Barrie Examiner Classmed Ads High Bring or Phone MI MidBohr 530 oclock Saturday or Wodnudoy 12 word cosh minimum 35 word charged minimum 50c Box nutrition 25 um tered Stanlcy Applegote cows Nov and Dec Apply Allen Cookstown 7lrll and woiild Ill 0A 0010 Am WWW cu roll at mm mman CAPABLE and or womanwautlWOOD swam mull dz 30 Mary St ed for general housework OLD GRAMOPHONE RECORDS wanted Phone 4408 3761 10 GRAVITY water bowls wanted also lOpigs for sale Phone Stroud 376 WE HAVE Sill Vacant Sham Hos ital Barrie on Oct 23 1949 bm Edgar Beef Rlng for 1950 Any to and Mrs Jack Trac HAND WASHING machine want Interested 00m 146 Peel St Barrie daught ed in good repair Phone 2729 Slrachan Edejm 746p Donna Marie to 10 rim or to pm 3761 EMIPIRE Rgorflalif pnlflucallyknewf 29Hymlrs The family have Mt been in can ling BOIHI Ilth bl lull of ii coa an at er ac ch caves is wi ow an one dz for our ears 17 xlilxgpgotongxuuilasd323 desired $85 HOSE Angus son Simcoc County Fttltlllnll of AllllI Exalnlnef Stating Price 34813 Sy ennam 776779 number of county officials and vw gullturli has lccn lrcqutrsticd to Tomi local business connections are at cga es an 111 crvs pcopv llgn Sgwwg 1132 EgblgllggefrilirggpSCLelllI PATONlAtB the Royal yictoria gonding his funeral in Toronto to AOAmets if PPloPerty cr Sales Re airs Service Hos ita nrlie on ct 51949 ay wners ans NOW 33 can momh PM 109w between Tholinas son of the late Mr Trucks Haul 30000 Ph 2983 Stayncr 98J2 3617613 POULTRY AND EGGS wanted 11 best prices paid We will call Mc au hlins Egg and Poultry Sta tion Allston Phone 77 36894p ACCOMMODATION WANTED URGENT Two or 3bedroom house or apartment furnished or unfurnished within reach of Com idlmle3l Film Oil V8 36 unro WANTED TO RENT unfurnished or 3bedroom house or apart ment or will sublet furnished place for winter months Refer ences if desired Box 22 Barrie Examiner 1176p raves TOCK FOR slim PIGS weeks on Tom Patton New Lowell Phone Stayner 228 ring 15 976711 10 PIGS weeks old Edgerton Crown Hill 976p OXFORDJRAM yrs Old re ls 5122 97613 HEIFER to freshen within week Leonard Mayne RR Stayner Phone 211r42 9476p REG SUFFOLK RAM and 60x ford ewes also nanny goat for sale Apply Riley Newton Robinson or phone 26r14 Cooks town 976 TAMWORTH SOWS brqdLtwo Tamworth and one Yorkshire hog read for Service Hereford ghelf er tille DurhamHereford cows due month youngblack gelding 1400 lbs sound and quiet In a1 harness would makewagon horses Also wanted young Tamworth hog ready for service Apply Alex 976p moronic Fort RENT irtirtmsmlb HOUSE to letl ply 515Bradford St 197 APARTMENT furnished roams Business couple preferred App 69Iohn5t 15 orrrcE SPACE for rent 26 Eliza beth St Apply Home Appliance ShopUBarr1e l575tfb APARTMENT rooms and bath Abstoiners Box 93 Barrie Ex amlners 156478 AM LONELY GENTLEMAN to meet girl in this district arn47 ears old 525 height weigh 13 lIt have ajfstead job motorln mcere lrl between 0145Box 30 78 could so DEER RIFLE for sale 3240 Win 1y 69 room partly furnished Adults ransom galso il Wouldap Route tn II II II mum was gmloversmuend ESpoghetti Supper BORN WW 746 RR Barrie son SHELSWELLAt the Royal Vic TRACYAt the Royal Victoria um and pm RCAF Camp Bor den 778p BLACK WOOL SUIT size 18 jack et is satin lined skirt length for woman up to 55 hel ht cleaned excellent condition ery reason able Phone 2680 776x FLEETWOOD new table model combination radio and record play er plays 12 10 records Regular price $100 sale