umum Mummm 41 fly meme WomenrEdltpr Yesterday was not anunusual dny in the lives most péople around town great mhny eréti comforts oi the each sharp stones weedyvlakebotloms mosquitoes aii the luxuries n1 theo tdoors whardyandmore lev souls burnt on benches worried aboutthcotfice Ladies continued luncheon deplored the rising cast at living and discussed fthat womans poor huusekeeplnlhabits Oifice girls pondered the possibility ofsgueezing new bathing suit the lowcut back variety out of this weekspay The gay bladesaround town tried to wrangle an invitntlon to the girl friends cottage TWO SETS OF SKISi And yesterday hallway around the world another type at but caused radiation powerful enough to destroy the ofï¬ces in which the local wheelr sitblisterthe back oi Inynne ventnring into itsJay and mm todays very import ant housekeeping duties take backseat to prayer and mourning vgt their offices and Graham Mthef pour tea planned acnldondreasytoprepare PERSONAL nd Mrs Sid Douglint EdenvaieJndzura MiryNVard 100 horsepower 32 loot inboard and Barrie spent Sundny at the Douga Dell cottons Orchard Beach wmn there they met their mece Phyllis Dongnii triend oi Toront For the mob that hung the Crown Princeat lraq williin all probability rankin historynvith the mamwho shot Austrias Arch Duke Ferdinand in 1914 and with the voters who decided to return the coalrsoh Rhine to Germany in 1938 And how did the extremely tense intdrnntional situation invade the womens column of medium size threeiimesaweek paper Very simply The seriousness olihe midAEastern situation should not be considered matter to be discussed by John and his Cabinet Minis ters and played on the front pages ot the metropolitan press to be quickly passed overby about 50 per cent oi the readersJar either the sports section or thecomics Because the people ï¬ghting in lraq Cyprus Algeria and Central America arent just the top government executives but are the mases the oilice workers the man who delivers the mall and getshlt by the family dogs the everpresent students and the unemployed and hungryvlnborels Whelilel history will justin the landing ofthe mueh applauded US Mar es may notlbe known for many years But immediate results will be felt everywherein the pocketbook in the news and in the minds of those who botherto think about it And it the results come to their logical coaclusion nd dont talk about it in whispers or ignore it or pretend it isnt imminent it will liethe members oi the Barrie Collegiate Band nnw happily lull of plans tor their tour who will¢ross the sea tor another rea son the many handsome grooms decorating todnyspapcr may soon be ï¬tting themselves for more austere outfits than soupn ï¬sh and by the time theyre celebrating their silver anniversary the talk may centre around the honpymnoninterruptcd by world War In And thats why the death of iraqs Crown Prince is as much topic or Around Town as the latest whoworewhatandwhere Becausethe men women and children tighting inother parts of the worldand ignorantly labelled as Communists in that glib manner in which we delend our own indiffer ence to their plightmay have an elleet on the City Status of Barrie the developmentnnl color TV fluoridation in drinking water and bank accounts And everybody owesit to themselves Khowjntowha tle wori is gettihg them The townsocialgatherins can tempo ly take backseat to an event which may not have been voluntarily read by many but vhich rnay forced change in their lives And hopetulswriting their Senior Matriculation history exam in the future may be asked to answer suchquestions as How did the revolution in Hungary contribute to the downfall of the United Nations and lossoi influence of the Western powers and Where did the Westernpowerslcause the third war through their settlement of the second And yet yesterday was just an ordinary hot summer day around own groonisman Mreand Mrs Ver3ll years celebrated their liltieth wedding atmivgtsï¬aryhtï¬heir homeon William Street onSaturday uly tourththairled in EasingtonCounty at Durham nglond hfattl have ion brothers and n1924 They can guestsat their oven house that Among loviers recelved wer bouquets II the 2year club at lnrlte dz ClarkefLeathv erswlicre Mr Watson is still employed as receiverand ironi the company supervisor gitt Lorna Joan Fisher daughter or Mr and Mrs Fis Sunnldaie Road Barrie married Brendan Gerard so Mrs James Gerardtot Edinburgh Scotlandnndthe lateMi Gerard on Saturday July mm in an afternoon ceremony in Trinity Anglican Church Reverend snorting oriented Cowperstudlp leen in marriage by her fath nioue goldplate couple dame Nsturdbgnb accur olo many ierent sections including the Air achianitoekyY rin tain and Paciï¬c CoastareasL toaster was one oi the runny presented to commemotate the occasion The coup we two sons James in Halifair an unable to attend th celebrationgand Mrs Brand Angus flhey also have five gr dchi dren ondonAlbert MN en itlmuddyh the worst time to bo dachshund or the bride wore ballerina icngth gown ot white nylon chif ion ller fingertip veil Wos caughtato pearl and lridescent sequin crown and she carrieda cascade oi red roses and steph anotis The brides twinsister Mrs1 Middlebro Petenborough was matron oi honormshe Wore dress of thinegreen nylon chiffon styled on similar lines to the brides gown with matching headdress and carried pink earner lions Mark Fisher of Barrie was Middiebro was usher iirs Percy Roberts playedthe wedding music At the reception held inthe home of the brides parents Mrs Fisher received the guests wear ing aniicetblue embossed cotton dress with hotel darkenbluea Following honeymoonr in Washington and Southern States the couple willmake their home Willowdaie ncuuonsn smothers suMMizn roorwsnnar are savrflcs Intlots ti Casuals wmrnr BEIGE 6Némcr Shop Early For To CLEAR Selection NyLoN srnaws knob Dialcontrolled exhaus ven Ihesemo dels are flushmounted and extend only from apes Size mall medium and large in broadcloth have been hoochiosmgs Sires A3236l 1i38C3438 mop lntownzi 22DunlopStE rhpna rA 84470 ChillVA ruminations founder barrier eucovei glamour to beau Fully Here 11 main cottons SizesA 32 36 $2097 900 pAerE enemas pow net or myoneiastit aliwi 3398901901 embrodered cotton styles erepadded and nwhiteSome sanitized for lasting reshness Back $ll50