Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1958, p. 18

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The Fin Barrie Girl Guide Company held their manl Mother and Daughter banquet my It Trinity forth Hail There were new Guides and their mother or guests present Thc tables were adorns with mauve va and yellowftuilps whii each mothers place wu coracgeabluc program and blueplscecard trimmed with mi lature gold cordu rtho uidcsi lmothers had oun their places the girls filed in and took th lr placesopposlte melanomas The guests the head table in cluded Mrs Westermln oi the Local Association CarolQulnn Company Leader Barbara Jacobi Lleulenant Mrs Firman Tawny Owl or ardiBarrie Brownies Canon Read Mn Carter Dlvi aloa Commissioner Captain Sci wood Miss Smith District Commissioner Rev and Mrs Sherilug Mrs Quinn Mrs Jaco hi and Mrs Bdbler at the Local Association These guests were ably introduced by Capt Selwood NEW YoRKMrs Currie Carmichael Toronto won third prize at $5000 inthe Sew0ft climaxlng the Singer sewing Machine Companys thir annual sewing contest She is shown at one left Shedswearlnmthe dresswhich won her trip to New York to competein the finals The model at the right is wearing the dress made for her by Mrs Carmichael during the Sew01i onwhlch the inter national judging was based To make dresses for their models 35 contestants sewed on regular daily schedule from June to in completely equipped individual sewing rooms at the Altman Co store The publlcwas invited to view 1them at work through special glasspaneled walls hi the sewing booths Judging or the dreSses took place June 10 and the prizes were awarded at special fashion showing in the store Firstprize oi $25000 Was awarded to Mrs Bell of Lokewood0hio Mrs Carmichael was interviewed in Barrie both on tele vision and by TheExamiiner prior to her trip to New York ghouli gt MR AND MR GEQRGE RCva St Georges Anglicanchurch Allandaleon Saturday Jllne seventh Shirley Marietta Handy danghter Mrgarid rles Robert Handy 01 MinetsPoint ma edGeorge Fr rown iBradiord2 76 Shawplayédthe music and accompanied oloistNonna The Lords Prayer fond PerfectlimuezH glven nmarriageri lather of whitenylon lace eta and net Pearls and Bayliss to theEvening uild or St George Grace was said by Canon Itcad and the toast to the Queen pro posed by Rev Sherrlng Alter an enjoyable dinner which was ablyserved by tho mothers of 8rd Barrie Brownies the speakers were introduced each being cautioned by Capt Sci wood to take only few minutes Canon Read commented on the work that must have gone into the preparations for the banquet and congratulated those involved on doing such an excelleutjob Mrs Carter the Division Com missioner told the girls some thing at what they could expect at camp this summer and explained the new health form to the moth ers Rev Mr Sherring told the girls short story which pointed out how much they should appre ciate their mothers and all they do for the girls Miss Smith the district commissioner told the girls to remember that they were Guides all year round and not Just in the winter months when they attended regular meetings She then congratulated the company on the large number who wero going to camp and said that she would look forward to seeing them all there The Guides then marched into their horseshoe formation and eluded in the color partids were Flora Hall carrying the Union Jack witli Shirley Hunter and Linda Peterson as her guests and Sharon TarBush carrying tho Guide World Flagwith PalSy Flhorne and Ginny Walthers as her guards Carol Quinn was presented with her Gold Cord by Commissioner Smith This Gold Cord isoneol the highest Moon girl can re ceive in Guiding and we are all very proud oiCarol Commissioner Carter then en rolled Judy Martin and Betty Dundas starting them on their way to winning Gold Cords also Following the enrollmentBar bara rlierrington received ther Second Class Badge and Gail Sel wood received her Cook Needle woman and Laundress Badges The Service Stars were then awarded These stars are given to those girls who have had presented Commissioner Carter Commissioner Smith Capt Sel wood Lieut Jacobi andCompany Leader Quinniwith gills to show their appreciation fior allthey have done liar tho Guides ov the past year The Guides thendormed cir cle for camp lire andsang anum her of songs The last oi these was the round White Coral Bells to which Commissioner Smith taught them dance in which thermothers joined Then the Guides their mothers and the camp fire corsage of red roses Guests attended the wedding from asAfar asAshtsbula Ohio Leaving on honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls the bride wore blue check with Anglica Church at the home oi Crooks isceilan rtheyéoloisfiwere llimthvbllgrinm Grimm To honor CaroLQuinn origain ried George Ross Brett son AnglicanChurch in Thornton Given in marriage byhcr lath er the bride worsa gown 61 white crystal charm