price now Phone 5104 6p LADYS WINTER COAT dark red size 18 interlined good con dition untnmmed cleaned good length for woman to 55 he ght Very reasonable 92 ary St 779i ADDING MACHINES and type writers for sale or rent at Barrie Business College 66 Toronto St Phone 4824 769tfb TARPAULINS new used rentals repairs Prompt satisfactory ser beautiful floral tributes extended in vice Barrie Tent and Awning Co their recent sad bereavement 76p 34 Bayfleld St Phone $1314 764tfb IN APPRECIATION PINE HEMLOCK maple elm Mr and Mrs George Hubbert lumber all widths also baled and family wish to thank theirl straw small cedar posts mm om friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown them dur 302 77lezp in Mrs Hubberts recent stay in FORD FERGUSON tractor Sher Hagmmon hospital 76p man gear splendid condition com plete with plow $1000 cash Tele POSITIONS WANTED STENOGRAPHER 10 years ex and Mrs Peter Paton in his 73rd year Funeral was held from the home of Mr and Mrs Dalton Banting Thornton on Thursday Oct 27 Interment at New Lowell Cemetery SIMPSONAt Kingston on Oct 28 1949 Josephine Clara Drury wife of the late Ezra John Simp son in her 70ih year Resting at the Lloyd Stecklcy Funeral Home Barrie for service on Monday Oct 31 at pm EST Interment Orillia Cemetery F==l CARDS OP THANKS JEBBThe family of the late Lorne Jebb wish to express to their many friends relatives and neighbors their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for acts of kind ness messages of sympathy and 76 76 hone Archie Graham Stayner perience will do stenogra hic 251111 7727713 303 SAVAGE model 99 line with work and bookkeeping at 208 ay field St Phone 3449 276p peep sight and sling also two box es of shells and case 1937 Chev POULTRY 2ton truck farm stock trailer Burkes Garage Churchill Ont Phone 21r12 Leftoy 7576p NUMBER OF PULLETS Light Sussex Barred Rock and New QUAKER rUliL OIL burner cool Hampshire crOssed months old Willis Furlong RR Phelpston stove 111 back blower carbur Phone Elmvale 26 1475761 retor Can waterfront Used one UP AND VEGETABLES ear post4237 very satisfac ry stovefbut too large for new kitchen Priced right for qulck sale Adam IMiller Creemore Ont 7757eb PARSLEY FOR SALE freshly FLEURY PLOW2furrow nearly feltedoat basket 50c bunch new new coulters shares and 750 lg hrs Bayfleld sirele skimmerpomts 1933 gar in good phone zepsa 2076p condition oodtlres yand new battery ockshutt plate grinder APPLESDelivered by bushel 10 equippedA10 blow chop into anywhere in Barrie Macs Snows Pewaukee Greenlng and Spys downstairs chute Apply Dyer 127r2IElmvale 77576p Harry Morrefl North St Bar rle 207376p 309M 330 WOOD FOR SALET ROOM ANDBOARD want for PINE RAILS first class sawed to young business mah Phone an 1en and delivered within J===Qksm smmud 21 ===IP76I 20 mag Russell Stewart Churchill Phone Lefroy 14 ring gJllr You bAvirltjrnt 31 HYb GOOD MIXED cordwood white ACRES rolling clay loam 300d birch oak small percentage soft buildings hydmf mm Wt 23 wood $11 per orddeliveredTele la W1Eel 51 Plowmg phone 31W E1mvale Evenings done close to highway and schools phbne 37w 647576 Immiediate pOSSGSSlOB Terms Mar shall Campbell Churchill On LOSTMD FOUND DEER DOG wanted Phone 3050 875759 HIGHWAY FARMPBEBMIIIII 160 Bgrnie 3761 PURSE LOST containing sum of lacre farm chaff hwayy27rlch 1evalclay loam roomed brick more and pair of glasses on Sat urda evenmg in arrie Finder misc with furnace 2blluns 350 pleaseplionev 1176b