Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1949, p. 6

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lzwwlawLmeWWWMAa olt1ila4p IKKKHKEQKKKH bloom JIMM Club The general meeting sccmcd to be quite suCCcssful from our mint vkw details appear rhcwhcrc in this issucl and our oppcal to help to get tlit hills and trails ready for knng 141 htcdvii 000d 0011th turned ulll on Satur day and Sunday and 1111 11111 and 0M at two trails wcrc cleared 81th are rcportcd in fair tmdllltln The tow rope is to bc spliced and put up this weiktfldwlrluzl mcy tell us with thc finishing touch supplied 1511 Saturday so If aIlvv snow holds out skimp mil 111 this wcckcnd WOrd to lltc Itizc out 1111 at it too hard if It is your first 11111 out 115 your llioxc IltllfiltS 111 not conditional to it and 1111 11 you down 11 1110 crucial 111111111711 so tukc it c051 Ilvcn if you 717 an expert you uunt look ltttiihll trying out liu walking and mlltiilhz stcps on your skis iltilllllpiitrfi 11nd sidc sttppinu up lltt lull will strcngtlicn your mud Sitt11lo down and youll tinti out 1111 iiinu soft those lcg 1n11ltcltn2 111 Next on snowplow and stem 1111114 1111111 ally working your 11111 up to lilt strmchristic and pziigillcl 011119111 Start at thc bottom and Work 111 both on the 11111 and in thcst ltllt11119 skills Dont Start at tlic top and FALL down Instructots will bo on hand SH 11 you feel you 11ccd some hclp in ask for it Youll tic xiiutvn mm limbcringup cxcrciscs 11nd inciti ML LUBRICATE REG ULARLY Specialized Lubrication DANGERFIELD MOTORS PHONE 2487 Ask for Fred Cooper Specialist social evening was held Evergreen School Friday night very successful bake sale was 1119111 in 1419141111 Friday by 111a nyebridge Ladies Guild Law an The Ladies Aid met at the home 11 Mrs William Charles on Wed nesday afternoon with tilt presi 10cnt Mrs Carruthtzs in charge The devotional was takcn by Mrs Jonis ivczy interesting wcrc much enjoyed tlccidcd tO give donation to sums and also to the Sick Child rcns Hospital Toronto 9115 scrwd by the hostcss tissistcu 1191 dunglitcr IIS Kcn Houn ornc cunlcsla Death of Lorne Lennard The community was shocked to lczltn of 1111 very suddcn tooth on lrnlay uf Lorne 10011510 While 11 Work hc sutIcrcd hcait scizure 11nd died vcry short time later In answer to several requests it 1113mm may Hr nut Hts Guam Helium Swat Filthy In Toronto is understood tbat Nomination Dayi is Dom 30 mm 111 Vcspra Township Will be dur ing the week before Christmas Day ilurthcr information on this sub ject will be 10111111 under this head ing in next Mondays issue of The Examiner when time date and place w1il be denitely stated Dlis should do away with the ycarlv complaint We never know when Lunm blizzard 1s blowing iyour roads opvn this nintcr Mrs Carma Md ptcltc tltlll lukc place 1111111 1h Mmhlziri thing of tlic paint The indics The Weather and Aftermath At the tune of writing typical How much snow will be deposited on the Fern dzilc roads we know not but we Ich cci 111111 of one thingth9 Vrs p111 lounsbip Council will see 21 it that 115 two plow vtll kcch 0011 forch to 111 tbrin know how much you itlllllttliilt this occasionally It 15 said It 15 tough job to break down 11 inzins pride But 11M cus in his 13m your and childs Silliltfll can work wondcrq 111115 wiic inti 1ll children in 11V 011 snulc on IIIl Council and llic Illllflitl took niuniu his loss Stt it tlicrc is not Stilitt truth ini illllltt 1111111 111v lunm of his father llic slulclnclll SIIIIHII Inlldltl on Monday to the Anglican l11111li 101 crvicc ductcd by NW lloltiiti libSISiCfi by Hcv Cicolgc Mortimn 111 Wyn iilc lntcrincnt was in Iilt iiiijm11lt 1111 church ct111c111 Illltd No Way Out Ilttlltl who is ilifl5 working around IIlt iltlttSL Iuddcnly decid cd to 3111111 tlu Hour of bedroom with paint brushes and lillll Ilt survcycd tln room which bud tlncc doors Starting to