Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1949, p. 2

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OHIO Manchurian mom IAIIII um WKWALLS CHANGES INGIIDUCATION WILL AFFECT TEACHERS One of the most notable changes in educa tion system of Ontario as announced by Hon Dana Porter willvbe to place greater onusl on the school teacher Although the schooll teacher has had tremendous responsibility in the past the obligation in the future will be multiplied In the larger elementary schools it has been the custom for one teacher to handle only one grade pupil who passed regularly would have eight different teachers as he progressed through public school The new system will provide for one teacher to look after pupils in the primary division and the average pupil will spend three years ill this class Then after three years in primary class the pupil will advance to the junior class where he will spend the next three years with another teacher In the past parents and school trustees too have had their own peculiar methods of judging the teacher Generally speaking if the children were able to earn promotions and also liked the teacher the parents and trusl tees were satisfied It has only been Oil rare occasions that teachers have been commend ed for their services However the school teacher will now as sume much more important status in our community teacher having the custody of child for three years will certainly be in position to exert lifetime influence on the pupil Parents will be more anxious than in the past to ensure that their children have good teachers And there will be greater ap preclation of the serviCe of the teacher in the community There was danger that the one room country school was being legislated out of ex isterice by township school areas The object was to have larger schools with improved facilities But the advantages of having one teacher take care of pupils over period of years will now be restored This country school idea will now be adOpted in many of the larger urban schools Most school boards will probably move slowly in putting these new changes into ef fect AlthOugh the Department of Education has not yet enacted legislation providing for the altered program Hon Dana Porter is hoping to enlist the cooperation of few local school boards in adopting the new pro gram It begins to appear that the education sys temin Ontario has come to turning of th my Wsa ways Although several changes have been announCed these enhancing the status of teachers Will probably have as much interest for the parents as all the other changes com bined gt it CHANNEL SWIMMING MAKES GOOD READING Most readers of The Barrie Examiner could not swim across Kempenfeldt Bay for all the trophiesin the World but nevertheless they TEES reigixilllgg about such swimmers when iMargaret Gribble used to win the cros baySWIms it was always good neWs And si fiulriy when Miss Gribble now Mrs Giles won one Of the senior awards in the Canadian National Exhibition marathon it was gOod news for her many friends in sun cooCounty But writer in the London Daily Mail takes opposite view He is unimpressed by the efforts of men and women who have been humorous swim the English Channel ertirlg in recent issue he said The only comment we seem to be able to makeao the recent alarming outbreak of ChanrlebSWinlnng is to Observe that it is typical of thehuman mind as Darwin once laughineg called it to attempt to propel the bodyuncomfortably from one country to an Jother iii the shortestpossible time by the slowest method of moving known to man Chdrml swimmer to conserve the istrengthhe wastes in his absurd fight against eelements by crossing the water In pub Wondhnsr martyrs Letbbriclge Herald few farmersirealizc what the steady dram on ut itisevident that if we are gradually ex rbiribright and that if we donut makes waywiilbe robbing future generations omedn our Frairie agriculture when es and clover to be planted Welcsuw gloom the IeztIIIty bank shinning soul depbsits to our Vccount seine ch illurpuve 59 mm at Mill urn cumin ulna and the politicians have suddenly waked up OPINIONS or OTHERS soil fertility yearaerryear is doing to their owninust be reduced to allow soil manor ultimatenods Audltaumudazaihdcu Canadian Weekly Nilme Assadum mmcwm Town of Barrio LL 00 you By Mail 50 you Outside Canada 50 you Single Copies Monday 8c Thursday lic steamboat in itself sufficient ordeal then we estimate that he would have enough units of energy In reserve to cope with the ordinary affairs of life in Britain and still have plenty left over to drive small wheel Despite the fact that swim across the English Channel may not prove much to some readers we are sure there will be an interest in this type of physical prowess as long as only one person in million can accomplish ll PROMISING SIGN Whether the leaders of organized labor to the fact that the world is getting into lot of trouble because too many peOple re fuse to face facts or whether there is some other and more mysterious reason it is fact that within the last few days there have been two statements madeto organized labor whichfstrike note quite out of keeping with most of the discussion of public affairs in democracies in recent years Tlle American Federation of Labor issued bulletin recently ill which it