onongfdunda ons Ilen house all STRAij frOmI Lot 29 COn Essay yearling heifers One Hot 10 cresbuph 18ch dwellfer Ellir electricity installed ftlizedg Plentybf shadetrees some mi Re stern andone HerefordmAn one trees swims unwound whereaboutsease notlfy Gilbert McMaster opla phone Ivy Bra 1776p Mr McGhic had had summer place at Wasaga Beach for many years 1N NIEMORIAM BELLIn fond and Iovmg mem ory of our dear son and brother Vernct Craigi was Oct 31 1943 Time changes many things But love and memory cvcr clings Mother Dad brothers and 515 tcrs BRADENIn loving memory of dcar wife and mother Braden who passed away Nov 194 Her weary hours and days of pain Her troubled nights are past And in our aching hearts we know She has found sweet rest at last ELLIOTTIn memory of George Elliott who died Nov 1938 Not dead but passed away The mistthat finds us here Into the newur larger life Ofthat unclouded sphere HORSBURGHIn loving memory ofJ dear passed away Nov 1933 Sweet memories will linger for ever Time cannot change them its true Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you 4Ever daughters and grandchildren WELDONIn loving memory Of son Jim who died October 29 five years ago Greazltlerulove hath no man is That man lay down his life for his On his cross in Italy young mans gallant grace His spirit is in Canada But his souls with God today Remsmbered bySisters late Aileen Georgia and niece Pa SQ 20 33 Examlner Mbk =BELLAt the R0 at Victoria Hosl 300 people ande of vial to and rte UEBEC HEATER small size $51 ital Barri onyOct 28 1949 tom5 Spaghli Supp Managua 313 Robe main 10 EXPERIENCED sterwBrlherim one 4740 776p Km Be and me 13 Mr Gallon Wednesday evening Films ton has found some HJllltl rrlul uldpcrles see Barrie Tentptuons knomede 91 mpkuinf prelu Be mmvue denim Geo wereshown and bins was phyed loo bureau cqulpmenL The unit he Llnd Awning line for Fall 1949 Eye vold Edi Apply Jr Lagg nma DEER ROUND yrs Old hunt ma Harrie 11 the upper room of th Oddfel PHONE 14 round in pawle eld weigh iAppill burest FSDIILS Quality 911111 20 Phone 24 1175tfb desetiuh gem 13110357197162 FSXTAtBJh Roy Victoriaoy lows an mnowmg the supper ed about 150 pounds Zahlornlg Priced for todaymzzg r0 Ila no on ct 30 to hey YOUNG WOMAN ut lrl to mist Wlnmr of the oor p015 Wk he teltphoned dnm with housework schgool girl 331 BLANKLT CLom mack 550 at Fm Angus which was drawn for during 01 3M 50 131097 numb in Miamapolg 311nm EltlitRlATlON LEADERS Km Work Phone innw wit blue trim site 42 evening was Rev Oliver Malone mm mm be 13 mm more would Louis Culley recreation direct Protoclyoummronh Rel119 Charlie 173 ply Mahry GALBREITH 132 Royal Mrs Patrick Kearns won turkey lends and remnves wmd 5r lll Slmco County and Ken milr1 of would toria osplta rrie on ct Ch dTO mm rcwar La 30 1949 to Mr and Mrs Douglas the bingo Im am an llclll ltoblnson recreation counscl and Mont cinchnu tWOMEI iSEllll Algal 351591 POTATOES for sale 8150 15i Galbraith 183 Owen St son Some of the proceeds of the supl bits George M01rWh0 has been m2 rzoatciog 291330 lltl Bllllt wrll attend short fDHFM 10 tings our 553 118mt early thtepkeghoiln ulletstartinlvg KELMANAt the Stevenson Mam1pc which was held under the aus making her home With her daugh climb to new it pun Hum University of Weslem Iokonuu rite Box 47 Barrie Exam ay one or Hmplm Ammon on OCtiDiies 0f the ladies Of St Maryiimr Whiter saSKNChe tin it to SM 19 back 101mm lo from Novcmber to 11 thud41 Idahon