipe line south By 355 section of the new Trans Canadapipe line was placed on test commencing last Wednesday morning The pipe under the test is from Maple north to Thornton Before tests are startedpropcrty owners within 500 feet either side of the pipeline are evacuated They must vacate their homes and inspectors from the pipe line con tractors make sure that this has been done Farmers may return to look after stockbut must as far away ironilhe pro area as they can We watched and listened to the operations of thevtest from valve station at Bond Read located just south of the Bradford Bond Head highivayA manne station wagon was located at thisjvalve which had pressure gauge mounted on top While we were there the picssureweaehedv 500 pounds per cubic foot rate it would be advanced Itoovsr 1000 pounds before the test wasrealiii on The official at this valve was in vehicle equipped with tele phoue They had an open circuit and conversations were passing Today we were very fortunate in having terrific weather Aug Today dull but ho to the emergency Lo ve cngughtime so elimpse here and another nattcnded children are my blggcs problem igincfzoo Mr Slevvari slated flljhave enough gt ces cari lvimodrower oi merIWeeke to the craft and the outboard mot pr Campbells vehicle was report ed by police to have been teiu coped between the two cars and aloial wreck Total damage was esiirnaiedat $1100 on Paddy Dunns Elli ce Poomces 50 Cufer lioa the driver at own ed hy KarlyNaaritts both oi 1o ronlo was taken to Royal Vi tonia Hospital Barrio for tree mentoi head outs and other in juries investigation revealed she was attempting to pass northbound traffic von Highway 26 at PeddyDunna liill wbcnf she tried in cut in behinda car driven by Robert Smith 31 ad 22 Pemberion Avenue Wil lowdale Unable to col in behind iho vehicle she passed Smith and drew in front of him Losing control oi the vehicle shcvccri ed into the southbound lane and struck Lear driven by Howard Stett 145 oi Detroit The car driven by Siett was forced into the guard rails while Alice Poomccs vehicle bounced oif and struck the front oi the car driven by Smith Turn to page three please Brg LI Purves New Commander Al Camp Borden Army Headquarters atOttawa have announced that Colonel Ferrari CD Commander for the past two yeara is being transfer red to Rivera Manitobayas Com mander at the end of this month New Commander at Camp Borden wiliheBrigiidler Robert Purv es 45 of Victoria BC Barrie back and 0th all the way from theNorth Bay office to the var us stations along the pipe line At Maplefthey had heavy duty compressor which was feeding ga into the new 30inch main and building up the heavy pressure to enable the test We asked what would happen if there wasa break and the operator atBond Head said if it happened under where we stood some other test point would see nsudden lowering of the pressure We would not likelyknowabout it So long as the pressure holds the line is good If this does not continue its fregular climb while the compresstir at Maple continues their the rouble to find and From what we understood the present test to Thornton will not yet bring the gas to Barrie Some links are left to complete betrvéen Thornton and Gravenhurst Which will be th ed in lt The test continued over Wed nesdayThursdar and Friday af ter which theresidcnts along the line within he 500 feet could re turn lo their homes from holiday with pay

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