Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1949, p. 17

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murmur NOW lat iiilo wm NII IIII IINIMWN Im IIIIIIWII hwm VI II II IIIIWI III II Barrie Examiner Classmed Ads Hi in Results low in 25 WW HM IMhim 530 oclock Saturday or Wodnudny word cash minimum 35 3c word diurnal minimum 50 Box II gt HELP WANTED FOB 8m sun you II In ueBub FOR SALE SEE AND mt FARMS WANTED FARMS FOR SALE PROPERTY WANTED TO BUY baud mumg apogee Day work up you mg nu III you nu mlmn CNR muurm Amnde Fm TRICYCLE Mm 500 $1313 x11157chivilmlimclir xnlrorlltllliilUSED STOVES in ood condition 59333373 Sill hailtl3l$2anergggn 2833 hotlsle FARM FOR SALE reasombl cub $4000 or under Reply and PM 2593 779 tumor new phoe 31kg rinllimpirc with high shelf and rebcarv 1079lerite Chester Maud ey Shelburne priced Cowan 51 cowanI 34931 11 game Examiner MAN do 90 work Ex 10 31 79 lllce lhis work preterhble TUXEDO WET Worn 3318 40 7491 fhmiaymlspml Mimi eggsorhllXED HAY ood unlit squarei in 170 Acags mixed bush and XCREACE WANTED 00 nitcd Cigar Stores 1790 $25 lhOne 8141 74191 65 md cffsed 1012 13 EM qA 35m be ALE OR EXCHAVG spas bush in WOODEN lCc BOX 50 lbs also ill are dw DD OILS ire arm Qt sac upr He acre iii bely YobasALKWDy for c133 JACKET HENWR rise bouen kitcnm cupboard drawert sheutore 7799IGulhrle Phone 920 Ora ill799 miles from Barrie WH Lots It and vicinity of Barric Cash Ideal Mush comma 53135 experience prgfer cow Coww 77H1b arid base Phone 4356 after 5001 HOUSBI 13111111113111 and pro any on 13 For partculara write Mrs be suitable for the growmg of urnI rm It rte l79b 83 58 Wide WINS OOUbIle and ieedI for or call tii or house and pro rt in or near Toronto Ont 981pl Murphy 12 Charlotte 13$ng igeuvered7re7lsp PINE HIIIMLOCK maple elm 5910 dIISCSI ClIlCUIBfIOI SWln 11 Glh Phone IIlofimrrie Strand 3212 Z379pl In 13 game 33 WOMAN who has had experience lumber all widths Chine 111 30 Sawlknwyown 128 fog in restaurant business who could UEBEC HEATER medim size Mum Shamy 10 cm new Armstrong C00 own MONEYTO Lam 103 85 we ACCOMMODATION WW Phone 24w 7791 to oomed brick house barns take charlie Ummd Cigar SWCSI Apply 75 Burton Ave 7791 771 pmyggn 1703 am bed house drivm sh cl Located Barrie 179b wx VESSOT CHOPPER and bugger ELECTRIC RANGmE Graham lglgigesrlgomgfugggrHES miles 10111 133mg eConmcl 171311 IXANTEIIENTQIhegEriEhImGmggd II III II II useI rmIlI MARRIED MAN to work on farm Reggnxilymgogglsam757g 19 cmldlllon Phone 842 zbumer he dm SChelHOUSE FOR SALE reamnablyIaned at current rates mort ages HI M11 53133m AI Bold113110119 5404 1147985 Separate houw Apply Box ring l5 Cough Shanty BayI neat reverSi la oven thermo priced Cowan CowanI 167981wgumhavsed Henry Buick wen Realtor Dunlop St Barrie Barrie ExamilmI 11191 IRL Ont 7799Imeterf also lcc King refrigeration Baum any phone 3233 83191 BUSINESS GIRLS desire furm gerfects coilgggs mestfL 23913 DIE4 ply 78 Tommo SL7TII6IBRICK HOUSE rooms all con labACTRESEI Clay loam WI lshed apaflmenL Selfwonminm DEALER FOR thresher and full GE REFRIGERATOR 011 IL one 1vcnicnccs BO fIO Barrie EX FRUIT AND VEGETABLES abl Phone 42 berm 530 pl 11799 12 of heat lowin lmc 18 cqmmem for 33 RANGEIIE vhite enamel used used month Phlco radm 30th anllncr 1679 50 c1eI T911 hone Mmesin