iner l7476p ELECTRIC RANGETTE wiml 1919 to and MI will go towards St Josophs High 51 me home 01M Nimbvlldvp Skim an en rm ENUMERATORS wanwd mam Shine BOX 19 Barr Exm LEIGHTONAt the Royal Vlctorla St um cry of the us xavy lllvuuly Parlor 14 Dunlop St Tele Pleasant werk and hours Good me 776b Miss Madeline Mick of Onlm an and 933 Apply in wrmng to Box lioslgllmndaMrl JEmQQchil Toonlo Psuonce Man has been holidaying at her home Ind lb University of Minne ullun 4484 68tfb autumn and Dame Examiner L454 OFfICFRSOHAPEquLSWk 3S3 lgollyr son Dies in Barrie 132 Bradford St this week and on 53 HKLING SPEAKER 909 cou ale irst ass condton LEFEBVRFF the Royal Vic iIhursday night with Donald Wicov Mr Km lllckling of Vcspra was 099700 60 gnorte 2113 38146 $5775 toria Hos ital Barrie on Oct 30 Toronto insuranca gong amended can held by the Com cers Surldndg on Oct 25 as pllcotvom gm Barrie home Lille in Tele mine 1949 to and Mm Josepl Stanley McGhic 50 collapsed andl menial Telegraphers Union at the rem to llllllllflpill speaker at meeting of hone 3897 or write Barrie PO GOOD DEER ROUND yrs bid getexrer cumberland died in the office of the Cook ConiSavarin Toronto Annual Meeting 1m EIIJSRT mm Lmwes 00 34 175 ml in can 322 Phone 0r Sill NONAt the Royal Vlclorlalsimlio repair shids Ellwbelll Mr and Mrs Hickey or 1Efffiijfvgf Emil km wnte to Box 278 Slayner HOS ital Barrie 0n 0C1 29 1949 Sheet Barrier 1310 Frlday all Volvcrhampton England and film gm NR nd modin ofy the WANTED 0M 776 to and Mrs Earl Shannon noon Mr McGhle who is VICCEHY arrived last Wednesday v15 Homo on 951de Wilson and C05 Mrs Hickcys mother Mrs James was well known among local bumMGM 523 11 wgihogg ngizil Egarlgmgn ness men and amongcounty OILWm be remaining In Barrie with sociation is to he hold or 11 2373 Bam 77677b Shclswcll Orb Stationa son 315 as the County msmmce agent Mrs McMartin until Christmm WCdWSdilV Ml He had moimed Barrie froml With them are their three children Toronto during the afternoon Blldl Bell who killed in car accident 76b Isabella Ever remembered by Husband and family er use Wife and ohn Alfred Horsburgh husband and father who wife 76p remembered by than friends the tience brothers Vinton John and Dr Ike Mom 761 our any ticker with SMALLER Sotinyltallpalnto mans watch po my brassiere lulurm So featherlight you hardlyjnow youre wrong it 1955 er llrllllml on Get details without obll ation how you can of free who hllinlt loss FREELPEWE 1r Groomcln for Freb JUST our NEW ONEunit HEARING AID No introduce unloiiooal the Magic Silver Circuit pixel or clips to womans POWERFUL power dammit to times more sound intensify hearing which tells hearing in normal or if you your demanatrntignfor Free booklet bligaciorl DEALERSNAME W1 Address dbllgation valuable KLEI OnDenfneIs and What me onusouacs Aceuh of new on and artin Parkside Drive Margaret Janet and John Jr Mr McGhic was associated WllllIHicka i5 manager of developmenrlBrlle the insurance brokerage business in me Engnsh plam of the Good in which 110 was an OXCCUIIVC 01 year Tire and Rubber Company For Garbage Collection Arrangements for garbage col lection and cleaning up of loosciln Summer Months garbage on vacant lots were mlIdCl by 20 membersof Minets Pomt Property Owners Association when hauling in his till co yours ill illogt they met October 23 at the home business was thc ollc just pzlst of Mr and Mrs George Montgom 55m Dennis MWL Hillndd 0n Guaranteed cry arrlc His four