Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1949, p. 20

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ceivcd from solicitor in rcferencg to diverting ditch back to ttieg original water mum report from surveyor is to be got to 53s it water course can be locbted 93 which will not cause flooding an SSW 000313 91 Bl Chmlh properties located since the dlICIV KW NOV WILI 311 mcm was diverted 381413551 cou ucu Nelson Ford 86 Dies in Victoria member of prominent Bai ric family of the latter part of lb 135 century Nelson Charles Ford mi pilgrim inka migiE ONTAMO Gillan Emery 51 D195 Suddenly At Home Clarence Victor Emery 51 died profusion of bautiful flowers uddenly Friday November 194a wcrc contributed by relatives and me home of his smen um friends to the memory of John Chair Mil Dies GREEN FRONT STORES dicd at the Royal Jubilee Hospi Tharlcs Alexander 114 Owen St Charles 111185 771 who spent 47 111 in Victoria BC on Monday Barrie tais Wlm Cinadlan 3110031 cclal En In geer ppouited mm of the prevmus meeting Spend bylaw was passed October 24 1949 at the age of 36 was bxliughl home from his llrhfjdgid NECPB 953 avg 1301111108 CW9 as Tow Hchad been resmem Mrk teem and died Shun home at 157 Bradford 51 Barrie for supply of snow plow time Since 1913 Vin line later SKA INC 61 HOCKEY EQUIPMEN 1me was nee ed Ship Lnginu to handle 101 ral lIC were Id Sal utd me townlinc notli COORSION IWd mm Funeral services were held Monmuiilgllt Nola5 efrom the eJennctt You BUY MORE FOR LESS Make this Your CutleryStore However as consideration of thc swamp palm purchase an FWD Mk dainogc suit had been lled was still open the matter was Ivlti no mun in on 15 on until COUDCII went to Toiontu on Wednesday to see the equipmenlinem offered Not Liable for Trees Damaged me an Sidewalk motion was passed disclaiming An mum for about 5190 was any liSDOIlelllIY in regards 10 received pending repairs tou walk lrccs tkstioy cd by me In Belle Ewan A5 mt dismm The motion authorich the click my poucc vmage mere was to notify thc UWIILI lcrcy Thomp way of charging this to those rairu 10 payers It was explained that Medic NM run public subscription might be sup Recommend Gilmgr omion Plcmemel by Km 5m lollcr 110111 lhc uunly Ilczilth lidykwas available or 5m Unit litter an inspector hnd niitlc FIN Equipment ItpOII lelVItittl flint lhcrc wore re cmiipmciil dcinuiistinlion lzirgc nuiiilicr of pcinizincnt Itnl wlll be held 1111 wcck vlicn thlthtlllS in 1111 noitli mm and sidewalk iiiattcr Wlll bc disciisxcilimugcinciiis foi gnibngc CllllT with the Ratcpdycrs Auomzilion tion should ln nmdc No collcc letter was read from the inanu iiom hmc bccn itiudc sincc Scpt facturcrs of lllt equipment asking Rifiigc was accumulating at the for permission to dcnioostzntc Ilnllitzl It tins igiccd collcctioii Reeve Lockhziit cvfnvsscd his bylylht 1le bt 1111115011 ll opinion that sonic mullilci of llilllll Iv 515 protcction was rcqulicd Disuibute pin pxinguishem 91h Line Ditch Thc ncu lirc cxtiiiguislicrs which Sumo Ulllspillldtllcc was hic iiiiivid ore to bc plllCtd is anoi===aomom=ao==2 LJOEOE Be Good to Your Budget Shop at the Store for the Thrifty Efffff Retailch to Thrifty amuliims MANDARIN BLOUSE Lovely ilimcsc rcpe Clinics in Sizes 14 20 ZillcrViiluc CHARMING HIGH301V LAREI BLOUSE tIizitll leek ESlroiid $298 His father the late George Ford was leading auctioneer and hursciiian iii well as it stalwart lllt Lillciul party in Barrie Mr Ford was an expert lacrosse play2r on Barrie cams from early child hood up to the time that the fam ily left to make their home In 111 Wcsi in 1913 11c Icavcs his wife Fannie Ford son Gcorgc Ford of iVicturiii llircc daughters Mrs Amy Gibb of Portland Oic Mrs Mar joric Davidson and Mrs Ada Hat chci both in Victoria one sislcr Mrs Hcrihii McCulloch