Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1949, p. 16

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TH mm mm mamcam mvHsDAY NOVEMBER1I le aswr MI NOTICE TO CREDITORsiFWrrmmlz noon you all by 53 has LauraIS rubsole second daugh II II wm 11303113 tnd BATI33 an Mammals ABLESI II III coaxial t==dl and Paxtonwa recto formerly of the Villa MIEELLmAt thc Soldiers Memial Xeetch of Barrie on Saturda Shanty Bay In the County or Hos ital Orlilla on Nov 1049 mm SHRUBSOLFJ 1291949 BY LAW N0 870 SW I1 and We Bell r3 dw gastolgmlgxmgorhogi 5336ng Chm NM nyLocw Imm IEREDIIOIISIIIandbotherEsS havmg Horrkepaiync Ont son Spun gumnun in evening $79809 10 IRIS against ove late are el 91 whereas expedient and necessary 10 mac mr me 50 uired to send full articul rs DOWNARDAI the SoldirsMemi STANDING TIMBER approx Initial of Candidates for the Office of Reeve Deputy Reeve Councrllors 53h claims we undersignzd arm liospmlI Ormm NOVI lugs for sale Apply Box indium School Trustees for School Area No and three School Trustees or before 111 19111 day of Noveml 1949 to Mr and Mix Gear Burl Examlnen 343799 If for School Area no for the TOWflbhlp for the Mar 1950 and also her i949 alter which date the Downaxd IM Hora Grahiml alBlACK cow Berkshire sown no lsfll Co Mumdpalny the Township Inn my Qt to divide the Township of Innisfil into convenient Electoral Divisions Estates assets will be distributed son 10mm Gemg mm11 halter c311 Ernest Evermn 400 CEDAR POSTSka and down or the establishing of Polling Divtsions therein and appointing Return haVing regard 0111 10 Claims lhaltMILLICANAi 0331 ViclmlalGlllllrd 979 Apply Dave mule RR Barl th 11 have complied wllh ing Officer Poll Citlks and to lilttl tnc reiltiliclntnts Of the Act rc m1 113 b3 rewived Hospital Barri N0 194ng r1 phone wry 6799 Simcoe notice is hereby given lpecting theclectlon of ltccvc DeputyRave CotillClllUls Zilil two SCIIOUIE JOHN THOMSON KC and ms MuncauO IARTLY FURNISHED rooms for Section of the Voters LISI ACI 311d that have Domed IIrtistecs for the Township School Areas coinposed of Nov gt 330 Bay St TOmmOI new wm 53 1333 rent $25 per month also one 5111 4FT SLAB WOOD hard $1030 Solicitor for James Henry and Huber 11 10mm 310 pg monm cute cord 30 $750 Cord Cut to stowi up 11th OHICE 31 Churcmu on me 26m day camber and for School Area No and three School Trustees for Nos 10 1773191 Momgymm 11 York Memorial II le mI $4 exuaI pm 462 5491 ll 12 13 14 15 and 17 for Area NO for the year 1950 he Execu or UM New Loweu Om ma 0c 1949 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Hospital NLWW on 30 nbm Camp Borden 15494701 1919 to Mr and Mrs Keith Moo BODYI HARDWOOD 411 long or WUW Mcd by Corpomuo mm mum ley tncc Enid Ii OrchardQUEBEC HEATER W111 snem cut my length alsoIlimb wood list remains there for inspection That the place of Nomination fur the office of Reeve Deputy Reeve Aurora son Robert Kclthl imuw 011 burner 11131311911 Norm Apply to Alvin Cairns PhoncI And hereby call upon all voters to take immediate COUnCillrS and Schmil Trustees for the Sand Township for lht Year 1950 1N5 HTALVAI WtSIem HOS lll Electric batter radio Will 343 6793191 roceedln to have any errors 03115510115 corrected shall be in the Community Hall in the unincorporated village of Churc Willy TOWN NW 199 trade for sewing machine Ap 1y be bill in the said Township Of liinisfil at 12 oclock noon to oclock on gumgdggd MsIIIIH0W3d NaphVlllill1$ Cottage Craixhursl 91 angogcusgledaingimgdggryl according to law the last day for appeals mg 16th 015 Ix====== Momaytm Izgm eb 1949 P0111 qumd Sims OIHTNNO II INEWMANAt the Royal Victoria pOULmY an White Rose Seerce Station day or November 1949 take