paint mum bus is mi 51131 11 inc door hc worked around the 1111 Givc 1110 local arena whirl or two bcforc starting out on thaw $1119 slight addition in tlic spoiling will make skisskidsaud youll do just that if you dont use cziulion 11nd common 591150 You hiivc Ski Patrol qualiticd to innt iil cmtrgcncics llc1c dont blltll tlic scnson otl by 12134111 1001 to the sccond door and cvcnt cxccpt for 11 square yard in front of thc third door Then with sclfsutisticd look on his face he opcncd this door so that he could complctc the job from outside You dczu rcndcr can imagine his thoughts whcn 11c discovered it was 11ml kmuvlvdge and my tbc cntrnncc to 11 cupboard with no lucd to any ntlvicc given l+ Food For Thought ANGUS Dcccntbcr Angus United Church choir will prcscnt thc cantata Child of Both lchcm on Dcc 22 at ll 11111 111 tlic Angus church This will bc pro ccdcd by carol Singing CtlllllIltIlC ing it 730 pm KKKKKKEKKKMEmllltliIKKIKKKKKIKKKIIKIKIKEIIUI Allandale 34 ESSA ROAD If Trade In Your Present Radio On Rogers Maiestic For Christmas AT Whuxmammz Hardware PHONE 2944 GOOD PARKING NREIIHNIEMMIMMHRNNNNHNII3130433331301lililiitlihllhhk were produced by persons who More Power To You Let us recondition your mot orour new MotOr Analyz er will tell whether your motor is running properly or just what needs to he done to make it do soAnd reconditioning if needed will be done at cost that cant he beat Let us show you HABOLD HILL LIMITED CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO 55 ELIZABETHSTfPhone 2427 911111111 lcd for school library xullv Contplittd the whole surface Ihc systcm of education in that way out rcccnt issuc of Wcstcrn Eur opcan chkly ncwspupcr contained in intcrcsting description of that which happcncd to small country school During the Sccond World War this bountiful rural school was com plctcly demolished The war end cd and thc question of building ncw school urosc country was controlch by Board of Education under which local education authoritics vcrc respon sible for their respective districts Money was scarcc Neither thc su rcmc board nor the local auth ori ics were making any headway in producing new through lack of funds proverb states Necessity is the mother of invention This state ment could be compared with the results obtained in this European country village Teachers parents and scholars got together and lled in bombi craters money was obtained through subscriptions etc the whole locality was stirred to suchl pitch that building materials building An old interest in school affairs up to thatl time had been nil and beautiful new school was erected with suffi cient space and teachersfr the whole district Books were requir Generai gar at the weekend with Mr and rs Chute chccr T110 Sunday School are hav promotion servtce on 50nd 18 at 11 am in Grants Chun Mr and lifts Cecil Hurts and faintly of Thatme spent with 10 and Mrs harm rrlt Mr mid Mr llrury Mitchell of Markham spout last W940 with Mr and Mrs Garnet Mutcr The ball club are holding mutiny lmeetln amt program eucliie 11133 School Friday evening December 11 The Grcnfel Sunday School will hold their annual Christmas tree concut on Wednesday evening Dec 21 The concert will be put on by the teachers and upllx of both schools and jolly od Santa Claus will be on hand to treat the boys and girls Fauwell to Ill and Mn News number of friends and height bors gathered at Sylvester Tracey Friday cvcnin to bid farewell to Mr and Mrs How Section Forclnan at Colwell Junction for the past 18 years Harry Parr read the address and they were resent cd with gift Of money and MIS Howes replied in few words of appreciation The evening was spent in playing cards and dancing NEW LOWELL December Miss Marion Mumberson spcnt the weekend with friends in Cale IOIIICI Mrs May Adair and family of Kearney spent Sunday with Mrs Henry Mathews Rawn has returned home after