KWc dv VimW traitordinner aéewmdayem He was Drill only to mpy the land on Nth We9m WM 14 Birricpolice were called wt Robins whose grandfather Kol to breakup lighting oidglde thislarin from ihe Crown and club 79 uuninp street at hewed it from wine forest He mg SaturdynighL nm yquthg built tbeonzingl buildlnxsin were crested tor obstrume whlch the ufanuty phone and hfiviI others were Elmerm enie rwore wit uoroehoa Members of last seasons SoEd group are invited to Socklfop trim Wynwvllhï¬ malned on the land to revcon bomb Ron received we YMYWCAmwdldy mm WWW $22 ginï¬ï¬a Emu trust the resent barn and minor inlurih tohis face and zzisrzmzzfzsszxi cw mm mm mm mm merit Canada when he was Charged with obstructing po Ml Mun pupm Ya having gone out there with ice are Kenneth Myers 17 und la Sunday morning hockey circles the Deluxe Flyers now that are the be other members and the farm Edward Patrick 21 to seem to be setting rather fast pace Undefeated In 15 taken OWL had been rented here He gave Birrieaddieues and have matches the Flyers lead their town league under the unable The bond told oouncil that gned some but and as been granted be They will 94 coaching of Bob Greenï¬eld with the help of hightearing do Fenlpr air and take in we hoped the would no be some work webmmflg He pen magma mun an Frank Frawley sandshoiit offal the south me rialrm 7w éxpeï¬enced remained an or about Wednesdlyr an bn jg in lost yeor when the debentures ï¬ve yumwhenhegot married According to police lighting magenta seriwlï¬ 315 were he pm 301 and maven Wm mm started inside andwas Nathalie USA unlerSJve tryii trip mnl we coh Hezvconld not confine his ef he 5mm km that wa Hope to send taxRes By aiaï¬xnroxes Womens liquor Interest groups of the University Womens Club lin Barrie have been organized and start functioning tonight with international Relations to be dismissed atthe borne of Mrs Jobn Somerville Mclrose Avenue Education will lietho interest of the group collect ing at lhehome of Mrs Powell on Codrington tomorrow This will be their ï¬rst meeting Browning will be the subject for Feb lzs Literature meeting held at the home of Mrs Marion Muir Also two bridge groups have been scheduled to meet twice month All members are invited to attend the different groups with the exception of the bridge parties which arelfllied Wednesdays Canadian cm meeting with McGeachy as guest speaker should prove to be as interesting as the Central Figure Renowned journalist and commentator Mr McGeachy can alwaysbc counted on to throw different light on every snbjcct What with Cupid arriving conveniently on weekend Valen tinesDay will have an even grcatcrnumbcr of parties in its honor this year Camp Bordcn especially seems to feel the occasion de serves top billing Of course with Lent following Cupid around the 14th is anidcal time to have too much of anything you should give up on the 19th group of badminton enthusiasts from Bracehrldge and surrounding area were met and defeated by Banies best on Friday Jan 31 in the Armoury and were entertained in the oiliecrs Mess following the matches The Badminton Clubs next outoftown tournament will be on Saturday Feb 15 when they visit DrillliL alructlon oithe roomsiar past If gathered to watchand police re the date theyvshould have been fï¬ï¬‚gntgï¬lomu agdgé mo nts had to be called ready must get back to thc 1000acie We simply could not get parcels as operated out wcst through nexlt Winter withh the He now nan 1mm 9mm sclnit mmwe ave hard work although be ill V5 mun vusc iivcslon his farm there He lsu been there and alsoto have sat hm other constant reader of our column in ma listened the 50m Year Mr Grant told the new and says that thcrknowledgc that discussions next week His in Eeevc Sproulc told the board it 15 men his old WP vitntion arrived in todays math that thcrc would be every con Smid makes it doubly interes sldentioh of the needs or the me He Is very young looking T°°°° it we rii°ii5r had been on consideration 35 Needed 4Norsh Ave en lo the useon temporary stiEui Cd in his hull PNV FE 91 lhe north area school board lures Mn crane sam that this Saskatchewan We hope he will nvitedw the township council to might be something it the popu payus visit again the next time their meeting on Thursday evcn anon was changing he is in these parts We call our ing to discuss the problems lac ing the accommodation of pupils farm Robrolea which is hBll 13 1115 Statistics 11 W8 combination oi the names ltobins that area When the new 31 HIDE ale ondBroley both of whom were Caligdlélaeyd £2132 Lexi233103 Looms are open ltwill wife llillCE 8115 inï¬reasingl with tastier long residehts of the property licve thefsituation to any great gmng pupsi 23 9th Whénegrggef $333133 extent as the overcrowding now Wine Wim ihflt the Dullmk Gree ngs New Readers continua director is farbeyond the ability of the 35 Wm BWmec wish to greet some 531 teacherto handlo 1171110 TOPMWWG yellde iomei new rgadcrs of the Examincrwho The 7mmdccgales lxlfpnsé Presenting table which show En pal35 gravy an gamgfn have subscribed to our paper mg an on ed the accommodation in use at t1 at gr this ast week How you find ndians wrll hear riot onlyvout the end of me year cflaimnn anv was hco tune ostfhem uurcommn nesting limdmgldganflldmrlilis blfisom in Cmn Show 12 we £301 years at best He felt micn SAncainxtlcgrnatiglrliï¬pnn 71 igldiï¬ the ichoabm that for some time come it 05 may cl on the opening day Will bring wl together speakers from Great Many