plilCL on hloiltiuy llcccinbcr itli 1949 at the several places herein 10 WHOM ll MAY CONCERN HospnaL game on No gI 1949 phone 2901 57987b Dated thls 26th day of October 1949 provided FROM CLOCK AM T0 CLOCK PM ITTkC mm NJur3 to Mr and Mrs Philip Newman LLAN Tori113111 c1911 That the following placcs in the several electoral divisions shall bc lgmmgs theI Scupmme Coll Oil Cllghurv daughter Marilyn girl HARDWOOD COIIdWOOd and ISO GAVIN designated as Polling plitttS and tilt pctmils namcd shall be Deputy Ila1 mar for Willy 0i SllllCULi deny ltiyllll lone wood slabs 1n lengmsI Denver turning Ollicrs and Pull Icrks therein be home Lou Hume OWkNym Royal cum INUMBER OF New Hampshire and ed Den Sheard Painswmk Barrie commmcing Monday No1 loud 021 3453491 vembcr 21 1949 at the hour or 01101 13lff1QfISI2 Sussex WUBIS starllnI to lay PE st chrt shots House The ibmmumiy Hall btroud $0110 My anbmbic Mr lbs1 43 Come sI 50 111le 2933 473799 HARDWOOD 411 length deliver OOcan ma Dcputy Returning Officer BcrtI Deputy awning Oman WmIitlcc Clievricr presiding 15111A1WroNAg 11191195111 Hosppl ed reasonable Sandersonl Dated NUVI 1949 iLIGIiT SUSSEX pullets laying al 151133 103 01 willlUllY Sheriff Tf115101H7ighgguuupples for sale Mrs Rough Sham Ba Ca Om 162 Poll lcrk Thomas Wright tween 1230130 or 67 in We mnInIISI School Home County of blintoe 31 7001011 AvlsiI laugh1c0kbmwn Phone 14 ing 67980b The Orange Hall Lot 20 Con 10 9b Fm Marv Palm lBaby passed gum LEGHORI HENS for sale 913 W3 MISCELLANEOUS Iiy Ri men Md 3131 lgt cblhvfgtllguil Busmess The Poll Clerk Harold Iarkcr 330 VACUUM CLEANERS also 012 The Community hurrhm II Poll Clerk Lloyd Green Household Furniture 101 CHOICE Barred Rock pullets olishcrs for rent Apply Roy fol billC Jus stoned to lily Mrs ra hone 1482 57879 Deputy Returning tiiccr Miic9 School House No 12 Holly Effecs and LMJIT Fletcher Thornton Phone cypIlt Stewart Miscellaneous Articles BEBBIPAI 2c Royal Victoria 2112 ltlllb TOOLED AND patterned leatlerl Poll lcrk Ralph Rclvc may alumni omcuv LI T0 be held at Hospital Ballch 011 NW BI 19qu purses billlolds keytaincrs Jusculi 11 Bubb Brock 5L till llAIlRILD ROCK New Hamp Order now for Christmas Dlzll Thc Community Ilzill Lclrtly poll an Rm Ioughced Cookes Cottage Id Barrio bclmcd husband of thc twist pUllLlS lady to la 1193 2101 57991 Deputy llcturnin lficcr Store Maggi ilehmtI 115511 GI MCCWW neslnll 10 The Grange 11111 paimwick 90th year Hosting at the Jcnnct lliiliilrc at Ronalds Store for Ioca DIAL 4785 for the Green Hornet mil 550 Road AanduIe Etincial Homc Baiiic for scrvrco lion l4 7980p guaranteed dcllvcry servrcc owpe I43 Poll lcrk harlcs Lucas llcputy Returning Ofcer Walt Friday NW 11 11 pm and rated by Fred 15111015011 or or Franck Saturday NOV 12 EST lKElRLl BariIiIi IunithivCemcicry lIIOEENI MED kWhIItPWhIIVlucgvy Allan ale 575tfth1I ll Comprising in part of Al P0 UN 10ml 1105 53 an lieputy Returninl Iticcr Wm mm iFokiinlbed swim couch lawns Wal Baffle NW 19 were 55 SaFdad FOR RENT by dayv GE Rune School oust mg my Point Icham ICC box mt screen um3 Sarah Peggy Dickenson w1fglhIcns for mcatI Harry Morten 1511915 and vacuum cleaners Ap Po Clerk III IIIIIIImIIIIIy lbLlIl of beds number of spring ill the late AlbIcrt Jogcph Kernltmlh SL7 Balrlc 14793013 ply EgIIetts PIItIlrniturc llld elluy cumint iccr mI 193 Itr 24 St Iriu 37W The Orange an Thornton Reynolds gxsifkcrlmclollfglsf tgiliignt Baillie Union gametes PERSONAL re The nghIGSI Chain Saw on he I111d 111 K1 1I I9 Deputy newmmg mom IOIILI 1011 IlerkI any Horton lltlIS kitchin lllllh end Fl 11 0V DRESSMA NG pccid i7 dressers trunks floor SPRATPSuddlnly at Ottawa on ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS can childrehs clothing mm to lb es uttm Bar 118m mats hammocks linolounm N0 1919 Flying Officer hell you attain contented sobriety Apply Mrs Holt lBl Hayfield 0d elg t28 ts lt p011 C1crk rahin Shaw lstti io couch bicycle childs wzlg William SillIlIlL deflll beloved Attend one of our meetings in the Phone 4993 579pl on baby carriage cook sLovcs hlleimd 01 Mill 11 Miltk bl Library Hall each Thursday at 830 IhI TillaIBIyIbiliv blidlIIcoinc into nice and have effect from and litter heating stoves There will be loved 50 01 Mrs swam lull 01 Write to BOX 52 19 FUR COATS repaired New loopsl gassnfttlimgori213$ng focmbw 1949 Emilrny Olher MUCH Iwgmglly 01f IriniSWLI 40 PO 307577 9bT ShlleneId lellgllIlIgnedU NEW Islyg NEW MULTIPORT ENGINE 121th at 41 HP asset 115 crms cash gt4 18 tome tra co ar secvcs rs rqu ar Slzssor Allctioncer gowanIAvc Toronto on Oct 3i FREE HEARING examination with Toronto St Phone 5373 57779P TRIGGER SWIVEL apostmnsmrmnmg blcmng Phone 2577 1949 llzlwlcv Wnlkcr beloved the new Mlcrotonc Audiaumeter limblng LOCHHAlir Rcevc Al LAN lerk 79b husband of Nellie Walterson alldlapp1uvcd by American Medmal FUR REIMODELLING repairi SALE OF father of Robert and MrsI AssoclThia aClVlCC to Ithe hard and relinlng at moderate rates AUTOMOTIVE TYPE CORK INSERT CLUTCH IlfIdCIFdIIIEIVIIICI Marguerite IbIO ifvhndrmg 15 offered w1th0ut an yOIilIrIlocal furrieIr I299 Applltuuns lur FOR ARREARS of TAXES tier lb Huilburt To et at ephone 81 ring Municipality at the Municipal Election and that said wmmi 113 Cg lmWtw AJ lromblcy llousc llcllc Ewart 5WYl 31P CI 51 vVJ Mw4M bl kl git or car an ronto formerly of Barrie Miss $03 aplgojntmenlls ghone Ml 22I 56294pl IN Ella Walker Mrs Thompson Jordan or Mr Hannaat the Cutting AltaChmenlS 24 30 Mia lngold and Flank Walk 11111 ton How Ban113 Thursda HUGS UPHOLSTERY cleaned Clerk the CounIY OI Slmcoe SIMCOE or of Toronto Funeral services and rigidity Nov 10 and 11 oyr our home by electric machinesi FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT NOTICE 1S hereby given that were conducted by the ROVDllwrilc Microtonc Hearing Centre 93511 for use same CIIBY IIFYCIE 93 Applications Will be received by the undersigned for the list of lands now liable to be WI Johnson 0f Eglmmn Uml1193 Bay St Toronto 8079pv mats Rugs repaired slmcoe the position or Clerk of the County of S1mcoe up to 12 sold for arrears of taxes in the ChUIChI NOV Iermellt gggne 337 PMS3W Cleaners Coum of slmcoc Mount Pleasant Cemetery 57379p1 clock noon Standard Time on Nov 18 1949 Ipared yand was publSSIIedecn pre INDIAS RAILWAYB in an advet Indlan railways are IOdBY calIY CONCRETE contracting StoopS IKmdly Istate age experience and qualifications the bfmgncazeitger 1949 AUCTI ing more tonnage over more milessteps sidewalks curbs footings1 ST Phone copies of said list of lands OI Friday Nov llIJohnISlieard ISHlthan ever befom small foundations basement plan Dulles to commence Jan 1950 advertisement can be seen in mi 21 CO 13 Innlsfllv 198 terms inside and outside general EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THIS DISTRICT JI TI SIMPSON County Clerk offiIEIe Or will be mailed upon $523 P233512 $3133 EnorPrliggmgilmsegclg 7151 ma mg application for same In household teem Sale at pImI II default of payment of taxes as Terms cash Sproule gillufivglayOnlasgglariylsllmotllg 5922 AuctI 7579x Saturday Nov 12Aucllon sale of 2333011 331oaglggtlnggeig household furniture etc to be Mr and Mrs Coulis and held at Cookes Cariagc andifamlly would like to thank the ounciI Chamber Courtlrlouse Storage 43 Essa Road Allandalerrnrc depxrmtntrpollcc Iunddmany Bablie omlno immeim by Terms cash Sale at