General Itfin snark new MONoAY Junezs i958 Severn River Tour county council on erniflliiver By LGS Only mill percentage oi the residents of Slmcoc County have ever taken the boat inpup our northern river boundary Last Thursday the county council went on tour that took themto Port mm 356 rmriuro trim an lsEthe massive steel lerowavetower at Oliveréomilesnorth of Northï¬ay in the TransCanada Telephone Systems coastto coast microwave networkohetowerweighs 120 tons and tains the largeststeel angle seetlons lever rolled The ge antennae shaped like sugarscoops each weighing 700 pounds simultaneously transmit scores of telephone messnges as well aSVCBC television programs hey ring the hell YesClass ads rcallyring the bell when comes to getting action on PA 82414 vnnv snooptumour STARTING JUNE 5250 course no admission to dor isglivAYIoNs ruoaz ON on DANLEHE MITCNELI srnoun aim NIARIO Check your kn ledge Iry identiiymgiius 1203 in Hospital Frch Who was taken in Collingwooki and Hospital iolipwingja heart attack early illursdayr morning lllln Tour Mr and Mrs John DeGorber and Mr and Mrs OIine Rawn were among those from North Sinicon whu cnjdycdthc Farm Management tour on Thursday visiting farms in Ontario Coun ty atBeavcrton Port Hope and Oshawa llascllfl school pupils played at Snndrarleay RoscmalyK Doreen Smith and Harold Atki sonwercsuc ssiul studcn Grade 12 ha ng no ï¬nal exams ear long to write again th gratulniions Congratulations hndMrs Steve hawngwho cel hrnied thEir 40th wedding anni Vesrary on Saturday with iam at Springwater ily gathering gt sunday Guests and Mrs were Sunday and Mrs HEX takes about owent old Smith and family and at anniversary services at the cat makera inp visioors wit tended Crosslandand Edenvaie Birthday Wishes Manyhappy returns to Master Kennethboan Smith who cele hrated his 10th birthday on wMr Severn by bus They then hoard ed launches which tog lhemnin groupsoitenormreup Seyern River through iheGlou ccstcr Pool and on up over the marine railways the ï¬rst one which lifts the host 767 tent on rails held in steel cradlewhich is lowered into the water andlhe boat lasted lntolt Then on again to Severn Falls where an hours stop wasmadc and refreshments were available Then in by the boatsup to Hydro Glen where another marine rail way liils the host 47 ieet At Hydro Glen where power is produced for the wn oi Orillia at lenst somc oi itasrthe volume of water which is available this year is the loWestlthnthasnhecn recorded shine the lant went into operation over 30 years ago Only couple oi generators can be operated at one timejas the level of the river must be main tained at all times From thisplaccth are he reads out and the residents living there to operate thc government marine railway and those who run the generators have no way out except by riverior plane Then is trail that oliavvs thehigh ten sion line thatvcan he operated over in Jeep butit cannot be called road Thisand other possibilities was some ot the bus incss that took houuty council over the tour Marinellatlways These marine railways which Were installed many years ago are limited to thesize andweight of thc host they can take They ore placed there instead of ocks when itvwnï¬ï¬oumifly tic hywateryld go way oithe mild In ccnlly howev major Lane who is loco supc visoroi the Lands and Forests conservation branch that en gineers from the Federal Depart ment oi Transport haveheen giv ing some consideration toenlarg ing these lifts sothat they Will take danger boats drawing more drnit This will allow the ownersoi large cabincrnisers to makethe trip from the southern parts at the United States up the Hudson River cross La Qntario and back nemss Georgian Bay to Chi cagowhere theyget to the Mississippi River basin nd hack to their home port This means that these eopiewill spend ng crahlc time is our local waters We were told by theoperatnrs of the lift railwayjhaton busy wenkendsthere was nline up and often as many assixsnlall boats are handled up jand down It Passengers are asked to walk the trip and said he enioyed every minute of iL gt The installation oi more mod crn type oi liit or locks woiiid at great importance to this water way which contrary to the opin ionoi many is becoming mo pooqu every year The river cuts through pk channel at times not more than hundred eel wide and at other times widening out into lakes There are hundreds otsummor homes minus the shores and on theistands There is room tor many morc No More Crown Land Major Lane told the audience at the dinner which was enjoyed at Tomes Lodge that there were no mororCrown lamian that sea lion They had last year unwor od more than 1200 enquiries to that etich The lands so all privately owned now st of Ihaton the south shore is in the Township oi Mnichedash He told the audience that there were Crown laudsavailable in Parry Sound district andryln the Mud say area but nut in the Lake Sim cnc district which covers the Sev ern River and Sparrow Lake The lodge where the council stopped or dinner was located on the line between Matchcdnsh Township and NorthOrillln on the shotsot Sparrow Lake The boats arrived there about 430 to pmand after some bracing refreshments the must dc licious chicken dinner wasserved The some 70 persons snmeul whom had joined the party thcrd hyper certainly enjoyed the re past The weather was brizhl andiovely Coats which had been hmnght nlong for theboat trip were not required After the iried chicken an dessert had dlsapnearcd the meeting wavwlled to order by Chairman James Patton who iroduccd the head table which consisted of JackOoiemanycoun crcs sandy Emma chaimi of Huronia Tourist Assoni ticnAibent Chivest of the Hun onia Society George Johnston HPPJudge Harvie Arthur Evans Warden at Lennon Department of Forestry Lake Simcoearca Alhert Eecv Hunter gt River Severn Crossing One of the purposes of the trip was to see the place wherethe extensidn Highway 400 will cross the Severn Elven This is