WWII In all HAIL it OCT omen WAITI OTTAWA 86th YearNo 87 ss$sussxsoysousssssnssoxssssis mi 3519 First Willi The Best In Barrie TMHWUMHSDC with FRIDin SKWRWDAY CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT 230 pm John Skinner on Successful in CA Exams Robert Gilmaster and John Shinner of the Barrie office of Armstrong MacLaren and Co chartered accountants were suc cessful in this years examinations of the Institute of Chartered Ac countants of Ontario The exam inations were written in October the results announced last week end Mr Gilmaster passed the in termediate exams and Mr Shin ncr the primary Mr Gilmaster former pilot Ll the RCAF comes from Toronto has been in Barrie for over two years He is married with one daughter Mr Shinlier is also married with one daughter He comes from Tor onto has been in Barrie for over year During the war he served inthe Royal Canadian Army Ser vice Corps Armstrong MacLaren and Co have offices in Barrie and Toronto Robert Armstrong of Toronto and MacLaren of Barrie are part ners in the firm sssssss MGIlgjs 516 New TE NICOLoR MUSICAL macaroni Qssbssssss By NORA MARSHALL One of Royal Commission now studying the whole field of the arts and sci ences in Canada is that exhibitions QQQQQKQQQsssssssssssssQ sssssssa ss rHURsoiw DECEMBER l949 councilman and iMClub ExhlbltoaoillextWeek iiitings the now famous paint the recommendations trig Past Office Square Barrie ifrom the artists of Canada to the This is painting many of us would Rc to see owned by the town and ringing in Baiiies town hall fourf days italion Co bus itruck iwlicro buses collided people stopped to other vehicle Angus Whitbread Some years ago whilc in one of times Ill All PUBLIC Liamiir WILL BE CLOSED roa roua cars The Public Library in Bar rlc will be closed from T35 day until Friday next week for decorating The interior is be redecor ated and it is expected the work can be completed within gAnother Greer Bus Highway 90 Mishap Lillie damage and resulted when Greer Transpor Vw as Monday near on Dec two Greer Cu injuring The bus as in the first accident let off passenger when it was struck About 30 damage was done to the involved truck driven by James Wile of The bus was driVen by Waltci it had stopped about fotir miles from Barrie on No 90 Highway as it travelled west to wards Cainp Borden Ian CIKUUYIONI Section 3Pogcs GIANT 0003 Em Jack London Story Returns to Thrill You CLARK Lonizmi JACK CABLE YOUNG OAKIE CALL of Tris WILD On The Same Bill no injui lei struck by the spot SCVLN in the rear panel No charges twere laid lt 01 pmntings be made available to the large cities of Connecticut the the small centres ur Tiler aSkod shopkeeper t0 sug as ormferly liesoinwcre enjoyed by gcst one grtwo interesting things Barrie Halstems Cilttics cw ana ions in our large gqgadutrrigtgctliiiihgithmseg at Mp mmooucmg We are shortly to have the pilV town hall Yes she had seen this 050 llcgrbttli seeing hclre in Barriotlaii beagtiliiftltl piegc of tilew England conglgnment ex lion ainin rc rcscn in Hill llll trim muons imam the work of iiitists in aims 05 i313 331$ grihe iinee nlihterliLof Tgg maid ggnsfgneg STUARTERWIN BARBIE 01 1115011 arric Eve Shows on SAMI nooum 929313ng 33351ggdcijgtDiff 335 were among um 45 head of pure Clam TREVOR CARTOON isr DIVISION standing exhibition are bringing This pride in local art and artists 11H01510m 501d 1110 15m MANOR mm pm FOX NEWS iCGE 21 12 50 paintings from as far west as Sauit and in the fact the town owned VI conblgnmcm bale held LYLE TALBOT Clarke and Clarkl 2o 13 46 Ste Marie Port Arthur and Fort these ainti rev hlu De Oakvle iPcrry Electric ff 18 15 42 wii in ng Ne 010 of his animals an 8year lam leit wtl paintings talking With strangcis at lunch in iBalHe Tanning 17 16 40 from Sudbury Oriilia and Toronto the same city Low Nab 80m $525 to AN iCIFSke and Clarke 17 George Thompson