pm Rtlpeople who helped in savmg the gnpOSf ails action pu lc auction he said lands to pay such arrears to 6th 1th Slessor Auct 7579x8parlmenl at 118 Colller 51 Sat charges thereon er Thursday Nov l7Auctiotl sale of Urday morning and getting all the farm stock and im lemcnts ro tenants out othe bulldingw 79 If lands not all sold on yan 10I Deny of DI Bentle NHI LUIDMI MISI AI HI Brother and Ruth II on MON00 if nII oclock South of 30nd Headl Sale FIe Cm 1mm and Mimi COLEMANI Treasuren 1230 ST Terms cash Manning ito Mrs Coulis and family till 7595bT County bf gimme McEwan Auctw 787930x3their neighbors and friends who so Treasurers Office kindly helped to move iurmture Court House Barrie omI Townshib of vespm and for the many offers of accom modation received 791 lh day Of october 1949 OF Mr and Mrs Ernest Haverson and family would liketto take this 0F GARBAGE DUMP lopportunity of expressng their Fresh Pork Lou Emil 55c IL II The residents of Ithe Tciwnship liIIncere thanks and appreciation to END are hereby advised that the Garl eir many Ifriends relatives and Farm Stock mplemenfs age Dump on the 7th Concession kindI neighbors for the many acts COOP UN IVLRSAL Line North of the CPR is closed of kindness shown themehile Mr Standard CalfNose The undersignedrhas received Ind 39w dGump lestlaslmlerh in ugh laveHrSDanIas qpanel WellIegs Pea Mealed Cottage Rolls owns in rave to ey ospla in oron II msrucwns from part of the West half of Lot 21 wish to thank all my my unit operating on II Con 11 see markers and si gns bors and friends for their kindness Pipe lineIfastI Boneless Veal Fronts lb 49c EV iiimrmpsm armi how South of Sunnidale Road Dead to my mother family and myself NH L01 24 con animals and decayed matter should on Saturday morning during the mum Ann mum efuent milks clean Tecumseth be buried brush nd stumps burn fire at our apartment house eslIcIecs SELECT FEES ONT $11108 ed on owuers premises agdthey are ialIy the Barrie firemen rs ts the needs 01 1M1 Sou Bond Head strictly prohibited at the ump Caluny Mrs Wildman Mrs slow 01 ill bnSkw many dairymen to $611 by Public Auction on By order of the Council art and Mrs CouttsAda 49c SWEET FLORIDA IMPORTED RIPE Thursday November 77 79 sle COUTTS Kitchener 288s doz CA I8 ORANGES 31C TOMATOES Cam 250 II cow YlS Reg Jersey cow yrs CAPECQD FLA FIREISIHI GREEN Jersey cows yrS calves bw 72 for SWINE 21 chunks Yorkshire 66 cellnzsc CO OPUNIVERSAL gown bred Yorkshire hog 11 rs IMPLEMENTS FordFer uson =I Calf Nose Short tracgon nearly new FordFigu corn SIAHcPAK MIGY It STQKILYMlctlmSWLl II Tube Milka son plow nearIYflveFOYFerguT sqn double dim nearly new Case up no II II eliminatesIthe usc of disc plow disc driIIDeer lk mg mower NILH binder 7ft HimOF NIAGARACHOICE LYNN ungSID 0113 In an cut FleuryBlssell springtooth no mbesI barrows 4sec drag harrows wag 311M on sleigh walking plow set macarmiioic gt cmxincm WI II scales root pulper new Hinman II If TOMATOES 23 PORK It BEANS 15c II AwnmnMMNBWgw FWau airow milking maChine Melotte cream Separator 4wheeled trailer oil brooder stove nearly new quantity of hay Other articles too numerous to mention II meowcum Iy II riuirsiti Terms cash SI 12 EST tie 30 pm COOP UNIVERSAL No Ireserve Farm is sold 7955 Manning McEwan Arm Calf Nose Portables ca lt II II I11 ype pal ypc II II II II 01 track type II II II III III II II EFFECTS III II II iII II III II FARM STOCK All WORKWEIEECIEIANHEAT II If 5719 3905 Ir 5eetham93 5m1nuied suaqnueamiwm WW Iheatersp=yforthemselves they save Youcanactually Imany oil boatersgiilokearldw vgluableIfuclIYou willgkno peoplexeverwheretlreswi Ilqmmf rk ummxm mm

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