mmocmmzuw 0331330WADI an IMWWNIKMINIWW wwwwwmwIw Mm it Don Crosblo at Ilium Tudhopo CquinnTo Bob Lainan clier Ila kg TORONK it CPI llith taken lot of to wall the winners in any in nipvow one of the is the Royal Agrcultural Wintzr Fair which NEW 3nd Drive it Tom ribbon weihlngmorc than 200 pounds will be pinned on more than l0 princwinnlng exhibits gp about yards of ribbon each Cami even persons work for more than two weeks to prepare the ribbons com SF Fair officials not out their slide at the ROY The pliu rosettes which hung Cow Isronr ANGLES GEORGE STOREY was mm mm and Lemma Hap Emms must hm inmmhynrdwhenthcywewkldolorumu mmbymtw of kind in alternator This conclusion wu other after three mm of inundation with Emms and grater numbcr of campaigns rcuding newspapcr articles on lrvm Slightly over week ago Irvnl when asked how fiih Montrcal Canadians would stack up in the NHL this your mildly stated We havent got thing No hope on this club Watch Chicago Wltll Brimsck in goal they are Igolng to be tough those sentences sound fallllllltr rules and adding machines and on evxiythlng from it grand cliam WW calculated that nearly four miles of Dion bull to dainty orchid use nmUIsrur LETS TURN BACK to tho lesson of lsIllil probubly the moat menable man Barrie nu Emms and his Ilym were studded will 2an hockey plnycrx but werent going any where to hurry We bad Just Istartcd writing nd games In lute November and the locll crpw were in the middle BUY USED CARS Wll rood slump hlVlAl lost the out of seven Confident of the Flycrs GONFIDENOE FROM OUR fiml round when few mlotlkei mounted lalt Rockets to bottle like chmplona Nevgrlhelua catty Flam piloted the teai to the Memorial Cu flunk udlcted BCIS INTERMEDIATE field star Don Crosblegracefully Now COME BACK to present season ut Inger noun 1103 Eve the be 0381 vlhmmelgfrj gently month of August We walked into Emms office and asked if he mp succebs we ope felt Barrie would be strong again champions for two successive sca Cnp honors at Collmgwood hostile levelled of at five feet sons you know No uie kidding ourselves Barrie will be lucky to three inches falling one rind quarter inches short of Bar mike the playoffs Not hockey player on the listIlio would just rles field any record The win enabled the local school to ggatagmalcg 11 Whdw it htyr W38 gggl field team Bob Lainson receives the Tudhope Out from Rev to rvtn cou res on sumo ours op an al 3mm smaSh the Tudhole meet holdan the cove Irvins strategy worked Canadians opened against the supposedly pow end Ken oulnfwmd lOIlOWlIIE llle Tudhope billl trophyfor three successive seasons em muck gawks and what happened View for Dmmn quot Lainson garnered second In the senior pole vault as TATION OF BARRIES OLDESTESTABLISHED AUTO DEALER PHONE 5355 We Imcd to link ll our llama tint will any luck could IIIkc the tank Cup finals Wilmach Emms AT WWW Ck Wm the me statements lhll 03611 IN Vin 112le BRADFORD ST issued forth We will be fortunate to move out of the uml rum he lulu Well we did hut close shave In the neml MBACKED BY THE REPU mm 445 PROUD CAPTAIN of Barrles three year champion track and 1948 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETMASTER SEDAN 49 photo by BC Camera Club and company In fact ill the ume of writing the Hubs hadnt lasted he ltclpcd nu retain the honors for three consccutivc years 1947 FORD DELUXE COACH defeat Barries record isntanytlllng like that but the team is slowly hoto BC hmcrt Iub shaping up to stumbling block Taking it all round boll Irvinand 19 OLDSMOBILE HYDRAMATIC SEDAN l3fgldA$$onB3d Emms une psychology 8er are pessimistic and sometimes optimistic 1947 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL COACH Both of resulu and both coach the some brand of hockc We su osc He The first aid classes for the local they goth use the teardrying handkerchief too pl 0y at ax gew 1946 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN ski pntrolcommencc on Tuesday mow