the round neckline trimmed with English lace appliqued with seed perils and the sleeves long and lily pointcd tiara of sequins and pcarlsheld the fingertip veil and she carried cascade of white carnationa yellow roses and white stophanotis Mrs Ron Chantlor the brides sister of Harris was matron honor Mrs Alvin Murphy AlliaJ ton and Miss Ferne Smith Bar rie were bridesmaids streetlength dresses of crystal charm and styled similar tothe bridefs They wore strswhats gloves and shoes of whiteand carried crescentlshapc bouquets of yellow roses and blue corn flawers Debbie and Pattie Cromertwin cousins of the bride irom Bull alo were lower girls and wore circle closedwilh ISTJNWISFIL GUIDES our company welcomed two Brownies from lst lnnisiil Pack in fflying up cereniimy Ital Wednesd This we st fly since des Brownies started atst Pa nearly one and half years ago Flying up were Doreen Hunter and Jane Beatty The girls name through flower arch madeby tho Brownies and Division Com missioner Miss Smith presented the two candidates wlth tbeir wings They were then taken on tour of Guiding Land IbyMlss Smith and Mrs Stark They took their places with their patrol lead ers in the seshoe We war pleased to enrol new recruit Karen Cooper After all the Brownie ails Guide ceremonies the Brownies demonstrated two singing games and the Guides demodsmated first ld artificial respira tion ich the bays studied un are We were pleased to elcqmg parents and friends and hope enjoyed the evenings activities After camp fire the Brownies made vtea inriheir mothers as part of their test work Both Brownies and Guides served tha reiresh ments liNNISFIL MOTHERS lat innisiil Mothers Group om miiteemet or the last meeting of read mlnutesoi laatmeetlng and gave financialrstsndin was agreedhy all we hadhad good year and Mrs Hunter thanked leaders and mothers ior ll the efforts Ilor the past as Shef introduced meeting In was very interesting and worthy Burkeflmd assistants of John Ambulance gave 2h company iticlal th Mrs Gordon Brett of Alliston in St udes They were gowned in orange ice thisseason at the home of Mrs MR ANT MRS GEORGE REIT Florence Evelan Ormckdallghter oi Mr and Mrs Robert Cler of Thornton mar erend Monks or Mr and on Saturday white nylon dresses with orange ice cummorhund Whitebands of flowers were in their hair and they carried miniature bouquets similar to thevattendants Alvin Murphy of Alliston was groomsman ushers At reception held in the Thornton Hall for 100 guests the brides mother as hostess wore dusty blue sheath dress of em broidered organza over tafleta with dusty blue and navy access ories and corner of pink roses MrsBrett assisted her wearing navy lace dress with navy and pink accessories and Corsage oi pink roses Leaving on wedding trip to the Maritime provinces and east ern States the brideworeutur quoisedress with shortie coat hat and shoes of white and cor sage of pale mauveorchid On their return the couple will live near Alliston The Senior Citizens Club of Bar riehad the pleasure of visit to the Senior Citizens Club in Oril Mrs Beaver counsellor had charge of arrangements very was extended to Duncan Cowan ained with his accordion an singing variety of games were played Theoldest lady present was in troduced being years of age Beireshmean wereserved the tables being very gay with color and decoration The members of the Senior Citi ens Cluh ih Barrie wish to ex press heirvsincere thanks and appreciation to all members of the Senior Citizens Club in Orillia for their warm welcome and friendly greetings Mpre and refolks are using Classified Ads to sell To place your TDonrbe gFLYIBNT lton Chantler Bar rie and John Ball Allistoh were attendeda tea held at therhome 12Japanjese Sympathy IAricl Understanding PM Ballot Collier st lidtchbnrchwagthemc at the June mating the an onion Mutiny at the Womanx modem Society on mm was large attend ance oi gum and socizte mam who were wel comed by Man 61M finith Mn Dinonau and Mn secretary lot associate members During the business session which was presided over by the tespomflala president Mn Neil MacDonald Wort wore heard from several the secretaries Seventyone calla had been made and lat ter was read from the United Church Committee converse Belief thanking the various missionary groups which were Vlor 47 parcels weighing 960 lbs dalivcred in Toronto rcccntly Mra Harry Armstrong con venerml the program look the chair Mrs Todd read tor the scripture lesson the par ahle ol the sewer from the 8th fut Coporswdlw June rourteenth at three oclock Rev omciated Mrs Jamleson of Thornton played the wedding music and accompanied Vernon McQuay of Toronto to The Lords Prayer and Perfect Love WWW Abridge set was presented to the brideelect at gathering at ladies at the home of Mrs Levi Srlgley greataunt oi the bride Mrs Alvin Murphy held mls cellaneous shower at her home near Alliston where number of friends and relativesoi the groom