Canada Wood Specth W1 Low Protesor Roam now Key Club Lloyd Stevenson Jessie amen Dr Evans BDCCI Student can Miss Keith Miss mu 1mrrmdm Mhrn jrRAIvsmssroN LINE inthe SiXthCdnc€ESlfln orNespm an as an Connemara mnsmimsjs BnyGLSnv Changeoqu CouncilMeeï¬ng For this week only the regul ar medlng of council which in set byhth to be the third Wednesday of the month will he held on Thursday Some of the members were away attend ing other functions on Wednes day Wednesday is our day for the annual fishing party which we attend and at which we hav yet to catch ntish 0th and Stroud Grain ityHoil Fallow ng the presentation of request to council that the Stroudhnll and property be made Public Community Board uncil have appointed board which includes Reeve SprouieDeputy Reeve Wlk liam Campbell and Clifford Car scadden Gordon 711i Mrs Ed gar ThompsonMrs Gill bins and Fred Muiholiand The act requ res that the appointed members ould represent vari ous groups of citizens wan Commence Dril Ing Park Well 11 to replace the dug the camping grounds of the par will be drilledA éon tract hasbeenJet with the Ram er well drilling firm to putJ down sheincbrasing at cost of $650 foot The presentde has been und inadequate this dry summ There is consider able from the present artesia oil which miehtbe piped todthernparts of the park by use offplastidpipe This was an alternative Dangerousw The mast erected back of townshi building by the police commis on as number of guy wires th bottom at which are dangerously in the way o1 per sons walkin tunder Arequest from councillias been made that this lieprotected Finds Go age Dumper Whena citizen from the town north our township tookthe for drive they also took along the garbage to get rid of It may have beenrthaihtho im nde shxffbsEkg the regular manner they drove downoneuo auxignore lone that all bird the papora feed and among the pile had them lso that hm 33 HWeV€l they missed th an rather than take the get rid of it in accessory ulldin doing George ltustzm wastried under the bylaw which governs buildings and rate Gordon Foste found guilty He had been remmded Ior sentence but when this data came up Mr Ruston hadtobiberl too freely and was unable get news having to appear on chargeot being intoxlatedglietwu found the utenmtive o£a in ih aï¬o dict was gtannounced Mrlluston took the alternative days in jail on that charge also It was not knotbn liese will debt to community once however will he abode whilst th county ail Will and Mrs MnttParks and daughters oi oilonto ted on the home of Jack otsteel from yr nits wnsmlrce over in th summer allow and alsodrov erails crop However thin serious asvdone Isst weer Bile later Ind hm Mr all having vicintnd wwnshin bylaw lnso their locationsl After consideration by MEng to court This resulted in hisf the guilty ver run concurrently or not so that he would the sien out into the tut dresses worn the Eightinch natural gas lifeline Gesz we as some tended thelfunenl oi theJorm flted Blues ieeling hewitched and bewildered by conflictof ideals or losin sleep over Sputniks there is fan anti doze atD Plaza where the current shdwr thethentre the round is Silk5tockings The show gives delighblul and comforting pictu vat th western cohception of that Rus ind with kick aysome ericantraits Silk Stockings will already liefamiliar t0many in the mo rn v1e and in many re much mo bothinthe bleak uniform of her country and in fanci ring sfying side homidiand Russian InParissh city with the mos charming xAnjierican with whomshe foil inlove However sheudolespretum her eiand flout therer happ if rather improbahl ndin tbh eiiev able vnranner adequstely compen 11 she maylack easy perform ealrest mom ighiy ram Myérs Arthur Seeien make the bestof thesong number Siberia They also iven with the help of the chorus the bright openingto Actlwo set among eï¬t bank the bookstails on the iéh poor is well staged dd effective ensemlb There show for Music Fairy bevSongfot Norwayl withm by Edward eg Sl JOHNS 0P of the=iamed aci schooner Biuenose was on display in star wintiow erehefore being mffl off proeedsof tickets to goto th aid retardedvchildsen Dixie ape andMrs GeorgeDexter days with Wilkinson feel hit the media and Family Court is awonderfni thing to have in this county and it is very necessary service to the communi ANGUS Wad in room Yen Mr and Mrseru Taylor at During his residence in Port Arthur Mr Hardy had becnmn active worker in St Johns An Klican churchof which he was crs grandmother Mary Ellen member He had been Taylor at Barkwny Gemetery on Friday July 47 Mrs Taylor was in her 100th yearlwhen she died Mr and Mrs Taylorspent the weekend at Housoy Rapids with Verns parents item and Mrs Paul Field few days with Me the church At one time he had played oronet in the Port Arthur Band Fond of the out doors he enjoyed skatingx Mr Hardy wasvpast master of Thunder Bay Lodge AF and AM No1 16 past grand steward the Grand Lodge meddle ot the Preceptory and member of Shuniah LodleAFnnd AM and member of Khartum Temple 01 and Mrs Stewart Dexter and babth of mingled span i118 twee of the Shrine £1 agents Him Gemge The family home for mnny years was on Pearl SLvSurviving Mmï¬egadwglgirsggéflda Egrare fixation Ross Windsor daugh jinn amen Mr and Mrs Thomas lilorrnan ofFortWiliiam Bruce of Meadow Lake Sash Begin aid and Roy otFlorid rs Mrs William Henry of liar isvihie Mich and Mrslevr Wilicox Waterbury Conn His wife Marion predecesse 1952 in Port Arth service will ening in Walterj Kelly fu ral home in Windsor with ev Kenneth Jags body will arrive Mr and Mrs Jerry Marescnux Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Fred Latimervand Mrs Sandford Dempster Miss Joan Bridger Maple is spending her holidayswlth her grander ts Mr Mrs Gor don Bush Judith Bushytoni alsospent few days with grandparents Bush in Port Arthur at LL5 pmSaturdayaccompari1 gt led by the son and daughter The funeral will befheld at 245 Saturday from ther cbxpe North CourtSt to StJohns Anglican Churchfor service at gt 312111 it eral will be under Thunder Bay Lodge union at Springwater Park on Saturday July 19 at pm Bring picnic basketand cupstea mmer Flook on July atjthe Royal Victoria Ho after five weeks there the and isirlcthave lost va resident end expend at Guthrie etery Julyh20 Servr at warden and filled all officesof rs ohnIMsson twosisv Hie mum serviée an Honduy July7 in Vlhe Jennett Funeral Home Barrie when neighbori and friends in townwere pies ear together with relatives here and Inn distance some of whom were Mr and Mrs Flock of Port Arthur Mr and like Flook tram Ottawa Cummer and son from Penn Bylvanla Mr and Mrs Flock Thomhill Mrs McKiliop of Richval Mr and Mrs Kirby and Mr Smith from Willowdale Mr und Mrs Clnrk ol Listowel Mr Arm strongand Miss Eagieton of Toronto Interment was inBlrrie 11 ion Cemetery and pailbearexs Fleming Dr Haslett bras Henna Mnll Cunningham Andrew Gum and Donald Bell Massesvof lovelyflowers were from relatives and friends and AF and DP gt to trét United Clmrch Group Commit tee ThirdIBarrie Scouts Cund Womens institute staff of lnnistil Packers Mansfield may her cduof Canada Ltdi Man field Employees Association and 1th Unit in Rtnrr JEWlillIilsl nmmom arson Sparkling momma mo hing miener Iliad is gold GuthrieUnited Church adj unng cemetery Ven Archdeacon Lighthournbf Shonty Bay will theminister Get the beauty gin mm paintlor randsave money to Se the staff of Simcoe County