Chlef 1th Dockttr dolngn Job ï¬ction lwnnnnann men 19 with Jimmie In run5 Crown Attorney Burhidge and havébeen much lighter recently Quite number0 adlournmenu werenude Sillprising Type Wcll drusléd pastmiddleage and of the 11m type with wavy hairCbarleI Bullocks otfenec of picking uplan electric iron from lineal ï¬rm and placing it under his coat seemed astonish ing but with no nddressand with previous thefts from the same company he was remanded in custody until March 20 or sent CHCB Disturbance Two young men one civilian and one Air Force Jack Carter and Georgewato lace charges at causing disturbance by lght ing on Barrie street on March at 1240 can Much evidence was taken and on the evidence the former was fined $35 with costs $4 and the latter $15 with costs THURSDAY Manon 20 His Worship again presided with Orowantarney Ken ncdy Onba lew cases came up under tunic iniractionr with minor lines and court was over in record time Medoilte Township Assured Access To Newv Highway MOONSTONEA letter tom the Department of Highways Planning engineer Siddall formed part of correspondence at Medonte Township Council larch meeting The letter gave countii assurance that when the new high way is built through Medontc pro vision would bernadc for en trances onto it from township roads Tenders have been called for grading the frlst section of the new highway irmn Craighursj to Crown Hill Orr Lake Dam Council authorizcd Reeve Fish er Ganton and Cerk£rensurer Howard hinson to attend meeting in Toronto with Depart ment otaLands and Forests off ciais regarding the needfor lxn provements to the Orr Lake dam Application was made to the Ontario government for Mcdonte to share in legislation by which the province will pay 70 of the cost of labor used on approved projects for jobless who are inel igible toljnemployment insur ance Medonte plans to trim trees near phoneilines Federatlon Levy Lloyd Cumming of Barrie and Murray Edwards of Vasey repre senting the Federation of Agricul ture askedioouncll to consider adoption oi If mill levy for the Federation Council which now pays an annual grant to the farm ers organiratlon held the request over for further consideration resolution was passed setting the Wm Fly Inspectors ice tion The tavmshipis not provi ing sprayer this yearand each farmer wil be required to treat his own cattle when needed War ble control powder isrheing sup plied free by the township and it may he obtained mm the warble nspector WillianrMillelLordium ble ii llil male Council hie inspee for inspectors Department onsored by the Agriculture and Medonte property can avol or 1550 to the rtment it was felt $100 would be fairer price Council received notice of the opening at Mom Affairs De partment branchpï¬ice at 18 West street North Irillla from which spat cameraman be taken in municipalitleaf lotbla area and cumpnnyb machiil where interaction ventured would be Whittle to local as oun decided to write an egg jam Ludgabe advioe on withjnrhm sblp iroa todoajobnndtheyiuvebeen Mumthe civievlnieraL This is on thin people havozshm thatintcren tbllk we than beglad o2 that If this matter is not resolved at itsown lbelieve itsbonld be put to thentepayera and it this were done it should be Litralght yes or no voteondenoutlon When our regular been or three plans Vie for Profits mm mule fliought there should be netproflt at $40000 it the modiï¬ed Chamber of Com merce plan was adopted based on the present otter He tel that this should he used to give citizens something much more than the humdrum things suchas paved roads or sewers Without iboidlng outany pro mises he oï¬eredthe suggestion that certain organizations work lng for theyouth of the commun ity could beasslsted YMCA building tuna Lions Club swim cling pool additional ice surface for the minor hockey beach and picnic park for the community realize that any percentage allotted would be small and could not start to ball for any of these projectshut it might be lust suf Ileiont to bring them to fulfill ment Questions Answered Durlng the questions trom counA oil that followed it was established that what council had