Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1958, p. 2

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NEED WANTED 1958 roll Sm REAL ESTATE SALesuAN Ilthtxooil one penonuuy required lor 6011 STOUTI LTDL EAL ESTATE 1111 Dulllop st West unirte Plinne PA 85901 111 ROUTE SALESMAN Per lndustflli gunnenv ruppiy rnmprny ior couched route tnxfllrrle oren Mn men with rt icut two yearI hilt1 rehool pre erred All 1o 15 Good nlury Ind hellh Insurance pirn nvrlinbie Apply Box 48 Barrie Examiner 11115 APPLE BARN PAINSWICK NB lLflintwny ucininsh Spy conruend Greening cooking Appltl Apple cider PA doiso WATER DELIVERY Sepllc Tunic pumped Ind Snow £1110le DENNiiiionAN ANND srnm sounl iBAniut PA 5290 175tl RUBBERSTAMPS NADETOODDER WEAYMOUTHS BOOKSTORE DUNLOP 51 wm HAWK1 AUT0 SALESMEN Openings or Sdiesmen in one of the Big Three denlcrships in Bar rie Experiehée nut inecéssary FUR fiehis We lilve number or in cuts copes nnd Jacket nil in good condition your eholce tor $13500 1354 Prali 1u serum 51 nAnmI PA 85934 RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW wrm ArrAcrrm GARAGE Uncontruriedyiow or Kcmpenleit any urge llvinl room with dreplrcc dine in area Kitchen ct from or home rprclou bedroom Antlied recru udn room Slidiii door oiouu owner luvlnl Barrio No 100 Phone HAROLD FDRSTKR any PA 3500 fir hours for yonr comenlence PA is ROOM iNSUL BRICK HOME with 54 Acre Ill llfld located on pnvedlrond inn math or tinder st tlon piece bathroom henvy dul wirilil newly deemlust lhmlllhou Your opportunity to enlcy country inn inf ll very modente colt Nil pr ee 36300 Low dawn pryineht gun rles less thnn mill Phone our roman dry PILbMiI For your convenience After hours PA was PRICED RiGHT PAYMENIS uss TRAN 11m in decent more so one Inrbilynro only INCm par no indndlnl inlereet flpul In con Al nuep PA nnytln ALLANDALP nooo hill price toe inn ohm brick home located very xloml nlir home Ilium or bedroom In nlhrec piece he the recond floor dining lomn Vina when alon lull bmlnent Tu only nbmlt Cull AlxltoseL PA 3529 any EASTvENb in or this three bedroom hrtek on Ell iirepin nrle lcltwld Ind liniel fliln ll cellent tiuy In In lun living room 14 About $2300 dawn pnyrnent nqtl ted Ahout 31900 down Payment required rtdrey home ceramic tile bath lull dividcdhuemdnt oil lowed Air lule kitchen AOPeuJirlck int loceted clone to Mail liltlfllad hoilu inl Ilene Noodle56 urinal time in bush studio at out APPU 5m um 151311 mmwmmm Imamqu ioolti ed mount No enn on rune 513pm 10an ili aimawn ritfii OM pew wr gt 1315 HOUSE mile was Is odeln conveniences PA fiMA xIoOhi Apertrneht evenhid Toll Elam stove MIDI leM 7130 151140 St on turulehcdor unturn Ind norm Prtvnte enl Phone poem or puke 151144 APAnmnNrstwo 3mm enducple hoom ou heated iter cud nippiied Children welepnre Phone PA mil 154ml nnlllr we rooiiu liunished suit 1901 veggie Nené New rub lwc lion lMBlyneid 5t Phone PA lellall nAIttY rampant ====i= noeli Boned momma uonlh Pnka rpm meat Pu havenot been completed in date Cellini Phon PA lm ny limbo 11121 qurs NEWE rornig tyi pielsed with results of the all radio surrey oandixted by Bureauvii Broadcnst Measure Altliuiigh Iii tabulations Dyan AND noun or uitleninn welnvegoad news to report on uichlePhono PA was 111315 one cmg mgr WIRED BEDROOM rd counter runner rirl mam II in IVE ID 1hodniryinen needs pine corllphiete imo°rn Arri mu Suppll7 tIuL mi 40 ti centrei IPA wmi narnelyitlioBOB id 