suggested to workers that it was their duty to help their employers to keep the cost of production down and to be ready to help improve your companys competitive position as basis for wage increase This is very different from most of the leadership given organized labor in recent years There is no note here of trying to make labor rich by making employers poor or of trying to increase employment by raising prices or anything of that sort It is the good oldfashioned sort of economies which far mers used to talk around village stores generation ago Then no less person than the Prime Min ister of Canada the Right Honorable Louis St Laurent invited to address the Annual Convention or the Canadian Congress of La bor not only accepted but seized the oppor tunity to point out to the representatives of organized workers in Canada that one cer tain road to unemployment would be for the wages of Canadian workers to rise to such point that Canadian products were priced out of world markets Here once again is something startling Here is something which the Canadian peOple have not heard from their leaders for long time Here is oldfashioned common sense once again being substituted for fancy econ omic theories It is not very comforting to realize that both these statements come as shock to the public It is somewhat alarming to remember that plain statement of plain truths has ceased to be current in the discussion of pub lic affairs It is not pleasant to know that simple talk of this sort is actually shocking at present What is pleasant what is encouraging is to note that this sort of talk is being used that there are labor leaders and political fig ures who have the courage to get up and tell their constituents the plain simple truth Incidentally it seems quite likely that this courage is not going to damage the interests of the American Federation of Labor nor make the Liberal Governmentunpopular in Canada The people of the democracies have lost confidence in their leadersjust because of this failure to tell the plain truth They will not be reassured by remarks of this sort They will be induced to think WW EDITORIAL NOTES ltgt In an address Sir Stafford Cripps Chan cellor of the British Excheduer warned that heavy spending may upset the budget We have suspicion that most people have known this sad fact for many years There is no time to rest inpolitics We thought the last federal election was only just over when welearned that the Liberal residents of DufferinSimcoe riding have an nounced their nomination convention for the the next federal electionl Yes the convention will be held atAlliston on November 18 LEAVE FARQUBAR omviilt AT hm Paisley Advocate Ontario has sprung surprise with his recent resig nation from that post Frankly we were not surpris For some time and in fact almost immediately fter the last provincial election when the Progressive ing the Liberallraiiid CCF forces there have been rum ors thatthe high Liberalbrssstat Ottawa was di satisfied with the choiceof Farmiller Oliver and that Within short timed move wOUId bemade to replace him withsomeone more suitable to certain cliques of published ports that the push to OusterOliver hail begun and several BWSvwere mentioned as rs to theburlyGroy Counterlberal ore quite understandable when Mr am his resignation But less understand blis the tilde01 thoseLibcral strategists who axial upo ringingleadersat this time When the lasteletlorhwas3heldpthe Liberals payer had winidmdjorityQOI even to increase their II in the Legislature But that was no suit Orwellnew leader Farquhar Oliv IS the fact thath did image great Farquhar Oliver leader of the Liberal party in Conservatives swept back into power by overwhelm www Thought fur llememltrlmrelag They live They live these gallant men of ours When we their mothers cradled for awhile And watched them grow to manhoods high estate Or prOudly walked their brides some sacred aisle They live They live these noble sons of ours Whom we their fathers hoped in time to see Pass on our name to children of their own And prosper well but it was not to be These men of ours who answered dutys call And come not back Were listed as if dead Yet we well know these spirits Carry on Tncy live They live They have but gone ahead By LEWIS MILLIGAN Foreign Exchange is supposed to one of the deepest mysteries of lab Finance We have been told that only bankers nance minis ters and thoseengagcd in world commerce can understand and grasp all its ramifications What does the average man or particu larly the average housewife know about high finance And yet there is moremist than mystery about it The housewife knows great deal about low nance in making ends meetzwith her limited income She knoWs that when the prices of Emmbdities go up the value of her dollar goes down her dollar is autOmatically devalued That is how explained it to housewife who asked me What is all this talk in the newspapers about devaluation My answer may have been alloversimplifica tion of the recent nancial crisis in Britain But the problem faced by Sir Stafford Cripps in drawing Halancingvhis budget was essentially domesticbne When tireparty couple or weeks ago thecdailymress Mysteries Of Devaluation Gleave it was announced that Sir Stafford had devalued the pound sterling most people naturally assumed