Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1949, p. 10

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Within the Balkans Palestine Kashmir llienesia and Korea In Kashmir after earlier fight auxinvoked ceasefire order had gone into eect ohllrlsnuarv and trace lines have now been agreed upon munens this yearhava been kept under continuous UN Waite to theffront in their whitepainted UN jeep the on UN observers encounter local inhabitants whose stories mmelpto clarify the situation They explain their mission tighter directions to the niountainouslarea in dispute magma in commerce be the United or it these matters have ltecrossingtlie ceasetire line observers have now reached Indian outpost same part of front nearly 13000 feet above sea level magnicent scenery near worldshighest mountainsrcoinpensatesthem for their dangerous climb ble bearing on the move hada and the United ctivities ofthe AsSoci great importance to klindustry of Canady represented in thegeri of theAssociation eteriiiarians of the Division Dom1 of Agriculture A15 it Childs Vetera eral whois la tive board and the Associa tbeory developed by CEO origin eers was the latest preparatory step taken by the Corporation to ward television pridingdh re inseam mama My WWW new clinic Swaps OCTOBER 24 marks the fourth anni versary of the lnitcd Nations The day has been proclaimed in most UN member countries as UN Day day of com nicinoration Millioiis of people have heard of or have themselves experienced the concrete ac complishments of UN in the social and economic fields For lower rculiie that in spite of political difculties UN has no tually either stopped or prevented wars involving 500000000 people as Secre taryGeneral lrygve Lie states in his Fourth Annual Report on the work of UN Since IKN does not yet have an army of its own its only agents for stopping wars have been small number of military observers mediators and conciliators loaned to it by member countries Thir teen of these agents of peace have so far been killed in the line of duty but others such as those shown below carry on Somewhere in Kashmir an Indian com mander reports an unauthorized advance by opposing troops Two UN observers one officer left the other Canadian colonel have been aSsigned to investigate WNW in At the edge of turbulent river the jeep is abandoned and the observers cross by this improvised cable car Continuing on foot the observers near the dangerous military zone and identify themselves with UN flag before crossing hill Observers are drawn from many nations but serve UN exclusively while on UN duty Dominion DepartmentfofAgricul Inspections completed observers find food and rest in tent oflndian camhianiler over towered by Imountains which lead into the Himalayas Theymow know the posi tions of unitsionboth sides and can start to which is mediating the Kashmir conflict clearing of equipment cannot be Telewsion it taken until the application is ap Survey Experiment proved Results of the survey Show Held Montreal pgouilit Royal to be the best site for ocationof television trans wxonggoge nigiizlsllg mitter to serve Montreal and out Montreal today with the complei lymg dismets tion by the CanadianBroadcasting aBecaLise TV transmitter was Corporation bf comprehensive in available Montreal CBC survey of Tvytransmittr sites gineers designed portable transmit here ting equipment This was set up on Mont Royal and Outremont Mountain Signal strength from the two points was compared through the use of mobile receivv pingequipment in an intensive stir yeygyvhieh coveredthe entire 15 landofMpntieal and to lesser extent points up to ftyltmilesidis tantfrornthe city WHY NOT SEND CORY OF THE EXAMINERTO FRIEND The survey which took about nine months to complete and which involved new wavpropogatiltin sult of an application fora develop ment loan from the Dominion gov eminent Additional steps Sueh as the or isotropic deshers Witetheil 13110118 0th UN CommissioLthe report and shows total assets NEST TOBLAcco mt 7$NTA1R GROWER Keep Dairy Sire In Good Condition The reproductive ability of the dairy herd is directly inuenced by the condition of the herd sire Bulls in high or too well fed tend to become sluggish and indif ferent at mating time For the best breeding results bulls should be Ikept in light flesh thin rathvr linen fleshed to please the eye The dairy sire in service ShOutti be fed good uality legume hay or flood mixed egurne and grass hiy at the rate of about one pound of buy for each 1w pounds live weight daily if silage or roots are avail pounds of silage fitr each pound of 12 to 13 daily layto the extent of pounds of roots or silage Heavy feeding of roughages should be avoided as they tend tomukc ll bull pauncliy Bulls on heavy breeding schedule such as seasonit breeding or at an articial breedingr centre will require heavier rate of feeding to maintain body weight The rate of grain feeding should be governed by the condition of the bull If in rundown condition it may be fed up to pounds graiu daily until suitable fleshlng is covered It the bull is in satisfacl tory breeding condition to pounds of grain is sufficient for maintaining normal service condil lion suitable grain mixture consists of four parts oats three parts bar ley two parts bran undone part linseed oil meal Salt and minerals ransom NOVEMBER 101949 MOIIE AIPLES The fourth estimate of the inton Bureau of Statistics places Canadas 1919 apple crop at 16706 000 bushels The revised figure for the 1948 crop is 151404000 bushels SLIP COVERS All Makes Modela DANGERHBLD M07018 65 Collicr St Phone rm mw WwW Samuel Rose CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 69 Collier Street BARBIE may be mixed with the ration at Ww the rate of one per cent each or fed at the rate of one to oneand onehalf ounces each daily The practice followed at the Ex periincntalFarm Ottawa says Logan Assistant Dairy Cattlr is to supply green roughage such as oats alfalfa or grass during the summer months This is consider ed to have stimulating effect on the viability of the sperm and dim quality of the semen The bull should receive exercise regularly hi paddock or exercisl irig yard His feet should be eXi amined from time to time and the hoofs pared when they become outl grown Sanitation in the winter quarters is an important precau tion to avoid lice or infection lni handling bull it should be kept in mind that even the quietest binl is potentially dangerous able they may replace portion of the hay at the rate of thxe 8a Credit Union Coops Fifty Years Old In every province of Canada and in every state of the United States Thursday Oct 20 was celebrated as Credit Union Day Plans are under way to mark the 50th anniversary of the found ing of the first credit union in North America at celebration in the fall of 1950 at Levis Que the birthplace of credit unions Canadian credit unionshit new high during 1948 according to re port to bcre1esserlsh0rtly by the ture Ottawa In 1948 there were 2608 credit unions chartered in Canada with over 850000members and total assets of $250 million says IJ OMeara During the year the credit un ions which are in reality coopera tive savings and lending institu tions made loans to members of $130285237 Deposits and shares at the end of the year toteth almost $140000000 Quebec is the leading province with 1708credit unions over half million members and assets of $205000000 Oiitario is next in importance with 371 credit unions 95000 members and $16500000 in There exists in every province at least one central credit union cooperatives may deposit surplus gfunds and make loansas needed There are 21 such centrals in Canl Jada and the combined balance sheet for 18 or these is included in Jof over $35000000 assets where individual credit unions and Tc leplione 4943 PEACE OF MIND IS ClHEAP AT THISiPRICE VERY home containsinluable per sonal propertysuch furs jewelry pictures etc which if stolen or destroyed by fire could not be re placed without nancial embarrassment new of FNorth America Compeoics all You can lame ugaimttbil nancial loss by risk policy which has been designed to proi wide the broadest possiblecoverag low premium rates very For the sake of your peace of mind consult your Insurance Agent or Broker today about this fNorth America Com unmade proteiiloot INSURANCE GOMPANYOF panics fall risk 000w AMERICA commits CAN ADlAN OFFICEJPORONTO FIRE MARINE CASUALTY Ofces Canada msucihgcoanuv or Nona AMERICA mommy ecumecounuv or NORTH manor THE ALLIANCE lNSUm COMPANY OF PHILADElPlllA PHIMDQPMHREANQWNE INSURANCE coamor 89 DunlapStreet ll riiiiii Dial 2443

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