Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1949, p. 10

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Cantwnit By Nancy Cleo In this modern world much cm phasis is placed on speed and get ting things done quickly Parents Hovambcr has been tom of the calciumthe Christmas month is have at lost In how many homes children and young peoplewait sometimes forget that one lesson grown ups too are exclalming is that waiting is sometimes un cuntwait until the 25th iavoidable wmm nete easy For that The child who whim that he very young is exceedingty cant wait and pleads to open just ing Have you ever watched We lJIHtM til Ulilhcralll small child in station waiting Pompom Should be till1 Wm his mother or dad for train time of isolation by himself in his to pull in gown room until he can act in The concept of time is difficult 30m Mable for boys and girls 1ittlcyounqE ll his Parents gin in to his star livcs in the present Tomor hetdhllg they dOillg him no row is long time awayand kindness Hr iziisses some of the whole week seems great distancc WW 900181 3W Christmas on He tries to measure time into morning which is wary younu long sleeps or night time and slcrs heritage liil of the price awake or day time How can Of the Big Commons in life is bcl he be sure that tomorrow or next i112 Palml NF Siltcial Day 10 week will ever really come arrivc Waiting is not lcurncd by being told that it is good thing and necessary duty But like playinql the piano it is lmrncd by practisl lng So waiting is learned by wallx ingmand in no other way In adolescent life the boy woo cannot wait to have his oWn moncy in his DOClZLl lops school as 5001 as he is sixtccn and gets whatever job he can The rcsponsiblc posn tions with opportunities for service Ilirmd l0 and lb land incrczising salurics go to thc 111 l0 dmml non wh have Wuth for fun rm put on tho table he lSllSICOVtlllll mploynwm um mm education that unpleasant as it lSlf ncccs Ewes completed sary hc ICAN wart Parents fail their children if thcy ido not show in their actions and Butler Prices itcach thcir children that truc hap Christmas Buying Epincss comes to thostx who have At Barrie Market learned to wait to work and dis ciplinc themselves to attain worth Dairy butter had risen from 62 lccnts to 65 ccnts pound at tho whilc goals Nature has made thc market on Saturday morning week for personal appearances mb scx urgc strong and insistcnt but marriagp is worth waiting for 3th ability 10 1311 Sqmc 990910 cents pound at some stands eVPl learn it Billil IS 10550 and eggs romaian at 50 cents ithlCh should bc learned in earlyldozcn for grade large ichildhood In home whch an ioxdory romine is mowed it birch log candle holders were 20 for Child to 19am this cents each and 30 cents with can ibllel discomfort of being hungry me Larger handmade centrepieces adorned with frosted pine concs and over rccn sold at $1 $150 and PBBTRAITS The Perfect TIME ls Limited Bock Your Sitting Now For Christmas Delivery FOR APPOINTMENT DIAL 5440 63 Elizabeth St BARRIE Christmas table centrepieces of $2 Also aimed at Christmasminded customcrs were several halfpound boxes of homemade fudge and chocolates lled with fondant and cocoanut The candy sold at 35 cents box Handknit and crocheted tea cos ics were priced at $150 and $250 Homespun knitting bags and wood cn spoolholdcrs were also for sale Heavy work mittens sold at $175 pair and socks were $250 pair few ducks priced at 55 cents pound had been brought into market but Christmas turkeys had not yet made their appearance although there was some demand for them Mincemcat in one and quarter pound containers was 40 cents while large mincemeat pie sold at 45 cents FOR YOUR EURNITURE Youll fall In love with your living room suiteall over againwhen you letius reupholster it for you in your choice of fabrics Let us refinish the frames to plus ing the lid on either side and made by the Indians is the loan of Miss St 18210 gar grahcrzllkrhrciitherqus nJames en es wa to arrie carrying 22 DCWIS St Phone 3441 eggs from Big Bay Point 0N BHANTY BAY ROAD Museum Exhibits Supplied by Simone County Womens Institute N0 296 Market Basket4840 round market basket with slightly domed lid thirteen inches in diameter with handles perforat Reconditioned Furniture For Sale Such journey would be consid ered hardship and waste of time to the busy farmers wife of jbuomrooooooooilImday BUt there we compema tions in those daysa quiet greasy roadway with no fear of Traffic the magnificence of forest trees close 27 