Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1949, p. 2

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boat is just what we need at this time to provide the necessary in Wilda for Barrie and no trial was not in accord with ihe original plan for million dol lai project Even if the money had Continued from page one been mind could never see how so by Sumova MW memthis community could carry the mm and um overhead andvsupport um hospital chairman for something more conTh new Plan is mt reasonable egg in the way of reuqu that it should give us the ac hemm winning venture conimodation and still be within When the matter was moved and Team 28 Community which mended the vote of the 50 Ctll must support it sons prcsent was unanimous Mu Mncmnson said we 11 of what had bean accomplished in until there is sufficient money iorecem months concerning the hos build million dollar hospital illillal PmliCL will nevcr happen The need in During 10 DaSl lht years it gym today was rm has been my privilege to serve and am yen3 ago and gem he said as chairman of the Barrie worse the me we just can and District Memorial Hospital wait to have this increased accom Canmil199 irodntion which must cmphaslu What have they bren doing again is not wing but unitlUnforlunatcly such project rc capable of further expansion by quires much time small group unothcr generation info great for investigation and development hospital centre land when done by busy people in ENDORSES We are however reaching the point llr Little of the RV llos of action Approximatelv three pitiii medical staff addressed the years ago survey wasmade of pivoting briefly am completely community services and it was in accord with the proposed plans found our hospital facilities wrrc for unit to bc added to the prrl totally inadequate to serve this int hospital feel that lht pio district The Royal Victoria Hos Asks your support for his election as Alderman for WARD YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE RESPECTFULLY soucrnan HARVEY PADDISON CANDIDATE FOR ALDEBMAN Progressive Economical Administration in 11950 RosaleCl vn HAMBLYW Candidate for Alderman Ward MONDAY DEC 12 VOTE Mr Mitchinson gave realm their free time it is prolongcdu ipltal was built at the turn of the century as 554ml 11039131 and water was increastd to G5 The occupancy during the pas few years has increased to peak of over at consequently corridors are full at times and the hazard fcreatcd by such conditions is any thing but satisfactory The mater miy wards are on the third floor and are not in keeping with the Zrulcs laid down by tho Department iol Health and have not been ap lprovcd by that body This condition led to the extol lislimcizi of Citizens Committee which was composed of representa Itivcs of cvcry organization in Bar iric and the Townships served by llarric The committee in turn iclcctcd Board of Dimmm and the organimtion was ready to operate The first chore was to call in professional help to analyze tho the problem and make recommen ditloiis tlic cost of which was borne by approximately 24 public Vspiritcd citizens To correct the Eihings that are wrong and provide ilhc extra space required would Ecost more than we could possibly iustify in view of the fact that we would still end up with old buildings Consequently we rc conuncndcd the construction of complctc new hospital to be called the Barrie and District Memoriai Hospital and started the machin cry for campaign for funds Our sights were sci high but we lhought with assistance from Gov crnmcntal bodies our objectivn Could be reached As most people know the Federal and Provincial ovommcnts cach give grant of 1000 per additional bed and while vlhis assistance is very worthwhile imd indicates the governments iwlllingncss to help those who help thcmsclvcs your committh visited lthc lion Mr Kelley Minister of Health on many occasions with view to getting additional assist ance must report that Mr Kol ley was most sympathetic This brings us to our present position If we are to provide adequate hospital facilities in our community we cannot wait until suflicicnt money is available for complctc new hospital We must build as money permits and each unit built must be part of the final plan Certainly any additional facilities provided are going to make conditions that much better Our present proposal is to build llbed unit adjacent to the pres cnt hospital which will be the rst part of completely new hospital centre In connection with this unit it is necessary to provide new steam power plant laundry iscrviccs servants quarters kitch ens and nursesin training quart ers These services will be of suff icient capacity to serve l25bed hospital and will serve the pres cnt Royal Victoria Hospital and the new Memorial unit It ls Bhoped tliat we can start building yearly in l950 Every citizen in the community served by the hospital facilities in Barrie has real responsibility in this matter botlfl Mglahddln ancial Everyone mus play his or her full part We must keep in mind the morewe give to pro vide for the essentials of our com niunity the less will be taken away from us so let us all play our part voluntarily Trucks Hit HeadOn Drivers Uniniured About $250 damage was caused when two trucks collided headon at 330 pm Monday at Blake and Louisa streets Barrie but the drivers escaped without injury No charges were laid Police found that apparently truck driven by Bryce Skinner of Mitchell Ont skidded on the slippery road crashing into srn councn My By