ammonia JUNK nu rgvKiwanis Member mun runway Foxmums us EXAMINER DISTRlBUTEOR 60an JAMES Newman CPAL has gained the honor Lei appearing in this space this week because oi the particularly stirring job he did in selling peanuts In fact he is one oi our bcttcr salesmen oi thiseate gory and it matters not what territory Gords been in them all bulletin writeup four years ago by the then editor stated that Gord was one of the young Kiwanis or member of Barrie Club incl which still holds true and his characteristic was slrong on details which also sticks since he is an accountant when not on the golf course or at the curling rink Thc bulle tin also listed him as keenly interested in all manly sports We have ascertained that the subject of this sketch was born at Washogo son of Mr andMis Leonard Needham who now re side in Milton His iatheFMas CNR station opemtor there later came to Barrie inthe same posi tion in 1035 He was despit chcr at Allandale later and then went to Milton as agent Gord completed his schoolingin this town obtained senior matricula lien and finally graduated as Certified Public Accountantrfle returned here to work with the firm of Herbert Harris and Co of which he is now part ner under the name of Harris Needham and Wright Joined Kiwanis in 1052 and lhe club soon recognized good man to handle the money so elected him treasurer which position he capany tilledior several years in thejsports line he was he tiveal school but his hestgame was hockey and when Hap Emms had his first team of Bar ric Fiyors in the DEA Junior series 194546 Gord Need ham was one of five homobrews selcelcd As such he was also included in the celebrated but shoruived sitdown strike Viior more pay by the locals who ï¬gured they wereworth as mueh or more than someofthe imports Previously he had played church league hockey was on the Barrie Lions team which won the Ontario JuvenilegifB championship oi the OMHA and then the Barrie reached the finals in DHALJum ior Left wing or centre Took up golfing seriously when hockey days over andhasdevclv opéd into quite piayeiphandi cap down to 14 and championship flight this season Was captain of the Barrie Coun try Ciub last season Has com pleted two seasons of curling and also is developing Much in demand last winter by some or the namef skips So much for sports But here is many of many parts He is member of Collier Street Un ited Church and 2Kerr Masonic Lodge Married of course Mrs Need ham the former Ramona Warehant of Barrie They have two daughierspWendy agersix Colts which into the in college VWas Mr and one Frank liodgins nltended thc iiincral oi Alcxhnder Thorborn at Qrillia SnndaySchool Picnic The SundaySchool picnic held last Wednesdayevenin Was ye wcii ammo wlth the weather so cool There was picknp lunch and pickup ball team and raccsforthe ki Everyono WPDIte verylnice evening ex cept orthe cool weather collectionwas takenthc proceeds being $36 which will he used ior Sundny School work and prizes for the evening Sympathy or Community Thevsympathyoi the commun ity goes to the Campbell family in Campbell andtizMrs John Lock hart hisanly ster that is leit and brother liussell The funeral was iron the Lynn Bishopfun eral parlors where there was service and the Orange Brethren otiieiated at the grave side The pallbearers weresix Orange Bro thers Mervin Russel William Taylor Orville Taylor George Lockhart Joseph Lockhart and Manley Edwards Mrs Campbell predeceased him by severallyears Alliston Visitoni Mrqandflvlrs Robert English of Alliston calledat Mr and Mrs JEdwards andv151tcd in the Summer Jobs Miss yornaBrownand Pauline Robinson are leaving ftowork at Wasaga Bea ehighseh ean have completed their studies for theyear Little Lake Picnic Mr and Mrs Orval Edwards Glenda and Leonard were at Little Lakeata picnic onSunday family gettogether or the Whe thams Waverley Funeral Several from here altendedlhe andGail alb Three years ago movedinto new home on one oi Barries newsstreets Agnes Street And despite all the above items to keep manihusy Gord managesto spend some time there too THOUSANDS 0F FARMERS and their families from all portsoi Ontario visited Onto ioAgricuitural College Guelph dur Farmwand Heine Week when the at only totjhe inrmersï¬ot Shown herevare some or the lossof their ither Richard 01 stufl Giéncnlr funeral at Cecil woods ympa thy gocgto Mrsuwoods and their only daughter Mrs EarleLauder and one grandchild Heather Lauder There was an Orange service held Friday coinsby the Waverley lodg Severai lodges attended the serv TY eral service washhcld Church of theGoodSh Wyehridge and burial wasIIin Wavarley Anglican Cemetery Mr and Mrs Harold Orillia visited infth on Sunday WAWMS Meeting The WA and WMS will beheld at the home of Mrs Sirath on Tuesday evenln granddaughter Wendy left by train for Saskatchewan to visii her daughter MrsE Jennett soninlaw and