by the wayside the loveliness of yagiedrjhrrggeryani mild ower Cleaners and Polishers Gal NEW MODEL255 CLEANER $9950 and raspberry canes with the pClIrlstmasiivrped at no extra charge cheery noteslof bird life perhaps TRIPLEACTION DELUXE POLISHER it ashed it color in tall tree just as it does today on nearing the old homestead of the Scales deer may have bounded from the bracken and fern and crossed the path At any rate it Wasa refresh ing daybusiness and pleasure combined Mrs Soules settled with her hus band at Big Bay Point in 1822 and lived there the rest of her life where she died in 1879 almOSt 30 years old She saw many changes in Barrie andin road making Clearing House For Groups Sending Chrislmcs Humeills plleated woodpecker whistled as only few available ALSO New AirPowered Ir Polisher only $2975 Phone Barrie3392 for Demonstration 00 ammonia Aiclearingfhousedor tionsqproviding Christmas hampers will be putiinto operation this year by theBarrie and district wolfarc council5C Naphmi chairman said the idea isito have various organizations auburn haw ofinaines TIhese listsgcoultl twill checked for duplications slid the resulting information would be available to Margaret Lynn Munn Miss Canada of 1949 and Miss North Amorira of 1949 is Shown above as she arrived in Montreal but One of the marks of maturity is Roasting chickens were down tol Marjorie JeaniBoohair and Geore loan Ann Fanny Barrie and Albeit Hen aaretirBubhanahr both cit granted rum in department atom Miss Munn was clertcd Mlserorth America at Lima Peru Burton Ave WA Christmas Bazaar iHeld Wednesday The Burton Ave United Church womans Association annual Christmas bazaar on Wed nesday afternoon from three until six oclock President Mrs Ar lthur Pugh reports very success ful afternoon with net proceeds of $285 realized by the members of he association 05165505 for the afternoon were Mrs James Carder and Mrs Knapp Fancy snowball centrepieces Were used on the tea tables with and Yuletide decorations were titted throughout the rooms The tea table committcc was included Mrs Alan Watt Mrs Charles Kcll and Mrs Levi Hen son Mrs Edward Hagan Miss Annetta Scott Mrs Russell Parr Mrs Margaret Michic Miss Flor ence Brunton Mrs Wetherup Mrs Fred Lowe and Mrs Campbell Spearn were on the tea tables Working in the kitchen were Mrs Wes Allsopp Mrs Phillips Mrs Bruce Kellough and Mrs Harriet Wallwln Mrs Harvie Johnson Miss Mc Laughlin and Mrs Fisher were on the country table and Mrs Jackson Mrs Wisdom and Mrs Jess Webb worked at the bake table Mrs Pack Mrs Tordlff acted as ushers Mrs McFadden Mrs Go don Miss lnglis and Mrs Sta McCausland were on table and Mrs Frank Goring Mrs Wan4 11 Wilton and Mrs Donald Fer corsage of red roses guscn were in charge of the fish ipond Mrs William Parker Mrs Betty Hunter Mrs Brown Mrs Wes Little and Mrs Gordon Harwood were at the miscellaneous tab and Mrs Ken McLellan and Mr Nelson Magee were in charge of the post office and candy tables Mrs Charles Poucher Mrs Fleet ham Mrs Bruce Richardson and Mrs William Cullen poured tea lduring the afternodn Mrs Victor Lambert took tickets at the door Mrs Campbell Spearn Miss An netta Scott and Mrs Jacksori were in charge of decorating Mrs James Carder leader of tht CGIT group had display of shell work and fancy cookies madc by the girls with several of th members in charge of the sale handmade quilt donated by Mrs AlbertFleetham and Thomas Fleetham was Sold dam the afternoon Divorces Granted Ai numerator Seven of 10 Tried 0f 18 cases at the honjury sill tings of the Supreme Court which concluded at Barrie on Thursday 10 werevdivorces mostly undq fended Seven divorces were won In four divorce cases shifted here from Toronto fortrial Clay de White won his case against Gwenn White and JohnCoopex Evelyn Bowman uwon against uel John Bowman and Greemidesycase of Dorothy iron Doyle against ferald Armand Doyle and Irene 111 was set aside pending furthercvidence and cas of Cecil George Bgohan against Simpson was adjournedito titre date divorce caseswcroa Amy quprf Titanium granted ohn Watson Baldwin Grimm Oscar Denny drain ilock Reg all gowncd alike lni held their red and green Christmas candlesl headed by Mrs Dobson and Mrs Bruce Reid the aproruhufst the mother of the bride re all hardofheoring persons their Toronto Nurse iWeds Ccmtck To Live in Barrie Miss Joan Catherine Winslow RegN daughter ofMr and H11 EAiired John Winslow of Mata lwas married to William Woolcy Carrick son of Mr and Mn Elmer Wincont Garrick of Toronto in St Hames