$u towards freeing Simcoe emu cattle from damaging eff acts of the Warble Fly were in tcd lriday by county council Elm educational campaign will be designed to get all municipalities Id spray their cattle against the 153 It was recommended that the Agriculture Committee sponsor the campaign in ttlmlttictluli with the cration of Agtlculltilc agricul representatives and Organizations The action was taken after delegation of nine farmers of the county explained effects and meth ods of control of the ily Warnlca innisl said pre ventative measures must be coun tywide if they are to be most ef fective He explained how it is believed the fly in egg form works its way from legs of the cow up t8 the back 18 i1 route beneath the hide breeding there through ltble it bores in the hide and finally dropping free to the ground Sub sequently it ilys to other cattle and breeds other flies EMueh damage to lilttll is done Rob in hlinanls for muscular stillness uchts am and SPrJlll irate tSl quick drying no unpleasant odor largo Economical Slu AN UPLIFT BELT FOR MEN Two detachable pouches made to our specifica Jllon to giv conifortiaiid maximum support Ex perienced Fitters to serve you for all Surgical Sup ports on nampaignl Attack Warble Fly while the cow is flyinfested Mr Warnlca said He cited case in Alberta in which part of herd was sprayed and the other part left Many dollars per head were saved sprayed he said cf F105 and Carrutlierr of Suni nidalc Others present were llob 3h galm tIl Brockwell of the following from Flos Harvey Rowley Bill Corlett Earl Parnell Howard Ritchie and Gordon Lang inan infestcd as an experiment in hides and meat of the herd Also speaking were It Bertram Sunnidsle and December ll Sinythe of St Cathariiics and Crawford Sinythe Of Toronto called on Stroud friends on Sunday last Miss Fanny Wickluni spent Sun day with her father Adam Wick liim who is patient in Toronto Western Hospitiil Congratulations to Conkey on passing the final examv inalion of the Ontario Institute of Chartered Accountants Show your interest in the Corri munity Hall by attending the fill iiual meeting and election of trust ees on Tuesday Dec 13 at pm Miss Jean Fraser of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Campbell and visited her sister who was it patient in RV Hospital Barrie Recent visitors included Mrs Waldlck of Ilainilton with Mrs Harvey Hughes Nelson Wicc of Saskatoon at Eldon Wices Mr and Mrs Everett Kneeshziw iind fam ily of Bradford at Sam Brolcys The Womens Institute will meet next Thursday afternoon Dec 13 On account of the Township Coun cil meeting in the hall that day the Institute will meet in the Uni ted Church basement The roll call to be answered with gift suitable for child Rev NewtonSmith will be the guest speaker very enjoyable evening was spent at the progressive euchrc in the Hall on Thursday Dec sponsored by the Womens Insti tute The prizes for highest points Mrs Frank Jones Archie McNabb and Dwight Nelson while the travelling prizes went to Miss Peg gy Hull and Mrs McNabb Institute hope to have more of these evenings during the winter months to help financially with the Hall Fund One 49 Club The Gae 49 Club held very successful afternoon tea on Satur day in the Community Hall which was tastefully decorated with Christmas trees etc candy nosegay was pinned to each guests lapel as they entered the hall The candy table Was well patronized The committee would like to thank all those who attended Members please note the next ineetingwlll be week early Monday Dec 12 at the home of Helen Mulholland Dont forget your baby picture and gift Federation of Agriculture Wanted 200 farmers east and were won by Mrs Sanford and The Federal Cabinet thinks it has put the provinces tinder the gun russick aclezins Magazine Agreement on management lflll MclCounty WillExtend Agreement With Lands And Forests Dept lFor Care Of Trees Till 1972 by conservative estimate reforest cure of county forests between the cd land would yield about $240 per county and the Department oiI Lands and Forests lll be extended