CAMERA folding 9x12 CM Illvi done brick house bank barn with and dim APD Gw Whlle 779b only months Ph 3714 APPLESS is $250 bushel 12 OR 3RQOMEID apartment filrn 623 41 FLm ack adapter cut filml 5th mo Ilg pen en ouse Son London Ont 78 79p F0 WING CARRIAGE SunshIIIII holders rol him back 116 bISegggggaggggdh03332110531srgggi bi 31mm 51 Telfgllggg drive shed lose to school churchSffgiegtgfgr eggmg 1on Boys wanted 01 aflep in good condition PhI 4535 77gp RANGE coal and wood cream Shade ash gu1145lens handyIout Phone 5139 l6v79p15 and Om Lot 19 con F105l lll9p Barric Examiner all llrposg camera Ver reason north hall Apply to Martin W11 and 5de gt ename Ihgh Wk BLUETOP TABLE TURNIPS tor 131mm Box 110 13777879pr Bloomfield Corner Cupboar NAHONAL RANGETTEI 00d asiAPPLY 149 Burton Ave after fiveIabk Phone 5212 779p145 ACRES of timber hardwood 15331 51 011 Owen 51 1491 awfphone 2343 mm mg1491 pm 7791 sale $110 bualicl Phone l0r2 ipusture Plenty Of water GOCART winc convertible likcizm 50011 75 If iStroud 2079bng lOOACRbE FARMS 8001 Itlstcn II By CARRIAGE LIWI brown gabardme sun SIIC I8II bu mgs Imd 01h wnh acres GIRL WANIED lg all with QUEBEC HEATER good baker odng blue Ibtracnall Edgar PC Phone 848r33 APPLESPS SHOWSI swam my hardwod 11 Possession any children aria housewoi In modland heater Phone 5102 after five large We Wit Plpes and stand fgogllsfglisllfobggglfvggrgBarrie 16777981pl mes and pgauke Reagnnabl Um TI sun purchaserl 1250 Noon our Live in Tele 7791 in good condition Telephone 2ll6 20791 A1 100 kl cm Barrie home pI 5424I 7w owncrI Chm cook DWI bums phI Stanley mgI My mw am before Bulletin Bond ghone 3897 wme Ban3 130 coal 01 woodv 5111 reservoirI 191$ BRICK HOUSE COOKSOW house ClCClllClly througlioulplow I7579p VENEIIAN BLINDS size 50 rooms and bath Square plan gar 0135 12 If 11 34 hon 561g 779b WINTER POI mg tone acres Wica crma 76 new Sell cheap Tole hone LADYS BLACK Winter 0031 10 lagc and shed small frutt ctc ullcts Cort tW 11 Re 1t at MEN 55mm 13 mm 3482 99 mm we lad green ANYONE in need water We We PM Cksmwn dehmed 850 eg or 0m The op 4624 2079b18arrio 8791 size 14 Rea table Tl ready lay POne at Barrie Post Office Dec 16 to 27 50 0P 10 61 Home 5629 1677 7839p an 70c er hour VeteranslstotiPERSIAN head coat size 41 7799Ime lumped Uh lloogal lank Same Tlmcbamc Station approx rind pumper Water may be do MCINTQSH snOWv Pew AUTOMOBILES nildefence Apply pqilmasmi Bgigsg exunem condmon $913 COMBINATION radio and rccordilicred 0m your mam creel Igudallcfohguillfirllzmlnz Spy applcs dllvemd Bilnw veanesdays 50 as 55 player Fleetwood table model Dennis Moran White Rose Service $1200 cash will be willing to take my WWI 110 1936 FORD coach for sale Apply FIVE MINUTE TALK It play 12 10 lecords Telc lion smtlon Hayeld Barrlc Tele mOrt for balance Phone 2228 4510 201945 36 Clappcrtun Si 1379 Wed Nov 16 OPPORTUNITY in Barrie for am UMBEC HEATER Willi pipes 8889 5l0It 779 phone 2907 77987 at an meI 13791 bllloUSI mun agu 23 10 33 to lab evomngsi 5126 or 200 BAGS potatoes also around 32 MODEL CARI $125 Phone 5071 The CoIop Director Eggralgggoggd agbgfg $23 523 779809FORDSON TRACTOR with mag5LEGilogN HIENS large JamIesI INSUL BRICK HOUSE rooms goopggnncchz cfnCoIIOCgm lm between and pm 13791 My LOUGHEEDI president neto also GMC ta way 39 53 