Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1949, p. 18

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msslo Or Town Pay $257456 On Building Account diagram Allandole Contrath have start ed on extensive contract in reno At the Town Council meeting building report Reeve Hut aired NI 1h Gums Hotel new last Monday night the longawaltorif any operating report would he dining room will be provided ed report from the Arena Comrforthcomlog Aid Corbett sold Where 10 lidIES belief mom mission was presented Howoverflf youll enlighten me on what was formerly located and the pres it was not the report that had born meant by an operating report we ent dinine room and kitchen and anticipated by majority of theican get it The Reeve said laundry room will be made over councillors it was teport that statement of receipts and expendi into ladies beverage room referred only to the building acltures such as had been presented count it was indicated the open to the ratepayers on nomination lzldes an evening apmint ating report would be presented at in ht of the towns business me nibble at Velma later date be hpoly Reeve Griffin interjectcd new salon Um 380 8647 Aid Clarence Cor it mem at point to say that he thouclit bop of the Arena Commission prelthe Arena Board had done good cangdgfgmi fllttl the ruporf of the buildiiigf lob and people should stop chew ed the garage ofGraves and accbunt ing the fat or there wouldnt be Cundles man This showed that the Town had anyone on the Arcna Board mom Myth ll Catharina and Crawford Surya at Toronto weekend with their fgthcr 3mm 11 Worslcy St They also visited their sister was Verna Smytb of the public health unit staff in Orillia Cpl Herbert Dymcnt of the RCA Station Greenwood NS Mrs out and two sons arrived by motor last week for months leave in Barrie Cpl Dymerit is PT instructor at Greenwood under WC H1112 AFC former CO at Camp Borden They are staying Mr and Mrs Charles with Mr and Ellis John Liking High Smith attended the Weatherallgsmm Coyle wedding in St Catharines on Saturday Dec pm Major and Mrs Pratt and the former5 parents at Cum fumily of Petawawa visited with bum for me weekend Mr and Mrs Briggs Mid to we III Ban of eroet were le or in town the weekend Hrs Knapp spent few with friends in Timmins Kirkland Lake and North Bay Decoupling T0 CG Gimp commas meeting win BY Mr COX Worn lklfsm Wig bi spocm John 00 Members are an an Imm vioarrmznizi ing talk on Christmas decogatins gmbers are also remingduo to the girls of the Collier tree mm lying to the Imyw United 0611 trout 1351 umV Sgie burnt out and also their doti December Mrs Cox gave sug aligns to the elderly people In the gestions for the making of door Home at Home wreaths table and mantel decor lions and tabledecorations using evergreens ribbon and fruit Mrs Cox was thanked bv Pat wngar on behalf of me car and by Marion Lambert bugihneessmgm ame agrant last Saturday afternoon Much work had been done during the THE MARRIAGE of NEVER Mr and Mrs Clifford Lindsay and Mn Watson of Glen Huron were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Wobbcr Han over Ont Irvine Nichols district maim gei for London Lilo branch in Hol ifox was weekend visitor with his brother Bob Nichols ind Mrsl Nichols and family Toronto St Grant Mailland son of Mr until Mrs Wesley Mailland 162 Elizal both Simebwho is associated With the British Aviation liisiirance Company in Toronto left New York by plane on Sunday night for England to spend few months in zf It kind ll nil == GRACE GOSPEL HALL 37 Mary Street SUNDAY DEC 111949 130 pmBclievers Meeting 300 pmSUNDAY SCHOOL pinGOSPEL MEETING EVERYBODY WELCOME baa21 Comer United Church The Minister at both services Rev Lewis MA BD Minister Mr Lloyd Tufford Organist and Choirleader SUNDAY DEC 11 1909 11 nmMORNING SERVICE THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 rimJunior Intermediate Senior Depts 11 amNursery Beginners and Primary Depts pmAdult Bible Class pmEVENING SERVICE Gods Refusal to be Ignored sunmint Peoples Fireside hm Collier St Baptist Church an REV Minister SUNDAY DEC II 1949 MISSIONARY SUNDAY Guest Speaker All Services 11 am pm pm MR GORDON CHAMBERS Missionary on Furlough from Belgian Congo Visitors Cordlally Welcome 32 Fm Central United Church Minister Rev Bowel BA Choir Leader1Mm CI Lenover Organist Mr Suiitli SUNDAY bac 11 1949 11 amMORNING wonsum Messages of the Incarnation Crown Rightsof the Redeemer Seerce Broadcast CKBB EVENING wonsIP rings of Our saviour5 Birth Benedlcmg Sflngof Zacharias parkYoung Peeples Meeting W11AT ARE WE HERE FOR land Ont lllflllllllft the