until 1972 according to decision the county council in session ill Barrie last week Approvmg of reforestation us good investment the council agreed to establish zi fillyear cxtcn sion on the agreement which dates from 1922 previous iigreciiiciit was for 30 yciirs from 1922 when the first forest was established in Simcoc County and would expiic in 1952 Speaking on the new agreement and on reforestation in general Zavitz chief forester for On iario told council the county nou has about 10000 icrcs under the Municipal Reforestation Act Hill is empowered by clause in the new agreement to purchase new land for this purpose from time to timu Hc quoted figures showing thut each expressed their sincere appre ciation and thanks Lunch was Th served and dancing enjoyed for the remainder of the evening Presbyterian WMS Meeting Mrs Harrison of Barrie was hostess to the members of the Pres byterian WMS for their December meeting on Thursday Dec Mrs Hand president Opened the meeting with call to worship and prayer Christmas carols were sung and the Christmas story read The roll call was answered by 10 members with verse ofa favorite carol The minutes were read and adopted and animal reporiven telling of satisfactory years work It was decided program commit tcc composed of the rst three 011 icers and Mrs Nelson prepare program for the coming year Mrs Hand read letter from her sister Mrs Andrews who with her husband and two daugh ters had just arrived at their mis sion eld in British Guiana This accre revenue in about 30 years After 60 years the sziiiic zicrciiic would have 11 value of between $500 gind $600 he said This Vlillll make total revenue per new of over $700 while estimated cost of iiiztiiitcnunce over the entire period lis about $288 his figures rcveiilcd utilization progrtim now in progress should discover further uses for the type of wood grown here and is also intended lo de vclop further markets Mr Ziivltz said He pointed out that when more markets are discovered 5110 and price of wood and pulp could be improved by competing buyers Most of the revenue from stand before it has matured results from thinning which is actually fl culI turiil operation he said and point ed out the cost of thinning is limp ly paid by the $12 per cord rc ccivcd for tliiiiiiings to be used as pulp Telephone poles ire also le rived from the process of thinning Steele of Allandzilc was present and conducted the election of officers with Mrs Harrison acting as secretary Officers for the ensuing years arc President Mrs John Cowan Secretary Mrs Campbell Treasurer Mrs Robert McDonald Glad Tidings Mrs Comm Welcome andWelfare Mrs Watson and Mrs Pope Flower and Fruit Mrs Hand Pian ist Mrs Frank Cowan Press and Literature Mrs Campbell MrsmStcclc dedicated the officerg for the coming year and clos with prayer Mrs social hour was enjoyed NEW MODEL WORKED Coivzin Vice President Mrs BruceI 31 Maycs Home Helpers Mrs Following the election of officerSi Harrison then served delicious lunch and === THORNTON December Mrs Puriicll Carr visited friends lll Toronto last week Mrs Simpson Garry and Robert illt spending this week in Strutford wuig to the particularly drv summer and full the water situa lion is getting to be serious Mrs Scythes left on Sat urday to spend the Christmas sea son in Mnlton and Weston Services in St Judes Anglican Church are being held at pm each Sunday during December Mr and Mrs Maurice Hutchin son returned home to Barrie Sun tlziy front Regina Saskatchewan Trinity WMS will meet at the pzirsonzigc on Dec 14 at 230 pm jlhis will be the Christmas meet ing Mr and Mrs Ted Hewson and Donna spent the weekend in Lou iilloln with Mr and Mrs Fred Scw Mrs Patterson has rcturnodl lionie after in extended visit with 11m sister Mrs Dutchcr in Elm llC Congratulations to Miss Sylvra IJamicson whorcccived her gradu iation diploma at the Barrie Colle Egiatc Commencement exercises re ccntly and who has now entered iihc School of Nursing at Toronto iGcncral Hospital The Womens Institute will hold their Christmhs meeting at Mrs McQuays on Thursday