mg 10m ZWhece uatcd on Iar is lot $4200 full elsdeiiffnltfrlv 5331 tmllESEbg Siliqelgly Rlgiibilwicil Cecil Cameron Ieicllhoner coorollmller 291310 electric 99 Spraylllllcc Contact gFred Miles fer pm 77ng 40 PONTIAC sedan good condi ahs 2242 49 16211 779p ersrnall IQuebch heater mantcllsalcsman for AI BoydI Realtor tion private Phone 3857 l379p Sggpiglaszoda mgraencePouIsfge Iradio sanitary tOllet glassIchurnI5 Dunlop St Phone 3288 1679p LugggAgogsdeadm on 93 cream senmgl 10 wm pen RIFLE 300 savage with case apgfls llgialfttcphgggs Islgogglg Blzliflir cages App to Wilbur 1934 iIYMOUTH sedan ow Examiner 77913 HOUSE rooms hot air heating For parlicuars apply 1511 $300 cash Phone 4606 I379p LE non salary and cemmlssmn group Apply to Box Barrie Exam DobsonI phono 315er 204757ng der now Ch dr tubs tallzalmn Sub tner 779b 01 mas 01 IAITC 1511111 all Name and 059 llvor 779blMOTORBOAT l6ft Dundas outI3 ball and 101 1441 42 DODGLI my C108 can pa In Personal dBIa BOX 3m ar board dUCkv rWining113111512502 Contact Boyd Realtor 200 BAGS Cmppewa NT Pk lcct shape Apply Sophia St Exammer 179 33W1JLjonn Xiiggelrphgge USED CARRIAGES rand peram alld battery WIHdShleld taipaulinls Dunlop St Phone 3288 1679p pmawes for 5319 please blm Wcst l379pl Toronto Prices Paid bulators reasonabl ricedr 10 and many otllcr accessories Comi 0W AIPllY SI prdy5 Innis packers POSITIONS WANTED wsw 78 gm clear Allandale Hasiner Trade 9190 With 81 11 J0hn5I 011ml BRICK HOUSE for sale rooms dme mm Linc orzgmllgs 1936 MASTER CHEV coach goodl NE 3095 BARBIE BEAR SKIN RUG buunlo mbe in swreI 779p urcnased new is your and has on prospcct St in Beeton Immcd condition $425 Phone 10 ring 22 pRACTchL NURSE desires 051 lion Phone 4967 2379p gig wmo mg 9x12 713333 ADDING MACHINES and type Phone 5494 or Smiths Boatingculms apply to Mrs John Fleming CARROTS WW WI 55 than 75 hours running timeIliate possession For further parti Stroud 13791 muc Che 815 or so writers for sale or rent at Barrie Selvwe f0 demonstration Satur Tottenham PO Ph 9r2 1679p 1971 FORD deluxe in good cunI YOUNG LADY requires parttime MAW TWE VE Business College 66 Toronto St day NOV 12 77379Pi used Fm dmvery Bame mw dllllm Balllam for QUICK 58101 work as bookkeepen Stenography IOI lgosod banIIIDInOSIOIICIrIXIehe PM 411 with 1NSUL BRICK HOUSEI rooms gmpcr bus Box 55 Phone 3069 1379b or clerical school hours 14 pImI 5496 79b able United Cigar 810x23 Bar 77911 RGUSONFJRD cunwaw WilhWANT WINTER accommoiumlprlvm lake in illuskoka xchange Fred PHIL 014019 Parkwa Ava amental trees and shrubs CUTTER CANNEB WILTON BROADLOOM 76 hylllg Clblie to 113alririedlon 114 39 PLYMOUTH cd good Fmd pmmrm With ru an ave an in Phone 382 79p I2WHEE1IED TRAILER Any tea wine never used also stalgir run LIVESTOCK FOR SALE lithch vith immediate possession NgtbeEABigvaggg 0133211132 condition Apply Ivan Furlough Sigma lunbcrIrgglIesiioIoo YOUNG MAN senior matricula Her it long never used Tele Hm OBoyle Real Estate 101 Dunlop R112 Pliclpston lib79p sonable offer acccpted Telephone at barn $110 or bag Stan MC huorm kk phone 2314 779b StI Ph 4861 1679 see 1946 0111 5133 olceeftifixifrflerii 4677 79 disc ANGUS BULLS yr old me ley Applegate MI Telephom 1942 poumc coach good tires moo0 phone 3404 279 SPACE HEATER Duolhermy large EAGLE TRACTOR size 