mhmmwwvgs cean is ermen 1941 DODGE SEDAN ocwber 25 at OVER THE PAST WEEK we witnessed BC gridiron charges pm at the Red Cross Committee Rooms 115 Dun In three fixtures The juniors completed their home schedule EDINBURGH Oct 19 tCP 1938 CHEVROLET SEDAN lop Street These classes will con walnut Owen Sound and Orlllla and lho4cnlors opened thelr herring atlas will be pulrlisimiI 1938 DODGE COUPE tinue every Tuesday and Thursday Iamllllr stomping grounds against Midland 0f the two teams by the Intlllllltmill Council for 1936 DODGE SEDAN until November 10 It might up we bcllcve tho Juniors hive the promising talent They were the Exploration the gm pear that things are being rushed my winnm over Owen Sound and dropped tough same Covering the fisheries of llll 1946 FORD 12 TON PICKUP somewhat but the potential ski to Orlllla the powerhouse ButIaIIhls ldeaI of zgllg Iuni me northenst Atlantic it will contain 1944 DODGE TON DUMP 0119 PeS wfdm cums ham one mom II was pleasure twee the am mmng deemed my wanted xture Wm 00 the MWmWC no one and com 1941 PLYMOUTH SEDAN DELIVERY it this we in order to have all allde little defence for 30 mlnutes Orllllll were smart en It will be rlnted in Elllisll 800d tum out Of Potential Ski am members at me meeting of first aid classes completed before ougll to take advanluc and piled up 21point lead When French and Danish and will show Wednesdayund the club exec the snow MI it came time for Barrie to show their power seconds ran out the location of shoals the quality tiv wish to state their recia On com letion of this first set of the as and landing 90ml tioneof interest and partiglpntion six leclur53 Mr Hear Director of efHEl SEN iAoNiTi 131E33313idgngngufaglghirfpypelf rill expm WP Shelmm CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO in the Setting up of the rst aid First Aid for the Canadian Red fecstigssrcllb bin6 52 the school either Both teqms we the Coumrles betwee Flam mdl lasses Cross SOCittyi Wm return t0 had run extensively but to gain full value of this play it must be Icemml Elizabeth Slo Barrie Thanks also go 10 Mt Roam of rte and conduct Ia 12hour course executed to perfectionI It seems each player who gathers in the ball WWNnnwm AD he Red Cross and Mrs Hood of 31d It 9t must run 20 yards across field before firing lateral If he doesnt peeled that the 12 OMS 11 be the crowd on the sidelines dont figure him as star So glory in the all one day4h Wm be 39 halls of learning again outweighs team play It might interest players 0V permd me as deemed and fans alike that the idea in football is to move ahead and not by thepatmuem themselvesvn sideways Suppose the end run carries an extension of three men Persons interested in thist of The 0b of the first two is ver important If they cut into the line YD first aid wIll be welcomedwhether and the instant tackle is in sight flip the ball they can coIInsider or not It Ils their intention of be themselves as large factor in possible large gain The on man coming ski patrollers and any who should have actually nothing to do but showa burst of speed and mlgsed the last meeting will he outlega tertiary or safety man the Winona Ba we come to oin the rst at es if they age present on Tigris OF COURSE they 69 alwws work but mm be worm rm nyem in 1947 has Md up oember 25 Mrs Hood and Mrysl Tan Just as is man kmkhz for sngle point insead with Halifax SII Marys the Vina Jones will conduct the mst of touchdown when the dovlmstlcks read third and eight to go MiIrltlme Senior Hockey League series of lectures Many times against Owen Sound Barrie juniors were in Teammates with Bill are Danny good position for single or placement but elected to head WllIlteS forImdcrh FIlllgrf anglh Pail for the oalllne instead All or nothing at all guess However lellm 93 01 35 Smqu Anew use me good boys on that field myths 11mm sean GOWEOMcSDlLXLWP PARKSVILLE BC Cpl in action we like Don Crosble and Ed Wildman of the juniors llh the