spending several months in Sunnybrook Hospital Mr and Mrs Sholt Rnwn of Huntsville spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Paul Rawn Mr and Mrs Lawrence Davis and daughtcr of Toronto spent the weekend at their cottage here Mr and Mrs Robert Ross and family of RichmondiHill spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Wes Bates Mr and Mrs Irvin Brown and family of Toronto spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Elmer Brown Womens Instltute The Womens Institute met at the home of Mrs Vcfn Mumber son The meeting opened by sing ing the Ode followed by the Creed and the Lords Prayer in unison Roll call was answered by an ex change of Christmas gifts Min utes of the last meeting were read and adopted Bob Patton gave the speech he gave in Barrie on Con servation which won him fourth prize in the contest Lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs Bates and Mrs Mumberson WA Bazaar Successful The Womans Association held bazaarinathe church baseme on Saturday which was succass The booth where 11193 sold their fancy work was niccly gintcres had become so great that trimmed in red and green tissue over 300 books and cash were 901 paper and evergreens The work lected So successful was the re Still that large surplus was handl ed over to the Board of Education for further improvements Persevcrcnce led to wonderful achievement One statement which impresses the writer was to the effect that much of the successwasl due to the fact that politics do not enter into educational matters in the district concerned The willl of the people to see that theit children obtained the education necessary for their future welfare was the important factor NO coml ment is nec$sary Another Gem Tothose readers who have re quested continuance of these gems we cannot promise how 17 11917491 Elco Expandbnrccelct 31919179 41 was done by Mrs Donald Duff There was also sale of homemade baking and the CGIT girls the Junior choir and the Tuxis rang ers had shing pond and candy for sale Afternoon tea was served to the ladies and supper at six oclock long they will last but here is an other one anyhow Green fingers isnt Marys bent Her plants go limp and dreary Theres something that she ought to do To keep them green and cheery Its castor oil the poor things need Just pour some near the roots Youll see your Aspid tstra soon sprouting brand new shoots m444444994444494944444collectemmmgmum144414491449444444449444444444444444444114qu15 1991111 wuott Ii $70 curedtwasm ivell as dramatic ltd Th hrs 13080369111th Tchdtng5m nuggetJ 01474111014111 The Exominn Radio Column 011 The Air Waves The highlight of next Mondays listening over CKBB will be the Barrie municipal election returns The machinery and personnel necessary to give listeners speedy and accurate report on the voting now planned and will get into high 3411 shortly aftcr sclclt oclock Monday evening As was the case for the Public School by law The Examiner will sponsor the service through the facilities of CKBB In order to efflcicntly carry out this srvicc it will be necessary for many members of the Examiners staff to be station ed 11 111 various polling sub divistons throughout the town and relay the counts to the municipal budding whcrc Nvs Editor Geo Cadogan will keep an uptothc minute muster sheet recording the results for the various subdivis ions and candidates This inform ntion will then passed along to 1191011ch by CKBB announcer who will also be stationed at the municipal building Obviously tlicic will be times when no rc turns will be available for hiring for tlnsc periods fine choral program by public school and col lcgiatc students has been arranged under the direction of Lloyd Tuf fotd music supervisor and Tomlinson of The Examiner Town Meeting in Cantata will discuss the question Has Social tsm Failed in Britain 0n Salurv day night at 805 oclock over CKBB