2245 new HalOIdSEFVlCE BENOIL 97779 NEW HOUSE brick veneer just and heater Prcstone nice and 1945 Ford 3101 12 foot com Size In good condition Telephone 1be on from and rear Wheels finishing rooms bathroom in clean Phone 3678 l379b bimition dumptW1n PISI YOUNG MAN 20 desires bl 4224 7791 Suitable for threshinglor sawmill FIGS weeks 01d Mervm sulaled cement block foundations Hm QUALITY APPL MC 01 hoist $120000 tosh Spys and various cooking ork in Ba Box 134 Beeton I779 Dobaon Utopia Phone Ivy ring 1ar cenarI furnace 00d 10L 100 1939 CHEV deluxe sedan one own KSSI com rre atrc vanehesI pmvs from $1 to $235 1943 Intermmndl 15 949 dti es heater and hol ulatlon Good references Box BLACKSMITH FORGE and anvrl ft frontage on Highway 27 Apply per bushel dawned AI Goldm er on bmamn dump new K7 USED WASHER indr fac 11 mlles story Phone 389 l379b 43 name Emmmer 2IB 79b ilgrglbli anId some tls71lig tory reconditioned ngw mllchine RAM WANTED Apply Saw 52ml ofnlflrlggraaleo w1679p Phone 4154 2078 81 1010 CW Wes $1390 ENGLISH WOMAN age 25 seeks guaranteed $139 Allandale Harm yeyI Gillord Phone 26r12 Lee APPLES for sach Greenings 1932I IFORD VilIcoach goodI 1931 GMC ton platform employment Experience in secrev KITCHEN CUPBOARD small ware Tradem Store 779p WI 979 5ROOMED instil brick cottage in Into ds Tillman Sweet OndtmnI gd re3 App 192 5709 tarlal receptionist and sales table and chairs rTelephone CALF FOR VEALING tow Slaymi hydm town wa Srfows SFor lcsient use $1 bushel Essa Road Phone 4620 1349 There is pftIIUteltiunghK II duties Box Barne Exam 2367 79b 42 ter tmlel and basin in house wrong wtt ese kc Dcliv men 27 Haney saddle bagsI wmdshmld Bonncy Churchill Phone Lefroy about acres good garden landI gag PIthiIcIIIIIIpIs 2077I9r 1941 PLYMOUTH deluxe sedanl have good res and are out tbudd 21r32 9791 radio heater and defroster slip PUPPY or sale par seat runs good Phone l43 wood shed hen house and garage Ralph Robensom PhoneI rst c1155 common Prices police andipart collie Telephone Geo Price Crccmore W779p Price $3 000 Apply to Richard CITIZENS 0F BARRIELA WP cove where WANTED GREY MARE sound in every way 1gr15I StroudI 1379pI cannot be en en my 497 7191 ELECTRIC RA NGEIIE Tudhope Apply Walt Abram 76r5 Cooks BeamSh Staynel 0111 15791 have limited stora space we are Box 513 BRACEBRIDGE HORSES WANTED for mmltae town 91191 Warm 110 be 903 at 1932 YMOUIH sedan for sale ONTARIO sum ted OWgua lo ggammmlw at oveni ROOMLD HOUSE mm lots 53 415 N2plaes re Leyla 1N3mndshape Sgt Phone 499 tails 779 antralr min 571 WP 13 PIGS for sale white Apply Klge musme dm Icedrm bags and 99 Nodelman 556 RCASC School it Go SKI new attached onod shed heavy our he Ceml Campbeu Fow er ons rm iJelinek Con 11 Inmsfll east from dw oors buan Camp Borden 1379 979p ermgv 131 Barrie one 12r32 2079b se an tires ARTISTS WOODENIIslietcliu LADYbW NTEH COAT green CANARIES 40bingers $8 IIbens Highway 27 ===== with or withoutsu lleil Phone upwardsi pressure garage 1939 PLYMOUTH PP wrthablack fur mm srze 22 $15 $125 Cages African Violpets 10 workshop combined Price rea PERTY FOR RENT NsuPATmN Sufferers Why 379b 27 ORKSHIRE PIGS for sale 10 an II pracucally new good mate and CO PAIRGIBLS and pair boys WA N6 MACHINE with I816ll Barrie 979p ONE OF THE BEST BUYS in ROOM T0 RENT central Phone