Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1949, p. 12

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rvv s4 ill Pleasant Sunrise number of Ferndale lhave been wondering why some of their sons spent no much time at local rendezvous lNumcrous theories were forthcoml November alklloween passed off quietly in village Mrs Oakley Sr has returned for in after visiting with her 513 Saskatoon VMI and Mrs Birnic and vld spent few days with Mrs nies sister Mrs Foster in London The funeral of Milford Andrews of Toronto was held on Monday Wmoon with interment in Stroud cemetery Mrs Jas Campbell Mrs Hughes Mrs Fred Mulholland and Mrs Roy Goodfcllow attended the Temperance Rally held in Massey Hall Toronto Nov The WI will meet in the hall next Thursday afternoon Nov 17 when the guest speaker will be Miss Muir Toronto Hydro econ omist Roll call to be answered with your favorite recipe Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Fred Bimie who celebrated their 45th Wedding anniversary last week it also being Mrs Bilnies 68th birthday anniversary Four generations of Birnies have lived on the farm on the llth Con where Mr and Mrs Fred Birnic now reside Recent visitors included Mrs Philip Harrison Toronto with Mrs Walter Hill Mr and Mrs Smith Mr and Mrs Nelson and fam ily Mr and Mrs Kent Miller To route at Dwight Nelsons rs Ethel Scott Huntsville Mrs Fred Warnica and Mrs John Warnica Barrie with Mrs Fred Birnie Nowly Wed Honored Congratulations to Miss Norma ratt and Ray Paton of Orillia who Were married at the brideshomc here on Saturday Nov by Rev John Morris On Thursday night Norma was the guest of honor at gathering in the Community Hall here where she was presented with shower of miscellaneous gifts prettily decorated little wagon piled high with parcels was pulled in by the Weatherall twins Caro lyn and Jacqueline while Edrie Webbread an address conveying toNorma all best wishes for her future happineSS After Norma hadexpresscd her thanks and ap predation anenjoyable lunch was served On Tuesday afternoon group of friends and neighbors pre ivrsented Norma with shower of beautiful gifts at the home of Mrs Calvin Boyd whna very pleasant time was enjoyed together United WA and W8 Mrs Fred Mulholland entertaina the United WA and WMS at her omen gt on Wednesday afternoon NOV with large attendance In the WA several letters of thanks were read for baby gifts owers and cards sent out An inyitation was accepted to visit St Paul XWA on WednesdayNovll The balance of the price of the new Llllrnrprojeetor used by the idiffeliii organizations in the church to be paid by the WA In the WMS Mrs Beelby Mrs Black Mi Wickliun and Mrs It Good ellowteportedron the recent Sec =tional meeting at Churchill rue Were asked to assist in everyway possible thenewly or mixed Mission Bandpmeetlng Hit innards November Mrs Keller of Toronto visitedl Mrs Hall Miss ONeill of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrsl Frank ONeill ThoHallowecn party was roll licking success Many humorous costumed characters entertained the judges found it hard to deter mine prize winners Vigo Home and School The second Home and School meeting of No F105 was held in the school room on Friday evening l0ct 28 large attendance of par1 ents showed their interest and co operation in this newly created project Interesting parts of the rcgular school curriculum present ed took the form of musical selec tions by the children as group re citation in unison Grade printing and the adaptability of print script throughout the higher grades Guest speakers for the evening were Rev Father Doyle and George Johnston MP for this riding Mr Johnston in very appropriate talk encouraged the children to learn the history of Vigo community and school sec tion offering prize for the best essay on this topic which would be kept for future reference Rem Father Doyle spoke to the parentsl and pupils directing them to keep and guard the education of their children in the right direction in the critical times in whichwc live dainty ltmch served by thetea chers and pupils followed Much Credit is due Miss Margaret Mur phy teacher in this section under whose direction this highly enjoy able evening took place school teachers and pupils with the pupils parents and friends as guests The attendance was large The hall was prettily decorated and an enjoyable program of music singing and play was presented by