moved to Allandale WWW BELLEEWART NEWLOWEILL Kingmmbgv MI and Mrs Wet 52332g of Barrie called on Mr and Mrs Mumbasoa on Sunday Mr and Mrs Torrens havei moved into their new home Mr and Mrs Bernard Comartln The W1 met at the home of Mrs Bremwm SW we DArcy Tramway on Thursdayan with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pat aftemoon mn Tllt lloustons Forbes and Fishers Mrs Clarence Mc uay spent are attending the Ice Capades infew days in TO with her Toronto this week daughter Eileen who la in the has Mr and Mrs Lloyd Ruett andipual hope hom Stephen of Wiarton are spending alagal soon few days with Mr and Mrs Wig Sim smweml Rtttlctt Mn and Mm Holmes and Mr shower was held in the Town and Mm Mchm and Gregg of Hall last Friday night for bride Niagara Falls were visitors hcieilobe M183 5mm Barker When Mr and Mrs lshe received many useful presenm ifrom friends and neighbors After 000 EACH he lm had getukgpincd rand th The total life insurance in fares en were an or emua beginning at 1948 was apwiflltflrulifwffill 333331 prOlelelySlpOtfor every marbling enjoyed for the remainder of woman and child in Canada the evening MRS JAMES MN is seen with her attendants following her re4 cent wedding InTrtnlty Anglican Church at Barrie 0n the left is Mics Gertrude Room of Toronto malt of honor The bridesmaids arc Miss Grace Whiting of Toronto and Miss Darts Whiting of Barrie both sisters of the bride James HornHelen Whiting Wedding Christmas Mailing Dates Approaching Persons who mail early for Christmas overseas will help the Post Office to give them the ef ficient and timely service which they expect says Postmaster Thomson Deadline dates for Christmas mailings are NUV BVVTIH Ctllilll2tll and parcels Nov lfrvbnitcd Kingdomalar 0615 Nov 29United KingdoiiiLct ters Panccls for overseas should be carefully packed in corrugated con GRENF BI 0V rseas Victims Mr and Mrs Clarence Holt and family of Cookstown spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Charles Degecr Born At theRoyal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Friday Nov to Mr and Mrs Victor Howard son Fflllbmnl Sorry to report that Mrs DobSon is patient in the RV llosw pital Barrie Harnnany friends wish for her speedy recovery Miss Audrey Dobson litw home fmm Fort William last Thursday to spcnd week at her home here and to visit with her mother who is in the hospital Frank Holmes who had an optr ution last Tuesday at Doctor Shoul dlCc lrivzitc Surgery Toronto was able to return home on Friday and is getting along nicvly Sptclal Remembrance Day Service special Remembrance Day ser vice was held in the Grcnfcl Unit ed Church on Sunday evening Nov The service was conducted by the minister Rev Bunt himself veteran of the First Great War who gave an appropriate atl dress Bill Parr and Frank Ford sang The Old Rugged Cross The congregation then stood as the AT THE LOWEST MRS II YEARS nintacugnmnma Winter on with ToIAI ea mom audit It barium special increments Hm mmr to protect run In corrosion sWnumt keeps your cooltm elem Mi cc rota ICII One gallon Ia arable most car bollIwu at normal enctm tom rume me chance it IN um 51 as so Bell the Cold Bulb mg TE on ms Eh Vans cover ld MonMaster PERMFILL Ethylch Glycol 525 Permanent type nnttfreexe Protects to 50 below zero MoteMaster Electric Italicstor Fan 01 ttFEA VALUE Handsomer strcltmltned fl lshcd 1n neat pearl grey tli matching rubber blades Heavy duty motor 2snced swung Exceptional value at this vrlce AS ABOVEFor Brlttshbullt Guntth TRICO Defroster Fan Vacuumtype super high speed Former price $000 335 WINDSHIELD LEAK SEALZIT Repairs windshield leaks Jiffy quick Witham per applica tor and rich 125 Ilnlversat Roselluejj ENGINE HEATER Economical loowatt Caliad elemen Lon extenston cord Install nsrntisrsn slum Attnches to windshield with suction cups DeLuxe modal complete 298 Replacemqn Irma Aasr 34 an connuouab RUBBER nmntti Durable fabricbacked ribbad rubber matting Han some cocon brown For cars homes out Stllflwide Rdnnlnt It 33 accounts Optimal atrial up assume wieul Mill1l Cosy warm mtif Btrvalaht or homer pdl air takes thc to curved For all Wm the cars and huaka mu icau Save safely 991 39 froth iiliEItSltllEir 3v cum mm orienta shield flat for telem $13 Vino mm div Scale prevent stale manenvl 11M 31 cost Stadium amp ll MAMMOlll toe in at AND MRS JAMES Rom are shown leaving TrinityuAngllcan Church Barrie following their wedding The bride is the former Helen Whiting daughter of Mr andMrs Lorne Whiting of Barrie Rei hus of Barrie and the late Horn band is the son of Mrs Horn They are making their home in Taranto lr November Mr and MrslJoe Reevie spout the weekend with Mr and Mrs Reeviehere Mr and Mrs Hicklingvisited with Mr and Mrs Locke in their new home at Willowdalc tWomens Institute Meeting The meeting ofthegwlwas