11 sixmonth period4min May to November 195743de audience increasedx by 41 per cent This preliminary report MILka MACHINEan uhdsmlce Millin in nt 1kersAulnkee or acceptance cative ol olisten iii CKBB floppy Music format gt ABO urPDOPLE iind things SWeral listeners Mvewrltten in asking why Wedont play more le clil IIJD Cowdue in Muffin SIlh wnsn western mordi Although west ern tunes were us to cms HBPPYMusi ntiifliist week that our part of 0mm it the article track peerich htely its been in the lemon4401 locai union had field daythat the were einptled ABOUT MORE PEOPIE tililitqDld you catéli the ill iul episode oi HAVE GUN tut Saturdnyj TRAVEL haven Aniitlier high rated show cmtpie kill eommgto channels is mm TIER DOCTOR The Bertie Kifismeu protect which witi em biinslzc the impelthrice of 316 driving demands the supportdr everyone it is terltatlvelyusolied tried to get underiiuy Feb Id CKBB is proud to have played part in the success inst week til two important campaign ing Iunds for burnedout Cookstovm family Ind the Barrie Kinette March of Dimes biill LATE SHOWS on Channel this week are ThursdaYiStnnz er airtile Prowl FridaySenti mental Journey SundayOxbow MIDBURN dz soN i82 Duniop West PA ozeaz lltll Coir Al lePA am now or on ppoiniment t0 inrch it EAST END Cnltam iluilt name only ebout 11 old This it xix room one Morey home chin lme living room dlnette kitchen withi Implar tape bonds three hedmomsl01lr Elicnvulo but turned nir oil heeunl Poured concrete Youndntiiui recrention room Ilrudy divided War olhu lfl um olois IIOLHIIN RUPERT Dintum COV Hemordan All due in one week Appl Satin Mldhulst killl very nitrnctive modern lululow Ihit curries tor only 11 month This covers prlneipll interlfi and tiled NHA rerelkmorizue lit By bed rooms lovely llvlnlz mom 111a dln cite Ind modern klch=ll0niy yen nid thll home in very bonuuml dccornted oil thmuxh Complete ult ininum rtorms nndrcreom hnd lilliy lencchn buck ynrd Choice Eut end location close to cnoou and bug stop and childrens pllyfiroulld nil Drier only $12500 Terms 1450 Cd DAN CONNELL any PA 06934 Iller bout for your comclllenre PA $7101 RNISIIBD rtmcnt lune min in bede end kiiehcnello in iliodenie rehL Phone PA 1oiii initial or filllilo linoleum trailing sill Finflilflniniéwm 13 ll£niiofifl fill rtiiézam°°°m innuendo brick laid with back wort lure coin0min Prerh end r1 HEATED modern unfilmlslied nprrt luldsuped lot it you ere looklnl mm drumNe inni Phone dr22 viciortn iierhnur or ni holler Iln everz home Rumble mm PM enmm 01326 let this one cell A1 iioso now PA PA mu 151311 PERSONAL For your convenience utter houn Hm APARTMENT fiartiyb Illfilling kuldn conv ll once 1mm mull CLOTHING Phone any out Salesman 84000 hill ri DAN CONNELIrJA um run run iidmonirnrllfiir afiim°c$ mm 3323 ALTERATIONS AND 1man suwr AL FARQUHADRSONPA $7682 are lrifh dLulllltl womb lute ONE 1113 BOOM PER FOB PA 83193 Due on tw II in cup on ul one In In fl Li bed in momma WRIGHT PA 84800 Int lii°x fife fluid Sfryweciosfl 33veiono$mnfiu ivwwnreirlgfi HAROLD FORSTER PA 84405 Wm Bech 15127 OPE PA 81046 Bank of New Seoul all11w BEFORE Yolnl Sprin Pennlnznt school Illd only about mild nor CHARLIEREAD PA 82817 Eiuxu bedroom pnunent new name in to Darwins Ellrdreulnl lers Prom urrrietawn imils bull A1 Roienaw PA ama am nu wu once or SLESSOR REALTOR downiown 100 monthly Phone PA Oifice PA 85934 School Ind eve tre dried out hair We nirgfiveaireibeir