Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1949, p. 4

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mm By JANIE mi around to call on Miss reporten publisher and loan com ing isle chlltfrtns llbgaf pany managerwwho now lives in 21 inquire out retirement in clland librarys plans for Younglpursuing his hobbies 32wa week from NOthll 111 literature both as reader and to 19 one found hei ar as writer Louis Blake Duff has us display of books that written four books three of them up cnvmur of the youngcrlfor circulation among his friends ration We might urge fVllliTllL fourth The Coutin Kerctiicf ml readers to go up and burgh book on the history of hangingf look at the display this Szittiiniis enlivened by his inimitable and toe follewmg liek Some touch of humor He is recognib then own ttthrtlt authors thcyicd authority on place names and haw turned to childronclhas written articles and givcnj emote land no oiilct cou radio talks on the subset An the contrast l0lttll thejotlier hobby is collecting Hooks grillhinftlytsnd attractiytly biltiild llis Qirtuositg as xiii after dinner or younger ry ant ticspca er he not more than dull sober appearance of llltll sen llltllllolltd lie is an citpresident lots reading iiatcrmli tllltllltf the Ontario Historical Society the grins BCnllftiliced inb this lilitllld of the Welland County His Were ie misc lflllllrflllllill Society Godden llitty Her First tutti Born in Blucvcle near Wingi Years by Rzichil Field and Tlllillillll Louis Blake Duff taughtl Otterbury Incident by Daygschool and then went on the Call 119W18IlSllllgtllslttl English poet litpotter as itrcporter After get an CllllC sttngkhis ggounaiing is tieiivispnpcri mung the more beautiful tifElgt WE the picture story books for younrnllvmd Telegram which he ran for children going on display vcreimllll ytill gtHf SON this imdl iillxlltsistraktccr by firtlist agith3fgtgdwllllfhllimam fitircfoltn Wio nus 1151 111 ar tie and has many friends lictel5lrml CCCMJUCQ The White Stag by Ktilo Sende his topic on Tuesday evening with illustrations by the author Cilmda nd the Ulmedi which won the award mu jjStatcs study in good neighbor most distinguished contribution toilluodv In mount is Wing held American minimum 10 mm0 in the Library Hull comnicncingt this yearand The Seaweed initial 830 Oclock and Clem tho Track by Louis Mrs hlttlck cntertaincdf Slobodkm musqmed by the lou Sunday evenng at supper at thor in brilliantly splashed thltl her home in honor llML and Mrs diligently Interested ding at St Marys Church colors really caught the eye andJaCk BllChanaL Who are leallngl were worth looking through for the art interest alone The Story of Canada by Elean 3r Harman and two University of Toronto professors of history Geo Brown and Marsh Jeanncrct and Treason at York an exciting adventure novel of the War lamby John Hayes are both aimed at making history attrac tive reading for the older child TIA wedding writeup iiithe Stay ner Sun last week caught our eye in view of some other unusual inspects about the remony which was tradition Dutch service The bride an groom both recent immigrants Canada from Hol land arri at the church after all this uests but were the first tp Even when they were allo ed inside the church the had to conform to strange adition Married pcoplc laced to the left of the couple during the hourlong ceremony and unmarried persons on the ght There was reception af rwards but no honeymoon fol owed as it is not Dutch tradi on The bride Wore gown of file Velvet with pictitrc hat and arried bouquet of thats right bite tulips One of in Saturdays brides the town shoigly for Calgary Alta The first president of the One Iwcntics Club the former Shirley WtilkerWho was married in TrinI ity Church on Saturday was fctodat shower by the club members On Tuesday evening he lfore her wedding The club prcl isented her with Kenwood blan kct The shower was held at the home of Miss Margaret Hodges Perry St it was decided during the cvening to postpone initiation plans for while because of ifew more blanks in the member iship coming tip in the near future Mrs Flo Seawrlgbt one of the foremost womcn golfers in the country was in town last week from Toronto with Miss Edith Creszvicke and played nine holes of golf on the Barrie course with two local lady golfers Mrs Sea werewright who touched in town onl Wednesday with her cousin Mrs Sparling went out to the Golf and Country Club with Mrs Vcra MacKenzle and Mrs Lcs Chittick iinjhe afternoon to try out the local course Following her afternoons golfl ing Mrs Seawright announced that in her opinion 78 was good par for lhe Barrie course and not too high as it is sometimes judged The Canadian womens open con lmer Shirley walkerv 35 eni tender has handicap of something rtainedfat miscellaneous show at home of Miss Mary het Cundles on Thursday availing group of 18 friends from town attended Decorations were in pink and white The hos tess was assisted by Miss Mar airet