Taking part in the dis cussion will be Arlhur Turner mcmbcr of tlic BC Legislature DI Thomas Principal Mount View High School Vancouver Mukovski prominent writer ltnd lccturcr and Walter Dent editor of the British Columbia Times You are invited to hear both sides of this 1101er subject and makc up your own mind Penny for Your Thought is indeed small price to pay for sonic of the interesting thoughts Barrie and district people have on their minds however it makes interesting listening and in case you havent caught one of the daily sessions we remind you that Tom Daly spends few minutes each morning on the sidewalk in front of the CKBB studios chat ting with morning shoppers Heard at 1045 am Penny for Your Thought invites you to tune in if you are at home or drop around if you are downtown shopping In the Chapel will be conduct ed by the Rev Lewis of Collier Street United Church next week He will be assisted by the choir under the direction of Lloyd Tufford The Sunday morning church service will originate from entral United The pastor Rev Bewells sermon topic will be Crown Rights of the Redeem en The choir will sing the an them Be Joyful in the Lord The ladies quartette composed Of Mrs Milne Mrs Vern Stewart Miss Betty Hook and Mrs Alvin Robinson will sing Jesus Saviour Pilot Me Citizens interested in the Barrie political arena will be tuning in CKBB on Friday evening to near the two mayoralty aspirants tell lille views At 715 Edwin Wilson will talk and Mayor Grant Mayor will speak at 725 lm medintely following On the same evening at 745 the band bylaw Will be discussed The HlIyIOII Party gets under way at nine oclock Saturday ev ening and commencing at 930 will be featured the popular old time mustc of the SimcoeRamblers Planning an interesting and fit ting day of broadcasting for Christmas Day is keeping CKBB Program Director Dick Munghitm very busy these days Several programs produced by the BBC CIIQII and Orchestra have been se DOY travels of the Story of Christmas Article program of carols by the Huroma Choral SOciety has been recorded and will also be includ on the CKBB Christmas Day fare The major work on next Sung days sunday Classic Hour pro gram WIII be the only symphony of Ceca Frttnck It 13019 sym phony Minor and will be played by the Philadelphialor cbgstrai Eugene Omandy is the co upctor 18 program of fine music is presented by CKBB from 300 19400 p111 Sunday 1931qu some will $411 the Vt anniversary of the adoption 31991179 Matthews wentTuesday 0909th $9 at ektwo wee wt artists CKBBvIZSO on the Dial IM IBM All cum blow Mod through tnrday except when 051716 700 Early Bird Show until 900 71511111111 Roundup news prices 745 Regional Weather Report 750 Overnight NeWScast 800 Bill Hewitts 145 Roundup 805 MonWedFri eakfaxt Fun 900 John Sturgexs hymns ballads Saturday Serenade 915 Radio Bandstand 930 Hit Paraders 945 Thurs Salute to the Babies 1000 Newscast 1005 Morning Matinee Saturday Morning Special Mon thru Friday Penny for Your Thoughts tStrcct inter vmwsi 00 Christmas Chimes 1130 News from Womens World Saturday Story Book 1145 Organ Itcverics 1200 Luncheon Enga emcnt till 1215 Farm Markets eport 1230 Midday News 1245 Regionle Weather Report I250 Bulletin Board l00 Farmer Features Sat County Agricultural Rep 130 Novelties on Parade Szit Iccntown Record Bar 200 Fred Russells Corner Szit Melody MerryGORound 230 Holiday in Rhythm 300 Creemore Christmas Tree Sat Melody MerryGOoRound 330 Midafternoon Newscast 335 Road Report 345 TuesIhur Barbara Wheeler 400 Club 1230 500 Mon to Fri Cinnamon Bear 515 Santa Claus 530 Newscast 600 County Hour until 700 l045 mu am December Kelly spent few days at his home procress with his new barn Mr and 0415 Winters Paul ette and Paul spent the weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs Rodger Desjardinc and family visited friends in Brent wood on Sunday Miss Patricia