engage lllll of llltll only daughter Wilma Louise to John Henry Dog gart eldest son of Mr 51 and the late Mrs DoggurlToronto The marriage till lllkt pliito on Satur day Jun 1930 ill 330 oclock 111 St Pauls United Church Mid land 87b INDIVIDIAI SllllD DECIDE We lcl others Stack llltll opin ions for 119 wt tltiiil iiiukc up our minds on our own sniil Rev Luvcrly 11itlru It Qiirths UlllVll sity Kingston in Sllltlfnlnl 3qu mon lhurrlt St Andrews Presbyteridn Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister MR STEELE Choirmaster MR CHURCHILL Organist SUNDAY DEC 11 1949 11 nmCOMMUNION SERVICE 230 pmT11EC11URCH SCHOOL pmEVEN1NG WORSHIP Come to Church 12 First Baptist Church tev Luck BA BB Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY DEC 11 1949 150 amSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 amMORNING WORSHIP Subject 11 amNURSERY SCHOOL Mrs Brett in Charge pmEVENING SERVICE Subject MYSTERY STORY Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at pm Monday at pm Annual Sunday School Concert Dec 16 at 730 pan THE FRIENDLY CHURCH In GOSpel Hall 19 Parkside Drive SUNDAY DEC 11 1949 11 amBREAKING OF BREAD pmSunday School and Bible Class pmGOSPEL MEETING Wed pmPrayer Meeting welcome Seats Free NO Collection 12 mm The Salvotion Army 60 COLLIER ST The Home of Friendly Worahip 81 Captain aners EStrachan SUNDAY DEC 11 1949 11 ringHOLINESS MEETING 230 pmJSUNDAY SCHOOL 700 pinSALVATION MEETING Services conducted by Capt Maitwell and Lieut Bond of Toronto gt Wed 8pmE110wship Club Thurs pmH6me League pmSoldieLMeeting Dec 15Pm CHRISTMAS TREE PROGRAM Start Building TOday For Better Tomorrow Burton AvenUeUnited ChurCh Rev Cardenl AM1nlshar iitey Qridnlt an 61 Lew UNDAY prionII 1949 WORSHIP Whit Gift service NURSERY CLASS advanced money to the total of Theyre doing good job and we $12841711 This money had been want lhem to pay the $8000 de Iziiscd by selling bonds and lizidlbentures he added been forwaided to the Arena Com mission belwrcn July 15 and Sop Ifllllltl 29 Speaking as member of the hold Were unfortunate Arena Commission Aid Ayres in not The money had been Sptlll ossbavlng full time secretary Weve follows truclurcs lllld Founda tions for 11 with contract 375870 asked hint to get report but if we could pay full time secretary Dover Construction for concretelwe could get report of once walls 320150 liarold Forster for Mayor Mayor Chairman of plumbing and limiting $16000 the Arena Commission remarked Eirims fur wiring $0416Sarjeant think when you see the bills Coriipnny for roofing $6250 This nuitlc 11 grand hitle of $130902 Mr orlictt explained that small amounts had been held back from each of the contractors but this money was all due within 80 days tiller completion of contract and the urinal ziiiinuiil still required was $3574 59 The llltlllbtl of the Arena Com mission pointed out that the builtl inI liiid boon completed Vhtll naked about the stool that had been sold to the Curling Club Aid Corbett and Ald Ayres ex ploincd that the contractor lind re ceived this money according to the agreement made prior to the start of the work on tho arena The matter of the amount still required of $257459 was discussed Aid Corbctt thought this should be forthcoming from the town He said tho Arena Commission had asked for $131000 and the work had been done for 3130992 It was not the responsibility of the Arena Commission that the sole of deben tures hzid netted only $12841741 Following the discussion on the MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS o=o==o=o===o 34 Dunlop St JOE MEILLlE OVER OLV IA BILLIARDS FULL LINE OF LATEST SHEET MUSIC KIRK CHRISTMAS MUSIC for Vocalists and Instryumentalists Trumpet Saxophone Clarinet Violin etc IllK100 MOUTH ORGANS $l00 up to $2250 SPECIAL UKELELES $650 to $950 We have to pay youll be surprisedl Aid Harrison said no one was criticizing the Arena Commission lm on the side of the aren1i thats why want 10 sec the rcE port Ald Chrislie said it was very true the Arena Commission had done good job but he felt somel thing should be done to protect the people who might get hurt He spoke of accidents where teeth had been knocked out and one man had been struck on the jaw lie was afraid there would be serious accident In reply to Aid Clirislic Aid Corbett explained that on the back of each ticket was ii statement that there was no responsibility on the Arena Commission in case of injury The Mayor added that the debentures could not be paid off if auch heavy insurance had to be carried The discussion was concluded without any denite decision being reached regarding the $257459 owed to the contractors who had worked on the arena alterations no=o===ao=o==30=o==or=ro==l AND ACCESSORIES rmm Visit Us Upstairs BARBIE Phone 4120 OUR FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Hrs THE BEST IN TOWN GIVE Us CHANCE TO PROVE IT YOU WILL BE SATISFIED PLEASE DIAL MEAISPECIIILS Grocery Values BLADE ROAST CHOICE IsTOIsLEvs TOMATO 45c LB JUICE Fancy 20 oz SHORT RID ROAST BEEF VALUE naivestTOMATOEs LEAN DONELESS STEWINGI BEEF LEAN nnstEir on PLA1E Bone In 13276 LARGE SIZE SAUSAGE 5c 10 Save toe REINDARTS Apple Juice 48 oz Tin $1246 NEW LUX II 346 mi Gnome McBride dun for of Mr and Mrs Mel 00 M391 Avenue to Alan Arthur Kraut Jr son of Mr and Mn lur graft of Toronto will take glue In Trinity Anglican Church on 83 urday December 10 December Mm Jessie Gilchrist has moved to lltl house on MLIIOSO Avenue in Toronto Miss Marion Gray and Miss Jean Bartholomew of Toronto spent the ltfkClld with relolivts Anyone wishing to cOnlrlbuto to lllt Bible Society is asked to do so by next Sunday Doc 11 Wiiiwn seems to have set in in earnest We have quite ri depth of snow and the rink has been flooded im pleased to report that Ken nItli Caldwell who met with serious accident three weeks ago home from Toronto zindis much IllllllUVOLI cht Sunday December ll will Do While Gift service in the United Church Children and adults are invited to bring new and good used gifts suitably wrapped forChrist inns On Saturday afternoon the Mission Band will complete and wrap the gifts which they are don tiling We have Neilsons Chocolates In Christmas Wraps 85c lb LUNCH AT BRYSONS Ice Crecun Candy 32 ELIZABETH 81 IN THE CHAPEL SERVICES Broadcast over CKBB under direction of Barrie District Ministerial Association 1045 to 11 pm Each Mon through Sal Week of Dec 510Rev deP Wright Trinity Anglican Barrie Dec lZllRev Lewis va Collier StUnitcd Dec 1924Rev Morris Stroud United Church Dec 2631Rev AU Bewell Central United Barrie Jan Z7Capt Strachan Salvation Army Barrie money was taken together with Cigarettes and garage supplies En try was made by pushing aside four cementblocks that had been set in the space left open for window Prov Cons OHalloron is investigating Madame Henrietta now in town Clairvoyanl for private consultations 59 Elizabeth 81 Phone 2781 87p DEMON STRATES INVENTION Harold Webb Essa Road was In Toronto II few days last week attending the annual power show and manufacturers exhibit put on by the Institute of Power Engin eers The James Morrison Brass Company of Toronto provided Mr Webb with booth where be de monstrated the automatic feed water control which had been in vented by him This unll develop ed by Mr Webb is in use in sev eral plants and is now being manu facturcr by the James Morrison Brass Company Specinl Maries Beauty Salon 59 Elizabeth St regular $5007 per manenls now $350 also $15 cold wave now $795 Evening appoint ment Phone 2781 251fth PROPERTY COMMITTEE Chairman Alfred Harris conven ed ii meeting of the PropErty Com mittee of the Pub year and there would be small surplus in the budget at the oldie of 1949 Following the meeting 11 Cable chairman of the board and others went to Pcnctang see school that had been built ezifago The regular monthly meeting of the Publicf School Board for December will be held this evening at Prince 01 Wales School The Adult Bible Class of Collier ii St United Church will receive nlf friendlyvlsit and address fromf Rev Mitchell Sunday Decal 11 at pm KIWANIB MEETING novel feature Was introduced by Speakers Chairman John Tom lliison at Mondays Kiwanis din ner meeting at Community House He had six new members of 1949 give fourminute talks on The History of My Life which prov ed most enlightening and enter laining The speakers were Ken Walls Dr Fred McDowell Ross Stephens Steve llines Greg Fer guson and Gil Garrick new member was introduced by Ki wanian Jack Rodgers in Arthur McKenzic creamery and dairy products salesman Guests in cluded Otto Hardwick of Bolton Ind Jack Christie of Toronto president and secretary of the OMHA and George Hayes NHL referee and linesman So easy to give so wonderful to receive Grucn for years Canadas favourite gift JEWELLERS Suggestions from Ephens The Store for Men SHIRTS By Tooke McGregor DRESSING GOWNS SMOKING IACKE TS by Bonnington WOLCEY ENGLISH HOSE SWEATERS Pullovers Sleeveless Cardigans Pure Australian Botany Wool By Tony Day SKI sucks GLOVES cars NECKWRAR Complete line of PVIAMAS GLOVES All These Items and ManyMOrOmay be seen Stepltens Store for Men 15 Elizabethsi BAIIIIII At Tileriveirqints

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