m3 bod boon warned of the fit by the family of William McDonald Withtnuhwnoftbemmm lief fund of more than 000 had already can raised The city hall was turned into small department store crowded with donated cloth in god footwear the Red Cm added furniture bedding and beds It will be long time before Brockviilc forgets the fire but its CN Railway By vow mu taurm sun Writer Although at one time it was felt 01 from Allannd through the rocky wma id in WW help the 55 Th fl homelcu forget it or quickly line in tin om has become one th By ALAN DONNELLY Gunilla Pro Staff Writer The citizens of Brockvlllc drew together last week in concortcd friendly effort to help some 50 por sons made homeless at the week of the modest of rglnys be financially and from standpol of public service CNR oicialst fecl As well as being Iervlcc tori turn people and tndurtry this part possible ICE AND SLUSII blanket of warm air moving in from the west In the wake of humlob first big onewotorm turn ed southern Ontario into an ex tight followed by an average tom mature rise of about 10 degrees lain highways in western Ontario whore up to chtfinchcs of snow Ml over the weekend were clear id but other snowcovcrcd routs litre made slippery and slushy Ontrib youngsters whose hop for white Christmas had been raised by the while blanket of snow Settled Back illumiy hoping for another big snowstorm before Dec 25 KEEP IT DARK With dark day and colder wea ther on the increaoe general ap peal went out this Week to the southern Ontario lhydro pystcm to cut its use of electricity Municip alities were given us target fivopcrcent reduction in electric ial power use over the next three weeks Strotfords public utilitycommis rion was told to drop part of the electrical load at moments notice Compulsory cuts were threatened in Brantford OWen Sound and St Thom to reduce peck consump lion In Kirkland Lake volun tary lOpercent reduction is be ing urged Saunders chairman of the HydroElectric Power Commission said the situation might be bright 01 iii the end of three weeks By linen production from steam gen erating plants and increased output from Decewrialls might give en ough hydro to meet the demand Allandalc points out adlln Regiment furnished with beds and bedding by the Canadian Red Crossinthc city counted Its Ion Tho estimate was around 31000 000 The fire started Saturday night poniny in the basement of hard Ware store on Brockvillcs main street By Sunday moring all that was left were the smouldering Ico shcathed ruins of four stores and th apartments that had been on the floors above All the Eipnrtmcnt dwellers escap so 1000 $8 ed difference between the form land stretching up to Warhago until the rocky wooded terrain beyondl You can almost see the dividingl line between arm and rook in thc Washago area he says and points out it might be thought that th0 topographical division would haw some effect onvolumc of trading As an indication to the contrary Mr Stevenson points to the great number of passengers and largo amounts of freight needed to serve ihcm than pour each summer inol Muskoka Algonquin Park tho French River and Lake Nipissingf areas Also much of the trade cong tinucs through the hunting 502mm he said Besides all this is the tremendous weight of freight and passengcrsE travelling overthc main lines bcl twccn cast and west betwocn southern and northern Ontario Clich Importance of Allandnlci division In relation to traffic in Canada is thatnll the rcilwnys freight from the industrial cast and western sources passes over the Parry Sound Washogo Toronto route Mr Stevenson states The division has also directi route from Toronto to North Bay via Washago servlng the mining area of Northern Ontario and con necting with the Ontario Northland Railway leading to farnorth points Plenty of time for individual private