Dnlnv FARM 15 Acroscliiy Lorin loo ncreework 1512 Memlziqerunlrfidil Dating tlillllfidirs lInd ii and el DI IOciean Illd lubricatetne Skin Phat 11 Able 35 notes hush Ind Pasturl Bank 16 burn it 40x80 nnd41x40 tie up 10 REALTORI need mint cooler end coutnct in implementmed rtoclr und implemlfltiu Duninp SK Belrte Phone DAlLY 99 SATURDA exin room home with tour bed rooms both and rurnuce wetcr Ind hydro thraulhnut LocutedJes than foulmilel imm Dorrie on hllihwnyi Pull price 3151100 Cash 315000 Tn inspect ceu PA 35290 liter linurs PA NHA RESALE 512300 ruii price iowdowlpnyment This hunguiow is in lmmliulliite enn dllion Brink construction henutituliy decorated throughout bedrooms all heating For iurther details crll rluss Mil Kurt Marshll BEFORE YOU BUY 1me FARIlll EXEcurivizsilolim TRY LAC EYS 100 here any lonin 05 um worksg $14900 iuil price Daryternu urranr NO OBLIGATION credit Ru Au bqlmcebulh Ind pllhifl BAnkl 70x13 tie III 23 hold water Ind hydro 2d large rooms bedroom Full basement with recreation room Close PHONE PA 85298 gt Phone PA 34752 ill Mary st Inad 98 BAYFKELD STREET hydrnr1cutedmizmnuliglzkir 33 ROOMS Ol RGIIT wry Ibout 12 miles north at 13 Asking price $3900 with hull cash FURNISHED Room helild all con tn school Cali JEKTY Quinn PA 53481 LARGE ROOMS 51500 down $10900 fullprice Fen turtng extra large kltchenyzlth plenty yous mnus For Ditching Excuvuling ICOMMERCIAL AND slim Back Fill Dozer Work PROPERTIES or Loading PHONE STEWART To inlpect cnll PA 35193 or After ventences chl reasonable Central hours PA 84271 Klll Marsh11 PhonePA 56328 It noun or niter five at builtinpcupbonrdd hm hed rnolns TM horn is only 10 yun isa Dunlap st Ptione PA 0500 ismii 4514 FURNISHED Roam Suit one or two old Hus new forced air all lieting unit but yeHKlt Wu heated for Bar it Better Painters V72 CAMPBELL AVE girls Bolrd if desired or mly do housekeeping laundry flolliLiel Phone 45 3132 Situated in In excellent resic dentlal district nnd lust 4Iblockrlrom SPRAY BRUSH moons PAPEnlNG PA 87307 downtown Call illuss Cumin PA PHONE PA 83010 REEm 7° Cm record iiioraly qame up withlsui liciellt dlscstn integrth with the NEW SoliND Prom now on mlulmum or one western or country tune perliour is play ed on CKBB Granted adverse Weather Teltécls ttie tiest lilid Incident CKVRe CHANNEL no wnurlr theatre Fl lurkt 030 we will train you Good remun eration Group pian Box 50 The Barrie Examiner 1H STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPlSTS required FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS HAMI LTON Onto rio Salary up to $19250 ror Typist und sziuo ldr Stenoern hers buscd on gucnlion and exper once Ayplicailon onus chihinublc et Nu tionni Employment 0mm and Post Oflice to he iilcci with Civil Service Commission 25 St Clair Avenue East Toronto Ont JONES usrm PunNrrunl ANTIQUES ESSA ROAD will be Closed for Holidays ram FEB io APRlL 111 COAL AND Wood circuintor Heater 2tone brown Clue Phone PA 09005104 lESS 01L Spnec ltcnter with 4511mm drum and piper 510 Good condition Apply 161 CumberlundSL 1ltlvi4 iPiizcs PiNK cont outnt with mr trim slxe $10 Numerous other dresses etc purchnser Inlay Iiuvn PA mm 711 satiresTrude in on new orused sets Viusl he in xuod condition Poole 27 Clipperton 5L opposite rim lotion 7425 TYPEWRIAEFS sold rented reprired Special student rental rates Porinbiec mm week huyl stur Typewriter 13o 000 Kurt fhntu 10m The Chevy lliw 1100 cm um 