trucks lululcd about With presmcm Fred her 30000 gallons or water toy lurZ the chair number of other points came up for discussion and ap pointment of committees for stock but some was for orl veyeamgunranteedbothastoprincipal They were naming of street chards and gardens Area he nndintemetpulnmrest cheques mailed not on the registered plan to he serves is enclosed roughly by reach holders on due dwl or at homely done by residents of the street Orillia Bradford and Sizlyncr Thc hot dry vuczullcr caused opuon may be snow to accumulate possible shelter for school child ren at the school bus stop some roads not in township work to be gravellcd by the association snow fence for park roads and exposed spots pipe to be laid from Pifhers well to some point on the creek for in the park for summer and wi meeting is to be held each month through the winter with est the customers property exceptlon 0f Deccmben to dls10r nearly dry walls was reason Eussrbmblel 185553 115 While for the heavy hauling but most Toronto members will hold getto wells are now back to normal family getber meetings in that city Refreshments were and Mrs Montgomery and ER BRINGS RESULTS 8090 SUB1 pleasant talk enjoyed mummy THANKYUU BARRIE and DISTRICT Results LOCAL NEWS redraw MORE EQUIPMENT FROM THE SKIES FOUND IN swcor The annual magi of Sh1110111111110111 of Agriculture were 11 WW lillStl 111 gt111 and kc Theycoc County Cronin Producers if pl board room of tho Ontario Illrlzllt ML ment of Agriculture Dunlnp Sim1 Scale Repairs ALL MAKES The spcukcr will be lulilult July of the dine provincial flclrlnmn Onialio Cream Iloliullrs Marital PHONE 36R22 Gals Water Ddin RH No STROUD The busiest SUITlllltl of vulcr ling nearly all of August his bus iest month Most of the 7110 was ISSUED for any amount for term of the spurt in his business he sayg compound interest but points out that he hauls watcr all yedr and that most farmers normallyaul some water There is also demand for hauled water vegetable gardens and other purpess Trucks are equipped with port able gasolinepowered pumps and water is drawn from crccks NITv Dry An ideal Investment for Executor Individual Administrators Committees Corporations Truth Cemetery Boards Hospital Boards CORPORATION Hood Ofce Toronto Barrie Office 13 Dunlop Street 30 yum in Business THE STERLING Trusts served by ADVERTISING IN THE EXAMIN SCRIBEIIS TWICE WEEKLY RADIO LISTENERS In less than two months you have shown definite prefergllcc for your community radio station CKBB Since we commenccdopcrating on August 31 many favorable com ments have come our way from listeners near and far telling us how much CKBB programs are being enjoyed We certainlyappreciate this fine response to our efforts however comments are not facts so we determined to know for sure where CKBB stood in the popul arlty poll Two weeks ago NationallyRecognizcd Survey Organization con ducted week long survey of the listening habits of Barrie and diStrict residents Eleven hundred homes were contacted and two questions asked Is your radio on To what radio station are you tuned The replies were most complimentary to CKBB and average for theweek gave these percentages cu in txxxsx$ icFrtBrld iTALL ornensrrliTIONsol You arcliStenlng toCKBB We want youto continlie tolisientoybur rstatlon and id enjoy it Help us give youbhe type orprogrggn wish to hear bywritzlng and expressing yourprefcrells Agalnlthankly0u for yourSplendldciiprrtl glialphnelrfroti