lnnlsrll Council met at Stroud on December with all members pres ent As this was the last opportum By these turn would have toimcct prevxous to the election and as the nominations were jun past the meeting was sort of clean up There will bc the regular December 15 meeting again btho present council Mimis Point Park Correspondence was rcad and discussed letter was read from solicitor acting on behalf of thel Mlncts Point Ratepayers Associal lion who stated that the park lands1 there were included in the deeds of the lolowncrs as park and should not be occupltd by any individual prcvmus letter to llii aSScssor had demanded that tho lands bc asscsscd to the owner of the payl ilion on the property This has never bcrn dune Council left the matter until fur ther information could be obtained on the matter Councillor Cook gave some details of the origination of the property as subdivision Pass Expense Sheets All acmunts to dat were as far as possible included in tlic cxpcnsv shoot of the various committees Coun Cook urged that tho cheques be got out as soon as possible so that those receiving same would vote as they felt bcsi An account for gravcl at l5 cents per yard from the pit of Todd was questioned by C0un Sproule is he felt that if he was to get l5 cunts per yard all others who were at prcScnt only receiving ten cents should have the same Thcroadl supervisor stated that longer haull would have made the gravel cost as much if obtained elsewhere Coun Cook suggested the account he paid without further considcr ritlon Special Committee Meeting At the completion of the regular moctin the council at the request of the cave went into committee The matter of the road supervisors conract was discussed and change in rates was given consideration He had been hired for the balanch of the year at new rate Tender Acceptedfor Truck Hire Notwithstanding the fact that another truck has been purchased3 Council felt it advisable that contract be arranged with the Cook Construction Co to have standby truck available at the rate of $5 per day plus additional rate by thci hour it called on This also im cludes tractor and plow for heavy duty if needed We will have contract this year so that we will know just what we are to pay Coun Sproulel stated LasLyear we paid for the time one of his own trucks took his own equipment out of ditch The hired machine will not be called on unless the township equipment cannot keep the road open The nal meeting of the 1949 Council is to be held on the 15th as usual This will not be affected by the results of the election Esscr Residents To Get Reports All householders in Essa Town ship am to get mimeograph copies of reports made so far to the newly formed Essa Township School Area ad visory committee Meeting Dec in the common room of the Angus reforestry stag tion the committee was unanie mous in the opinion that the re markable progress in educational opportunity provided by the Essa Township School Area be made known to the people of Essa The committee includes town ship citizens rcpresentatives of the teachers council and school board The reports and addresses are by members of the school msc anyone who is ll slavery paradise mm By Father Doyle vtonlinued from page ml castrated to an incredible diam in inc bands of few men at the lop The power of these men is limitcd by no law human or di Ville Hc cmphasized that Communism as apparent from its very nature is but on treachery deceit and lilluf lls leadch work from the ibzukgimud using others as tools in incur nefarious schemes Never let us lose sight of the fact that they are past masters at deceiving They dupe people into carrying out their plans Their propaganda is life best in the world pressure on government olficials pressure on me various organizations they wish to control Communists begin their work With the youth of the country Fuiiui Doyle said They start tiiplllllllg the young in the class rooms by first indoctrinating as many teachers as possible who in turn unleash their vicious atheistic uuchings on even the little chil llcll curryng right through when wcr possiblc to the high school mid university students The mind of the young must bu turned from God and bent to lhr low of the jungle Referring to countries behind lllt iron Curtain he said the inhuman tortures meted out to those who stood for human rights mid liberties are too gruesome to contemplate This bloodstained page of Com munistlc history should not sur sensible cnough to see that if you tear the very idea of God from the hearts of monyou no longer have men but only raging brutcs Religion Opiate Whore once the Iberian Virgin ruled over the square of Moscow blusphcmcr has scrawled the words of Marx Rcligion is the opiate of the pcoplc the speaker said But Communisms dream is un oblninablc In Russia after more than 30 years of terrorism and it has failed in its boasted objcctivc of an earthly With only terrorism and no morality revolutionary comrades are cxtcrminating each other Father Doyle pointed out that it was during the past 150 years that theories aimed at the destruction Vof Christianity were germinated and came into full bloom He cited the theory of evolution stat bsm and communism lie described the status of wo men under Communism As Christ gazes at the womanhood of those behind the Iron Curtain slaves of the fields and serfs of tho machine taught to live as if they were simply female animals he recalls how once in pagan world He lifted lust to love and sanctified and made sacred the