attention IIberes no munpro duction bcrc even though we tiltile thou mantnmw damsi CUSTOM DELUXE SEDAN upper In typicnl of as well as manometer clock and radio dial arc the new Meteor passenger car line for 1900 Auto horned bchlnd single plaidgloss panel In one of the motlc overdrive Is an optIonal feature In Illvmodcls new Mercury futures These new models were on In lower photo is the 1950 Mercury convertible dlnplny ct Morrison Motors Barrie on Dec redesigned instrument none In which all gauges sewer systems expected to mount ads or people CQCh into millions of dollars hum of one mt Vim in the 31 mycgiiidzmir STORMY WEEKEND Even more serious was the loss um proceed at Northern onmno Danch Anan dividunlly Repayment mOOd ms upped through of life The weekend storm claim MARCKBURN d8 DMsm has tow mok uegetrell to your in Brimh Cmumbl 135 3ekcnd By 19 Vicms Some of the bodies FARM merge or 673 mugs and abom 1230 Corn and protecwd for lTuedny communmes lhc south were still missing Tuesday Mgnon emp wees you with me immune W85l corner or the Provmce were Vice was gimme Conn The divson bound on tho no um cog No counting damage to homeS roads mm if if main Canwa we mm by PKWY sound Nd North dorsmjfcrfequited brldgeS vrlil lines and kc and aiirstalngggza 33 my Wilma1857 the south by Toronto Y0 In nmcm engineers had replaced washed by Branch neg mm the Blue Water p051 can GE ME WILSON Ni mnmu tad out bridge over the Captlano River country include these to Coiling Emcee vancouver and North van wood Menford and Pcnetang In wuv 1M2 liohegetisnatllim gozllfgdlmgwgog WWWMMM CHUNGKlNGS LAisT gAtYIS 05 JANUARY crossctiiantryr0 ne frsomn alliarry NH Chinese commun St at 21 Snowing 311d blowmg Three days Of 0Xde mid wealher 16 Sound to Algonquin Park closed inon Chungking Tuesday night to the accompaniment of can non and machinegun flue The YangtseRiver city of 1000 000 was quiet as the Reds approach ed Soldiers guarded empty streets as the last few trucks and planes slipped out on their way to Cheng tu170 miles away Chengtu has been chosen as the next and fourth capital of Nationalist China in your Little news leaked out on the progress of the fighting But it was rumored that after Nationalist troops were withdrawn the Reds Cloudy Snow showers now and then Two or three days of soft mild Included In the divisions person weather with rain 29 Snow disappearing fast Rain In the evening nel are 292 tralnmen 102 engineers and 130 in the Motive Power and Car departments Agents and operators total 190 while those on gaged 1n malntenanceofway track upkeep total 800 There are Plans For 1950 Plowing Match Near Alliston Fast and Slow RECHARGING NIAGARA FINANCE Compunu Lid nonnuAnv Engaged Jno Connor for 14 days ill 10 dollars per month Cold weather 19 heavy fall of snow MARCH lacEhlrerweather Sleighng stilhgoodlmpioyed bringing in now logs Frost at night and warm sun through the day 14 Commenced making sugar Snow going fast away 20 Fine day birds chirping Sleighing nearly done up AIRIL Fine mild Snow all gone out of the clearing 10 Fine weather Birds ringing Employed plowing 20 Sowed acres of spring Wheat 33 Hayfield st name The Nottnwasaga Valley Planta would take over the Oily 9030001 Very worm Summer weatherEngagcd Michael Connor month at 10 lions and neighboring farms near 1y dollars per month 24 Swallows come 30 Plums beginning to show Alllsion willbe the 5Com Of lhe Square P110035533 white being20 days earlier than last year 1950 International Plowing Match GETS GORDON 510 SecretaryManager Carroll of Rulxmm mun 39yearoldvW1nnipeg econom MAY the Ontario Department of Agri istJ Jim Coyne has been ppponted No mandeputygov erno in theBank of Canadai He takes over on New Years Day in the job held by Donald Gordon chosen to become president of the culture announces Mr Carroll and Porteous