Barrie Examiner, 13 Oct 1949, p. 9

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hw Twice Weekly MONDAY and Mmhpr mu an Trent om Aurnorrizio AS siconn LASS IAiL Li1 i360 00 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY OCTOBER 1949 As or MARCH 3i r949 SGCIlOn ZHPOQCS IO l4 Elect George Woods The Barrie Plunkers Were Well KnoWn Here About 1895 Pres South Simcoe III II III IIIIII Victorian Order of Nurses Teachers Institute The Simcoe 50th ieaehorsr in Abdul toil life risriiance orator The annual Ldlii1 in aid of Le zcuirin thou rt Nurses 15 bet gt tlllllltltlttl It liirrrt iid tligtlllcl ital Ai rli lltil th followln mm him mmml Clmimmn fUhiH iLl binUrn usage whichilias ltli pr piedi by 5W lt ltltl at Hamilton lasl Friday itober ml ln mmd NM gt ti lI Public School teachers of Essa it with Udlliu VON this tHl Al MUM insH in Mai and can state qUSSUiUIiiH AiiiiiiIII iniiiiwiii siiiiiiI Cininii iii imiivmiiwilh rcleznriIlIv having piactIiScu drain all mi whi iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii irI bgllti congress The congresg olici llll=I10U=iVIllul IliniH llwl Hrl to Spwiiiiiiii of ii Law Ii Aiiis ii at lilo iiIiI tiicIinorning and end IIIiILIEWTIIliIEPICS 7I1IIIIIIHRILIY IliIdIItI II liitilrlti erruii gt MM HI munddlm wvimy Vrluenlor The principal spiakih for ii iii NW Ihc tollrlltlllll Itlcrtcd its otIl llit Barrie IABIIIEHIMT Tm Win Jiihii iiiisiiI Man They bring to the houn vtrtlri iii1 can be paid for IIItIR 01 1049100 ItIviUtIiit HitlnIUI ALAN WMEHJ ii mi Mutual iii 1mm hm or not the attention of pzrittrira gmduatc muse him in addition hm luwmml Mimi Arm ht Ilii lliitrsii Iilor partys major Conipanv of New York at Chicago Md Slwml ilmlh liNf 11th Gilli it IUH being at illkSttllHl limtil CWim Iii iiiiiiiiI iii gimp ii Tiii ii in Lillttl as VON nurses must Lav shown ability character and dcvh lItcton was elected ricepresident iiIiiIIIlIfIliIIIl542 iIIiIIIIgICIII iiiipmm and Aiiiiiiiiiis IIii tion to duty ribon tlii averagi idwuimiiimi ii ii iiiiiimi in mg 11151 him Simkiiii in Canada mum As you all know in the past rdls Ilili it llll great slior illiiusc of onurwns last week tunes lie attended series of corn 541 ills imllm blka WWlmliml hospitals The ornrnons gch ovcrwiielio Kresge in the West some years ago TM VON lihS KiliilliI lltliltti NJIVHIL HS titliiiilil Mil Mtmmlily 9Y9 iIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III LIIII III IIIIiIIII Ii Ti iii SimikmS WI iilcrtll problem and ie all the Iliorpital bond patients nurses cltl lilic bound from $403 to $280 tin Stccvcs President of the LUAV for in Ml 5mm iylilV rm Insurance Agents MeeINeaI OIIIIICI Dr Little Urges Support and for some the nurses who itgrnt skilful un ii miss before vliilc Lois liellaniy of Everett was returned to lIlt nilicc of secretary Lois Firm of Bradford Bruce Ed Iii Ii wwi ESSZII Num minim Ur Dirnkcrron and Janet McLeod of lionri ilcarl form the exeeiitive iUS crrrrcnr by vote of 3415 Li llHIi who spoke of John Under it It 111110 01 llilllllcltrtc till the actriitiis fit the VON bill mm of the mnvin An earlier onscrvatrw motion writer and Associates Mun Ilicii is one of which shall sinalt in turn illlilt where muihiirsI llIon took llltI form of 2inIeducutIltInl II inmuummg CHISUW oi the Km in Briikomm Supprwsnr mi iiiIi tile giIveii much Irieeiixrl and Iftu iInstrIiclrons concerning themselves and II it gnu Ir 1W tilt ltfinll II iiiiiiiiipiii Showmmiic iluy was do dential of hngland whose subject ml l5 it mime and 3d Immunim pmI an on Mercury Mills international liar imimi vim ii air was gt5iiiu is Biisiiiwgn iiiiii vlcr given which pllVelltb Mlloll trouble developing later and where tstcr and Sicrl of inada gii ghmmi iii iimmiim imiii Dummii Mimi Iiiii it defects or illnrsscs ari found prompt izicdrcrii attention is urged Since Tllt tfthlfs LOl 