Ave Phone 3494 1379pilaxatlveIwhen ybu can ep werwanwdrslze 1213IIPll0n bottom11 111114251 good condition BABY CARR1AGEW Iconver lieve your condition with the 2550 15791 II 7491 1111M chrome mud gm RED DURHAM BULL registered number N1 Centally mated 1940 OLDSMOBILE Isedan newlwholesome gently laxative cerealv need of aintin and carrier Iplastlc mattressnz yrs old Wm Schell New house OFFICE SPACE for reni Cowan slip covers good tirgesmotor over Roman Mm Here is lad Bud BINING Roomsmm 19111911 GOOD Comm PUPSI Apply 10 condmom phone 5252 779b Lowe RR 97919 some repalrfn ngwge 13335333 Cowan 1579811 hauled Cheaper car taken as part tested formula developed by lece with uare table aISOdPess $3500 With payment App1y 804121I 1379pI Robert Jackson MD that com Dave Mmerzma Barne or me Phone 2301 379 ll 11580 779 TUDHOIEE RANGETTE General WILL TRADE nice heifer for $1750 This is real llama fox WORKSHOP SPACE for rem dI bines the natural food values and someone Apply Coutts Real Es Motors heater nd def It weaned pig5 Apply Lot gI Cowan CowanI 15493117 1940 INTI TRUCKI 1r24IonsI over delicious flavorsI of whole Wheat 175011 it PICKUP TRUCK around DAVENPORT wine trimmed late model GM 3m chilclgqullcagtl Con Innistli I97879p me 1575799 baulded recently $450 cash or and Iwholc IryeIwIlth tthfl gentIlIe year 41 or 41 State make and with solid oak good condition Apply 106 Bayeld StI 779p MTRACTWE IIIROOMED Insul FURNISHED ROOMI near GeneralItermsI or will trade for can MI laxauve propemes axomI condition Apply Box 12 Bar phone 1v 77 DURHAM yearling cattle for Electric Phone 4953 1579b McLaughlin Alliston Telephone and branI ThOIIlsandS 0511eer5 lle Examiner 3791 9p WINE WINTER COAT size 14 531 Joseph Emmsl RR 0T0 llgrlvylggirnegydgmggbfdriglilg 77I 1379431 havewrlttenIlo us Rpmlsmv1thf CCM STANDARD BICYCLE with suitable 101 gm about LI good Station Phone 424 Oro 979p well drive cemet block gar WARMI COMFORTABLE room ilaxative qualitiesof IIognalIlIh aili gIDggggggDandIgmgs large carrier and generator light condition Too small for owner 37 OgFOFD Rm Id age 31 ambest garden 1311 central Phone 5235 1579p 1930 DESOTO $110 1934 PontiaclYou too may find re 1e WI yrs eau Phon 3846 77379 Male Ave Phone 3482 779 3125 Both in good running valuable energy fdI A519 30 hold duties in exchange for board s3a= II tifurram Pm $30 Stanley AD Einllgdwlllle Ifiliilg 13511 GARAGE T0 RENT for storage shape Munro 150 Bradvgrocer for Roman Meal WY re booklet Natures Ian mom Phone 3533 799 CHILDS 3PIECEWskicult fur AIRWAY SANITIZOR vacuum P163316 IVY Phone 5122 97990n1 1579 of car or furniture 21 Poyntz ford St above Cities Seerce Sta 8y mmme size in and condition cleaner a1mostInewI com It with St 15491 mm 13791 Way to Good Health by Robert POULTRY AND EGGS wanted $5 mg 4551 779 all attachments priced prlgt for REG YORKSHIRE BOAR yrs HOUSE rooms vacant mm iG Jackcon MD to Dr 519138011 Hi best prices paid We Will call quick cash 381eI p1 3091 7799 old Stuart McQuarrie Fennells down lith tone and Sim ROOM FOR RENT Gentleman 41 BUICK real good 3895 47lFoods Limited Dept 111 MC ughlms and Poultry Sta SAWINGI MACHINE frame and Corners Phone Bradford 40 ring moms up with 3piece bath double preferred Meals out Telephone Pontiac 48 Fleetmaster Chev radio don Blvd Toronto tion