done so for was oi an exploratory nature No firm decisions had been taken There was however some dis agreement between Mayor Kinzie and Deputy Beeve Cooke as to the exact terms of reference of the committee which negotiated with the CNR Mayor Klnzie member of the committee said the committee spoke with the authority of council and also ox pressed council thihlringat the special meetings Deputy Reeve Cookerwas of the opinion that any expressionaoi opinion at tlloso meetings were the committees private opinions and not the think ing of council under terms at re lerence from ihe counctl Mayor did not think fuller public ity of the talks and discussions at the timewoold have ovo present contusion in of the people Mayor Kinzie agreed it was verbalreport ands believe it should have been writtoh report Alderman Williams asked if any oifer for purchase of pro party had been signed Mayor Kinzie replied that the town bod madean offer to purchase about two months ago but no reply had been received from the China yet and nothing had been signed On April 14 when the deputa tion under the leadership of Dr Edwin WilSOn will present its findings to council the matter will comeupfor discuasi again DANGERFlElp PLAYDQWNS NEXT WEEK In the Dangerfield Trophy scr les at Barrie Curling Club only two scheduled games remoiofor each team glliev four groups Round bin playolls for top two teams In each group eolrlnTence Mac Fendley has an 81 mark to lead andcan do no worseihao tie for splay off spot although plus for sche duled games can ts Eendley has Jack Garner Jack Gurdvandl Lennox onhis rlnlr TMEBDthElVSklp are tled ltb in win and loss Therexare Charlie Hurtibese skipDoug brother Charlie Vickersjrltay Rea hill Horace heaumont skip Noah Cotton Harry Young Grant Moyr orHarry Armstrong Franklllar érleaves Jr Jack Richardson Al BS ln Group four rinks have three losses or thereer Hart and Ralph Hayter have postpon ed game which could be quite im Portailt tor either Earthen Owen St John Bruce Peacock and Bill Bértram Dave Steel Banting Those with 6381 skill Gold Reach All Gard Ferguso on Grou coltrushiner and Claude ln oucnrrlae reached the whole iglattcr ooulrl be boiled demos to which two Alderman FSmith asked if the March lrilnllyA Womans Admission 35c lllt Bond Read 51 LUCKY LADIES tolbe drawnes grand winnersot the worth Mrs Kearns entry come fromRobinson IIardwnre andMrs McQuays ram Walkerrsltores neggllzelhnm sec Shop In Barrie Day prornotlon are Mrs Gertrude Kearns Market squa Barrie whomay redeem her 75 merchandise voucher at mésbome Barrie Days store of Jewrymanager theBarrie Chamber of Commerce drew the two winners mm the collected 25000bnllots The other nei chalceandldrs81494321151ijth can ago an ssov 2ao1nhers are listed dnpase 10 crews Red Crass Town Canvass ls Dlsappomtm9 House to house canvass within the limits at Borrle has been disappointing so tar The follow ing amounts have been collected in the various wards Ward $76002 erd $53020 Ward $31585 Wtiid $73595Word 551 $19520 lied Cross ask tbose who mis the canvassor whenshe and wish to make should send their donut let tor Pianmng Board Chairmanat Strciud Beautiful ing sunshine beanl bo came to to attandtli community activities and public rrelntlorls meetl the Womenfslnstitute The president 11 son conducted the meeting wrth Mrs McNahb acting as secre The routine opening exer were followed by correspondence and reports oi ng of standing commi spontlble lorfthe productioli or Strouds contrihu to variety Bradtor ndminatlng committee con sistinglflMri all Mrs LCow all nnd Misdgoodfellow was Andi main evotedwmlfusblnd lithe 232 Ill and tha xi would anL en our whole ure Wn were attached tothe British and ministry of Dowel hasitalphRolte ind Troyer and NornlXing Rightrbehind Mono eilwit 72 record is PaddyLMil i111 Jack mu Gerow loe Saso Walte Hum phries McDowell in scheduled game Friday Bruce Wice wrns and three lnuré gamesto play which gives him still alna eroatlcnl chonce With Wine life JohnCowan Haroldvlat Jerry Coughlin Peacock while Haytcrv his Pat Scott phone loutvto leadthegroli Wit lieuaw are Emerson Webb Stu Ind