11101105 of thr cxclicqucr opcncd thc dc Secretary of the Life Underwriters mmm Ill Hilly 51mm lltIlllil Umt lllt VON has not gt tlis work This llltgtt llr irritant ll 15 null knrwn fr Wain4100 Hid 1W1le UllilliII iiiiii iiiiii WI ii my iiimiii what Amend aim which ii 0i ii if ii iii im1 in cd in the manufacturing world iiimdiiiiiiiiiiii Wiii mm ii BiiiiiiiiI ammo II BMW iii iiiiiiiI iii II M1 L3 They saw too some of the proh 15 3mm 15 hate With ltillltlhword address News tvho spoke on Profession mm Chm mK hm ml Minn mmth doing illllIilli 301 Iirhi Emilia Klitiifintiih iIUHH gt3 mm Jim HIII IIIS principal announccincnt W15 flittin mix ii iii ti Hm that the govcrnriicntIrs raising in he sales congress is an annual IN rate of tax on profits distributed affairs to hirng to the insurance himllli lnmmu md through dividunds from 30 underwriters outstanding men in the three plants visited by the iems to do with shortage of mat crials storage and labor which industry is facing It it also the who tlI Iltriititzllv ire brought to the attem tron of tllf proper lilllttlliliiS lllt lttltlf to lto needy and srck families My father the late Dr Little lltil nai remember alwass was most interestch in and rpprcciativi of tho li lie was one of thcrr strongest supporters and was instrumental ill their coming to liarrie um itq Ti KIiiIiSiiiskyI who iiiid come in iummiy in iii in mm im iigia 03 iiiI inidi from irurope not ionr It ltd lllltllllilitlllll lgt1illklllllCY Slim regime was 50 II 5011 ago oytr amp oirrn ant was rolling cigarette when his and his wife make their home at Th lilml llim Ilmr dd Bllkm mtlV It iiiiiiiiiiii was iicciiimiiiiiy discharg AngiisI no doribt that he is convrnccd tlltSDllt even deeper the rift between ed Dr walker Ailisiim zuw itinui is due and ovcrduc for the orthodox Communist statth TAILOREDTOMEASURE PRICED FROM $4950 treated the injured man and tlicnICIIIEF RIVER new government to take over and ilSttm Europes Cominform and SUITS IOICOATS IN STOCK READY WHILE YOU iiiv ii iiiiiii ii 1mm in causeIlliltltinilllstlc Yugosiavra IIIIII IIIESLIIIIIIIWVW 10 101mm GU Tlc grailiiie 1S tlicI longest river in iiw dill rm iivigiilvvirgu if Belgrade accused mo swim WA OMI IN AND LOOK IIIEM OVER in on rrca most crossing It Mr Kalasrnsky had been em the continent The following is ti letter WOW lch DUO Sllbscrlb lumin LUVCLmiunt inifrringiiii2iiriIfiziriddminmfhbnidibil SIPlung ATS $800 $1000 OTuLRS $000 $225 WWW 1y received by 1Jied Grant who is The Examiner cm sineC ii was Harold Wilson liHMdLlil of tL MENS Boys SWEATERS AL STYLES II II curiciiiiy iiiiilg ii series of iir iiisi piibiishciimd know Aicxi Board of Dark replied Ifoi tor INrjIIIOHSIICllItIIIlWi II II ticics on the old days in Barrie MacLarcn well In the issue of Hovernincnt Iii accused Churchill 18114 85 MU milk MENS and BOYS WEAR II im Mir Ti 11 mm of mi pru tiic licld of insurance and for in WU9mm 11 lliln btlll pliswillh for 8001 HOW xcmmlu It53 Sill QdIiCiliU can assure you that the VON works iii harmonv with the hos for long time and inSlHlilthlL print and graduan nurses of the town iiu hospital switchboard Hand Blown The next day Winston Churchill operator takes care of the VON cults Part of pupil nurses training led off the opposition attack The tllltW lllt Illlil hack and said lill is to make home nursing calls under the instructions and guidance ShOIgun Tonscrvatiw leader endorsed the rinion could have averted the of the VON Barrie musrcians of an earlier day This photo ley Duff now of Believiilc Bert Kresweli no local MN liti lXClHUlLt IU lid Film would not like to practise in town vlirc there is no VON and Last Saturday afternoon near frail by lIlII It ImIk I3Wk50I112IINIIIOMISI trail of where he went Robert IlmldtrSOInI Since urged that the pound be allowed It It the rst Slttl Willktllll Sin know