very important as it is hoped although thereate no roadsthere now that an exit can be arranged at this point so that local municipalities may extend roads all directions from there and start achain of development which will bring thousandsor acres into the tourist area accessible byiroad ThisneW highway which is a1 ready underway north from 400 nutes ior up the steps of which there are many We marvelledatmiirs ior ExJwardenToni Simpsonrwho BARRIE 1mm this am whichhn 30 hr been untapped lfldliflkW with the section me direct route oParry Sound dVSodnny Some oi those who wue in the at that brought the Faunayol iicisls were shown thertakes on in island in the river Jar plats ing of the bridge Ibuimenis It is somewhere west of therailway hrldgo which carries the CPR across and up lhro tvwilr 11 herness This highway itis relieve Highway ll hours to mnketh tripiromtthe SeVern to Barrie are men ln mentioning this Meier pane told the gatheriugxthatlho ing would diker lieaomewhere near Swlit Falls lonsaid that he county council ivqu make me oiiortto getthis it ship bcr ior thatdistrict crby MP woul do as well He advise the co plea sure in belogpresent even though he did notch the rivertrip He said that he preferred to avoid the partmcnt He said 3always had every cooperation from the county and glad to no that their we minimum marï¬Wom tourist rbusiness Trip Revelation Warden Arhtur Evans as he had never was such heauty and tourist attraction at the nor hounds Hehoped this trip Mldrésult more being an trance made tu lllc said herealioed that the Holland River contribifled its share of thewaters thatdrained out to the Georgian route we hadTroll tourist biisinessiseveiyon earn it is sourtc oi the oi dollars and ho ARENA Stories rhaviug to take iour to live tuncom flies and mosquitoe wheninvi osaihllitles of output and opf ah to he of the Gnéer buses West the hackof the edge and after the Eelr Young Bride whated mg at 6d camus ohWednmday June 11an ohnwu was lipid in Honor murmurmy Wtinnneenlonna Bush fuse bride mind lovely and Mel ï¬ts jlha evening was 390301le India bountiful lunch om ior whiin Dorianihankvd In Maoriin basket at lovelyliowers placed lnï¬te United Church on Sunday June 15 by the Kirby family loving memory of Wil llam saw Preventdtion The United Church choir spent Sunday evening ith Mrand Mrs rxa VDexterand Ronald when ey presented 11on with beaniiui hpnn booerhe evcning wup spentin siugoong and pisnomusicplayed by John MINE bountiful lumhrwus served hydro hostess Whichms much enjoyed by all Flies Newer Shinley Pprier and Mrs Betty Munsdsen wenl by plane wNew York for the weekend MrandMrslFrancis Boot and baby nodules MPetm Reg of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mia Gcorge Dcx tor and rlionald nlruiu iiinutcr Cougratul on to Mr and hlls Iiobc mm ls ï¬shing chiefoijCainadiangï¬tneralaSléiij OTTAWA CHWGenenl SamuelElmiin cork edin the army nhrainy ï¬rm human Thn sharp featured serious looking pincer known through thermal Finclark beanpea this of th ArmyGeiicral Stat Aug 31 His appointment to succeed Lt Gen Howard Graham and his promotion Aug 31 to iieuteusut $eral were announced yesten en Graham 59 is retiring liter 42 years aelive service successor to Gen Clark as oflicer commanding Central Com lnnud at Ockviiieis to be chosen later allow slat15 oliicer dear crlbed Gen Clark sober tn Anpocarance but far more hu man than many who do not know him suspect lie is hautome almost suave in uniform wears ï¬nely trlnr and looks younger than his 49 years He is an electrical engineering graduatenoi the University roi Manitoba and of graduate in mech nnlcal engineering at thazudiver sity of Saskatchewan One oiiicer described him as welldued technical otileer well up on advanced mathematics physics and electronics always inr enough aheldpf his class to he iuliy in command of the situation lie leans towards science but is brainy in commonsense every day 59 EIiway vs his private dis quiet lie hashnd no children 33y his marriage in 1937 to Leona QSeagnm eigharrie He once played very good game or gull and also hndminton hut now hismainsporting Interest Clarks appointment clim axes aserlea or quick promotions beginning with WorldWar ll He was born St Patricks Day 1909ln Winnipeg and received his early cdne on there At hehegan his military career as lieutenant with1theRoyalCan adian oilsignala He wa promoted to captain in 1938 and became an associate pro lessorpi electrical andmechanical theftownihipwas reached Sparrow Lake station It was tuedgroup yet some pt thetiinanceand other cmnniittees had to hold meeting beforethey icit goes day in of county ouneillor engineering at Royal Military College Kings Attheouthrea of war he was appointed adiuiant oi the lst Can adian Corps oi Signals ln1940 in in andsent Ho became lieutenantcolonel in February 1941 1942 he was appointe staff officer at Conadi quarters handout He was promotedto colonel in January 1943 and was made brigadierin November 1955 regard mucus cmn On his return to Canada in 51945 Gen Clark was appoint ed deputy chief oithel general Its When next promoted in 19451 he was at40 the youngest majorgeneral lo the lie assumed his prgent appoint eutgst Oakvlllein was He is one oi the youngest men to become chiei oi the general stall AID NEEDED Direct government assistance to students has been scanty in the pastand many students of high intelligence who should have re ceived higher education have been prevented irom doing so by financial circumstances You FULL OVERED Lianiurv non ACCIDENTS uut happen an Your pmvznycauia relilysouso you uniessyou protect yourselrwltn the right insurance in Older meant Ihe proper Insul nee ior your no consult aners c2 SPECIALIST who can study Your Ins manned and give you the lowest cost commensurate with rarcty IVSTVEWSN see Us Finsr ron Insurance of ALL KINDS 95 Dunlop at no sszoi Reinrumor shrugs son pursue or Junior flyiï¬VYWEIGIIl DIVISION miss show suits are TUE