honored the bride Mrs Ron Chantler and Miss Ferric Smith were cohnstesses at kitchen shower at the home oi Mrs Chantler in Barrie The Thornton indies gathered at the home of Mrs Robert Drunk and presented her daughter with an electric popsuploaster auto matic steam and dry nonhand an alarm clock Miss Ruth Bertram friend of the bride held miscellaneous shower lor the stat ofthe Bank of Nova Scotia to surprise the brideelect Over80lriendsond oi the hridesmnther on day June seventh Mrs Cg0rrock and Mrs 16 Long grandmothers of the bride and groom poured tea in the afternoon and Mrs Levi Srieg Satur chapter of St Luke Gods word 13 the seed Mrs Todd said and He uses us to plant it Mrsui 0ttonled inprayer asking Gods blessing on our work and on our missionaries The short worship service closed with solo beautifully rendered by Mrs Lloyd Cook Grateful lord Am by William Gardner The orch was tak enby Mrs McKnight and Mrs Willier Lambert and dedi cated by MrsArmstrong Thc hymn He Liveth Long Who Livetb Well followed Mrs Lewis introduced the speaker Miss Leona Douglt las who is on lurlough from Japan and will hc returning there inAugust our speaker Mrs Lewis said was the culminv ation of our years study on Issgon mix Tar wood the blind and lqren for example Three millionllber men live alongtheieouto and as yet very little work had been done among thein 1116 Japan ue people have been much troubled by the clause in tilt peace treaty which provides for thereonnlru otftheir country or defame Theygalsw show great fear and concern 0th testing of the hydrogen benign Great patience ianccdcd in un demanding anothernatlons way of mimm We can slurp this mission of the chunk by main talning an attitude ot sympathy and understanding Mrs Armstrongthankcd Miss Douglas for her timely message also all who had helpedwith the prognm Mrs Ferris made presentation from the After noon Auxiliary toMias Margaret Smith who after over eight years as deaconess ol CollierSt United Church is leaving to take up similar work in Mon treal Mrs Ferris has been as sociated with Miss Smith in her work with young people and she spoke glowineg of the wonder ful work done by Miss Smith In hey thanks Mi Smith fild shc had gained agree deal by her association with the ladifi of the Afternoon Auxiliary Mrs MmDonaldgsaying good bye or the summer months an nounced that on Sept din ner meeting would be held when the three auxiliaries unite Mrs Hickeson of the literature department will be the speaker Follmvjng the hymn in Christ There is No East or West and the benediction ma wasserved by the social committee conven ed by Mrs Arthur Marshall Mrs Lewis poured The lovely tea tablewasmuch admired and delightful social hour wasspent Japan Miss Douglas teaches in girls high school eludes three years of junior high and three years of senior high The young people of Ja pan desire education work and to findameanlngiorli£er Miss Douglas rmenuoned the large number of tine young la panese men who were devoting their lives to the Christianmin istry The Japanese church is sellsupporting but grants are needed from the home churches as the church reaches out to re mote areas and newer work pouredin the evening MrsClar once Price and Elmer Dyer assisted Misslliuth BertramMis Ann Hogan and MissNoreen Caldwell friends of the bride served Mrs Jean Chantler Mrs Cathy Murphy Miss Fame Smith and Miss Glenna Brett assisted in showingthe brides trousseau LakEsHoIgEjscnooL FE DthINoi exam msrnficrmNon STANDARl OR AUTDMATIC TRANSMISSION Duh Controlled FullyInsured Phone for Appointment see27597 which in THIS WILL INTRODUCE WILLIAM hum SNEY 1136 Cumberland so omie ile represents the Sun Lilo ol Guide in your commun ity and is well qualified member othia profession Backed by one oiihc worl leading life insurance com panies he is prepared to ad visa you on all life insurance mailers SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA ALEX anamsoN Mgr 24A Clapperton St Barrie rimpoms $56000 312 Chairs and Tables onbanhn TUBESOLD punks pains Lamps Furniture LargeQuantity oi Broadloom and Domestic IonsALr oo BANKRUPTE STOCK age our scan ets sooMaitresses 40 ModernBedroorn Etc grfuauc oam GhESteriield ShiteS Occasional auorrolvr pm awn Walloon RESERVE INrrkssano sat FOR BoTH oakLaos anemone kets Bedspreads Drapesze or Fine Living Room Chairs lingliah China Dinner Set Chairs Kneehole Des Airtoam Chesterfield Suites era and Chests oi Drawers siiVfiiouslleslgnrandfimsherrfiWBlairf 300 Spring Mattresses Lelvther Chairs Chesteriields and Bock Chesterfield Beds Continental Beds Davcno Beds Hostesa Lamps Modern and French Provincial HeeTablesw Step ndLampTablea ComerCabinets Mahog any Duncan Phyfelllinctto Shitcspi Chrome Bronze and Wrought iron Kitchen Suites gt Odd Dress tn 60 mole Refrigeratorsfand Washers Mirrors Circular Sectional Chesteflieldrsmks Alarybo Chairs Telephone Tables etc

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