of Victoiin also six grandchildren and thicc giczilgrzindcliildrcii Mr Ford was inciubci of llll Cnnndnin Order of Forcstcis Ihc funcriil was held on Wed IItSilll Octobcr 20 at llaywarrls Il Funeral Chapel in Victoria 211 thrcc pin Rev Iull 011i cmtcd Intcimcnt was in Culwood Iluiiiil Iziik follows one 211 Churchill 0110 in tlic Township licd and onc in Councillor iuk sccmcd unciitziin to whom he should pay for two units he had rcccivcd as urdciil Ilzuold Slltlpilll representing tho Ilcllc Ewart llatcpaycrs Asw cizition usde CUIIIICII to consider ihc purchase of fire fighting equip mom for their district By allow ing tlic riitcpiiycrs of that 2111 to pay for some ovcr period of ycais by dcbcntuic ilIIl thc outfit to lLllllllllVlIl that iircii I10 iskcd if some llOIl could hn Illll to have street lighting com monccd The account for sidewalks was rcturncd to bc ilemizcd public mccting to bc hcld in School at ll pm chncsdiiy Explain llall Debentures Ihc mnttcr rc recommendation of thc auditors that dcbcnturcs 10 hulls bc plziccd zind funds to town ship be reimbursed is accordingI to llic township clerk baby talk Ho claims the work has not been complctcrl but when done interest funds were received by the ois tricls Lay Off Park Hclp motion to discontinue Work at the park was passed effective at once unless special authorization ii given Discuss Offer on Used FWD Truck Thc Reeve and Road Supervisor had seen truck offered the Town lay November from the mid Funeral Home with Rev WE HAVE THE QUALITY and PRICE nee at Craighursl of his bmhrBcwcll of Central United Church ieiioid Rev Ferguson of St iilllclilllig Innmlcm was at Andrews Prcsbytcrian Church DiVBUIIIC Union Cemetery ciatcd and interment was at tho Surviving are his wife the Tiesbytcrian Cemetery Craighurzitfoinisr MzirgazctNeill two sons Lloyd and Steckley Funeral HOmoWilliiiii of Detroit and Bert of Barrie made arrangements iptlclbtiluugh two grandchildren Surviving are two brothers Ernand mm Mm Toze Ilzunillon st of London Ontaiio and Tclfoid Bur DundaSV OntariOV ML of Craighiirst one sister MrsE lhlllcn come to Barrie in 1892 He Charles Alexander Eva of Barile was mommy wim the CNRV was me so or me law Mr 91 jlOlltllg mostly at Allandalc with Mrs Milton Emery of CratghuistVm Exme of several years at Mr Emery was born at PowusfOtlnwa Active in church af san Northern Ontario and had fairs lic was number of Central worked in Barrie as carpenicriUnitcd Church for 22 years He was an ardent Also iicllvc in lodge work he hockcy followcr and rarely misscd bvlwiucd 10 Lucul N0 63 of the ii playoff game at bomb or away 1001 011 LUdEL NO 153 01 the in which Biiriic played He 8150n5 Im1mm tended St Andrews Presbyterian mm mm mm were Church Vwrcntlis from the rallipad shop Mm friends mm Barrie anant Allziiioiilc the 1001 and the the surrounding district attendedbuns Engkmu Among those attending from thi funtrol ind rcliitius presentVnmpr palms were Mr and Mm from outoLtown vcic Mrs Iw Long London Mrs MV Bison lmwmw My Noll Bay Mm Iloruiito Burke Toronto Miss Stone Mrs Gcislcr and Dr Aus mun 59 Miss Edna walk tin Munro all of Pownssnn nmwzm Mrs Daniels Among flowers contributh were Icnolon Falls and hcr son Jack those from Ciuigliurst Picsbytcriqn IHilblrtls Vi 10 on GiIChliSl Church the Bull Planing M=1O Clildwcll Pnddison John Wolfcndcn Plumbing and Ilcatinglu MCCI 01131105 Perry and Co and follow workmen llmm Ifw Pallbearers wcic Norman Grow 5mm dVCc by Odd George Bamwm and Ralph Kcm follows Izodgc was conducted by iiington of Barrie and Currie Bnid Chmos Punfnon Ngble mnd win Arthur Snldcr and Band lwnh lurk CumZ 115 0000 illIl summns or mmhm lgtiotlicr 11 Miles resides at Fort William nt Among people tlic clcik reported he had cot from outside Barrie were Dr and lcctcd liccnsc