the pupils also three picture films Farm Animals Winston Churchill and The Great Lakes After all had enjoyed the bounti ful lunch served by the pupils hearty vote of thanks was given the teachers Miss Marian Webb Miss Velma Hubbert and Mrs Len Mar tin and the pupils for the pleas ant afternoon generous treat of chocolate bars apples etc from Youngs Store Flemings Store Mrs Banting and several others was enjoyed by the kiddies Prizg es for fancy costumes were award ed to the following Preschool children Gwen Lowry Jvaueline Weatherill Roger Rix Caroline Weatherill Barbara Jean McDon ald Mary Rix and years Douglas LoWry Joyce Smith Peter Ingram Lorne Cooper Janet Ayerst Colin Sutherland Viola Foster and years Brian Mc Donald Beverley Ayerst Bob In gram Glen Smith Barbara Parks Larry Cumming Kay Jones Don ald Anderson John Seaton 10 and II years Nancy Hopkins David Tovll Astrid Christenson Bob Campbell Jackie Seaton June Maison Donna Webb Margaret Dyment Norma Cross Madelalne November The Basket Co are having their factory wired for Hydro Eldon Adams has gone North on his annual hunting trip Mr and Mrs Walter Graham Aurora were guests of Mr and Mrs Plowright Sunday ers Robt Cook and daughter Mrs Jack Lowe Barrie visitenil Mr and Mrs Wilmot Cook Sunday Hallowccn Fairies witches and other story book characters were in evidence in the Hall last Monday evening at the invitation of the Womens Institute and school teachers for Halloween party Following the usual musical parade and judging program of choruses was pro vided by the school children and lunch was served by the ladies All present seemed to have good time Remembrance Day Service Members of the Vespra Branch BESL and Boy Scouts paraded to the United Church for Remem brance Day service on Sunday morning Edenvale male quartet sang Stand Up Stand Up For Jes us and the Junior choir sang thel anthem Song Of Peace Fin landia The minister Rev Clements preached an impressivei sermon in keeping with the day The infant son of Mr and Mrs Elmer Pratt was christened during the service Mr and Mrs Elmer Prattand family are moving to Stroud this week Womens Institute The WI met at the home of Mrs Scott Muir for their November meeting with fteen members and twelve visitors present The roll lcall was answered by exhibiting an article made suitable for glftl The report of the Hobby Show was that it was decided success andl well worthwhile $50 was voted to be sent to the United Nations Appeal for Children Fund Mrs Mayes and Mrs Muir were ap pointed to attend the Leaders Training School for Homemaking Club leaders for the project Sleep ing Garments provided class canI be formed Mrs Maw took charge of the program on Home Economics The motto May we iiGibbons l2 and 13 years Bever leyzWestrman Roy Bishop Walter Thompson glVictor Belton Beth Black Don Lowry Evelyn Martin Ken Duncan Adults MrsWm account of pro Tiedb3 ervarlous4 thgUh tedChurchg Robert panacea Mrs RLowryMrs Gibbons Mrs Nelson Mrs Ayerst ARGEfESTATES llhe federal rament budgeted iseSZEjinillion from yearnxtwwe is fact that week has sprung into bclllra trouble Little thought was given to the these boys were using their Initiative in forming club which can be an organization far their future welfare Out of this club during the put Ferndale hockey team 6an have already arranged for pm tice session in Barrie Arena next Saturday morning at oclbck found themselves coach indiu dividually subscribed tdw the cost of the hour at the Arena They are busy obtaining equi ment and this column will follow eir activi ties with interest Such initiative is deserving of support and those Ferndale adults who have hockey experience or who can bring inuence to bear to produce hockey equipment have Wonderful opportunity now It is refreshing to know of Teenage group whose activities are morally and physically good Birthday Party group of Ferndale Teenusers descended upon the Angus district last Saturday evening The event was surprise birthday party Or Doris Elliott an exFerndale resi dent Doris was the recipient of many presents and the party was huge success Township Planning Board The plans drafted by the Town ship Planning Board showing the zones restricted areas etc havelmethods are In suited for preparing children for been drawn up in the rough due course Copy should be in the hands of all property owners Re member though these things take time Cookery Class With each