Jack And on gunman one willow thlilea on withtxe To You xiii one 33 32 it God know why out to lose you Hanan andaon as ï¬tted we WIN of Her giggle yuai€ His Weary noun In troubled wiring3M9 33 ggdmm hum 5w mm tory workshop VLV wile next ara programs xnm ples of heir best handiwork and crafts done duringtbe nastyear gt ontributlon forlayettes for Arab relugee babie Mrs Nelson and him Cochrano were designated to tond the District Tweedsmuir His or in answering the roll call for theday the members hired many interesting andpleasant events in connection wlth their homes and amilieslhlr Nelson Watson gave on enjoyable discourse on the mottoCease not tolearn until you cease to llvef Wmica chairman Viol the tnnislll Blaming Board was pro sent to give talk on the him jurisdiction and accomplishments He traced thehl of boar tpry ganlzed planned lands and holdings from earliest begin pings to the presentday bylaw which regulates thevuserof land and th ocation and useorihu dingéarl truotures in the entire Township at lnnislil This bylaw controlling the sub division system says Prior to sale allland must be placed on registered plan The only air caption is if the sale is of en acres more and there are ten orunlessit is separ loto land ispeaker nvltedt1uesiluns and the ladies proceededtosellclt correcttlniurmatioli regarding per hits annuallmeet in presidentot tbe nebeolll byFoothall Uplon mponen Cit ed dinnlélll running goers tenI dcavors to see that ï¬gurative kitchen stove in the parlor llrs ww Campbell conducted an enjoyable current event only resulting in the allowing indies receivlng prizes Mrs Nelson Mrs Hand Mrs McNabb land Mrs Goodtellow The usual convivial cupml tea and unch brought an enjoyable socia time enclosed Blouse beautiful to whip in few hours to ea th ual or party sirlrts Wraps and ties an rowwaist Funto ew Printed Pattern Printeddirectlons on each pat tern 12311 Easier accurate Saudi noon CEZfllS 405 in colnststainps cannot be accepted forthis pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME $DDRESS asmNuMBEn Send order to ANN ADM care of The Barrie Examiner tern Dept GOlrant rronto0nt nay sarcoma Slillilll person is not allowed to put the looonm and cabris up th our St To Vce Ichl regular meetl filial Hall llï¬dncsd Speaker Im Ila VIM olilkall Tlili more New nutty Inns Luv It have 1o nlmuland are as 355 Nm lcnluo ruunoav unlith 21 300 3J1eww Tim JJS IllIll Arm uo Womna ï¬lmy woo am out nm noon oo lanol lawIn nanny col cnnuuav om Hcadlinl um noo rum panrat ileum and moon Sport ago News 559 New York Ciflla UD lLon Headline Nul 107 Jack Rultlo snow LN Newa no new lloo merino snam nul one ammo in Bob 1ch2 uoï¬ewn snort source 645 Film Markat KNEW 700 Ms 55 com 8600 ms ltulnnll Weplher the on an coo loam noun 503 karma nuan no Stun rulgrsno autonomous luner manualsTo iooo an 1005 mumkm snow um NewtonI 06 nm Corey ena Aurpioer Blue Haven Ith ugapiobuï¬lun me St eyeiy Saturday from 130101 pm and pucbue um um Three comedy plays by alrers at munlty Cantrellom 94 unl an J1 radar In snort annlly Mm ms new only fresh ANNEI Itomu nu 1m wanmun 111 Today In Snark Communiw Hm reunion lrlwnllllu ilwlmv Win 1230 All In Thai urullnav Inch as 410 In new 14 cannon canon 455 um Mo Loo zu uo wnn Loo Inï¬nil Thou no Fllrn Prmnulian us Jimmy nun snow 1oo uv nun lll rum 1m Mellow land too hm com snow the vtfanlplrm in nu run In Mu shew tllnn use movl minnrmnn GRAMS DlALl23o Ill floatss iroo Endlan 275 IIIIDMDAY In 10 Market Robot I220 spam mun 30 lung luq ï¬lmeoo mm mu nn noun assesaass 79 25 on Bob mum alm Mn new Sport score 45 rmn Mulch lunar 7oo New some seam ms notionl wumer uniluau New 750 New and acorn amour 810 Neil Ind Bflbfll 900 New 105 Bill llylnl snow nan showtimt nem it Time To can iooo um l0 Hornemlkera Ehfl um um um um core on lIJï¬ Perlome Pouraomn 45 Audio Munuerlde lam Headline um FRIDAY El 10 Hour erket Report luo spam mm 12 Norman 1238 Bulletin Board Headline News 1m Bun Taylor sna IJ5 Barter Burn 4011 lllv 300 Nail lb Pandlnr Plllfll no am core Ehn oo eodllne nun lo cauntv rmn lulnr ana am IF you accounts you ill Vwéhdérlul PLASTIC COATED