BDCC Overtones An amate Itemliar light Casual summer many homes in the Barrleudis trict will include am its more enjoyable items 160le of Over toaes the year book or Barrie Distrlct Central Collegiate which came on The Examiner presses late in the school year aslt has done each year slnco 1948 An earlier year book Voxpoilcg began publication in 1980 but came an early case Second jWorld In many ways tones parallels torts It is aboutgt and iorm and co its reports on much the same list of activ ities albeit staggering list in itssize and variety and it re fleets the same buoyant spirit the 19enagelracingheadlong into Luture that is vague yet always full of promise ach ar Distinctive Yet even toithei cpmparative outsider each book always marks some activity somera or some personality the tinguish that year forev years publication ls noexception in this regarda We it always lookc say as rather sleepy located somewhere near Omemee Tiler anything to dist guish the eel Like torinstance the Flynn and the Collegiate Band kee world news Orllli coclrJlome ltiidland diamVillage Coiling Shipyards Owen so ow ePrelnier of from Li The mata ors from rhiexicou including its The bulls are reported obe II in same size band overseas iund European Band Tour One is accustomed to finding inthe report onthe band that it has reached some new heights But his year one reads ot the 170$ ility that tour to Europe often talked nialn the past may actually buomearcali ever the item lies in the undemrrelnt of doubt osi ii the writer nd secretary Jeanne McKenzie harbored sus icion hat it ght yetprove oï¬hc all dreav the Cub successful yearfor the Glee Clubvls indicated in the report of activities under the direction of Miss MaryWase newcomer to liensn9 Only tdur girls have is in to settle on career while chlng attractsthe largest group ol the 33 who haveehosen Seven will enter arts courses at university while plant train in this the iirstyear lnwhich Barrie athlefletaient was dl deli between two collegiates Oriilla scored Dd pointsto CentralsJO onma also capturea the ThompsonCup withfll points BarricNorth placing seCond With 73 and Central third withvlo to the Christmas assembly the Commencement Exercises and to the March benefit concert for git might be added though not part ofthepvertones record that thexGlee Club assisted at the bands Testimonial Concert in the Arena in July by taking uli charge of the usheringand sale of prbgrarns Graduating Class Graduates thls year number 128 01 which 101 are from the adcmic classes and 27A Irom commercial Some of these at gt rse will return or lurtlier work next year Ofézfboys who have definite chreers in mind 19 plan toenter engineering coursesr five will enter the armed sem esp our eaten will go toforestryan plan toteach school iiheothers ateliiwidely sca tered while 15 have nodeiinlte lans on the Way This is suppgse to Barrie Collegiate girls had old the trophy for six straight years LIFieid Da competition onlyl girls rdi sinnlwcrcï¬any new recordssctJudy Belton set ting new mark in the cel tricky and Donna Smith In the softball throw Dther spar hlghilghts are the senior footbal teams ell to the 0085A tinals hg voilt to Peterborough captur otthe Boys Bantam Basketball League Champlonshiprandpi the Boyle Trophy tor intervsc ool riflecompetition in the Di trict COSSA meet Mr Morrow neates The close of notable career is Although only no noted counthad been was clear Ontario hoeproducers en theirjconsent to the co ance of Ithc present hog market lng legislation Hog prod cars throughout the rovinv the question on Friday cbun 37 vote throughou The ruler dumlhsd been order ed by th Ontario lster 01 Agriculture Ho Good tellowv marketing scheme lqulï¬rated ythe Hmdupels As sociation throug ho antario Produce operative reheing through legislation in 1945 Ninety per cent of he hugs producedare bandied th recordEdv in thislyearsv0vertones in the acount ot the retirement the start at Morrowde earried in Distingulshed Gradun 0ne deviidediydisthictivc ea Turn to page threeplease Ci Holiday This yea be vbetter Vi there wastno ing it an annual event the cluh decided or to residents nd th ye tpl ketmg lnsta tly an vherv oped at same gawaitedzuifopeanrourh with particle ti in the World illuminant largerbade Holland the llrnax Since so many le arcinterested The Examln isxpuhiishlng the complete itinerary of the bandwith tiniesdrhlswm be avail able toclin nitsnd follow the progress day It is printed on peg hree TAKE Lwoluie new sumins ldCVD nhts specialitidress at the mrnhu service attended by Barrie CollegiatéBahd atvirlnlty Anglican Chumh Barrle yester day urged the yourq musicians to an advantage of this unit trip smoppoynlty many uswouhlllllketo laced out thatevery toot journeyIm simplylat tha bandrgor it uemondousre informed day that linim l9stmast Thomas Kerr 01 Esme stated that total 01 P05 us All gnu aadi than the engaging of ta ecu of below is give will be rler service etween ove Street Eastvand Bot weil scent edon gton bet on Bemy tenlyearold girl was taken ospita se implyinqu edrwhe hvocars oliidedat tern hate njaries driver had taken sponslbillty assignment be impressed on the yoke st dents the goat re nsiiqllity boulder leadersof assignment he th homes inrtour separate areas lll rebele or Enter carriervb onsl service in The very vemilty mightvaods preseqocmakés it hard for lllhlo law that are alwayslln His preseme When person had hecomeconsciousi oi the presence of God he hadsone un erstantlihg the sister was MN the hand day by INISTER URGES nuptial FULL ADVANiiGEOFTRIP sion HWY V01 lair new blazers vith goldaesled brpsmock 1134531 lexiste fvia Owen up Street East and Dunlop Straet West Onboth occasions ptiarmment amt hear the band church the congregation stood until they iI dvtnken their planes in the front pcws Theqhumh was filled to oapaclty tortheser vice with relatives of band mem bers and triedt The lesson was div JohnLDrake an the band During institution pleasant solo Divine Redeemer was Sting by Miss Diane Pratta mem her of Trinity Anglican dioir Theorgalrlstwas Mrs Ito Aslthe members oithe thalld entered the pun body of the its by train from Allandale to Toronto ï¬nd Montreal hell by CPR White Line otBrance lo Liverpootgvm land Then by motor aches Lonlion le Birm sham StnttordonAvon and Jhdord Across the Enflish Channel by boat toance and stay in Par is three days By motor each the travel brunch Belgium to stay ov night and spend day glihe Worlds Fn coach to Kerkrade In the south of Hollsndrwhcre the band will playin the Music Festival on Saturday and Sunday Aug 16 and To Kerkrade them will concerLldday netsightseeg rllnes plane will erdsm airport at 130 min with arrivals Dar Into Sator 23 Buseswilltaka Windsor Station with depart re on the Pool Win at 30 pJn Arrivlflgin Toronto 10 Jun the band special coaches will he switched party will Then by to FlushingfLsH re sort and give Bowen to CNN Train No 53 which ar rives at Allanisle atlea Sun day All addition to the 54 student mlisicl boys and girls who will ompriso the personnel at the Bani Colleglate Band for tour therewlll be three please 24