of Owen Sound The Barrie Art Club is to bc bdilmsner Jerseyvme The Other Dmes 17 16 38 will be exhibiting as will also Eg highly commended for the trcmen Dilgarpld was 501d for to 2ND DIVISION bert Oudendag of Aurora Holl dons job in developing such an fghg bigaggggpo GO ROAD Barrie Tanning 38 angelf recgntly comel to Calriada exhibition This is just anothcl spending $3660 on eight head Dodgers 16 17 37 CW arlle poop are caning one of those efforts on the part of Hi Bell Telephone 15 18 36pamtmgs doneby Canadian artists Canadian people to arouse inteFCStSlOnggid ii Lestgoigcz ngtdaywdziif ssm Pratt Canadian act has WARNER 03 BRINMHE BOLD BESTSEILERTOTHE scam C093 14 19 33 Amogg collection are 30 Mid Support in our Canadian way stock for Bond HavenRaiADple Barrie Buglne an iccciivcdmtheihi 777777777 De duumumnymgm WA Barrio Cafe 14 19 Ell paintings of the late Constance Diriiie and in the writers artists pat ii fiVeyear1d son of the 51x onorary ee cndhmdwn Harry TWiss 13 20 19 Rookc loaned by her and craftsmen of Canada In Toronto General WW The new series starts next week and the schedule is as follows 715 pm Barrie Tanning No vs Dodgers Bell Telephone vs Copa co Barrie Cafe vs Harry Twiss pm CGE No vs Clarke and Clarke No Perry Electric vs Barrie Tanning No Clarke and Clarke No vs Dixies Schedules on Harry Thomas Mitchell ARclwho has been great inspirat and in valuable help to the club will be exhibiting amongst other of his th STARTS MONDAY THEGRANDEST GIFT or ALI CGE No Smiths Dairy CNR Telegraphs Lakeview Dairy Ball Planing Shellboys Spareboys Barrie Tanning Canada Bread 27 15 The 2nd seri ts next Tues day and the schedule is as follows 715 pm Lakeview Dairy vs Ball Planing Shellboys vs Spareboys Barrie Tanning No vs Canada Bread pm RCAF vs Goheens Barrie Examiner vs CGE Smiths Dairy vs CNR Telegraphs 84 defeat at the hands of Guelph Biltmorcs at Barrie Arenalast night And there was no doubt about it the road trip sapped every inch of ghting strength from the Fly ers veins Hap Emms had his boys ying on the road They played terric hockey But they werent able to provide 2500 home town fans with the same brand Playing the Biltmores for the second time in two nights they found the pace on the other shoes Guelph who also boast an envi able road recordgained sweet re Hank ed tri ba on GfNl riliiriliills VAllJtlllliStill GlORtAlleilAVEll Alllllll Mill 1th BRAKE yvss Qsssss Wss sys QQ mmsQsQ sisss The following weekWill be the big Turkey tournament Teams may bowl Dec 19 20 or 31 Every boWler shouldplan to enter this Even if you dont have good score you haVe chanceto win turkey on the lucky draw Every player that participates automaticall gets chance onthe drawa front of Jim Beasley Guelph could have easily gained their Wide victory margin lnthesecondper iod had it not been forlsonie bril liant work by Beasley gwlio con tinued where he leftyoff in uelph Pikes best were Veteranstrank Bathgate and Bob Palmer with cookie Andy Bathgate contributing 3x Ixxxxx xklxsixxxx miss seeing it Biltmores Bounce Back Frank and Andy Bathgate each notched single with Palmer sink ing pair Herb Dickenson prov ond line as he tallied the hat maining marker Barries quartet were spread over Rick Hogg Enso Zanatta Red McCarthy and John Bobenic Through the efforts of Jim Beas ley Flyers still remained in the minder kicked out no less than 11 shots in 90 seconds as the Bills The exhibition will be held in Apple Collegiate Auditorium Decemi Moore Orton to be the opportunistpf the sec ck Ron Plumb secured the rev ll game at the end of the sec Hall Allandale period The crouching nei at 830 pm STROUD Spealrer Everybodywelcome sumo LUNCH wrm you ronpralibows allCanadian Marksman sendo Belwood female was $650 received by Mahon and Son from James King hold general will be given to team captains next Highest price for brcd heifer Mtnday