that he had by that act reduced its value But the real value of the pound had already been re duced at home as well as abroad and all that Sir Stafford did was to acknowledge the fact officially There never was time when the British workerhad so much money in his pocket than he has todayand yet there never was time when he could buy so little with pound The purchasing power of pound note as of dollar bill depends upon the prices of goads and that power falls or rises with the uctuations of the markets The prices of goods are determined by the cost of produc tion and servicing plus all kinds of taxes In Britain the costs of production servicing and taxation are at an alltime high In addi tion the Government has by its export policy created shortage of homemade commodities which BARBIE ONTARIO cans MW www Gateway to Fuhgoveroignllg tends still further to raise pricesl and lower the purchasingpowerators gt of the money in the peoples pock ets Thus the process of devaluation has been accelerated by every at tempt made to arrest or reng it Economic planning which calls for controls of industry and the ration ing of raw materials and household cOmmodities created disoontent among the workers which has re sulted in unoicial strikes and de mands for higher and higher wages Nationalization in itself was cost ly undertaking and the extension of free public services bonuses and subsidies added to government ex penditures and taxation However good the intentions of the Labor Gover ent may have been the launchi of such vast and costly program of experiment ation was bound to be financially disastrous at time When the na tions resources had been exhaust ed by the greatest of all wars An impoverished nation any more than poor man cannot afford to gamble with its meagre resources on atheoretical prbposition That is what the Labor Government has done and it appears to have im parted the gambling spirit to the workers who have sb far forgotten their socialistic ideals of equality that every man is trying to get rich quick and lord it over his neighbor Whatever government had come into power after the war it would have been faced with stupendous task in rebuilding the natibns peacetime industries and recover ing its lost world tradeand com merce Britain was already on the verge of bankruptcy at the close of the war and if it had not been for the material and financial sup port given by the UnitEd States and Canada the British people might have starved Now after four years of intensive economic and industrial planning Britain on Sir Stafford Cripps own admission is nearer bankruptcy than War The only hope it seems to me is that the British people wlgl away from oneclass government and recruit all their political and economic forces and leadership in national government True dem ocracy is tgovernment by and for all the people anda onadassgoV erment iszthe surest of all devalu the Provincial Police irate on methods of wildest of all human conicts It For Parents Only Will Your Child Be Snob Message In Remembrance Day By Nancy Cleaver Dont you think It is relief be Whether or not child will gnle plate whim is run up to be snob depends to veryl large extent on the altitude uf llnrl not only different but also decided Iy better than certain other people ii is small wonder if Junior thinks that way too panicular race or creed or class Isi superior Thcyget that way and mother and dad have higi part in this development An observant child will characteristics Why is the man who launder Daddys collars yellmvi or Why did the porter on Graniiysi sleeping car have black skin There may be an Indian boy or Negro girl in his first grade and llli six year old may inquire Will my skin cvcrgci as lilik as Johns or Sallys His mother might well answer No you are fair skinned and although you become much brow ier when you have been well fun ned in the summer you will never be as dark as John or Sally Some people are white some brown some black some yellow If the parent Is Christian she could add When God made the races in the world He didnt make them all one color But lie is the Heavenly Father of every person God wants men and women and boys and girls of all colors to bo friendly to each other snobbisbness notice in son or daughter Sense of that people are not all the some their own worth as an Individual their skin color or their iacizili They also set good example when Parents should lay they regard each person as per to humor hlld honestly and son and not just member of patiently when he iisks class or racialgroup lead is One God the Ways We liurlhei bloodshed by Jews In defining snob the Oxford parents if they feel that they are dlCllGll points out that has an exaggerated respect Io social position or wealth and dis position in be ashamed of socially Children are not inferior connections It also makes born with the conviction that thelrg this distinction snob revamp his true colors when he judges of merit by externals Parents help boy or girl avoid when they cultivate Too often adults emphasize race or color or class or religion They talk about The italian fruit deal er that old capitalist Smith or The working man in the cor ncr ilousc with the big family Im often children sense that their parents are prejudiced and intol lilill toward other religious groups Ignorance