Questions mght be best to build perman Face Conference in s2 iilï¬ffflï¬ï¬fé uni He USSR land Canada in discus to build whprc the population Emu $5351 032930 13 was and not have transportation sion of national philosophies of cducatjaii OTTAWAWho should be The conference most ex Mm me new names ready be as this didnot reccive grants un ive si nificarit attack taxed and ho much to pay for ens an tilled that figure could he in ï¬ï¬hgxgj beyond me minim creasedby 35 or 40 The board told council that We mad 39 ever made Ol Canadas educa more and bet or schools should probme is being 5pc Canadian schools concentrate on sored by lgnaunnal gmma science to meet the challenge of lhcré was nothin surer than PM of What they would he éfmmg with against so they Will be ready to tions who have been joined by Sputnik Slim heal more thani 70 participating struction be given in the home proposition tohuild at least two 55 mmmes When my rou Dele ates will come or the school These are some Di comé he added The first of vzioc tgnfilsewgzifngzieï¬gmgcï¬g September would be the dead edmer of Cahada new uniL as the facilities thcrc and any delay beymd the roin cvcry ad of the important questions about and remem every facet of can GUESTA SOLDIST Alv red Â¥gldmzxnera gazing education in Canada today which adj me shepherd will assist the Bnr Will be discussed at the Canadian wouldmakc difficult matter to rléflNmm Conemate Glee chin or these rooms would not take Conference on Education to be adjust was the way it was put Get ropeirxond alterations done now the mud They no have 20 when skilled tradesmenure nvailnblea gt dditions and rthe new wing alv cnt Addresses gt held in ouawa flex Fab 1520 Production The though likely to be connected to Seventyfour teachers in the area and will funpqmwlfl MW of three inaiar openingday atesoyPenz ce Feb 27 the old would he selfcontained every aspect of gt wmespaco whilea ar on the Our apologidt to viiun so warm cutouto rannuany it Shop at Zellcrs tor wonders ful Valentines Dayspcciala Coine in today and see the many chlerllhriftPriccd buys feet connection by adjudicator Blancheflogg Michael Paw cett and Elinor Simmons were the best actor and actress for their performances in Wrinkles Time ZELLEltS LlMlTED an portion PA noise dent Jo have three morerooms ready to use at Easter addresses the ï¬rstwillbehy age Tms cos might beestimatgu Councillor Mrs Law asked if Dr when Elgar 54 at iboéiwsmow water the are Boardlwgiildhanl WY 9um5ufg¢°W an pumping the debenture cost of this would prove 01 0m an SC 00 is chairman of the conference FOR clubs asking making police in about ual what was bein aid Douglas Le Pan of0ttawaclose FRINng Pm as qv nuguratc safety campaign it Iy identified with the Gordon had been agreed to in the other Commission onfCanadas ccon areéi omic prospectswwill discuss the qucstion of how much education Canada can afford The third major address isby Dr Marcel Faribault Montreal iiinancier and former secretary of the Uni versity of Montreal 0n the fourth andlast full day of the conference the delibera tions and findings of thedele addresses on education are GIRL GUIDE Les Cowper Studio Colleen Robertson Reg left on Sunday Jan 26 to join the staff of theAIum inum Company of Canadas hospital at Kitimat BC She is the daughter or Mr and Mrs Charles Robertson of Barrie RR and is grad pate of the RVH School of Nursing Jmfpzwn Kmmm mm Dental and medicalbills bothering you First lnnisfii Company Girl The Modern Finnish Sauna Way wonderful restful Beauty Bath to relax On Friday Jan 17 at scvon clock in the First Baptist Church in Sault Ste Marie Earla Eudora Pilatzkedaughtcr of Mr and Mrs Leonard Pilatzke of Pembroke and former employee of the Sim coe County Library married Roy Stewart Fraser son i7ftlr and Mrs AJG Fraser of Sault Ste Mario The couple are now living at 354 Queen St San Ste Marie CLEAR SPACE Guides met on Wednesday Jan 22 with Miss SloanQlcader of St Pauls GA arid members of her group and with members of the Young Peoples group to see pictures of Japan and the work done there by the Anglican mis sion These pictures and the very interesting talk were given by Rev Mr Savourywho with his family are Home in Canada on holiday from their work in Japan We were interested to know that there is Girl Guide Company Connected to this mis gates will be given friendly but searching appraisal bySir Ronald Gould who as president of the World Confederation of Organizations ofthe Teaching Profession is an outstandin thorityon educations Perhaps the most productive part of the conference program is the eight workshops whose session will take up the second and thrd days sions specific spheres of milk cation ranging from the quart tity and quality of teachers to At these ses red muscles ease overexertion aches and fatigue leave skin radian lf youve overdone it spend tow minutes pains played or worked too hard inthisnltraniodorn Sauna Perspirc in comfort with themoist circulating heat folio edhy kiiiiuimassagc refreshed and relaxed Leave the Salon TELEPHQNE Pa mug NIAï¬ï¬‚ulénn and apnus= targoiiï¬iiConudiuhiaun Company run WILSON noinï¬mc quickly loo BARR Slockholms big new inter national airport is to be built some 25 miles north of the Swedish ï¬capital bl th as mom on sisao ison an we ope esa is use eisure tme wi correspondence between our subjected to exhaustive and ex BRANCHES lN ORILLlANORTll BilY 51503 company andthosc girls in tar pert examinations by leading off Japan4 authorities