junior champion Mon Hunter Stafford Lockhard freed warm Hamilton of the seniors They produce headsup football treat Royals and Bill Ford past and ShOl seven00 cougar Fre for 60 minutes and play it hard Ken Collins of Temlknming junior Marlboro star but had trouble retrieving his John Lackle Leon Garrick Don Simmons and Dan MacDonald game The cougar died some 901 have shown the best efforts in the backfield contributing many feel from the ground drapedacross large gains to the BCLI colors on fancy brokenfield running the limb of tree ALSO IN THE PIGSKIN WORLD Orillia Silver Bombershare again rolling along iii intermediate ORFU competition They ave mgsarlzbopgnmicimed copped their group title and this coming Weekend tackle CobourIg 19th cenm Galloping Ghosts in Orillia in the first of homeandhome semi ry finaIl series Coach Bill McGill feels he has stronger club than last season but dqesnt like the present state of the team Injuries are numerous Llnemen Tommy Caldwell with dislocated shoulder and Maxie Russell with broken arm are certain absenteesI from the opening playoff fixture while field general Jim Milligan ls side lined with severely bruised leg Carrying Barrie colors on the roster is mammoth Carman Dollery who holds claim to being the iargestI By KEN ROBINSON man in the league Carm weighs 295 poundsand stands six feet Barrie Recreation counsellor eight inches This is his first season in football and he takes to it likeI we duck takes to water ELDON GREERS SENIOR MERCANTILE hockey league opens to night at Barrie Arena with doubleheader which should attract plenty of local interest This league is in its third season of operation and certainly provides great past time for active citizens of Barrie six team loop three of the entries areIiromrurrounding distric and the other thre organized within thetown Garners Sports and Allan llfesaVngj Instrucmn and water dale Motors are the new local entries with Greers Aces breaking from 53f SlFIUS Thlnslays W11 be free module for the third time StrondMincsing and Oakland Hill com ggggsqulzgh Slmcnon Pm leterthe up rousing crowdshould be on handtogive this granderfut ghgganization hearty send off Barrles Church Hockey ll 999d that were Will be as goal as it was last yearand that Iggufeghgggtccrtamly be Setting foot In activity soon or they will be thIeII changIISI In policy more com swm to save your Life 109 Junior Farmers At oyal hilltdfd mmllerfpf junior farm clubs homo pulsar Granada will unloadNational Club Week at the Royal IWlnerTlIlIgirC aperitif ere Nov pa un 211611 Boys and 0113 work says indforonto NiagaraIIIaIISand Ham the min l$= rgordhlgh 11911 Vlst Ottawa be mum orere umm om mplonahipv clams ifa TheIoys and Wot390911 tuifoodsi clothing cal bef 11 money will that of Junior wiry Stalinde toes club members will be tatfeature of Swimming and Water Safety Swimming at CampABordens Bar dia Pool will commence Monday October 24 It isespecially pointed out that Mondays will be devoted to chanlpions They will represent more than 50000 young farm peo ple enrplledin club Work in 1949 and range from 16 Ito 21yearsin The club members are scheduled to arrivegin Toronto Nov l3Iand during the week will be entertain ed at banquets attend the Royal and travng on to points of interest In IC Id Whittle iOoheutttltlboys hndzjulfctilllalllwiltlh theefe In 90 39 WMmhechw ll the in Most shave an urge to get your my our your Companys Elvin 59 OONWIJISWIOI MORE richor atleast to becomforl faymu swinging Iably off But few of us will get You he Md wa dorms therewithoutthehaltOfsaving Iipr App mm to ally 41le inuglns maluvs El it CarlIIadn Savings fBonds 19 And if Should you need tag yin elm bean em leqepaymentplaInIsIaretailor 4thISIegioxmf whith ilinow on moneys anything intimid sYlivaai nalist 01 nde gm mamnee l9afaPfllfylfltelslhle Way SVi98339ndb1zcm always be F0 Fave They can be parI In unlawivilmtf through ayihwstment nay le Pa 915 hmkl twilioughti 13y IIII