This week we have several clti zone to salute First we would mention Thom ashowman who was presented with statuctle at the Wardcns picnic Tom won the Domrnion championship was pleased to bring home thtschampinnship to the banner County 01 Simcoe and to lnnis flip the biggest rural township and to Knock community where have lived all my life Mr Bowman told the audience He is one at the few capable sheep shearcrs in thisvpart of the country We recently met man who was transporting his as sheep shear By Reds decided that hewill like thin with priva security force as he feels that the strain of the work on the township once is more than th salary compensates Shonhom Club Twilight The home ot Peter the setting for twiligh eat ing 04 Simoe Shorthorn Club last Friday evening Dutvng the day ithad rained mostneed 0d shower and it looked likeBie outdoor program would have to be postponed However hnw to do this was question so the show had to go on Theattend me was much better than ex pectcd and by thetlmcgall had armoured coxps units trainingiwithrntlltia atM fordfls served lunch ln the rlela of ReginaCpi Yuremchuk is Mealord camp headquarters by Cpl Steve Yuleménuk on the metro phrenta to Clarununt andlater lion it or Veapra Some years 55 ggll veng young ahe moved withher settled in Miaealnz an concea cm dolor she moved to Barrie Ind or many years resident at 103 Sophiath West The late Mrs Dibben war Conservative and melnbcrnt Trinity Anglican Church Barrie ya lover of flowert she grew many and was also an ac tlve member the Barrie Hor ticultural Society it was inning 19177 that her marriage to Edwin Dibbcn was solemnlzcd at Mlnesing Formerly at Sieaiord Lincoln ahlrE Enniand he predeceased her in 1906 She remained at mousing for some years before moving mo Barrie 552 ï¬h no ll all strainers nailz girl 55 us nun Dmulttlon mm mm lulu run IUAV hm In WAY aim at more as 11 noun at wkkok an not 181 017 no Hobby come no waaun Thun ru on am Tu cnvarvl CHANNEL 355555333 Chllnna Mal mun CKBB PROGRAMS DIA that run it rigging 35 53 1230 loa mm Plrlllment Hill Im rubJar Imus Surviving relatives are cous lor arm Ins Mrs James Scott Bar ri MrsnArtller Little RR BORN CoNGDONltt Royal Victoria Hospl Barrie onJuna 20 to been an errartwhivch clausedlbe accident Seldom waait attrib uted to failure of the boat or Iliad nmuln Buldu Pool aux Bible Em gathcred there were oviEr 75 shccp by truck to Mr Bowman guests 315 Boom 110 Ella Taylor 310 fmm Aurora as he did not know no Handling Newi aa Butlltln oo mu mm 3238 where else he could get them sheared Another tops in lnnisiil was William New who took the top sales for sows at the recent Yorkshire sale in Barrie Mr News sow topped the well $230 and his boar also topped thatclass selling at $155 zTop junior sow want to John Gdliiher of Alliston selling at $230 Thc average for sows was es tablished at $150 with the boars averaging $105 Bidding was brisk and the breeders were vyeiiplcased with the sale Another tops and worthy of mention was ll school boy and hisgradc exams at Barrie Dis trict Central Collegiate Craig Hunter Jr topped this class in averages at the finals was third highest in the whole school and topped the school for French and History This puts the rural pupil average up some points and shows that all these students do notvwaste their time at School Craigs mother gives most of the credit to his Grade teach ers who sent his pupils on cam picter finished Géorgc Jamie son who is still student him self teaches at 5th line school Constable Dpllery Quits Police Force Constable Calman Dollery has resigned from lnnisfil police He Wesson also JEWELERS DiAMOND SPECIAI ltolnance 10 Duet 1418 Karat diamonds purchased at Weston Jewelers may be ap raised by the GemLab of anada to certify their true value gtDUNLOP rA 85773 The $131 program ofgjudging and classes and weight Tgucssing together with lectureand pic tures on the feeding of beet mt tic was brought to climax with the serving of hot dogs and pop With the supply obtllesefdoubb cd by the half crowd it was Just matter of doubling up and to repeat Peters remarks One lad ate seven hot dogsin seven minutes So the wicncrs dan pcared Everyone went horns happy especially twp ot the 4HlClub winners who lurncdout to be breeders of Hereforids 56 the prizes intended were not suit able and cash had lobe sub stlvuted Planning Board We attended our first Planning Board meeting and to say the least we wcra much impressed with the efficient manner in which this business on behalf of our