1115 Todd in some 1120 community uni 10 WmuinuAchklm Human in niunsnAv tionu rimmi mun no comlnl Ivonne rminelrr Alum nun Iiimt nmrt 11100 The 1030 coon um cl Newt 1115 Today in loom nao commum NM 11o nnueeilve WIDNDAV 11 no 249 You Inmm 11 300 Numni school run 115 Chrilfil kiln nomunen show IW Own Mill NW MY SMIVIIII Your 537 lin Yin Till cumin 11h III Wnurn In I3 rum HIM Micum us Inn 00 sir uncolct 110 nirnulnnd uo Wyatt Ecru us not return 10o Niter school Tim solution Army 110 wanW Show 00 upon Hoiiu can Howdy needy Dunlap Wat we nelre Love Lucy Tilth Annie studio One 1100 cut mm In Tutu in Iron community Nun 1130 Sneaking Punch Perm unru uo new IM vileliter 645 some moir111 Pnleon no 3040011 nunmil 00 met flleflrnv I10 cillnnx Mlkun 1000 rd 00 CI Now 1115 Today in Snark um community Now 1110 Thoin mung on the From il££l NICELY furnished ole11 room nflmmentp sell contined trio Ind o1ovrCentrni Adulu immedme pose emon Phone PAVEJNIS 151415 LARGE Rooms upstairuuniumtxhed not and cold wltei with sink Wired or electric stove llent no water not piled Phone PA 87472 151214 I100 House unrurnlrhed in church ill Hydro running wdterr electric stove neorcnuble rent Phone Michele De Marco TorontoLenhox 2411 unex 1211 151045 lrtnlr PA NW 19Cnllier 101117 Elli °dh3mifin some ncent coins Send 15c to It lorue Mannll Drive per1e oht rio 1131312 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURER 114 111nm 145 Tent return 300 Numry schooi Tlllll us The currunner no conning Inna YoyNG MEN 20 Bdgehlirnrlvc PA 66595 comsmEAM Freezemuter Berkei slicer model Pop Cooler Mutt shnire mixers wood No waste receptacles All in excellent condition Phone Strum 68212 71214 unoonun HOUSE loxld double sided with moisture and lnsuiniion pnper between large windows rxnell on condition is on skids Apply Mun my 11 Wamlca Ru Barrie 71114 SINGER Electric Panama to rent by week or month Free utlmetes givcn on repairs at any make of sewing machine Apply Singersewinx Muir ine Duninp St West Phone Phys731 ll HEADQUARTERS FOR Lincoln Are Weldinl Eguigfllenl and Supplies De monstrations 11 forms in industry Featuring the Lincoln lerary to at plily nil welding problems An rade at Snns rm stroud tciephono 10r14 71425 v5 CKBBPROGRAIVl DIAL 1230 up Now one died an all sports Round up He use Ne nnd Uponl 5110 slrenrlh ior the my film Neil 5mm Bob Molen snow 630 NEIL Ind BMW 31 fit ilrlor show en 35 flammnn an 541 Perm Market Heport no ii on new 10 Hudline Nan no No 800 Evoru Round 17 no new or Sportlacnrll 900 New 905 showtime lurid 9011 sun lulnr show 1000 News 1005 Homemrerr show 1100 News 1105 0004 Non wont 1110 Jun Corey shoe weouzsou P1d 1200 Hcldiinl New 1210 Plrm NIKKI Report min snorio Direct 230 NEW 124 Simone county Pom Ind uoruc Nun 1253 Bulletin Baud 100 Hemline New 02 Elm Tulor Show 213 Natl 315 600 11m 305 Jim Corry Him For Management Training With the rnpid expansion nnd the cunt sequent promotions there are minty opportunitiés withpenvcr Lumber ror young meninterested in worthwhile business ciireer well estbinned and progressive concdian firm Beaver Lumber with 515 stores in Ontario need ricrt sincere young men to irnin nr brunch manners llcre is your opportunity tn do positive creative work helping Canadians build inter estinguitreellve communities WRITE TODAY PERSONNEL MANAGER BEAVER LUMBER ONTARIO D1v1sxON OFFICE PO Box 356 51 chilARiNEs 0N1 Stating qexperlenca nnd schooiing personi