IAlllston hone77 34689413 30 made ba1lbegrin 311311 new CANARIES 51 ers cir 22 9791 II 11 2371 15791 heater new car condition 39 Ply condition I816r3 779p culator heateral orwwoold good garage $2900 down paynenmns mouth 38 Chrysler Apply 76 Maple 00 tact Fred LIVEPOULTRYI wanted an di Ph GUERNSEY HEIFERS due end handle Cn OFFICE SPACE for rent 26Ellza Ave Cars bou ht for cash 1379 con ion on ookstown 65r4 salesman representing 13 AI Boyd anllty also scrapmetals hides COOK SI OVE Ha Thou ht Earle Edne Newton Robinson of November Apply Edgar Leigh beth St Apply Home Appliance tits thers etc PUShkoff1QUebc eater lsappdbmberlgnd Po Iy 17933qu $2717 Cookstown on Highway $33133 238 St Phnf6389 Shop Barrie rI1575tfb 132 PCINTIAgfdanv in gig ea State anlca con mm new yI tool or St Phone 2933 Stay St or hone 5029 79 979 all 37793pT BLUE WINTER COAT box style ACRE FARM 8momed brick Two LIGHT housekee mg rooms brakes distributor and transmisI hI LEONARD FRIG Small size T01 size 14 50 new bad Springs Vt JERSEY COW due soon gflOd furnished Adults on Phone 51011 new tires and tubes itwo 36200 8momed $01 ouse 300M AND BOARD adoSales suilame for meat comp me both in good condition Rea Imilker reasonable William New grgfIwannbfggmgogflbiff 3919 15791 spares heater installed $285 Ap new Foot g0d 31319 furnace Holly Com NDI hvneolo 749P1b1 PhogeiAMSf 3ftr7igg 22 Highway 27 979p cement walls and mm 40 acres OtI 34m garage This is an ideal ply II Mulcaster StI before 400 iece bath front verandahs large II I1 LARGE FRONT bedcitting room pm 1379 TOMATIC 1322 calibre plowed Igood waggrglgphpvzy large clothes closetsI good locahtyI family house or tourist home fa iv and Phone in situated in Stroud on No llHl Ine ngw qqmplete with new BABY CARRIAGE Lloyd mam ogiaegglngAilpyeallbguhggg 1195 0f Bame wmam Phone3539 15791 49 FORD Zdoor dewxe 10w way Immliate PossessionIII all Weavll G4 sco 111309 779 $5 babYSIDltly Deni $2I5Q musk mileage spotless 48 Plymouth se goggggnPgrbgaguuggd It coat IgIoodI Iconqum me thawm On one Bame MEI afgartrltk Barrie Igiggpgfgl ROOM FOR RENT downtownI dam clean throughout 36 Ford se cash balance arrangch phonc 3170 124910 RIFLE LeeEn1ield 303 sporter 36 tuxedo suitr Size 36 Ph0ne r1n352 I97879D private entrance Phone 3134 af dan 39000 miles new car condi $6300 new bungalow high II Palken Brgsdoublebarrel shot 2764 7799 wMODERN 530011711513 bungalow ter pm 2601 151791 tion 32 Ford cab new motor and W333 Sioui 3113331 3135 gun Phone 3335 77911 STOCRER STEERS Apply Alex ve location room tires Corby Motors Ltd Marker lovely bedroomstcmbmcltwn1w aAaENTsNVANlED HARRIS TWEED COAT and Allen Wantedi Wu ready rm 11 basement 011 FURNISHED ROOM central good Square open to 13791 lugdining room tiledkltcben MANS ovmcoAT dark grey matching hat tailored Iby George f9r servwe Phone ookstown 71 0336ng lake eas residential district Breakfast 013 builtin cupboards fluvrescellt WANTED Manfor steady travel size 40 also house scales Both Rmilardv champs fun length r1118 11 9799 terms 4roomed Eungalow very tional Phone 2724 15791 WILLYS Jee gallon wagon fully lighting full stze basement hot 311 size causilmcminnhrrie Penny cheap Phonon 7e79p 1I equipped wi overdrive heater furnace large lot Immeilam POS Olinectiongwith lrge manuy 4105 7791 YORKSHIRE