municipality is conducted This board under the chair manship of Robert Warnica handled carefully discussion and decisions Three members of the board were absent on the night we attended MessrsBur ton Webster and Allan chever the business was light as comparedwith some meetings While wo¢ are men tioning thisboard weï¬shouid take this occasion to compliment the producer of large scale map which was painted by Mrs Burma The map when more detail has been added will be fullsized picture of ourmunici paiity gt gt Water Safety Week We have read and heard consid erable advice recently about the donts for water safety Already Lake Simcoc has claimed five lives These men were experienc ed in the ways loe water But they did not practise whatthey had been taught and now they are buried in Davy Jonesocker Hundreds of hours havenbeen spbnt trying to locate the bodies Having lived beside this treach erous lake for over duartercen tury we do not rememberany oneyear in which tragedy did not happen gtWe havespentfdays assisting searchers andtrying to ccnsole friends and those who waited In most every case that happen ed over the past years therahad Howls Intent 10 mur YOUR Fey On CoatPointing High Gloss finish gWondartvl om equipment in case lowly Ira bu when five dormers from the Orangevllle district calne over for weekend they decided to hire hoatandmotor Theytsetoutl across the lakev ut thelreturn journey against the load improperly the power otlthe motor fullon pulled the boat unde It would appear from whathas been re vealed in the case of the RCMP constables unila take had beenmade Today with more povvclIfulgout board motors being ed and more and moresnlall craft there can only be one way to avoid acci dents andthat is to sacithatcvery craftis in chargeof properly trained operator boat and motor on neighbor ing lake They hardly took time before headingou right into etcrnity One was life preserver and there was one for each in thcboat Another The others are still in the water Every owner boat should try to prevEnt untrained operators from going out especially if they have no knowledge of the ways at the weather andthevwatcrs they are playing on Par who can provide their boys boat should ensure that the lads are tuiiycrimpetent tobeallnwed to risk their own anll their friends lives beyond the reach of safety MERRY MENAesala doesnt make you look bit more lemminch on 50 snot cull Last weekend four ladszhircd to be told how to start the motor They headed found clutching the cord of his floated under the upturned boaL that mm LWayit bringyell to our mind For the days we do not think otyiwu iail turn world were ours to glv Wed alve it Come nrnulng through the doc 1Wlfc sons and daughters flle engage en son Vaughan of Chplain will take place urda Chore Barrie Ill Sheflilfli Illnbelh mlADBAUAt Royl Vldurla Ho ital Barrieumn lute 15M lo spl rid Mn Thlbldcln Alt aur Ion Phllilo mallL wlt ONAt Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie rm June 29 58 to P12 Ind lull John Walton Ii Fan min are WI8IONAI Royal Vlctofll Huth Barrie oll Julia 19 1958 to Mr Mlg Gilbert Weston IHhDNDfp erleta Palllt dauahlerhs Chflltlnl HI manna Alter llngerlnt nines puma away alllis annl home llrewtan no Scarbora on Wedncs day June la marl Mmln beloved hulanu in Whyle and due lather oi Russel bl Blrrle Jack 41 Toronto rnylll urn George OBrien Toronto Jalnu oi Hlltl British well lndlu Joan Frank mun Jr nun Rest in at the Rnsar nlnnnl mm encc snnrboume st Funeral Friday It 9101 to Our Lady nl Perpetual Help Church or re qulcm mm at loaan lntermenl Mount Hope Cemetery HAYDENAl npyul Victoria Hospital Barrie on Wednesday June in l953 Russcl idle Hayden In his 7m yearbcloved husband or the late Mae Agnes Kenny and dul mun or Gertrude era vnlmr Woodl nilm nutlnn at tn Lloyd and Stccklay Funeral Home 30 draicy Funeral mass at St Church Blrrie on Frldly June 10 it in nu intermentst illarys cmctcry an mulls manorw wish to extmu aul heartfelt thanks and nppmlllun or in acts or kindnesi measllcs nfsyrn pntny andflolnl oflcrinls received lmmnnlnhbm relatives nna puny nlnnds alao thanking Dr nunas thaCnlllnlllmod nilrip pltal the Rev Mr Clarke or nu lnlllnr words In our recent hem mcnt ol dear lather Tllo Derby Family 71 MUN30Wa wish to extend ourl sincere thanks and appreciation for all the klndnesa message ol tympa lny and benulllul trowels mm pul relatives friends and nctlhbors the loss of dear lllupnna and father especially thanking Rev Muir Royal Black Preceptor 01 101 sn Knights Slmcoe