ï¬r in Gauly Al Camel visited with lrlenda here lntwegkiidfle Wit and Mun ï¬llersihhy Mllfltfllly II turned with them to Capreol or em holiday Florida mum Mr and Mrs For and Innily are enioying two weeksvholiday in Florida Former mom nles JimBanhs aldrmerxuhlem at this community passed away last week It asimnoeflmr intBeeoon The funeral service was followed with intermentin lihg family min in the 9th Line Cemetery Elnnia on momy Mr and am George Mul hnlinnd and enrol were on ihoii day last week in Niagara falls and vBufhlo Out Joshua Their many riends here ue pleased to know Mrs William Neely and Albert Pratt were able to leave the Barrie hospital and are imyrovlng nicely Colllngwood CraigvalewLNo805 attended ihe Jul l2 celebration in 5001 lingwa in whichlzo lnges took paIL large numberof other from heramlsa anioyedtha day in Collingwuod Sunday Vlaltors Mrs Rev James i3wwn 0f Athcrley and Mr and Mrs Doug aid Brown and famiiy of Toler bornngh were Sunday Visitors with Mr and Mrs Alezr Black Rev and am 7Brown were =sta tinned on lhe Btroudglaefroy cir unit when he Uniied Churchlwas iqrmed arid strbud congregation called their church Staames in honnt or itheir riminister Rov James Brown WMS News The Presbyterian WMS met on Wednesday July at the home of Mr and Mrs Call to wqrship vhyth was followed hyhymn by MtsBruce Cowan Roll call was answered by verse on love Minutes were read andwpproved also errespondence Awhich in cluded letternftomScotl Mis sin alt was decided to send donation to Snott Mission The secretary was io write to engage speaker iqrihankorfering meet ing usually held early in Octéher Scripture was read fhy lilirs Mayes prayer hy Mrs Fra Blank Mt at the other memes Men women chmch with amen 10 wk mt partners inthe elmeh Mazu sated men and mufï¬ns canietquve men Mahmoud rtewank as an mm In Bible times menudm took equal parts and no amine tlon in and Weneither men or men may Attending molest ni pictures of well hnown thrillill leaders In giving mm to thegpicturesnt Julian run Nelson rolgaamethlng 11f note about eagh hymn Ind Migahhenedlctiou hrouï¬lt the meetingto clnse Mrs Mel Aytmtaud Mra shines Campbell assisted the Men wlth union delighqu WA Eh meeting was held all the home of Mrs Mervin Buath and npened with singing the theme hymn fullnwed by pmerhy rm Nietnr Small Mn Emld Jill hertsongrsad your on iPsalm of the Trees atter Which 1118 Elmer Trait song 1610 Tunes Mrs Wanlsss read very inter1 esoing naper on Prayer of the llrees and the hymn Unto the Hills was sung The offering uhe rollcall 5A service can was dedicated by Mrs TWuiless render toxmy church was well responde gto The minutes weremad and 4111 proved lsu aleiter from Miss Beth ddleslon who is leaving sounder mission iield Prea sureris report was xrud Plans vere eumpleted Jar Va cation Bihle School Exmu Pratt elOred segmenting with prayer very iaaty lunch was served by Mrs Wice Mrs IVPope Mrs Ayarsfhlra runes Assisted hy lh Mrs Booth over Show The ilarlies sate naked to keep mlnrl the annual Ifiower show iiiCommunity lisil nnuiAngusttzo True ists some as last year and anyone not having we may at same fromMrs Hand in rrrln Arrangement or all complet ed or the thus July please mickthem up as snon as om Mrs Camp Ruraljneliveriea Jack Siephemscummenced to deliver thennail on ralruuie Cowan offering was dedicated by Mr hook chy iRaynor Will those having ordered tickets No which includes am Can £09 an nrinu winsols gt madaglutaveok maid m1 mry at mine Mm of the RIIEA unending Dr 11 masking wlm mm almvmo ni ive mt mailbox Muted tmn thew Wanda nonverbalWhit yindhemutNm mm mm emdstdmeï¬imcoel The mt at liuek Mrs Mrs mom wbiiduost week Lh and Mrs William Worms arm Willhm Shirléyndï¬nrdon n1 malned our sins dinner with their sitter mamas ook returnedhome liter three weeks with his niece and nephewDr ndMIs John Muteh And thirdly dtuMAxwell ï¬dfldny Grip Mr andï¬urs Nelson Watson and girls returned hflme Elna5 day after an renjoyahle holiduy trip dawn to Erince Edward Is land551m snails New uhrune wiek and duck home Waugh use Mrs Mary mounds and ï¬rst gunman merry Man an rammtwith Hrsߢlohnlou who Skyler oi Man visiting with lhis skier Miss Mr and Mrs lien ldnnbunlld and Mie mt Espannla with Mi 111i lira Ehird MissdlinlaSproule Actontawlï¬a and Mrs thrird Hrs Emir Ayersifloore£ield withher unand mily Mrs Ile Mr any andndjamilyniSaultSie spa in 1th cotta Grids mu Dunlap hymn flaredfl in mi Johnd uni John Juhlimns sinIt 0P Thisecnnomlcallyaiesigned weekend cnh uV hasnian Menhlormvemight gue am can drenhtliheroerflanl polsycentre awim max1 mlrketiastVSImrday nnd my mum Mt nddredzwke lgni MWP¢ lnr sale 35c amt Goosebenles wereSOcaquan v9obl Ripere mwtgerriajweremt lsitnne laments hunch movlns 35cman waninihe pndnlkg durum Pott plantarMentame chipmunk hunch ran russelxprou 10¢ a=huhch werememnstquu also tamer Lanla syn market shell gain on the In Kalli typ Val and ï¬le of orjor parate éoitage for the youngsie is 011 htedwellvenilaied gt gt hunzhgrheels lo were hire lddedlltnctiona ntAthe hrroriged ypr actlcal advantages that mahelld veryme helvge resin can enally he diri led tam ram with 5th undid ï¬lings nfsum straight line esigu this heral Electric refrigera ors right intuithe kitchemt give us ran wail all