THE CROWLEY nouns eronr nannoons nve cmsers mm cunnon noon 24500 to Garage 1770 ft DIMENSIONS JM 26 Wide clapboards and stones combine to make odistlnctive ex terior tinisba completely in harm any with the architecture of The Crowley Either plain wood or masonryï¬nish could be used with attractl results if you do not care for combination extor ior Blinds the round window in the bathroom the three windowed bay in the living room and the wide chimney all provide addi ROOM OF THEIR provide the perfect swat for growing family proh ismsmiller every modern mom dividingrequiremenn They smoothly changevone roomuinro two ata touch For homes as well as for commercial buildings and insriruthns their sturdy steel framework and durable dérnlcld Doors and Walla whicb can ideal For aYourig and Grow tional decorative appeal for the house exterior Measuring 55x26 The Crow ley is built along simple unclut tered lines and demands simple landscaping Cubage of the main house is 24500 feet Overall dimen sions are 33mm The garage wing has cubage at 7770 feet The front door opens on small ball that contains both coat closet in which to hang guests wraps and regular closet in whiCh you can store your fantilys rain garb or any other items which could most conveniently be kept in this section of your home Youll ï¬nd the lavatory placed to the right all the hallway most convenient both for your guests and foryour family If you do not want to finish the second floor until some future date when you have some need at the extra room the lavatory can double as bath roomi handsome Living oorn tli ghtnl6 and handsome living room The three windowed bay in the front wall and thelarge ï¬replace in the right wall are the decorative highspots of the room Both fea tures also have practical values for the windows provide lotsvof extra light sunshine and ventil ation for the room the ï¬replace will prove well worth the space itgccupieson many chillyday or evenith us THE AND YOU wlLLesr PlUMBlNGHEATlNG v04 wnl Wm 84 DUHLOP 51 wm View PA e377o Pi my WAY We pan of Allieentry huhis thes owner alums like are new citizens uttilecanadi institute at Plumbing 51 Haatiogpol on use me hwn thorn made fodcamawanept authorities alreadym more belt or leéfnolb wel regulated but draughtvtrea heat iditiedheltand ad P6 Jinan their hordeme ban money to vdo oo ï¬bula cheNi erad with uncontrollable interest gm gates and hackwar aperlod also help youto keepth uncluttered by providln alragu lar and convenie regs spot for your books Against the un broken section of back will would make tinE129 at location for your television et The den or guest bedroom IS located to thelaft off the living room Measuring 13 bynï¬ the room is assured at good light and cross ventilation through the three windows in he back wall You can easin and conveniently use this asareg bedroom it youdo not wan second floor at the has the house is built welllighted room wit spacefor attractive arrangement of your dining room iture The builtin china closet left back corner of the room ideal storag and display spotlor your line china and glassware tu botto iorwyou ndr to take advantage otthelight and view provided by the threex dows in the trightvwnllwhen ranging your diningjtnble and Conveniently nea room the kitchen isplaiirieda room for condortablerhreaktaat nook in the back rlgh er the room chen is counters sink line the left wall of the The sink isvplaced in he centre of the array under th eslwiti dow looking out onthe ha lgynrdi IBllieprintaAvllila empletej pia and specific nns for this hduse nd 31 work centre yet containsenough Edmonton With has currently immuneperhaps not indesig but certainly in amenitle ii in lllower countertop type WI basin its gleaming new mince andtgenarai appearance of clean jiineas luxuryandgood taste will reinvenato our in almost no other iype of renovation cm And the kitchen the oom wh reso much oftbe daily workis oneulrthe anallzeinoa housewiies dream when Is now combination link and tub unit with bullltltt cupboards and sparklingdrainboardspis flanked by roomy 1amrklnganrtaces to form the nerde céhtre around become pant of to tinlah the plywood isexeellént material for garden rnltur The handy whichtodaya more vim Phil ances can put toiwork Houses renoviitetl in this flay through the help of me lm provement Loansriare no iltely io RENT man alon yaarto come staa wlll providelor theiiown eraboth comfort and oh to PItBllTfllN one of many for the otlered by modern sylterns the as rt attractive mom divl creative solution totha ro blem otlrortricted leingapace in memo is room divider treat men anetlanlblinds in result otthe use of this venetian blind room divider crowded livinsroom dining room area become cool and opacious oasis 2dotv harried president