of Owen Sound President of the Ontario Plow mens Associatiomve already visited the scene and made prelimE Sowed acres of Spring Wheat Sowed acres of Peasc Fine Employed planting potatoes 15 Plum blossoms in full blow 20 Began to rcpair the Dam 25 Planted some Indian Corn Employed at the waste gate Very cold weather for the season Vegetables very back ward 29 Prevented from burning the ground being too wet Employed Trade In Your Present Illadio Pr Rog Maleshc Canadlan National Railways the at the Ham 2121 arrangements for the big same day JUNE Clame Young secretarytras Frost in the night Commenced with the Dam 10 Severe frost Icet an inch thick Destroyed early potatoes Indian corn and fruit blossoms Blackened the leaVes the trees in the bush 13 Engaged Jno Connor month at 11 dollars per month 17 Commenced logging for turnip 24 Ground white with frostthis morning but no ice 26 Finished the logging Employed branding 29 Sowed 21 acres of Swedish Turnip JULY Employed fencing Turnip field and tracing p0 Mr Coyne farther Rhodes scholt anyhow is securities advisor to the bank TWO new directors also were named on Mo day Alfred Pickard trust comp ny director from Charlottetown and Hazen 31195211 Of St Johns Newfound land urercf the Slowmens Association and Downey past president have also visited the Alliston loca tion Octobergwlll be the month for the plowing match Dates will be arranged later Mr Carroll has been busy for some days with executive meet ings arranging for various winter conventions in the city Dates have been set for the Ontario Plowmens Association Meetings will be held at theKing Edward Hotel Taranto on Feb 67 Class Fairs Association of On tario will meet also at the King Edward Hotel on Wedncsday Feb The Ontario Association of Agri cultural Societies the most repre Allaodalc Hardware MESSA ROAD PHONE 2944 maximisation nnnnnm tatoes Went out to statute labourAl days 16 Finished hoigthe potatoes Fine warm weather Crops later thanusual Spring wheat coming into ear Hay not ripe 18 Three men went down to North Riverand remained an week friaking hay24 little frost in the morning which colored some of the potatoes Hay quite ripe Ground much in need of rain 25 Cum menced hay making 29 Discharged Connor and due him days or 153 AUGUST Ruin much needed Rust making its appearance in the Spring Wheat 9Finished mowing the Hay good deal of rain 12 great thundctf storm but passed onesid of us 15 Got the last of the Hay inallm prettygood order and middling crop in all 38 good loads Employed sinki well 202Engagcdfnuncan McKerle for one year at 215 per vyear Climmericedcutting down the wheat The ground white With frost Blackened the potatoes little but noggreat mischief PIEMIIER gt 8jDon McKerles family went to their house Commenced payment will meet on Thursday and Friday Feb 910 The Womens Division will meet at the same time Every county and district in the Province will be represented at the meeting Ferguson and thanked by Fintsheamaptng Pears thJast 14 Got in all the wheat Pcasetoo Employed at the Dam18 Cold with frequent showers Plenty of Bram Smooth bleberes23i Setters frostlast night lco Rev Mr Forest is minister of nltlic pools Blackened all thepotntoes Got in atlthePasefin good order OCTOBER wolves killed Zjheep thiscyening Einployedat the Dams Com mence ilifting potatoed Finlahedliftindthe potatoes and got them outbreak of war my editor of a11intn good order Crnmcnced lifting turnipc Some snow but did swam daily mum The title 10313 29IF tingTaniPS Mild Weilll reiemblmg cani tofBarcie on making preparations for new floom flame mirage Baker to Robin DavidMm whoriad boon arranged to speak op Tot erotica Building Bridges of Uri derstanding This isubject Was car rled ion by Rev Mr iomt We canadians are considered as tolerant people the maker assert ed especially by our