speak for all my colleagues in lire in drcal profession when Everett Theodore Karasinsky If ililIP uric iiiJmlInfir by Andre IIIrmInII llttl JillilesIKeenun since dich Robert Thom to find its true level 1940 sa this The WIN niirsc gives MIYtt Willtil is indispensable to Ami viiioiiiiiiiv iiiilsmi in Al side IIIH Slows group of Imus Ieuns tut no of oiiiiigwood In connection With this photo Churchiii Siiiii ii was Toggiiiy US iiii in ii imimiiiiii 5k ymi ii iii in Iiiiiiimii and iiiiiu msi of his mum hand with hob were well known some years ago Standing An we are publishing letter written by Mr Thom to devalue the pound because Soc 0111 it tllt SllOnitcst salvos yet cncc generously in the campaign drew arson of Barrie seated left to right Mor to bred it runt of Barrie iiiiisi cxiiIiiIiiiiiiiii iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiT mm in ii Mini Win boiwwu 48 DR LITTLE VlClOlian Order Nurses campaign published in The Examiner The Sept 15 there is reference made milking Llccutnccrllii handed to the sollet Chnmc dyzlr Dunlap Stu BARE letter was written to him by to Bandmastcr George Henderson SPCCCIIH Vthh 05 llltlLlet 103L013 Belgmdepimomng Rim AMPMGN OLT T0 OCT 17 Robert Thom or Collingwood He was holding iimi posing when the debate isms rocfnt dennncmlmn of her 20 The Annual Membership Campaign and Canvass for funds for Barrie musician of the early first went to Barrie in 1893I W050 150 id it Willd illmltlye mendShp treaty With YUKO Victorian Order of Nurses in Barrie will be held the lays and member of The was always under the impression Canada lie said that capital uxlSlVia Nkh to 17th It will be conducted as usual in thg llunkcrs musical group whose that Barrie citizens did not aplports to Canada could be incrcasrd on Friday P018110 imd Hllnalyu form of imusetmhousc canvass and we would urge you to givc picture appears in this issue prcciate MrI Hendersons musical tenfold in view of expansion in the both satellites of Russia followch fr It gemmuy In his letter iiir Thom gives abilities have been intercstedCanadian west h91h109d SOVIEIIm Silly C5 ictur of the musical world of mllSiC all my life Choilmaslel Health Minister Aneurin BClllinl F1108 Sitilfg 00 0t 01 COUII BIlIliIILIVrIctoiraIri Qidcr Nurse Will Call at tiieIhome of anyone in Baliiic ii he saw ii ivei 50 years Church of England here 35 yealsiI iin ii iiiiiii in ii the deiiiiiCI saii tries Bulgaria Czechoslovakia POSSlbIe Prevent lilinwmo le perm Cedmg ticntmn The Nurse Who ago when he worked licrcas and have listened 10 dozens 0f that if Britain stopped buying Can and Romama Wch expecmd rInSWIle tthcail iS graduate and Specialist in Home Nursing CNR icicgmpimr bands at Toronto Exhibition and iidiim pmducisI iiiii diiiiiii crisisg follow suit in telling Tito they are and 5h kab lllldLr the direction of the family physician elsewhere never heard bet uwmiid become ii Canadian irimmlno longer friends Insurance Agency The Service includes general care of the Patient and Special CUllingWOOd omurio my band than MI Henderson hadlciai crisis The rst OmCial Comment treatments such as dressings compresses or ir 41 Dunlop St Dial 3735 Sept 1949 and never knew bettercorw illussias denunciation of the treaty it physician gammy ordered by MiI Fred WI Giant II flIucItoIrMI thIIitcd well emfimlzl poggiiitmlgfiidigniziii giaiilcmigillwas in broadcast by the officrai tars read wit iii on crson 0ye lYucslav news cue which sar yegrtinclillfttitialfngld Nurse made 2394 VISIIS in Barrie last Iglgcizit 23 iiigyggsing interest clarinet i33331iggftgggtbgiIitidigll sales thegKremlins actgion Is one more cancer panems your excellent historical articles You miei i0 his two SOnsI Ii Canada WEI donc ii ciihiproof as to who considers treaties concerning the town of Barrio chummed with Bob It seems rotor under Libcmi