fccs from 14 tourist Mrs Davidson 0f Kitchener Mr camps illld had lCfllSCd liccnsc to MIIS retired in 1937 two He ZldVISCtI that according to CCM SKATING OUTFITS FOR CHILDREN lt1 ADULTS $795 $1050 $1005 $1195 $1595 $2595 White for the Girls Black for Boys The kind of boot youve alwayswanbed HOCKEY GLOVES and Protective Pads HOCKEY STICKS for Everyone NEED RUBBE MAT HOCKEY PUCKS to suit all sizes We have marvellous array of Sally 001 wuw ored mats fur many purposes SPRED SATIN the Wonder Palm qt $210 moon BATH KNEELING DRAIN Easily applied dries in minutes BOARD Washable because it has rubber base RUBBER STAIR TREADS with nosing Come in and See this swell product Each 29c Dont look cr gift horse in the mouth but when so called Sale Bills are left at you door make note of the prices lhenlbeat path to the Green Front Stores where you always buY more for less for our regular prices youll find are lower YOU WANT STAINLESS STEEL SET 24 Pieces $895 KITCHEN Piece Knife Set In Grand Red Plastic Holder CARVERS IN of Two THREE Prices from $1 Values are excellent HORSE MILK WAGON of wood $450 In Red Green Yellow or Whlte Made to stand the usage of kiddies Metal Steam Shovels $275 $350 $425 Red Green Yellow KINDERGARTEN SETS $850 $995 One Set Red Enamelled Metal T0991 Natural Wmth Hamle Fisher Toy Model Builder 59c $105 $189 $195 $339 DECORATED TEAPOTS by Sadler and Gibson $189 $200 $225 $275 $298 $450 Because theyre English theyre good CHINA CREAMS 80 SUGARS Pen Set $150 $175 $225 Royal Albert and Royal Standard SALAD BOWLS with Servers $350 MECHANICAL TOYS 111 great variety 45c 78c 90c $150 $225 $425 trinin iibovc Suits bccomc ship at $2900 Which according to thc iict be retained these fees for his work ADVERTISING IN THE EXAMIN ER BRINGS RESULTS 8000 SUB SCRIBERS TWICE WEEKLY BOOST W001 VALUES In one ycar 1946b thc fanufnct ure of wood products from Can adian forests increased their value from more than $413000000 to about 51076000000 Quality Plus Delivery Phone 5557 Two Deliveries Dally IreslrWIiiteMusIuooms ii 1550 Choice of Grecn and Pink Crawling Babies Clowns Cowboys Acro planes Race Trucks Mechanical Cars and Ghost Trains DINKY TOY CAR SETS $220 and $235 Buses Trucks Ambulances Fire Trucks Lcstwc forget Remcmbrance Day is here again let us remember with thankful hearts the unselfish sacrifice of the noble men and women who gave with smile their very all for all the things we hold den Our Layaway Plan enablesyou to buy your Christmas Gifts on such easy terms that theyll be paid for before you realize it Remember small payment is your keeping insurance of safe HARRY ARMSTRONG iin clcgnnt companion to your trim Skirts Trimmed with embroidery Black pink turquoise bluc white Black Rayon Rayon Panties Jersey Panties Plain and laced trim meVd Sizes small me dium and large Small medium large white rose lceblue At 490 At 790 Nightgowns LOVelySlips 0f Celanese or satiny 0f rustlin snow whlte striped Tricot Some twill be computed from the time them was good value and as equipment on hand would adapt to it they believed it was good value Arrangements were made for the council to see the truck on Wednes day next The price of new truck of similar type would be about $12500 Land Assessment Exceeds Buildings by One Million Dollars According to Councillor Cowan land assessments exceed buildings by nearly million dollars Land $273962544 Buildings $1809700 He felt this was why the method of assessments should be revised Township Council Nomination Meeting Nov 28 The nominations for 1950 coun oil will be held on Nov 28 with the elections on the following Monday Dec The regular meeting will be held between nomination and election on Dec the last meeting on Dec 15 Court of Revision on Nov 16 and 17 Freshly Ground Coffcclb Strand 98 104 DUNLOP ST PHONE 