bonds of marriage uuuuuInI merits cleared up within 48 hours prize Winner Town Council Briefs Continued from page one tire and light committee presentE The mwn planning bond mammoth ed report The report necom mended that the twopiece alum inum ladder be sold and that more stable threepiece ladder be bought The information was pro vided that truck with 65foot aerial ladder would cost $31500 and for 82000 more ladder of fact could be provided The re port recommended that perman ent force of six man be establish ed It was further recommended that the council shouldbne ports on all major fires and also reports on the inspection of pub lic buildings and apartment houses Deputy Reeve Griffin said the score of big fire had been on larged upon He stated that To ronio had tho best equipment avail able and there was still lento life and big fires and Drillia with paid permanent force had bluer fire losses than Barrie We must do the best we can with what wevp got said Mr Griffin The council decided to hold the report over for two weeks bylaw respecting the hours for drug stores was passed The stores will be permitted to remain open on Wednesday afternoons preceding holidays Council authorized the mayor and clerk to sign an agreement selling certain property to Charles Newton The council Will retain an option to buy back the lots if required within fivc years at $100 an acre When Ald Ayres inquired about the sewers for the Central Mort age rental houses Deputy Reeve riffin said he undcrstood from the town engineer that the town solicitor would have the ease relations transportation and fin ance respectively The advisory committee includ es Wood West Essa Mrs and addressele Williams West Essa Edgar Whiteside Elmgrove Willard Cole Elmgrove Floyd Feltis Woods Ira Wilson Cookstown Monkman Cookstown Mrs Couse Cookstown Harold Halbert Mount Pleasant Weston Cochrane Thornton Geo Davis Ivy Higginson UtoplaiL Truax Utopia Bell board secretary Lapp Inspector Carman Angus Cliff Duck worth Angus Pat Johnston An gus Arthur Adams Baxter Mrs Hazel Hughill No Mrs AldV arson No 14 Bruce Edgar No Burton No 10 Truman Flatt Trustee McMann Trustee WING or BONIIJSS BOUND Stock or Roasts sHor cur exina LEAN roar snounnnis an FRESH aHANKLEss FRESH WHOLE or HALF letter from the parks board Bingo and Draw mason mom said $100 would be available for skating school gPark auditing George school rinks at Oddlcllows Burton Ave Winners Thursday Dec the monster bingo Park Queens and draw at Barrie Armoury on $130an by the Canadian Legion here and the AntiTank Battery were asking approval to amend the com $50 winnersmy Conron To ing bylaw to store at the corner of DuckworthBarnc and Penctang streets permit grottcry ronto The coun Camp Borden cil approved the amendment anngradfozd St Barrie the planning board will be asked 325 to define the area be mnendcd 5J0 St there would beiEhwall Sl Barrie Joan Patter on Shanty Bay Mrs Graham It was other such icquesis in the same district Before the meeting was adjourn twellington Slv expected RR Barrie McGee Burton Ave Jacksm RCAF James Powell winnersLaurie Dawthotc Barrie Harold Wheeler 10 winnersJames McCarthur Barrie Barnes ed Mrs Mercer Hamilton wished lJacksons Grill Dan Massey Co the best of luck to all candidates dies in the election to be held next ric Mac Mayor Grant Mayor Greenhouse Barrie door Mile of mantel radio was won by Robi Taylor Barrie About 350 to 400 bingo players Monday said he would hold at his home regardless of the out come He extended welcome to all candidates to attend The meeting was adjourned bcu fore 10 KNIGHTS WERE CLEAN The Order of the Bath an order of knighthood instituted by Henry in 1399 was so called because the recipients of the honor wcr once required to bathe the evening 0000 CANADAS rmrsr GOVT mars panic in gt noisr 55 nmcni inn can pl open house lcndley Burton Anne SL Bar Bouldcrfcl attended and won other prizes in cluding 400 lbs of $10 each PLENTY LEFT Complete Paint Jobs DUCO and ENAMEL FREE ESTIMATES nincrnnnn moms NEW SERVICE CENTRE 65 Collier St flltft000000 Phono 2487 tank ZEVERY CUT WELLTRlMMED REDor BLUE BRAND BEEF BWIFTS BONELESS ROLLED ronrmniivsmmm um um 49 lb 691 SMOKED SLICED marrnsr neon 59 CROICE roar maximums MAPLE LEA PEAMEALED By the piece lb PEAMEALED BACK BACON 19 it SWIFTS PREMIUM SLICED con 3323 41 Sliced lb turkeys and eight baskcts of groceries worth Canadas existing oil elds of about 100 square miles have pro luced 3090000 barrels of oil and have known reserve of at least noncomm FRESH KILLED LAMB Battersby Bros truck of Barrie board aha school staff Lennox Trustee Banting The truck driven by Skinner sus tained about $200 damage with the other truck suffering about With Frank Higginson of Trustee Wilkinson Trustee Utopia the chair Trustees Lee Woods Sup Prim Mrs Banting Lennox and Homer Myrtle Alderson Secy Advisory roan mots PORKLEGS lb lb mm 42 $50 damage McMann gave addresses on public Committee Alliston Freshde 31 cusromgnouw Fm lb lb Haddock OLARKs omLoNDON TOWN lb WILSON MAYOR Dec12 WCWLSON BsA FOR TRANSPORTATION CALnscis respoclfullyr for Your vote of confidence All Clare Merlot CANDIDATE FOR VoleMonddyfDec12 cans circusinsurer 90293 Is T99294152 fin PURlTV IONA 02 unmis MAPLELEAF 28ozims pursuant1 37 calm SHORTEMNG CLARKS Assonrso FANCY BLENDEDv inn saucy oxalic clors 0138in llfljllc BoeingT9inlBarrie Contact olceiotjtsymglorlasobe etousraficpoygrshavcmmett31080 and vs an uncommon epyrc tizen knows in nlsmmv

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