sows forIsalenld roomy omsmrts priced for qwek LARGE LIGHT housekeeping room and defrosters 7pass seat spare Sesslm Half 108511 balance 581 II Only reliable vhiistlcr con SEVERAL Practically new vacuum 111116 PIES eaCh Bert Horvath RR sale For further partlculars con to let central Business person pre iwheel tire and tools small milelanged LOW taxeSI Dept cleIanrsIwithI an attdchments II PEPPER autornaticIstOkcrc4open 23811119 170122 C911 Vesprag111igsaIany Realtorlsiggl ferredI Phone 420 lsJgp age and in perfect condition Will $6000 llaorta black loamyfarm sell for cash or deal for late model very closeNo 11 Highway Strand 431 mammal tat791215 Wu phoe 34313 783191ng cook stove wood groceryPhIoni 814r4 mwmrmb shelves and vegetable counter for FURNISHED ROOMIfor rent cen pickup truck LRoblnson 1301 Price includes 3catt1e chickens bI SGIIPRAMvstIgrelgh3II2i $3121 spghegggy PPanclllaII TgAldgingAagggsiniealigwj Eglhogng trIal reasonable Gentleman p713 Bayfie1d St Phone 2687 1379b team youngIhorse all implementh gt 521 50111 e749 Chimp Must be sold Pbon 951 WW www1on 1947 PONTIAC 2700 series ex igiliiciflgregtllmeiyI EVIL ITEGFILIGREE QUEBEC HEATER good as new 81112 Barrie i979p igggggfnfgscrggggyggdgm331 LARGE FURNISHED ROOM suit cellent condition excellerit iires 6roomed frarile house newly de 105 With Small BLACK WINTER COAT Pleated $14 rdmpdeaf We 3nd14 Chairs able for two with or without kit custom builtin radio 2way un curated eIeciric at door ready to 535 skirt new length Both pliletrblud $1350 ladYSvdark blue BLACK HORSEI 130011115 WOlkS Ignfggghaffrgafgfeigaggg Chen privileges Ph 4385 15791 dcrqeat heater defrostingI unitinstallz large barn in Igpod clea 11 353p wn er coatwlthI full coll $600 Single or double Hereford bull Irice Harry Mic ie Ream backup llgm ogemtes mm condmom Own sacrmcesI $3300 PhIone5420 57911 gghslali Apply Bob vJhnI Sh Phone 3551I I1679 BEDRSOMr gulltabliigti vars hgeil electric clttickkvaclllriicasg balance first mortgage dlm II as in In it sI win ie sprayer ruIn me iaeIpossessioni require 4HOLsrElNfiellrs for sale TB PAYIHIGH RENT Bily husekwplngv Pm 57881579 antreezev mat bu Screenllssoom ssxzoo only In hwaii new seat covers CallFllSgt lt 1ft tSt 11 and blood tested freshen in Dec 3151 lPomedlllz 5lr9yl1use and HEATED GARAGE for rent nea 1I115W 3115 about IFebI Apply John Bow ngelmmeletC possession $1750 ennmgi amp any 03 way also acreage ifmoreIlandPI dbwqand ermonth Momth Arenavstlo Permolth during war I8007500or at 3ch Trailer quired This isexceptionalsgarde FUJI Ill WM 979 playddeng Etsartp nabIi 1959 in leggy 59mm 11f373 Cam 1H9 pna allSin highIstgte at c1131 dam II II on xesiberes rlncl II long eye tinreng vfgugdaed Ph Dggemgrg gihaTgg lggggggmttfglta berlgogd3 loofItiOl upfun of trues POntiiaIc chlavertibIlI II II II III III III II is OXIIuIIIyII arrle coupe evtoac 83 97579pTIggg 323 $19133I1313Y aminri I15v79p repairSh$l2lg Clgvslfddn ll wrreweeIli1evlcoac Yrkslllren Y0 led West HEhwayr LARGE 233E 00171 $50 I2wl1eeIled trailer with St mileOtlth Barri ll Owner bbarsrealiyfrtir drvlllalwgull nbeivg do 11 F1311 lvate entrantPI $I Used Pailslcompl dl Carsaddeht StrandTelephone less gt II 9798191 91 rhod suit One ph Abstai gt IB oill 35 HA in

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