County Chppter 11nd LOBA No 551 Mrs Munro 71 IN MEMORIAL MAï¬cmLDONIn loving memory ol Ernest Marchtldon who pusud away on June 21 1957 Gone from us but lenvlnz memories Death cnnevnr take away nemprm that will always linger or when we used to play nEver remembered by Athena Jim Sheiiswcll MOONEYin lovin dul lather Are very hard toftlnd yes lo acethe race or rather dear Always remembered by Ken Mary and Mrs Haze Hildt announces of her daughter istian to Ben ohnstona Jr son and Mas la Tlhemarliasc 00 p1n Sat Gues Anglican 71 Shirley Rut Johnstonc July St ï¬ll lllE TE all nmn Caution maul Aijoodlylxge MrsLAgnes Ha eyPied AtHoma 0f Daughter The funeral services workheld on Monday June 91958 foers Agnes Harvey in StJohns Untt edChurch at Alliston withjtev Shiiton officiating mom was Jill NaWtcn Bdbin Cemetery it was after lengthy iilri as that Mrs Jlary passcdawaynt the BdVflnth age of 93 years at the residence of her daughter Mrs Viola Dunn with whom she made or home Bor picturcsgué Wales she came to Canadawith her parents as child and they located in Huntsville When axyoungv girl she came to Toclimsethlowllship where she met and later matriled her on September 19 1921 Tothls union were born seven children Thomas John Sarah ot Bcctan Mrs Dunn and Allistoo she also ieaves to and 34 greatgrandehiidre also Tisdale Saskatchewan and three brothers who areyBan Bray of lisdale couver vBC and Edward Bray It Allix Alberta The pallbearers were her Dix grandchildre Edward Averill Cari Harvey anddlobert Averill allo Toronto George Billings of Auror Donald Harvey Cooks town and DouglasRobinson in Alliston The late Mrs Herve hadresid ed in Teeumseth Township and attended the Methodist church at Newton Robinson until she moved to Alliston in 1922 since that time she Itvas amemher of St Johns United Churchv The indny flora temcmb Vnces bespoke high team nwhich she was heldlby he and Dibbeil whose his on name was Lumley suffered coronary throm is on May 26 son oi Stouifvlllc day May and John Coleman James Harvey who predeceased and lMurl deceased and leit Mrs Hilbert Rohinson both of mourn her loss 18 grandchildren one sister Mrs Rose Arkison of William flBray lngt Vim heighbors Mrs Msngmt Barrio The funeral service on Thurs at the Lloyd and Stedtley mineral Homeï¬Batric was conducted by Canon Read rectorof Trinity Anglican Church with interment in Mill esing Union Cemetery Pail hearcrs were Beit Beii Harry William Little George Scott Hugh Wallace r9 38888 asE 518 up on go Béautiful floral offerl se byfrienrk neighborsland reiativies some of whom were lags sad in attendance lfrom Clare nwnLBrougham Toronto8ee ton London Olnemccand Orib Izoo Hamlin mu alum mam Dinar no DAVID sun depdtygnlnialel of customs and excise has had an extensive career the federal civil service Scotland May 1899 he camato Canada in mm After vseerec overseas duringthe Elrs orld War he enteredthe ban iness He Joinedthe few years later and was anled to his present 99 in 1943 and Mrs Wm Eon lull name anus umnnhv an an martinrm am 00 Non lam urnl I220 to non Nan I245 Blflcogl ChungI none 16 gr no call moanm tthsboatholnu slvayoua nun check THESE SYMPTOMS tmtabiiityioss of appetite restlessness could be symptoms of worms Get Dr McKenaiea Dead Shot he Sui tWDCMCderm gs am an In bathing relief tquult as an HWY Farm If itn on no no HEIde NEVA Bulletin DMI um um 8328 wanton up Nan 2SE35 quony no ï¬eldlhlnll Nav Headline Neva Church Service EH1 Churchill It Consul aunnav v1 tit nor Do Idilnu um um uiletln Board 100 llleualdilnely r5153 Report Green Valle nun um Jack nuttlu anew In asa can ac UN Sss 00 run 1100 mu Una um Biln on hill has ra cnuuxluanr uncut llnl curry na mn and spam Haauua Nun lush Hana in 25 avenue can da At work nounav aim on Barely wathar unearth tor the 30 a1 luten allu Nau snort scalar 715 Weather Report 710 tuna NIII tau MBW aannu am Nail rt Round Va court scara 905 Blur Taylor new un shown mu nutc rmn Illrlet he an sport Scan 1005 Hammam all too lulu mn cm ann Han Why wait fdrwhat you want MEAI WORMSE ont take chances Candy from your drug the cause is worms and to us annual on tlon dNiLY so laminar 59 No Down Payment lilillliEilPlElll Milltlils LTD ulIIVï¬ TIIITIQFORTLTIIIIEJ nihilism troublefree noch Truly nil anal film Mountable comma lmt luridle luluuni ltd1M0 WHERE till 34 Hayfield Barr MAICHHH iiil CDLQUVW ad for Good tires This is real buy and would make an ideal second famiiyflcar to be offered in the Classified sec Dial PA 82414 and place Wanted to Bu quick satisfactionl