even ing Dec 15 at 815 Rev Mr Geurgis will speak on Palestine Roll call verse of scripture de picting the Christmas scene On Friday evening Dec 16 the United Church Sunday School con icert will be held There will be Ivaried program besides in Christ lmas pageant Songs Of Christmas Come and enjoy an evening with the children There is no admis sion MAY BE OLDEST TWINS NOWGATE Man CP Mrs New Model was the name givcnHelen McMillan and Mrs Harriet to the army organized by the Bri Day believed to be the oldest liv tish parliament in February 164$ing twins in Canada passed their It was formed on theplan of Croni 86thbirthday recently brother west of Highway 11 in Innisl WHITTYS Township to bring their wives Siroud Hall on Dec 12 to spen two hours on the subject Thel Dairy Cow and Her Problems There will be two talking films 21Worlds No1 Typewriter shown Dr Fleming will be pres ent to talk on presentday strides in disease control Have you problem in animal husbandry If so bring it to the meeting and have Dr Fleming give you solution and free advice on swine poultry cattle or horses An ounce of pre vention is worth pound of cure in the health Of livestock The knowledge gained at this meeting will cut yourveterinary bills very appreciably in the future And of course bring lunch LOL 234 Ladies Night LOL 234 held their annual ladies lnight Monday Nov 28 in the Com munity Hall in the form Of pot lluck supper About 40 guests sat down to well laden tables When supper was over an hour was spent in dancing to music by the Simcoe Ramblers Bible Society Annual Meeting At the UniteibChurch service on Sunday night Rev Moore iDistrict Secretary of the Upper Canada Bible Society gave very interesting and informative talk on the worldwide work of the Soci ety After the church service the annual meeting Of the Craigvale and Stroud Branch was held It waswith much regretthe Society accepted the retirement of the SecretaryTress Harvey Hughes who had faithfully lled that office for 20 years and also that of the President Ernest Carr who had capably given leadership for 25 yeafrs foicers elected were Pres den SALESRENTALS Barrie Business College Jose 1300111 66 TORONTO STREET Phone 4824 Please 0311 only after 330 pm Flllllll MlSElllES 0F Lloyd Cumming Secretary election ofofficers Rev Mr Moore to personal glimpse of their lives and work was much enjoyed Mrs an aimm mm 2245 2175 mm uEhvvuurv Bruce Cowiinr Vice Presi showed an interesti shim picture est victory in the Battle of Naseby wells Ironsldes and won itSagieal William Fletcher marked his 80th birthday on the same date II Two new seriesM490 undtM215 have now been added to the Mercury Truck line These and ion models are Canadian built with extra power and ruggednBSs Theyre built to stand the strain of extra heavy trucking TreasrRossHubbert After the long life Ask your ioniuiigaaiqiis Theitrle the biggeswouchtlo 19 Mercury Trucks ever built and they bestfvulue in dependability economwtjndf Mercury Tmckdpqlet ExclllSWE wrsriiiciiousr POLYPIIONID TWO EXPANDED SHORT WAVE BANDS DLLJIIGH FIDELITY ONE RANGE Home Appliance Shop 26E1izabeth St lilies offer REPRODDGTIDN Now at record low price you can enjoy the thrilling trueiOlife richness of exclusive Westinghouse Polyphonic Reproduction in the smart and versatile Music Master fully automatic RadioPhonogmpli Combination Has amplestorage space for records threeband station selector Automauc Record Player for ten 12inch records or twelve 10inch records Radio is easily removed for mt2lit= Itselpvailahle in minor bleached mahoganypors BARRIE re mahogany minnxxmnnnnannnmnnnnnmminnamannnnnwnnamnnnannnnanmstabilisaamamnnmmn Bursting Willmsle SElll aural 124nm 14921ln IIAMMISSION on the M415 lln lazyMAM rigour Mtiic tilt tittcbtillmubit iiivierN Meier commicrANAni WWIIX ES MI9O AND M215 diam slmluulrlfuaul lypc Frictional flawed our all Super detux on Dem Hypold on tho MIW raml Doublciunmlfypmsc min builtin channel suction ulnfommontllia aunts 16 2w front15 not on iii mm 13 in M490 M2 Itch optional TA251 ink 5191 pm lDisplacement 337 cu Phone 5577