cCarthy of St Michaels Hos 113 Toronto spcnt Sunday with ct parents VMrs Jose It Shaughncssy of Ban ric is enSin home Mrs erald Truen Mr and Mrs Justin McBride and Harold Omar is making splendid few days at thci Two 01 lg 11911041 The megaherspf St larystPu ish gathered at the home Of Mr land Mrs Fred Comartin on Frl Gav night and presenth Mr and 155s Bryant Redfern With an 9144 we reading lamp and set of dishes to Mr and M11 Sanford Page An address was read by Gerald Dumond ektcndtpg best wishes and appreciation of the splendid work one In the parts by both Edith and Sanford and hearty welcome to Grace 11nd Bry son to our midst to which both brides and grooms icplzcd mgr pleasant eliciting was spout playing cards after which thinly lune was svrvrd Jeannette are spending few daysi ITY OFV GONDOLAS in Windsor and Detth this week Brentwood United Church wtll hold their Christmas concert 01 Venice 11119 is built on 119 is conncctcd by 378 bridges lands FIVE POINTS FISH and CHIPS Free Ilclivcrv Iliul 4555 1111 98919 Sunday 12 Noon to 1111 ANYWHERE IN BARBIE 4MW Barrie 16 Hog Grower Per Ton $6300 Buyer to Supply Bags 600 MonchFri Marching along Sat Through Sports Glass 615 News from World of Sports 630 Newscast 850 Bulletin Board 6591193101131 Weather Report 700 Eddy Arnold Show Sat Say it with Music 715 Songs of Our Times Sat Close Harmony 730 Mon Canada at Work Tues All Time Hit Parade Wed Holland Today Thur Western HitParade Fri Danger Death at Work Sat Hillsdale Revue 745 Album Time 800 News 805 MonWed Rendezvous Robbie Thur Heres Health Fri Buddy Clarke Show Sat Town Meeting in Canada 8151Wed wally Perkins Thurs Local Talent Parade 830 Mon Why Do You Worry Tues Jaycee Guest Forum Wed Armchiiir 9111 830 Thur Frankie Carla Plano 830 Fri Wayne King Show hr 845 Thur Ink Spots 900 Tues Rendezvous Robbie Wed Hockey PlaybyPlay Thur Box 13 gri goclcety IflabbyPlay at 91 936 Moniigrxnit Crelry Sings 930 Thur Rendezvous Robbie 1030 National News Summary 1040 Charlie Kunz at the Piano 1045 Invthe Chapel 1100 News Headlines SUNDAY DEC 11 900 News 905 Organ Interlude 915 The Bible Hour 930 Sunday Morning Serenade 1000 Family Favorites 1030 Newscast 1040 uiet Corner 1100 hurch Service 1200 Ivory Classics 1230 Newscast 1240 Program Resume 1245 Music without Words 100 Report from Town Hall 115 Morton Gould and Orchestra 130 This is My Story 200 Sunday Western Show 215 Latin Rhythms 230 Hit Parade 300 Classic Hour 400 Newscast 405 Interlude of Music 415 As the Twig is Bent 430 Fire Power Demonstration 500 The Ave Maria Hour 530 Waltz Serenade 545 Summary of QHA Jr 600 News Roundup Earl Cox 615 Dinner Music 625 Photographic mm 630 Sunday from 700 Church Service 800 Melodic Encores 830 Sunday Star 900 NeWScast 910 ModernClassics 930 RCA Victor Album 1000 AI Goodman Presents 1030 NeWscgst 1040 Sammy Kas Serenade 1100 News in pinute of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on Dec 10 with program from Carnegie Hall New York The program originating With NBC and including Outtgnd ing world readers 54 110 musical Will be 19 dealit for CBC nansuC nada GB netwo liteners on unday Dec 11 be 11 390 and 499 pm The ton Symphony Orchestra Be stein will berheard in agocer 11111111 119911 11111 DALE GROVES LINOLEUMS Plastic Wall Tile Asphalt Rubber Floor Tile unumwuxumxuuiixu1E mininuaiuumuuznkkmw milmKWKEmKKKKIQKKK 599$ SCENEINACTION LAMPS 39 BAYFIELD 197 Electrical Appliances Fram 91414919 WILL BE APPRECIATED ARE USEFULGIFIS GE IRONS 03 KETTLES Electric 33 TOASTERS 5995 ROOM HEATERS 1000W $750 $750 and $975 $1250 Spccial lewkmvvxikwmvmmxmmantenna TOASTMASTERI AUTO TOASTERS $2795 $3359 HEAT PADS $695 $795 lt $895 BED LAMPS Choice Colors $245 $1250 91111 3874 Cbrgi featuring th prcmi prlorm ancefof new work lib Copland noted America rk insisted Waldemar 912 presiden gt Contract Ridge 3999 ILQ

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