CeiigeivaIbclivoen nations to be more SCIHDS me that he went to the Boer War ve administrationij 10f WPCR have some Boer live Shens 10 Prime Minister Attlce enteredi gavlcdth Jifn W3 an OdditlIi la the debate just before the votei con iano cl seemed to Idcllght in IJrOpping inlgiifgimid3130fwai anyWhereh0 rarely ever talkd itheir life is today than anything and Sitting down at the piano he they had under proVious Emmi WOUId 500 have everyone en merits chanted Jimmy Morgan used toi use him for SChool concerts and th Satluqaymommg walkout b3 was sponsored by the tollowmglirms and in cooperation With 1335 gg bagiliIhalfamiilron Cio steelworkersi the la er acmss the united States Shin down arrie am er of Commerce nearly an the big steel and ironi have picture taken about mills in the country 1805 by Hurst of our glee club in coupied with me iwoweekoiii Wthh are Jlmmy Keenan man Coal strike it threatens to Ldisrupti dolm player Bob Henderson ban the US economy Some 400000 10 Morley DUff gutar also my longtime friend Andrew Carson soflcoal timersOf John ewissi 01 th united Mlne workers are on smkel ma lied sates in the eastern part of the countryl who lived at the American Hotel His name was KresweiiI if re The steel strike was ordered and Supermarket Addles Bakery Allandale Hardware IAllandale Liimber and Fuel Co American Hotel Bali Planing Mill Barkers Barber Shop Barrie Broadcasting Co Ltd CKBB How Ral Estate Hunts Limited Industrial Acceptance Corp Ltd International Harvester Co acksons Coffee Shop Jacobi Graham Jeffei Sid Barber elephone Barrie Creamery Johnston Hardware Barrie English China and Gift Shop Jory Harold Garage Barrie Frosted Foods Barrie Examiner Knights Drug Store Lick Chas Barrie Hardware Loblaw Groceteria Barrie Tent and Awning Malcomsons Insurance Bayvrew Groceries Boyd Monarch RefrigerationCo memborIcorrectly We all thought that he came to Canada to escape some matrimonial trouble he was in Howas good mandolin play er however Then was guitar player also With this club we Went the roundstoo many nights remember being with them from Pittsburgh by Philip Murray United Steelworker president It closed 53 basic steel plants and 50 states At issue were the unions de mands for pension and insurance plan to be entirely paid for by the ironore mining companies in 23 on Brown and Company Monkmans Drugs Morrison Motors at the old town hall and many companies AfterIintervening three Brown Cliff Ltd Browns Bread Ltd McKenzie Service Station Other places nmes and delaymg the smke or think Andy Carson and MOi 76 days PresrdenIt Truman refused Bxlnes Liurmh counter Oates nts lley Duff are the only members to intervene agam Caldwells Drug Store Canada Bread Oughs Hardware Petes Place aliveandI of courseI myseifI Benjamin IFairlcss president of Canadian General Electric perkms Dr provjnial Tire Co tell you in ms Iyoutn Jimmy 115 ISteeliIbcigngsL prngtIlceIrh Iii 20 Canadian Tire Associate Store Queens Hotel Plaza Billiards Keenan was musmlan He play mun ry man Caruso and Co Reeves Jewellers Robinson Hardware MOVES To ed the ocarina well Andy Carson iworkers pay their share of the pen Christies Grocteria Roxy Theatre Cities Service on Co Sandier Chick Mens Wear Clarke Iand Clarke Co Ltd Sarjeantfs Insurance Clarkson Hotel SevenUp Ont Ltd ColesG Butcher Shop Simcoe District Coop Service Collins Beverages Ltd Simmonsand Co Simcoe Hotel CookRoss Florist Collins Irene Smith Furriiture Cooke Cartage and Storage sparhamJeweiler Copaco Food Products St Clair Bakery Corner Cupboard COttys Cleaners CraigvJ and Sons GrasslandsDrugs Stransmans Ladies Wear IICusdens Pharmacy Todds Mens Wear Twlss Mens Wear Dangereld Motors United Cigar Store 4L DominienStore UrryBrothersHardware ILIDIutchers Grocery ValieyTaxi vEntonCo Ltd Walkwel Shoe Store Eppletts Electric Weaymonth Bookstore Fleetham Grocery