Jewellery for GIFTS COMPLETE NEW AT WALKERS Triad high qual ity costume jewellery all new stock Pretty gift box supplied with any piece of this sparkling jewellery Its gift shell be thrilled over $100 Other prices $200 to $400 Cl Theres surprise for you at Walkers Neck wcar Dept Scarves thoughtful gift always are at their best at Walkers right now Be sure you see these beauties $500 Special Purchase COLOR BORDER PILLOW CASES These pretty cases cellophane wrap ped and featured in pastel color with wide hems make very good gifts When you see them youll realize their grand value Buy few pair now for yourself PAIR wwwnwweeommwwws Hand Pretty Embroidersll Chinesel Hand Work featured in pastel colors and white The prettiest hankies so low in price GIFT Sure to PleaSe any Christina infplgttyibiome from Walkers sure ghit but mm Pretty Sweaters For Little Girls Heres thoughtful practical gift for girls The prettiest colors and the cutest styles either coat or pullover in soft botany yarns Walkers feature fine quality in their sweaters for girls PRICED $298 $359 $495 Large double bed cellophane truly appreciated Girls Coats Reduced Great savings on Winter coats for girls during this week 20 off Sizes to 14 and very nice styles Reg $2450 for $1960 Reg $1850 for $1480 Reg $1795 for $1435 Clearing All Womens Hats All this seasons styles hats with plenty of dash and swagger Walk ers clear every but this weekend at exactly half price Bath Towels THE Gift THATS SURE TO PLEASE You cant go wrong when you give tow els There are towels for every taste and for every budget at Walkers this week end Charming col ors luxurious qualities Youre missing treat if you dont see Walk ers towels Price Starts $119io $179 EACH layman BLANKETS 0R Buy these lever blah kets at Walkers Baby Wear COunter They are thevlast word in wpnderful blanket for 7+9 sleepersac funeral insure you blowitnese dolls like aSballoonTheyre so soft and Llllttrrfor babyWalkers priceis Verylow sparkling white streets in wrappings pair of these sheets will be just the thing and will be Pure Linen Whether you give one or is half dolcn than crisp white hlsh linen bankin mkc very practical Ip prcclnted gilt See these at our ankle Counter Bach Very Special BOXED HANKIES FOR MEN Two white linen handcrchicfs speciallyglit boxed pr men They re easy to wrap and theyre easy to mull Give him handkerchieis he never has too many rsn Box 98c Give Sheets THIS CHRISTMAS size These snow English hem stitched cases are$ the sort of thing you like to give your best friend Won derful quality Glamorous New HANDBAGS for Gifts SMARTER STYLES AT WALKERs Youll find an exciting collec tion of Wonderful handbags at Walkers this week heart warming assortment of dame fashions out smartest styles in plastics and genuine leath ers You can be sure hand bag will please Priced $398 $415 to $1295 Pillow Cases HORROCKS ENGLISH white as Walkers The Store For Those Who Knit Yarns Beautiful New TABLECLOTHS for Gifts Right now when you need them Walkers are featuring super lineof gailyffigured table clothsl The size 54 54 Be sure you see the grand tableclothsat Walkers this weekend tablecloth makes splendid gift elusa9 55298 iflalsl$6957 LARGE STOCK HIGH QUALITY YARNS MULTITUDE OF PRETTY NEW SHADES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Guelph Kroy Unshrinkable43c Baldwins Beehive Ply Guelph Fingering Ply Baldwins Beehive Baby 45c 35c 43c GlFilDEAS 1MB TABLECIOTHS Fine lace size 54 x54 inches Just the sizefor the smaller tables in use todayWaikers have larger sizesbutsee this one itsa marvellous value $550 uomm sir three piece cellophane wrap ped hot plate set featured in verypretty scenic patterns our price is winner AGiit ROBE To Suit Her Taste Walkers have gather ed together many handsome robes this Christmas Shell cherish robe superb ly fashioned in cotton jersey wool or chen ille Be sure to see our exciting holiday col lection Prices Start $459 to $2100 GIFTS FOR BABY Walkers Baby Dept Brimiul of Precious Toys the bright gay toys that tots love Rattles and Clackers for baby Walkers baby dept just vibrates this Christ mas with loveable trea sures to give to darling baby Its no problem at all when you shop for baby atWalkers 79