The blinds hang rom ceiling to floor to separate thegtwo rooms Bothversatile and flexible the idlvldet inno thicker thanvlts blinds and ls completely tunob trusivevwhen stored under the bend rail at the ceiling ribll wall that isno wall ma consistent three airlillividual hiiiriids Depen ng upon me ay and mood any combination oi the three can beused raised centreblind will create the illu sion door norexample Even ings =after dinnerprivacy and warmthcanha achieved by draw beproudof aft tti the together centr id Mark his all three blinds and retreating contoi int Inn roomdi layAdesigncd to illustrate thisvlea urethe divider slats are striking mlng hlue icefblue and blue linen tweed ot ipnelontone random stripe with blue lirien tapes and matching bluefcordsw Toconveyla sense of therapen sky the blue of the adrailia carried onto the ceilln Accord ing to the designer One wants continuity in order to lncreualthe feeling of space and air Blinda because of their flexibility are easy to handle for this purpose They alsocan be used to create an atmoth of texture warmth andicolor interest and are perfect light and ventilation controls White walls and white nylon rug are in sharp contrast to the brilliant blues of the divider as well as to the raw silk acid green sofa and windowcurtains of green and blue linen block print Considering matching Woods to he oldfashioned the designer has utilized both graded and natural walnut cabinets with cone backs and added brass legged tile table modern eight light brass wall bracket lends added dignityto the surroundings gwbile elegant white chimwlare with the tradi iional gold and blue rim placed on light pink table mats grace th dining room table The drama and excitement this happy melange of woods styles and colors createsa total eliect that is neither modern nor traditional but is comfortable and ment of furniture regordlng the heating plant entirn ly todays methodaiol heatedla tribulion open new horilonsdn the housewifein thenrrnngernent of her livingrooin as wella other rooms in thehome Con cealed radiators and basebo radiatorshave revolu nized possibilities Tier attractive rooni where furnishings may be arran ed without regard to lostspace formerly takenvup fby radiatora Concealedconvcctor radiators may he used and are recessed so that more space is allowed against walls and free choice of arrange is permitted Evennewer and some home own hln smarter is baseboard tslncreaslnggpopuio ty has been particularly notic the houses re the style eleme and is shaped iikc the convention at baseboard and replaces itv AV CqflVEctOl isoonoealed insidennd openings attop and bottom perlt mit lull circulation of air They provide uniform heat starting at ankle level Either oi those new er systems of heat distribution can usually be installed in older homes with less cost and lncon venlencathnn you might thin The best advice the nstltute Ives to those interested in more comfortable home ï¬th more economical heating 45 to first get the advice ota reliable heat ing contractor Every home prc ents its own problems and no go eral soiutihnvcan cover all case of one thing you can be our though in almost every case has been found that the nctua cost ofmodernizlng the heating system in an older home has been lower than the er thought Possible Where it is more convenient to do so payment for such Home through Government sponsored Homejlmprovcment Loan lAny branch Bank Manager can give you allvthe details and you will hesurprised at the modest carry ing charges and the easy planof repayment yet provides distinctive living for any home otany time of day ï¬rPlarl inHSummer For BetterHealing In Winter convenience ola lessthancozy dwelling which many families enf dure when Old Man Winteritalics over But take over he will and wise homeowners plan inwthe good weather months ior chilly days to come Between May and September is the periodï¬when it will pay to make critical ap praisai of how much comfortyou enjoyed last winter and how much it cost The Canadian In ti tut of Plumbing and Heating points out that inmany hundre of homes across Canada iamnes arepay Whon summer weather makes keeping cool the problemitsensy to forget the discomfort and in IF YOU shank wmta vioLINiYou 6W lth AwwsreaL units2mm HEATlNG Im IIBMULCASTER sr BARRIE your lumberneedsprovlded you can meet the monthly paymentswhich are rotten cut you ow llilyin FlicREring Lights lfoor Lighting ebony chairs Improvements can be ï¬nanced PLUMBING es than th be supplied ï¬t anywlze Jiglnir closure Doors which you can inniuv yoursellaodwhichaumiie nhie in standard oer sized neiszlnance Plan is specially mLhnilLantoLtownrwithnut 393 its momma AND NDUSTRIAL WIRING naramwonx easy active The goodr interior HEATING NSTALLATI oomflmgas