interview in Barrie will bu urrnnled Applicanu should have education its equivalent 71315 nAiianussuit experienced Good working conditions Apply Regina Curl shop so Dunlop st West phone PA 39246 114 iumzunussxii hilly ex rienced ior modern shop Highest weeds laod working hoursn Apply naxu Huirte Bilminer 112tr FULL on PAILP ME Ertublished Watkins Route availlilo 400 custom ers Earn 300 $300 In hounpllu Bonus Finn Write Boucher 350 St Roch rechhinntrenlLQileJ llGflM gt Fashions Hunted 1mm Sitting bydnily or evading up to Pfldny 45 AnneSt Phone PA 35508 11415 1200 Headline No 10 1101 Core 311 and Pnrmlflreb moon 1220 Spam Dllllt 1210 New in Blmcoeflounly Penn Add Sonia Nail luso nuulrin Douro Ofl Heldltne ua stnnmior shoe wiuv Pu 1011 Headline Neiu 1211 Perm link Report lierent llm core Elm Boldilne New New nerdiiocnuu Putin inrret Report Report all Evan 03 Nail 645 Bulletin nonrd uoNev York more 111 moo Euldllnd New 02 Jul Elli Show 000 nun 000 New 10m New end unort 1100 Nn endsom TUESDAY LII 555 also an Hemline New 300 mflnflh del djfl Don Noreen show 65 New Iflfl Boom 045 anmrkei 11cer 1700 Nun no spam 715 wmner deport 11220 Boa Dlnsi use New 1245 sundo county Perm Ind Homo New 00 Bulletin noun 100 newline News stun llyliir ahnw COLLECTIONS No collection No eherge ANTED Barrie Metal GSalvage SCRAP IRON METALS Elma RIDES RAGS BATIERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTer oin truck will cell puid Speciu one delivered Phone Bum PA Plis KOFF In ominwmn he AUTOMOBILES wlmcerG 11950 Monuch Most port or sale Phone Eirnvnle 17123 134415 1955 Donald Sedan Cnnbe terms or 151422 niler one 131247 1950 smEBAKEn Sedan body tun Recent motor lab tilhire loh etc szwcuh Phon PA 32152 or PA 3514 131415 Acgbmmbdillion unlit equliiililemi Wnnjed TRACTOR 1953 Ford complain with BEFBCTABLB young busineu men Denim to and hydraulic bucket eul tor snow remoan aody war equires room Ind thord nedr Five Pb Polnti Apply in 52 Barrie Exdinc 400 New Jim com show Hendiine New New Herdan on Form iiir ct lienan Moon on Sport nun Bulletin Baud mulline Newo ycek nuluo show Non Nun Hockey urnacne new And some New And Spam hrs surefire selling method Work is done ior youl MISCELLANEOUS Midi ldl DRlNoéiousrolimRs TO YOUR 12111210115135 SELLS Your MuncliANlllsr As w1LL As OliRS 58838 ANGUS PROPERTIES Duplex on highway 37400 run completely modeln 5700 DOWN rrnhii holding 6room home modern with lpiecc both gt WELwoon Cnulson Ave Angus HEMlOS KELLY REAL ESTATE 15h 10 I09 STOREY room stucco home on floors lot 40 140 on Drilry Laue Phone PA putt 161019F Page Pel Sleek SMALL BEAGLE Hound yen old gunrrnteed to run Rabbi nice one Blue Tick 1i months old stnrled NellBrlEBS phone 120 9rd souis PROPERTY FOII sALE°RnE 71 noowlgn bedroold house turd woodjvnoore modern kitchen lPiecd bllh oil 01 Ice Stone finished lin dunno Apply 41 iiikc ill111 5523 pricel 00 HecdtihoNcu 10 New 2833 m0 VALUABLE LINE FOR encomm swam AUTO AND PLUMFING sum Liilulmi snsrr noon Pullme Pizpmlcrs PAriM immums SPORTING Goons swans Noiicu To cnn OWNERS Under the gliwuy Traffic Act Section 310mil 59 twa citrs will lie sold un der lice on 48 of the Med imics LlenAct 1194syF01d Serial 82114930886 Lil also 2493811 1946 Ford Lic CDSQ 21131 Sold for wijeck lirilmolinll iliiiilrl 511111115 NHAs 1325 OWN New brick bungalows good hilh location bedrooms And tiledhrtll Moderr1 in EVEWVIGHCIAN Clli PA emit nEDUCED $4700 gull price for