broods snobblsllnesl Knowledge of other peoples Wdyx in other countries and other churches usually brings with it up prcciation An excellent book for families to Worship Him by Fitch which may Ibo found on most library shelves In world where two global con icts have killed and injured mil lions of men women and children armed forces and civilians alike in huge areas any thoughtful citizen wants to do his part to prevent Further fight Children are constantly watching ing in this Atomic Age is race sui their parents and they are quick toi cidc notice Mothers or Dads attitude fol Ono cause for war is snobbish other people There is little usclncss between races and animosity for Mother to read aloud the Sung between counirles Oil November day School lesson to Mary wluchl 11 let us truly observe Remem pays tribute to the debt Christinnslbrancc Day by recalling the sacri owe to the Hebrew race in lhl flcc of our young men in uniform Psalms and in the other books in Let us resolve to help our children the Bible and then tell her friendlgmw up without narrow prejudice We liked So and So resort seem much last summer It is cxclusililoihci people In all the criticism pouredout against the capitalist system by not Socialist and Communist critics ldmkggt 02 wonder if they have ever consid light without cred for mOment what might have happened in this world if Great War and Great War II had never taken place By DEACHMAN With all their lightness of heart and mind and complete disregard of facts the Socialists will tell us that if they were in charge all wars would cease 1th is an easything to say It could have been said with great deal more force and power at the dawn of the Christian era If only we had Christian gov ernments all Wars would end Christianity did not end wars Communism which has neither code of conduct nor moral code will make war if its leaders feel that it will pay them toydo so Socialism ismore likely to bring war than to stop it national weaknesses which make it Vulnerable to attack Over the centuries we have had every type of government every possible brand of religion and yet today distant skies look gloomy enough Now wars may come Some nations will take chance the dogs of war may be loosed again ENERGIES ON OTHER LINES Irve had been freed from war and the fear ofwar the energies of the human racecould haVe found expression along other lines There are no limits to the possi It tends to develop biliticsaof human progress under peace there is no hope for human ity unless war andthe thought of war can be eliminated fromthe heart and mind of man If that cannot be done then the end is in sight We shall concen destruction we shall ght untilone side or the other wins the final battle the would be useless to suggest that On Sunday Nov 1949 we were privrlegedto obtain the assistance or Constable Webbof theme We received wonderful cooperation that we feel is rightly due to Con stabl Webb peeted The End of War nd help Threfdrelivwewish to express to you the appreciation tile endijmuch that islunp childish snobbishness toward the wisest is sure to win The greatest strength may be on the other side The world if we can may drift into the all dark ages without ope without sin gle dream of better days Is there no hope Yes there is hope The United States strange as that seems may come to the rescue Why do think it strange The United States has tried des perateily hard to keep out of every war tknowspovg isim possible the 9m pose for instance that Great Bri tain had been overrun in the last war It seemed at one time not beyond thebounds of possibility If that had happened the United States would have had problem on its hands There would then be no bridgehead in Europe De potism would be inccontroiv from the English Channel to thePacific Two continents two despots plan ning for world dominion METHOD OF CONTROL If however at the start of World Warl the United States had been armed and willing would Germany have drawn the sword SuppoSe when Mussolini attacked Abyssinia he had been told by alLthe allied countries that it would mean war would he have made his attack Britain could not alone take the risk Would Hitler have taken the risk if he knew that the weight of the United States would be thrown into the scales when he inadethe rst moveI doubt it But doesnt all this suggest An gIoSaxon domination of the world and wouldnt the worldresent it That depends on the method of exercising control It would call for the exercise of the greatest wis dom the exercise of restraint Surely the capacity to live together In peace is one of the greatest of all human desires If humanity cannot develop that capacity the world is not worth saving4t will not be saved ilIh By LEWIS mullahs The fact that North China has become Communist China as United States White Paper recent 1y admitted is troublesomeslhf ation to the nonCommunist world It Is certainly no pleasure for the Chinese involved andthre decrdedpossibility that It wil wile 116 cam no particular treat Jot It Communistpromms are to lledIIIeI backing hsse fees may disappe Chinese have lling attempts to to pp spect holdin iiitcltliIt jwould not be iii um sosamghbte e5 mu uan fmmuada withTNO fraying as nunCo riskislblo grout Sup Is Tyrdnny Doomed ohtboiie

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