neighbors to Port Credit United Church and for merly of Mount Hamilton and the RCAF chaplaincy While at Univer sity of Toronto just prior to the mg tri Turnips Cold withsnow I108lbstallow 54 fSnowing htutlnwardsot 2ftftfe mourn ate muc lntolcranc yRew Form gave three main rtyucno for intolerance command multiracial5n riding ho rvchcannot ingsrby who wetseeonthe ngino so in the Bridge announcing inc yuperfntnnddat it Signol departments and 50 in offices turd conceitnoon worth total that extension of the railway norm use Assistant Superintendent McCullough and Master Mechanic =slon Engineer is Mcllwain and Bridgr Ulll Hillltlillgvhilttf is 329 11 Winkworth and Gwinz Allan and by the cit wont are in his of the line handler mainland OI dale De Norm ding 31 5m And we rm Wmvlill W0 Ml berg Gravontitfmf of nitric Is WPJ Hotmm recent Wm most of the homek qum mi ten in mum Put and each yam GraVcnhum is Trammist ulwrinlenmt Nam Bay ed in barracks me Royal Cm 31y 95 on BY Stevenson superintendent at chug running mum and He draws attention to the mark Train Dispatcher in Charge of octu ric is Allison Mr rived from liornepayne whcrc ho was superintendent for two years sentatlvo body in the Province the couch That in yu do not tolcr Tr Allandalo Di master at Undny and Swami at Bloch 39$ The new superinm il twain hum litthe His predecessors to intrude with the year they started were Quintin Bord who has chameleon 195711 Cameron rm all motive power and cars Divi limo 133 Ron Cavanagh 1931 Wu chuor l923 GBrien Lynch 1910 it Tlffin 1m Jame Four Road Mastm include Webster 1878 lumberich 185 329 work at or out of Allandolc Patterson Barrie is Chief running of trains Agent at Bari Stevcnson has rcccntly nr Typewriter for Christmas the p031 lIc has been assistant UPHDLSIERING CHESTERFIELDS AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS REPAIRED AND RECOVERED Factory Guarantee Free Pickup Delivery STRMFDRD UPHOLSTERING 00 42 Brunswick St Stratford For further information enquire at EPLETTS Furniture Electric Sales and Service PIIONE 3721 139 Dunlop St Barrie SALES ENTALS Ernie Business College lose in Com 65 TORONTO STREET Phone 4824 Only after 330 pm Please Save on Museum FOR JUNIOR AND SENIOR PLAYERS 5310 is HOCKEY OI PLEASURE OUTFITemanc Debbie Brain chrome leather bootwtth seWnln onho supports waterproof rubber sole felt padded loncue Rtvetted to latest design tubcrkntes of Ixccllcnt quality Boyl Sines Mens Sizes 11 to It chads to 12 or 693 It SEMIPRO OUTFITA Ipectolbuyoncblea In to ringworm outfit at such an amazing low IiiIce sh quality tube skates with hardened Blade fir 1y rlvetted to sturd black leather boots with bro it too chm Lent er ltntn to cross otttched for calm ankle support Mans the to liturul MENS SAMSON OUTFITBoot made from month 111 block ruin leathertenth lined crossstitchan over ankles adds strength Leather role Rlvetteti tax finely tempered professional dcsirn tube skates Mens lizca to 12 n1 1245 MENS norzspsrotm TF1 Ono of Samsons beatgboots rivetted to he IIICSIS tube Ikatcs up canibuyr tippers made from grain call With crossstitched leather lining Leather sole doublojeuther toe Thin Is an outfit suitable for EroPor Amateur and usually sold up to 52500 pair Mens circa to 12 pllr 1195 Mastrcraft Hocxrv surrurs FOR JUNIOR AND SENIOR PLAYER All the Itest prostyle 111th and situates lnclud Hock Sticks ovea Shin nnd Shoulder Pods Ite AT E53 TRAN CW3 PRICES may Ladies mun that PLEASURE SKATING OUTFIT5 Boots have stronz ankle support white waterproof rubber sole Trim odrwltb coca Ihelrlinl wool outcome plate tuba Iklittl Mines Ladies 11 to 19 urgwurrc roar northrim trout in twain his 3114mm lowchuck Ingte lino lubo lkctea or 335 Home violins into our Ali235nm In tr or 1mm for vary tom mill chronic mm mm Intent termini hire Pilurcnskltea mu 11 gas or ignorance