2001 to attend the annual church ser SSfrandCoIoicd RedGieon Ylloiv cm Strand Heavy Duty STOCKLEYS Fancy TOMATO JUICE 20 oz tins for 19 STOCKLEYS King Size PEAS Fancy 20 oz tin 19c WeekEnd Meat Special LEAN PORK SHOULDERS lb PORK BUTTS 1b SHORT RIB ROASTS lb BLADE ROASTS Blade out lb vice in Bradford on Sunday when George Faris delivered helpful addressVon Our Opportunities WMS Catered for Masons November Mrs Inglcs Bill Allan Kennth Last Wednesday evening the and Jean Mossop spent Sunday at BMSS Gwen Ham smug WMS catered for 117 Masons and Pratts ame the ladies from COORSWWL Mr and Mrs Stanley Winter and ll abguet gaiglad to 569 Mrs colme Thornton and the surrounding dis Audrey attended the Wilkinson trict in the basement of the church st foivlhleBSiaeligrsidhome from Guelpn and the dinner was enjoyed by all 583821838 dmg Orangelme las Judging by the laughtertha oat The wr will meet with the red as feengslgglsVimrd Spent sun ed down from upstairs during the nation of Agriculture on Tubsday Ollver Connell of Barrie visited program everyone was happy felling NOV 15 in the Community his mother on Saturday mOOd Hal Lagles bring 11111111011 Film Mr and Mrs Allen arevlsitlng in Spea er ram uep Mr Allens father In Windsor Teoc wglwgl 31203 Stacie MI and Mrs Marshall of Jim Harrison spentva few days PH 383 In mm Vancouver flew by North Star last week with the hunters at Ve WI sufnlorb 9B plane and re visiting at Mr and Paget Heryd Saccisu 3w fer NEE Mrs Stanley Wlnters and other Mr and Mrs Grills and family dig tflae 32qu dahlia quill relatives at Orangeville for two $223333 151m at Rutledgei went to Jack Breedon of Bdnd weeks Mrs SHowc of Winnipeg is 12 EfeNggfgfn Ryggsgg 132 $1600000 LOST spending two weeks With her bra single exploratory on we suedetaffeta with dain ther Hughes bushel of apples toJGapp of trimmed with pretty embroidery Rose ice blue Bradford number from her drilled in Alberta during 1948 cost uygfaib glgarSgggzgrgt attended $1600000 but found nooll BEEF PORK SAUSAGE 1b Ralph Houghtons SWIFTS OR Visitors at Nobles werc Mr MAPLE LEAF SAUSAGE 45c lb andMrs Chinchase and famy 0f Everett last Wednesday aner and Mrs Bert Bailey of Toronto CHRITI 151erva members wer9bleV GDOCETEDIA 555 MRIACEI gt U5 10 QN$rwn65$5 Si Model 229 VWalnut ty lace trim Sizes 32 to 42 zcller Priced 3149 Slmpkin acting building inspector tendered his resignation effective at once Reccommerida tions that the building blyaw be r8lt vised to include parts of theNation Code so that legitimate builders Lising proper type of constructibn coiild not be under bid by these idesirlng to save on materials was ihis suggestion to council IDesiies to Subdivide Land King Houston enquired why he could not sell some land in parcels offt feet fronta ZELLERS LIMITED 60 Dunlop Sb Barrie Phone 2439 They Urban Devgelopment bylaw requires 12000 sqfthowever some consideration could be allowed wu t1 YB 23 wa er lS permanen avai VV VV will 33 illiciilfeteslll$ That fin 59 sorts as whole but rather ap have been 100111115 high8n plied to developments adjacent to cities and towns He felt the town in ide ualiti ship should have the deciding as Dr as we 15 to required size of lots worth High 8150 conf Reports Tourist Licenses ditlon of its paint upholst At $193 Acting Building Inspector Resngnsl rinistiinc IliiylFriduy November Store will clbse between the hours of 1000 am to pm If Swiss ll 19470LDSMOBILEH DAN 1947pLYM0UTH 313 MAT SE 17 V1946 CHEVROLET mm zilliosnopou SPEEI 919409119504931123 Vi941jpopGEkmas QQQ9M$QQQM s5ss swuaswmmswss 751150110Slllllllllllllltlllllllll TWENTYFIFTH EV low for is HERE Itis high requestpt Reeve Lock art 125 lcfesllles 35 we as to basic mechanical Shape Come in and SEE Our Lot 17 192Bradfbrdsi

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