held attire rectory on Nov The roll call was answered with sugges tion lfor Christmas gifts There were twelve members present Mrs Martin had made enquiries aboutgcttinga lm to be shown at anevenlng to be held NOV 25 Mrs Terry and Mrs Martin are in charge of the program for that night Mrs Millch gavcan in teresting address on Citizenship iTheTnextmeetlngwill be at Mrs WmLPatterSonb the rst iTucsdaly in December exchange of Ch isttpas gifts wlll she part of theevenings program Haltvtecn rmy Ha1iQWe arty was 6311195 and sangso zedBvMrs5 mt Mr Cudmo hr daughter 1n pint CHURCHILL mm November Bazaar of St Peters ladies ilrlll be held on Saturday afternoonot pm at the home of Mrs Sloan Mr and Mrs Frank Robertsonl names were read of those who had gone from Grenfcl community dur ing the two great wars and paid the supreme sacrifice Ihcn fol lowed one minute of silence The service concluded with the Nation al Anthem Womans Association The WA met at Mrs Bunts An gus on Wednesday afternoon Nov with 14 present Mrs Wilbur Walton conducted the meeting The devotional period was taken by Mrs Norman Scott who gave topic on Christianity and also read poem There is Plenty to Give Mrs Clifford Harris read the scripture after which followed the business It was decided to put ceiling in the basement of the church Garnet McMastcr and Per cy Ford to look after same They decided not to hold acommunity fowl supper Mrs Clifford Harris was appointed leader of the MIS sion Band for SS N0 School The taint cril DeCembcr meeting will be at the hothe of Mrs Clifford Harris Sup per was served Traphy Presented large number of Grcnfcl base ball supporters were present Fri day evening Nov at Grenfel School to witness the presentation of the Geo Johnston Junior trophy The president Peter Win dart introduced Mr Johnston MPP who presented the trophy to the coach of the team Royce Rich ardson who replied on behalf of the Junior team Also present was Fried Smith who took pictures of th presentation and also of the team After the presentation Mr Johnston gave very interesting address on public grants from the government which in turn was followed by cards and dancmg Music was supplied by Harry and Bill Parr Dick Climghley and Bill Gallop Lunch was served by the ladies ofthe commonity PW EVERETT ch Guyitt accbmpanied by Mr and Mrs Wagner and Mrs Wilkinson spent the weekend at Leamington and Detroit Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Willoughby who were married on Wednesday afternoon at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs W11 1iam Leslie EVERY DAY have left to spend three weeks with their daughter Mrs Love less of Aurora Mrs Jamieson of Thornton spent We esday and Thursday with Mrs Jamieson Mr and Mrs Lucas spent feWdays last Week visiting Mr andzMrs Fred Noble of Goderich istorsvatythellrome ovaMrs icson ty of Toronto The sym whose mother Bowen Mondaygihmin afithe ho Toront mind as Tuesday were Mrs anerSgJ Avery nd Miss Agnes John or the community is xtendeditthrs Harry Sloan died or You can reduce the farmers feed preparing to pushbut ton convenience with hydro on an GEM Grinder or oat Roller ta ard rge Oif Quilts clogging resin Feed id of strong brown paper and securely tied Gift the United Kingdom should have Extra Fancy WISE PllllNES BRUNSWICK SillllllllES Vll CAMP SPllltlIlll Crushed PINEAPPLE oldies 31 31c and then wrapped in sev parcels to individual in mess EFFECTIVE nov 101112 48FL Tumult JIIice oz TIN 17c Milli SOUP MIX Liptons iii852151 MllllllSClllNB CHERRIES mi oSiFBLtLZSc RED BIRCH CHERRIES 02 CELLO BAG 19 13 26 ozzllla 18c trauma sour Hahn HARVEST CHOICE 15FL sucns or HALyEs oz TINJSC Smarts Sliced Beets Choica Zodliiivs 25 3rm52c 0125 Igilt lllc MixchEGETltBlESfclLollEl 16c lemle Juice common 201171 cnotca oz rm SWEET MIXED IllFL GRIMSBY oz Jim Stilntlu llratrge Palm lEll 59c Bfllllll curs CUBES Dr Jacksons 133 31c Irradiated PLIOEIEM halite ll sinus KETCllllPs Pills 1133 I7c 20FL mm oz rm 15 lletl inner taintii 1402 PKG 29c aoz cv sEmiLass lchiixgonTsZSc Sid15c3iaz 31c Robin Hood Chocolate internists 29393217 651153 leZAllll GLASS wax infiltrationviii =ltllltlStll1lllllEl SW 2598299 declaration affixedth each item contained thereto and clearly marked Gift Parcel Food parcels in ouier to obtain should have yell the special rates cg tom similarly rials NATllllllll CHEESE WEEK sracm LOBLAWS TANGY lb 46c 01d Wilhelm SPECIAL Lonuws coriounnp lb 44C MEDIUM CERES SPECIAL LOBLAWS comunizii 1b 39c Mill CHEESE PLAIN RELISH norm Maple leaf Cheese 25 KRAFT PLAIN llelveetu Cheese trainer ElliLiana u147a Chateau CHEESE lac27c MONAch BABY iron 450 citrus GIBSONS REG PKGS Plus We PKG jf llrltz gill 33351 37c Fall 499 defogit 17 NORUBBING lllillllWllX WAX W23 39 ill 69 mavmytims ilzftmxas 15 minimal PEI are 339 34 Pltltllllli scorctssua