Cnlhidlll male The iceremony wu performed by RevI Specially Written For Buthwcll The Barrie Bnmlncr Yellow and bronze damn form By ALAN DONNELLY od the floral background The bride liven in marriage The Chinese Communists haw by her father She wore govvrtlnlemei Angus Wifi American of white English satin with tuiisu8wm1 in Mukden Whe lcnzth 8111 net veil and carriedEther the Reds yield 10 pxtemal white roses and mums lpfessurc from western countries or Miss YVDnn Winslow attendedmugsnons from SW is her sister as maid of honor andla Important me mum thc bridesmaids were Miss Joanpresugeinugdogmes l0 lBurroughs and Miss Muriel Moth The Chinese co uns owe skylakc green satin and carryingllhei diSda for 3h Wwer 19 yen and bronze mums lUnited States by invading the con isuls home and jaillng him Thor brazbesrlgmrgoggrug igfgsuccecdcd further in insulting the lUS by sentencing her diplomatic fairy be mm and no representative to prison and then dcporting him 90 haye was so The state department last May reception was held at 19531 instructed Wardtocloseu shop Royal York Hotel in Toronto IOl and come home The Communism lowmg which the couple lefton would not pennn him to leave ltrlp to northern Ontario On their Wm Canadianmom yetenn of return they will make their home the foreign service and four mom In Barrie bers of his staff were arrested Oct The bride is graduate of the 24 ward ch Welleslcy Hospital School of Nursi Ed wm be ing in Toronto wage dispute iGraham Snag daughter of Mr and in self defence Stnl as 1G ey gg we PICIPING DIDNT ANSWER lhurst to Robert Dougls Burns son of Mrs 01m Burns and the late The American state departmcnt llarry II Burns of Barrie took demanded the release of Wardand place in Trinity UnitcdChurch the four others but was unable to lGravcnhurst on Wednesday Nov Obtain satisfactory answer from lumber 30 1949 at four oclock in theCommunlst capital at Peiplng thc afternoon Rev Earl State Secretary Dean Acheson ston Doc performed the ceremony nally sent an unprecedented EP The wedding music was played pool to 30 countries including RUS lby Gordon Sloan of Gravenhurst Sill asking that Pressure be accompanying the soloist Wallace brought to bear on the Chinese IKcnncdy of Barrie in the singing Reds toward releasing Ward of Promise Me during the Shortly thereafter Oct 23 word signing of the register Came Wit 98011181 court had The bride was given in marriage sentenced the Americans to jail by her father She wore gown suspended the sentences and ord of white brocadcd taffeta with ered them out of the country This long train and fulllength Veil of was in line with similar cases in tulle illusion She carried bou the past and had generally been lquct of American Beauty roses expectati The matron of honor Mrs Orvil Rowe of Graygnhurst was in or having her representatives releas lchid taffeta and the bridesmaids 9d bill she suffered connlderable Mlsg Jean Sugg of Barrie sister of 1088 Of premise And prestige 0T thc bride and Miss Ruth Sugg of face is of paramount importance TGravenhurst sister of the bride to Orientals The Chinese Com were in pale green taffeta and yel munists 8h0wed the World the low taffeta All three attendants could lock up an American official carried bouquets ofpink camations despite his diplomatic status 0011 and snapdragon vict him on apparently trumpcd Wilmot Armstrong of Barrie was up charges and then deport him groomsman and Bert Sugg of Tor In E85 EYES it appear that onto and Frank Sugg of Graven the powerful United States could hurst both brothers of the bride not or would not take any direct action and had to appeal to ethni At the reception which followed COunlrieS for aid lh Sloans Dining Room Graven NAONAmsrs WERE VOCAL celved Wearing navy crepe with Chinese problemdiplomatic re The bride and room left on COgnllth 0f the Chinese Commun weddlng trip to troit Michigan ist regimewar raised at the Unit For travelling the bride Wore ed Nations headquarters at Lake grey glen check Suit with grey and Success wine acceSsorics On their return Nationalist China on Friday be they will make their home in 1363 88 ghttotthentsh campaign verton to prevent worldwide recognition Outoftown guests at the Wed 0f the Red regime at Peiping The ding included the M15 Rena and Chinese representative read 17000 Oriel Burns Mr and rs Wallace Words Of charges 388ml Rla Kennedy Mrs Comm wilmott and the Chinese Cemmimlsts in Armstrong Mrs Sugg Mr and political com tttee meeting Mrs George Wright and Miss Judy Russias re iv was silence She