Hodges and Mrs Carlton rheuough Miss Walkets marriage to Ter Rawlins took place in Trin nglican Church on Nov the taff of the Industrial Ac Corporation entertained riday evening at farewell Ly for Mr and Mrs Jack hanan at the home of Mr and Donald Wake 35 Wellington East Mr Buchanan who has manager of the firm for the 77113123 and half years was pr ented with an engraved desk the staffmembers Mr and Buchanan are leaving short ioi Calgary Alta speaker at the BarrieWo CanadianClub next Tues evening LouisBlake Duff is exscltool teacher newspaper like three Easter Lily Blooms Before Christmas fts approaching Christmas but Mts Wilbert Greene 22 Grove St East Barrie reports she has an Easter lily in bloom Mrs Greene obtained last Easter planted it in her gar den and then brought it indoors It now has two eightinch blooms something unusual for this kind of flower which generally cities not bloom indoors CAINS INSTITUTE pleasant evening was spentin the hall at Sunnidale Corners on the evening of Oct 28 when around 85 or 90 membersoL the Institute and their families enjoyed tur key supper After short pro gram of musical selections and community singing MissRoss from Stayner entertained with slides the piiilures taken on her trip through Quebec and were enjoyed by all present MENS DRESS SHOES no sea the 1in EMR AND MRS JOSEPH BRUNATTI are seen following their recent wedding in St Marys Roman Catholic Church Barrte The bride is the former Imelda Therese LaPlante elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Ed iAward LaPlantc 30 Ross St Barrie Her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Brunattl of Beamsvllle They are making thefr home in 0t tawa where the groom is on the staff of view High School Eastern Star Donate Mrs Charles Carr lSteom Wagon Radio To Receive Entries ERefrigerator to RVH WCTU Essay Contest The Bayview Chapter of the Or Mrs Charles Carr has been ap der of the Eastern Star has once pointed to receive entries for the more made generous donation County of Simcoe and districts of to the Royal Victoria Hospital in Muskoka and Parry Soundfor the the purchase of new steam wagIessay contest sponsored by the on an electric refrigerator for use Womens Christian Temperance on the third floor and radio for Union Supplies of pamphlets the womens ward containing an entire course in nal The members of the chapter un tional temperance and rules of the lder their matron Mrs John Ag contest have been available at Walker Wed At Trinity Church Miss Shirley Jane Walker daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Melville Walk er of Benin was married in lrin out mm the soctal converter Charles ify Anglican Church Barrie Saturday Nov 1949 oclock in the afternoon to Ter ence Arthur szwliiis son of Mr we Mn Rkhmd 03mm and Mrs Rawllns of Toronto Rev llowden of Toronto formerly of Barrie performed the ceremony assisted by Rev de Pencier Wright The bride was given in marriage by her father She wore gawn of white silk chiffon velvet with Sweetheart neckline the bodice trimmed with seed pearls The dress was fashioned on princess lines with long sleeves coming to point over the hand The skirti of the gown fell into circular train coronct headdress of seed pearls held her fingertip veil of imported tulle illusion and she carried white prayer book with gardenias and red roscbuds The matron of honor Mrs Vern of Oshawa sisterini on Walker law of the bride green silk velvet matching headdress length gloves She carried round bouquet of yellow and bronze pompons The bridesmaid Miss Christine Rowlins of Toronto sis ter of the groom wore gown of gold silk velvet with matching beaddre and clbowlength gloves and rled round bouquet of bronz and yellow pompons Vernon Walker of Oshawa bro ther of the bride was groomsman and the ushers were Albert Raw lins of Toronto brothcr of the groom and Louis Dunn of Barrie cousin of the bride At the reception which follow ed in the parlor of Trinity Parish Hall the bridlts mother received wearing loganberry crepe with navy accessories fur ncckpicce anda corsage of yellow roses The mothcr of the groom was in grey crepe and wore navy accessories and corsage of red roses The bride and groom left on wedding trip to Montreal and points east the bride travelling in suit of wine gabardine with grey coat and hat and black ac cessories and corsagc of garden ias On their return they will makc their home in Toronto Outoftown guests at the wedding in uded Dr and Mrs Gowcr Miss Hutchinson of Braccbridgc and Mrs Walker of RUMMAGE WERE $11366 Actual proceeds sale held by the Church choir week were $11366 rather tha previously reported over was of scientific nature dealt with the effect of alcohol on the body brain and behavior The course of study has gained favor with public school teachers as an aid to health studies new have been very busy raising Sunday School headquarters or at funds for their benevolent work the National WCTU headquarters Mrs William Stewart and her 11 Prince