Dec 19v 20 and 21 is the was $475 received by Clark big Tuikehy lourriarnent which Brown Woodstock from Harry Get Your Theatre Gift Tickets MW 12 adtsv ompee ispersa er NOW Group fgesh ofl sgleniious 503d trip effective work They shoved home 335133358 151531 ferig an mira recor of two butygqals between them and made was gaff cutoutsuirecmavinsmeles lil sibliiforthevblyerrevcrgggg33f2rg ihftgghym Goheens 11131 wearied their way to coiivincingi turn on the ice of the Flatt cattle was $575 paid Eby Sheffield Farms for iiineyearold An llmorithsi old heifer brought $525 on the bid of Earl Moore Orton lBmonthsold bull $500 from Lcslie Peer Milton COMING EVENTS zzcf Dance Tuesday Dec 13 Orange Music by rSimcoe Ramblers Barrie Ladies Curling Club will meeting in the iiigiiir titles1 dei it lmiiiymfniy him ayseclasnt iiifa 323 iiekiiiisiigiiviiibiufidiii fcgggliwr 111 51 City the endpf the frame ladies interested please attend Kenwell 32 lAe pikels forward lines Wm mglzrliiilrts figszcregl cgzfafbl xftlnrgr $332233 Drag and Legion gt etc ing on all cylinders Their Eve ows CGE No3 18 15 44 speed and pass plays made Barrie Egg ED Spin the Euelph Jumr Simigrp Diareft MOStEQmerYS 13 15 41 appear like folded lamp posts 5mg 730 Ch yitll 11 3t 17 owe St 75 845 Pm Lem it If 43 only yer elmind Jim Beasley twile analmung syStem Den chiirciimbvg uxirceil me mail SATURDAY t9 an 2ND DIVISION failed to fall hinder the continual 1115 Mooney bemg the Other net yoe co 13X $021 1g 33 thrusts until thvthird period minder ChilliWilli Junior Farmers Club 93 mii ii 15 first Weirtheme in unassisezcsgsdo 2222 Wisii ifiidkitisliinii Examiner No 13 20 30 3Y9 Pun mg home the rSt tB th speaker 87b 10 23 23 goalv Intlie second the outscored easey appeare ENE CgiibgrsMotorsV 24 20 the Flyers 21 and in loot fell giggdgggmm my 0f the daicggi8ug305dgg lL mew Series Sims Next Monday igwgh Inthtliid and nal Chap Barrie did place rally on the 25 cents Everybody welcome 37b IS orse gt The first ames of the new series line in the closing minutes which will be pinged next Monday Dec It was 11k Storm gradually netted two goals but they neVer ADVERTISING IN THE EXAMIN 771 1T Scheduleswm be given out to mounting to its peak as the crowd seriously threatened Gdelphrs BRINGS RESULTS 8000 sum team captains on that night Here watched silently from the high mendous margin scnmms TWICE WEEKLY is the schedule for next Monday prlcgd Seats Flyersereditmd 715 pm 13x vs AP golng nd no trianguntof sprinted vigrds Smith vs Examiner ar ers ram coac mms cou mae em gt LASTCOMPLESH0W THEIRAND Fmt EVENINGSP vs CorbysLa pm Chicks vs Ken withstandtiieaazziing pace Stroudamkpistrrct pII A1184 pm wells Legion No2 vs CGE No Backcbecking was neglected and Federation of Agriculture 039 an Montgomerys vs Legion N0 thedefence corps just wasnt in MEETING MONDAY DEC 12 COMMUNITY HALL DH is FLOOK DirectorDom Health of Animals Branch Films of special interest to dairy farmers will be shown Montvic Rag consigned by joint owners Hamilton and ber 15 16 and 17 No one should Smallwood Guelph and Town Top Campbellville Doctor of Laws from Queens Uni vorslty Kingston Stewart wellknown own er of Hammer Co tobacconisrs Dunlop St Barrie is in Torontoi General Hespital awaiting resultsf of Xrays taken to determine whether an operation will be necessary on an ulcer condition he price for years He has been under care of Dr Little at Barrie All Sizes Priced at 5289510 $5300 asmwmwcu $ltk00others 839518530 Give Stetson Hat Certificate forChriStmab SHIRTS WHITE 01 COLORED All Sizes $400 to $750 Lined Gloves WoOLGloves Ties Belts Sport Shirts SCARVESFUR cars ETC Dressing Gowns Wool $1395 to $2200 Silk $l395 MENS ma ysv 55 Buniongt BM St George and s5sss vQCQQQ5QQ the 8788b cinema 900 TC 1200 $8$Q$QQ5$ssw sww wo ress gBARRlECHRISTMASan Kills MARISETBOILDTNG 136 MULGASIliBiStj THURSD5C15 Duos VEGETAB