publication of Fern dale newseditor permitting the president of the noncxistent cook ery correspondence course will present to housewives such gems of advice as follows Mary loves green cabbage and plenty of it tooBut oh the smell of cooking Though what else could she do In piece of cheesecloth tic some crusts of bread Boil them with the cab nevcr be hasty in judgment and always be generous was very ably interpreted by Mrs Fra lick Mrs Srigley favored with pleasing violin selection An ill tcrcsting reading Should My Wife Be Fired was given by Mrs Johnston splendid demonstra tion on making slip covers for chairs was given by Mrs Henry Barrie and this created great interest to those present Shewas very sincerely thanked for her Following the National Anthem at very tasty lunch was served by Mrs Mayes and Mrs Muir The December meeting will be at Mrs Norval Lueks home and the program will be in charge of Mrs Bowen lingsome of them not so good bage the spread Quick Delivery Femdale resident letter to her husband who was away on hunting trip The let ter was addressed correctly Ima gine her amazement when shortly after mailing the letter neighbor phoned and said see you are writing to your husband How do you know asked the writer of the letter just found it in my mail box replied the neighbor odor Educational Jottings The proposed new scheme for the education of Ontario children may be the eventual solution for the present education problems It is hoped though that the local auth orities will not use this as fur ther excuse fer putting off the day on which they do something to wards the better education of Ferndale children wcllknown director of educa tion had something recently when he said Some modern teaching Utopian and are un prescntday life Never though would he have accused education of erndale children as Utopian Redskins plane leaving London Eng land airport recently carried cargo of sausage skins en route from Leningrad to New York Sales Talk What salesman needs was out lined at sales managers associa tion conference last week in Glas ow Scotland the curiosity of cat the tenacity of bulldog the determination of an elderly spin ster the diplomacy of wayward husband the patience of golf wi dow the enthusiasm of flapper the friendliness of child the good humor of an idiot the simplicity of jackass the assurance of col lege student the tireless energy of debt collector facts It is suggested that the members of the Fcrndale Home and School Association study the above previ ous to their meeting with the School Trustees with reference to improved education accommoda tion ltOc USE OF OIL In 1948 Canadian consumption of petroleum products was 285 Im perial gallons per person exceeded in the world only by the United States consumption of 560 Imperlal gallons Tip For You car is as old as its own er lets it appear Some of the smartest looking cars on the streets are older than yours In age They were older in looks till we repainted them at little cost Inquire Sec Cec West Service Manager NEWPNNT DOES narrow mu LIMITED CHRYSLER carillon FARGO ELIZABETH sr Phbne 2427 annals ORDINARY GASOLINE linen cowllusl WINTER lgtlllnnl Nowlolllllmllcoln ANT ADS FOR RESULTS USE EXAMINER Plumbing Heating Air Conditioning Authorized Dealer For The Famous Howard South Wind Air Conditioning Units also PEASE ECONOMY FURNACES and OILOMIZER OIL BURNERS SHEET METAL WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTION MADE TO ORDER KIRK 64 Bayiield St BARRIE Phone 3626 November Mr and Mrs Harry Wood and sister Mary of Mineslng and George Stephens spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Allen Miller Elwood Miller Willard Dobson Jackie Bills of Maple and Gordon Speers and Bob Broleyof Ivy ar rived home from Wainwright Al berta on Tuesday After complet lng harvesting they enjoyed trip to Vancouver for 10 days RENT NEW CAR and Drive it Yourself Call 2772 BARBIE DRIVEA can Company Limited HBRTZ DRIVUBSELF LICENSEE 69 Collier St No more bulging closets this winter Our Sonitone man is cleaning and storing all our Summer Clothes Imagine what lay his to get all of your sum mer garments out of the way for the winter And with sanitonea marvelods different dry cleaning theyll come back next spring cleaner spotless looking andfcclinglike new again For 1161 Cleaning PM 5532 unovn JIIVICI oscsssssssss sssssss5 ssswts

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