sup bedroom bungnlow Terms with low monthi payments can be nrranxed SMALL INVESTMENT Pu nu Liquid amsrvou CASH12115101111115 Plg Warqu Pmusnnly piperazine con entrate to St nogh uhcmlxcd with Or king wan er removésround worms and nodular worms No change in feeding prngrain no stdrvation period needed PIGEMIA HARRY YQIING Phone PA H117 orPA 114121 51 iHil Loon COVERING Arinstrduu Ploor hovering nubber nd Arphrit Tile Llnnieunil Gnostic who rile Materials suppiicdmd inrteiicd IE WOLFENDEN $2000 downlu bedroorn brick hung low with oil modern mune piu tunedenrol Phone PA dual KELLY REAL ESTATE write an yaur letterbend to 51 Barrie Exnniiner 2014 sumoi 15 Fnrm Stock implenr no cure oueehoid urd Bhrril ht lot 11 Con 11 vesprn Township one rniie north of Hinhwey 90 mile west of Gre rel Church Terms Eun No reserve In turn is sold 512 1240 pm burp ELLlNG properly will Scott Muir Mmellnz 211 iner 1114 391915 WANnan BY middi ereo couple un rurnisncd liedroom ground rioor apnrtmanti if polslhle Central Applx 30153 Enmi Eliaminer 111440 mills UIIEII CARRIER steel pale 35 feel epproximeteiy 300Eeet track nhn Electric Creém Sepmior Ind 901 mulflc Cutie Clippers DBVE Alder son Aiiulnn 13rd 3911 froilj lfiliiEl column be¥dlihe For copy éznynmWeelrddyprecedlng lésuo LINE For MONDAYSATIJRDAvylm by as MAY HE TELEPHONEED TOPA 82414 edcli word niininium 80¢ llowing consecutive insertions 3c word minilnum 90c 14 ziollowing dons ReOlEstat Braden1 Owen street Barrie interested uremic5 Cail Cflllth CONSULT US ON Low Down lyan Housing Finn Exchlliltv Properties Nlfllmll HutuIn Lolnl Income Propertler Radium Oppanunlual Property mnllzinant LARGE Lor wi urnii ltlmmuiwh of town 10m eniL ution rite Box ridl allowing pooresrlon cuentwvltn PUT cAs or room bunnlnw pentruuy locutcd bedraamr moms cliedt witli duplex in the illury Maple orfloronto StreGL Iran loin in cell cu theewnnts create quick YD rnr Al 11 Rel Drinteir iu tremendous men for DIVE seeking tho willydildln or ppring livittrf $5000 CASH ror 1uriu ocnuon Dp dnd your Dial PAY Hm itlnixht mean on nu 210 Toronto st Phone PA 05135 DAISll Electric Motors 10Ross st Barrie PHONidifli 85307 ELECiRlCMOTOR SERVICE For New Motor Ncudl Rewinding and Ropbirs HAROLDB HART Dorrie Elechlc oilion PinPA oailoc Pnrtrled creme POR SANDWlCIlEE in inr you or weddinl or one phone Aiméi PA M1 small letter Illchiben rum nude in Ellengstg PA 6617de firmstock 33gb ten Jerri Coulhitn Itll Coughiin Auutianee 47101MB Tucson 11 Auction rule at urnsdun ii overseedrlo run concon 05 PicsTo 1p rmiiesndrlh werroraiuednie nae norih not or urergiuonvcle Terlfll cuh Definitely no remye ls crry Couuuin 312 uih Bdiley or Gien walemdcn in the City olfroronto in the Province pi Ontario is indebted to Grnvh Bros in the rumor 320000 lorlhe amount in 1051 mm Picku llcenre No 114110 Dtor tho yer 1056 enoihree months here eicpren einee rtlle sold miniroilfllit to htve en einult he been Noncu iiiEll Tucldly Next the 11th my 1053 etthe premic Laxave ali Buynold Streeti or ie the laid 1051 Dodge Pickup in described eve wlll gold by an by public Illntlgnn sie uble bid Ans YOU HAVING trouble with enrihnlmly lCfllI ya to pocielizeln 111 repn mteniv flutter if liquid s0lution containing iron and other mineralsto be ddminlstered to young pigs for themeve tion and treat ent of nutr and an n1 Jilinlie liirlli Supply it Duly Sorv Ailzm

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