Arthur Ave Toronto committee raisd ftlhds by ban All entries are to be received queting the various Masonic or not later than Dec 14 In those ders and other prganizations Mrs toms re there is local Arnold Spearn and Mrs Knapp and tlieir committees held XEUthlteargts 113139 saoareEto penny sale Mrs Cliff McLean tries gem lateerfr fggrn gr and committee raffled off quilt 18 years age and over an to raise funds eligible for certificate but not The order has been able to do for WCTU pm is male generously to other worth while causes as well as the hospi The course of study appeared in tal with its everincreasing needs Sunday School publicationsduring The worthy matron would like October The junior courSe wa to extend her thanks to all who fdr boys and girls under 12 yeas worked to make these donations possible and all who patronizd the chapters projects stories The intermediate andsen tor coursefor 12years of age and of age and consisted of character WA Hold Bake Sale Was 1n moss and wore and elbow Collier St United lAnmversary Tea The anniversary tea and bake sale at Collier Street United Church on Friday afternoon was well patronized The tea and sale were both under the auspices ot the WA of the church In charge of the tea room Newton Mrs illips Mrs and Mrs poured tea ata larger table Mrs MacAuley was in charge of the sale of baking Shaver Directs South Simcoe Schools Homemaking Clubs Cotton Accessories for the Club iGirls Bedroom was chosen this ycar for the subject of study at the Training School forHome making Club Leaders South Sim Coe held in Alliston and Staynei during thcpast two Weeks Twcni tyfour leaders from 13 clubs at tended this years training schools which were under the direction of Miss Ruth Shaver home economist The homemaking clubs of the county are study work clubs or ganized by the Womens Institute branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture Each club is dir ectcd by local leader and usual an assistant leader The clubs with their leaders are Bond Head Juniors tMrs Keith Knecshaw Bond Head and Misf Irene Jcssop RR Bradford Bond Head Seniors Mrs Robinson RR Bradford and Mrs 13 Sr Broderick RR Bradford Beeton Mrs Hooper Becton and Mrs Rothery Bccton Everett Mrs Halbcrt RR Alliston and Mrs Lewis Gallaughcr Everett ChilliWilli Miss Helen Bell Gil1 ford and Miss Marjorie Todd Gil ford TecWeGwill North Gladys Houghton Newton Robini son and Miss Betty Breedon New ton Robinson TecWeGwilll South Mrs Mervyn Bentley Bondi Head and Mrs Bob Westlakep Bradford Avening Mrs Robert Walker RR Creemorc Clovcri Lea Mrs Patterson RR Stayner and Mrs SanfordAikinsl RR Creemorc Georgian MlSl Shortt R112 Colllngwood andl iMiss Betty Franklin RR ColE lingwood Singhampton Mrs Mrs Taylor Dunedin and Mrs Russell Dunedin Stayner Mrs James Leach Stayner and Miss Elaine Cranston Stayner In their project this year the girls will discuss furniture ar rangement color schemes choice of material and design and will make some cotton accessories for their bedrooms LOTS or acting The people of North America produce more live better and posl sess six times as many goods as the average worker elsewhere in the world WHERE on needs three things in good meas ican Hale Singhampton Pine Tree Inptist Missionaries PayRstit lo Ionic Thurilday Nov marked the annual thankoffenng meeting of the Womens Missionary Somety of Collier St Bapth Church Mr and Mrs Gordon Chambers miss sionanes on furlough from the Belgian Congo were guest speak crs Mr Chambers callrd for new prayer interest in the missionary the field The missronarv ure patience love and wisdom he said Mr Victor Griffin South Amer tnisswnary took the devo tional exercises An offering exceeding $125 was Members of 39 Club Hold Rummage Sale Mrs William Furzecott and the members of the 39 Club report very successful rummage sale on Saturday morning Nov The sale was held in the Sunday School rooms of Burton Ave Unit ed Church Mist of the iititirs for sale were used clothing among which was large quantity of childrens cloth ing received for the Congo titinistry llir WMS presented gifts of clothing etc to Mr and Mrs Chambers for use on the mission field BARRIE GLASS MIRROR SUPPLY GLAZING MIRRORS RESILVERED New Mirrors or Plate Glass Dresser Tops made ttiOrdr Designs cut on glass PICK UP and DELIVERY JACK LOWE Prop RUTHERFORD Mgr Phone 5048 74 Henry St Barrie FOR Painting Paporhanging Call EDWARD SMITH DECORATING CONTRACTOR 29 YEARS RT THE TRADE RR Barrie Phone 842R5 Modern Benefits Our presentday equipment and helpful per sonal attendance provide every possible com Iort lor family and friends vo nthTu vii WOULD If MI In its selection of the ilcmsol expense that constitute the lu neral every familymay arrange for service priced in keeping with its plans Providing helpful funeral infnolton is an established part of our public service tot WELL DRESSED WOMEN MT HE HOMEIIFE FUNERAL HOME WORSIEY LAFfEPlON PHONE

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