ccc cancer Soeiety nu heidJn the Societyl room It 24 Dunlop St at p111 oniltondu March President Simpon presid ed Eleven member hi the unit executive were present as also were Mn Luresan representing Wnagl Beach and Mrs Frank vWILIDn representing Stoyner WI Cd0p insurance aik at Cundles Cundlcs Womens Institute held its Much meeting at the ho of hire Harry Ottnwny Roll all was answered by Hints on making howrims bloom in Iddition to suggestionssueh ts the use of broken crcdtery in the bottom of the flower pot Ind using tepid water ior waters ins plants there were others more unusual nature such as ground ea shell and the wash ingéJrom merit especially liver Mrs George midway in her rble runner gave talk on the motto Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world ingther donation at $10 wen given the cancer Society The sewing iur Childrens Aid msalso re ported it was decided to com plete our quote of monthly meet lngs with work meeting Airs Ken Millers home for the hos pital Guests for the evening were lir and Mrs White of the Co operative insurance Association nt Moonstone Mr White show cdthe growth of Cooperatives in recent years and assured that insuranoe was pooling together of resources to meet an emer gency To be successful as in my other business it must be iounded on basis of trust With court deciï¬ons handed down in the round ï¬gures com mon in recent years we were made aware of the value of lia bility insurance and income pro tootion insurance for the bread winner of the homily as against old policies of tire and life in surance coverage only While tasty lunch was being prepared by Mrs Woodstock and Mrs Wait contest was going fnlwmd on age which was wonhy Mrs Miller at whose home the final meeting for this fiscal year will be held on Wed nesday March 26 Evans HiuBell It keil uni its Chm Buti ofthemeetin indnd edreput com6mman on campaign Mint ed nttlncer iety Radon terrJn Toronto reporthymn Knhion meetingan Cnn ardsociety worknt Cmehnd Comemand another held It the reqth oi therAuxiiilry Jo the Air Force at Camp Borden Mrs Kahl Dr Delaney MrsW rem nln nd Mrs helped with these meetings Gr had request othelp tor sconce patient in Penctang wasmeterred to the Orillin Society us pa tient WIS Jocatcd in their dis irict Newnhelvesrfor dressings had beenxinstnlied thEJODIIIS It cost of $1550 secretary rephcement had not been found and the ï¬nance com mittee msukefl to consider this matter immediately Mr Kohl nnnouucedhe ï¬ndjE Myers had the campaign for funds in hind Dr Graham was in charge at the campaign Allis wn April is nntionllcancer month and letter was rcadirom Mayor Kinzie granting pennissionta proclaim the wreck or Aprillt Cancer Week in Barrie Miss Cahiil RN who has charge of the imobilevreti doorngill be in Barrie the ï¬rst twowcelrs oi June commencing June It washuped she rnighthe able to cover industriesin Coilingwood and Alliston as well aszarrioi Mrs JHVN Smith and Mrs Livingston wereplacing liter nture racks regarding caucoxj in various industries Mrs Kohl gave detailed reporton plans orrthe Trend Tea to he held April yin Trinity Hall The committee met March 21 to ï¬nalize pinth 1000 invita tions will he sent out for this ten but everyone is most welcome and Mrs Kohl stressedtliet men as wellns women would herwel come Mccioary reported on ad vert ng tor the campaign andtea The next executivemeeting tviii be April 12 at one pmat 24 Dunlt iopSt East in therCancer Soci etys rooms interested people may attend Several donations to the rooms were gratefully received meme ing tracks for window drapes on electriciten kettle storage cup board and sundry otheriiems agriculture an immune AyTHEIiiLC mm palm and highinshion styling omhine withdistinction in this threetiar edevening 3101 The deeppile fabric closely resemble genuine mink DEsignerisGeISey oi Fab orthbrn cattie we roughtto Canndelroin ern eountie En 188 assume hptlnnd Mmdgflidr aprons Ind collars Mamh me ng will be election of hamster decantingyen and will he at my Gordannow uts The meeting closedwiirh ring ing of God SIVE thé Queen Lunchmsevrcd by them Ceï¬ asisted hyMre Clhomp son andme Joseph he uninnup $5 cylindérhrn For this modest union ourServiceman wlu chain mm smx ribos nr 26113215 riasr moms comrnnssrou AND mar user lGNmoN Mine 51 connriusnn Conan AND on THE Am mam CLEAN rum pown nonnrrcsrroun can rum mm srnmo nnme AT Monotsnvmc rmcn gt BY Arromrnnnronm rugged Hngan minimises2431 linemanMamasm seivi¢é Centre is cannu sc IAX THIS Is How The income tn raw or credit would begin ne tint for period oi six or seven weeks after the day Thereafter when the tax credits the mamrityoi taxpayers would payno tax it all the equivalent of tar holig undshage been completed payroll tax ded ctlons would he resumed hutnt the lowerï¬ratepthe equivalent of 25 tax flash on the ï¬rst $3900 of taxnhle iineome new the rsAizsoNrLAn will Createonbs naturial whyhecause customers oi Conldiim uslness and would have more in nay to spell Peopie ofthe own mane wvquldie able to mounte the goods caan inrins and factories can produc MAKES ions Qunhtyiolni ï¬nish its we TELEVISION geniuse mg sums in nu mums BUY IN PAIRS flitniï¬miuï¬citonino stone oer CHAMP norm name MY If Safelyhinted ad deslz enriched sundwadcoldhpdy jiflntlel co Exactly as Illustrated noon nonnative noon soconvenien afarFlooding nrtdnnloa ng NYLQNLINT WP easyto remove easy to clean HEAT SELECT DIAL ermsrn OGUARDSAFETY SWITCH miichine to preveutmotor ironi In nsï¬eheaL IRRIFHMOUS rm Lemma WES mienousn rsrm tha Forged51 eiHummer new $166 Si