grandchildrcnn Mr and Mrs Eric carry Debbie and Darei visited Mr andMrz Orval Edwards on Sunday Calf Club Meeting The Junior Farmersh their calf club meeting on Fndeyeven ing good turnout was re ported The ball game played at vasey Saturday night was quitc deieai 17 for Allenwoodandj5ioerasey We wish Vasey bottle lucknext time Cieanlng Up There is lot at hrusliin VCapt 1n and Mr of Victoria HarbouL Mrs McKeown and Melville 3MeKeovin and Donald ander the holes stairs onnid nilaims aéftney viewedT on exhibit on work simplification Pat Smit xiiid Brion ransom MrsDelbert rails Lain Mrs William Redpathand Dawn Redpnth Mar Enker Mncdonald staff Sunnidale Corners Athnslde Churc Several of the Young ples Society memberswere to Leasidc Presbyterian Church recently to hear Re Rex Krepps otYerdcn Manitoba Aiter the mice firesidewas heidat hi Rev andLMr Krepps showel lldes peslone indian Reserve and 13 lo Residential School Since the ry pro iect forthis year Iistn rovids money for vice was 17 th YoungPeople Farewell Party nd neighbor at the local hall tohidia eweil sold her service station here Arthur Blackburn Slayner Show to slides oI his trip to Florida Thomas Patton read ad oifarewell and liood presentedMrs Martin with piece of luggage and Mrs Martin made very reply Lirnch brough pieasant evening to close sympathyoi Communin ate Mr Willi picnic Little Lake rig June 25 Vasey are cateringtothe cud with Mr Torre to ers Jamlk Martin who has iy is extended to the ariuyo£ Mason on new ANY ms owninn Innvro srnafion non Leash IN BARBIE momma nnvnvsshoo oArirAL on Genuine arriilcnms honouru FOR DRILLIA FA 5100 rum rnancULnns PHUNE STHES or over twenty ond ow new paying in ma end mom originn Willinninoberi on and Eleanor at illington were weekend vigilan with Mn lio harm tnother Mrs Thompson Mr cod lira Artvnymentaud Sharon room and family Mr and Frank McNiven and family Mrs Johanule Mr and Mn Earivnuie and anal visitedneeenlly with the formern uncletaaii aunt Mr and Mrs William Bell and ily Pics At Annivernry Service gt filthindium Rule and Ann attended anniversary service at Knox Plus on Sunday Rev Mr Young of Collinewood war the special apcnker Visltlng Minister lhe minister It the Presbyten in Church on Sunday was Rev Mr Mitchell oi Klncardine He was Snlurday night guest of Mr and Mrs Melville Bates IN industrybecause of the avail ability cheap hydroelectric power heap transportation via the Greeruku and St Lawrence River oi iron ore from Minnesota coallirom Pennsylvania and oil and rubber from ioreign fields diverseuw materials from farms forests and mlnesandthe omni presenceota large working force and richconsumer markethas become innior actor in On taiios oco mi development deputy minis and technical Stir beenoctive in varied vitics untilhe enter service iirsl in Que aler in the lederal native oi Labelle Que bec he was named deputymihr taterin 1950 for largeConodicn manufacturer anddesvigner of inter communicatiowequipmenr for offices ischools and institutions etc Distributor ï¬nest have sales force or be in position to develop one Product well established lbadked by national advertising and strong sales promotion1This can be very rewarding for the right party References requiied oox No 77 um EXAMINER put quail yvviirst ï¬ve or as membe outdaignletsyou htahl rid Youre on of the massive you Ford odors hi the most its ï¬eld It Like all construction erperts Ford engineers The heav gauge stee seal for the body of he sameastiia used in many of priced They protect you against losswbiic away from home fDONTTAKECASH4 take lraveIers Cheques Safér than cash everywhere II Easy tocashlanywhere The post email Our aim unkni indudn minis Accounts nnsnm comm Accoum cumin Autumn 1mm or euro mulch Illumulcu contempt msnmiuu mm Imnr mu nuts or mum unm atom umn Iv mu lieu mmvmm mu MI hull of mu unim at 1m Iumt Iracl TllE CANADIAN BANK OFCOMMERCE MOI IAN 77 IMNCNES ACIDS CANAlIA REA IEKVI Y0ll BARBIE sauce sost MANAGER leanstrucï¬mi ordsheav girder frame has rextrd igidity Its bowed lower in thecarfor more saf to within the protec fr me Alipartsof the for miixirhunistrength and Thenbody and frame are mounts cushion body om frame sedan and hardtops Vibration iadampedoutiorgxeate comfort bonded together into single solid silent unit To thesafety of sheer strength Ford adds th safety of Lifeguard Design Featuresliketbe deep center steering wheel doublegrip door locks and optional padding for the instrument lt1 offer an extra measure of phssenger protecti Fords highquality standards payde for with car thatsworth morewhen you when you own it and when youflcome soil local Ford Dealer for demonstration Askyou The proofls the driving Five slacluovs mom spiln thejxoorjn sedans and hardtops Jenin pared to two or threevin Corripcti up modelt ior added safety ynt arcnnchored hit and not to the floor This reduces seats flying iorwnrd on impact