Wright Mr and Mrs Bud Bytes announced she wouldnttake part Mr andMis cm Bassett and Da in the debate on the Chinese ques vid Brethour or Barrie Miss Batty lion and Wouldnt container herself Pomroy of Toronto and Mr and bound by UN decision on the ac Mrs Bartlett Elliott Mr and Mrs cusatiom of Nationalist Chitin Dyril Finder and Miss Mary pm This week the Chinesedelegatton tier of Gravenhurst lnilily UN membetsto give of or economic help to th Air Bone 01 Skin Chinese Communists and avoid Receiver Available grahtlngdlplomtitlc recognition to the Red regime RENT comm MAY STAY Provtncm governments wanting to take over rent control from the Teddiat govommeut were given On New Hearing Aid An Important announcement to fomlly and frlends was made by Ellis Acoustlcon Distributions for this area gt The new Acousticon Internaf tonal series of hearing aids wasfn Smut 59 We to 801 affect spited by the findings of the Dem 15 Plum Nth AW last Friday Government survey on deafness 53 BUVCXMEM is min old off the inerabea In Any prov lnccthat indicates It will take over Thepresent cei ln Saskatchewan lcli told the nance minister last week it enter the rental heldnext K5111 Some provinces like Alberta conducted few years ago by the public health service the ex tendEd survey carried on by the Acoustictm Laboratorieswlth over 20000 men women and children and the skill of static sound and electronic engineers said Mr Ellis Smaller and lighter than any hearing aid ever before cteated me Acoustlctm Laboratories feel The rental boosts coming at proudof their latest achievement 15 includevinctems WEI It is difficult to realize cona levelsgat 13 per convict unabated untied Mr Ellis thatthls tiny selfscontttlned flats ailments and beautifulinstrument means the dif futoncc between happy prosperous commutation vulgzondsolitudertoso many boost its itutltorllzed famed hardofhoorlng people unless you ve pemnally seen demonstras will consider similar move lion 101 Naomi Ailen Baldwin Hamilton falu granted gliuiir all Leontinan John conch Pedw Mira land Ullia and JohnTJohnmeu rape granted um um in Chinese employee during The United states fsucccedodlln At the end of last week another ware to lnttoduco resolution askzjl some encouragement by Ottawa Though countrywide rental ut Hui will stay on tuba and Quebec have said no ble MM houses rune centipa heated Snows moors be Call Wen Cltlunl Canadian soldiers who eat their Chm or New Years dinners can look forward hemp Yuletide feast compo with all the traditional trlmmlhtl and onepound slab of turkey Mess tables authoritiea promised this week will alno be loaded with In comp fruit cocktails Christmas ter lemons paring the authorized In Camp Borden the old mili tary custom of motor NCOs servingthe men also will be put into effect My SHE GM HER PONY DENTVILLIE Wouldbe buyers of pony being sold by radio auction made surc that little girl in hospital got the pony The girl had written from hospital saying she would bid 315 To make sure she got her wish the public donated more than 3180 plus riding suit equipment for the pony and cigarets Firemen all Friday night urdny to save adjoining buildings The warehouses factories were saved From the end cake pudding and hot mincemeat pies Other extras such as can but mixed peel raisins land candied cherries necessary in lusrd to determine that crnnbertles null Oranges plum feast also have the Officers and NS CP harness and other struggled and on into Sar were lost but the of 1940 to April Most sources dlscountcd the l94l Coventry waspnc of tho main Manon charge It was unlikeg that the German targets Its worst night consulgeneral 56yearold dip was on Nov 14 1940 when Gcr zGravenhursf Bnde 10mm with long and important man bombers dropped tons of INDIAN GENUIM Liftle career in the service would raise hih EXDIOSiVES 30000 DOIan mum unim llic marriage of Miss Marion hand againstan employee except and killed 170 persons IXVRA CHANEL jagI or thos treasured moments Min hamyin the which that is marked by gift of quisite Chanel Perfume or Cologne Th mpleto Chanel selection now grams our perfiflno munth ready to delight thrill and captivate the licart of any lovely lady Remember those treasured moments with the moat natured name in perfume Chanel No Chanel No 22 Chanel Gurdcnlu Chanel Cuir deRussia PM from $500 Colognes from $300 CBOSBLANDS KNIGHTS DRUG STORE cushions PHARMACY cachws DRUG sront wnmvs DRUGS Aiiandnie 9Fii9tl89tti Rings on the EtifOQESCABEE

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