WebbsJeWeliery Store Steele Jack ForSterHamld Plumber Wellington Hotel Weston Bakeries Ltd Garners MensWear WW5 Graham Butcher WilliaisJewellery Store Granada Theatre Wisdom C0 Grocery Green Front Hardivare Wonder Bakeries Wolfenden Plumbing Gribble Radio Service Hammer and Co Woolerth Wand Co Harris Flower Shop Harris Motors Wright Cleaners Hill Harold Garage Wylie John and Associates Home Appliance Shop Zellers Limited TO THESE AND ANY OTHER WHOSE NAME MIGHT HAVE BEEN UjNINTlZiNri TIONALLY OMITTED AND TO THE LA DIES AND GENTLEMEN WHO ASSISTED IN CARRYING OUT THE VARIOUS FARMERS DAY EVENTSOUR VERY SIN CERE THANKS GRIFFINfQIIIAIRMAN Barium CiiAMBiin OF COMMERCE marinas My courtturns StephenIsons Jewellers Walker Stores in having long fingers was the fin isions and insurance money st guitar player ever heard My fingers are Short and stubby and in consequence was handb capped was the worst What times we had in those idays The old wood sawing club going around cutting wood for someI widow or other Bemrose some tenor Sanders Charlie King Bert Whaley Ben Smith Jim Thompson architects if Out ram and many others now we would rend the air with music solos fend quartettes remember we used to go toBig ay PIoirit during summer there Could you tell me if Bob Hend erson lsdead If so where he ended his days2 know Bern Irose King and Sanders hate igone Jim Henderson must have died years ago remember their father the handmaster trainingus for mipstrel show We were in gans shows Especially his Gil ibert and Sullivan operasa Jimmy iwas clever musician and with Doc Arnall Fred Norman the Wards and others put on first class performances remem ber the Ward family of musicians well They were good In fact am of the opinion that Barrie at that time had more and better musical talent then than ithas had since worked at Allandale rand Barrie from 1893 to 1899 with lArch Goodall and others railroad ing was atelegrapher have touched upon the men ionlyir There was some the female italeni Burma Bingham now Mrs vSprott was one of the first among sppranos The Lower girls were good and fond of music Prof Arthur LoWer when lad used to sit on my knee audit ques tions at me so IfOIItII could not The union blamed US Steel for forcing the strike but Fairless lkeep up with him He wanted to know the why of everything It is no wonder he became pro fessor came to Coilingwood in 1899 and have been here ever since Yours very truly ROBERT THOM 128 St Paul Street gt uroornorii that the wood cutters c1ubwas group of young men who used to visit elderlywidows and others inthe town and cut their winters woodsupply Among those not mentioned byMrIThom were the following Albert Dymerit and RKing who was bookkeeper Dynrent Harry Cmon brotherof Andrew Carson and Fred Stevenson SCOUTS HELP FRUIT FARMERS When Niagara district fruit farm ers found their harvesting hamp ered by lack of baskets early in September BoyScouts of Niagara Falls made housetohouse canvass It very short notice and collected 1900 baskets These helped the fruit growers over difficult period until other supplies became avail able 45 GBIZIIFEDIERAL BUILDING FLONMan rep Work has begun in this northern Mani tithe centre on $200000 federal We 21t1wlllhculeth0 mat oicend RCMP Asa footnote to the letter frrim Mr Thom Andrew Carson recalls l3 Clapperton Street MONDAY OCTOBER 17 and after Monday morning IOCItoberIIl7i our Business Office will be locatedot 13 Clapperth Street The telephone nomber will remain unchangedTQOI We Shall be glad to welcome you orour new address to discuss matters relating to your telephone service II The ve is being made to provide space inthe ex change buildi gfor odditioriol equipment which will enable us to fimprove the service for telephone users in Barrie GARRICK Manager ti unit

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