THURSDAY titllllili lit liHJ we ww THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARiO CANADA lGranddaughler of Barrie Resident Mr and Mr Muir Write From China WWiliruril Slxll Watt1 Swirl fBaplists Planning Evangelistic Rally Al Barrie Oct 21 II are lld gz Chilin at it Srfzv Oi lzr II Severai BCI Grads raining as Nurses Others at College Sitl Iitl lr rzr riiv ill altIda of Irrut til tr 11 llir7is ill tIlJlil wilzl SI Mala lie lh irrir lt Juli awful lk uL irl llstl riu vai mimlvx it licstrr hit Marl llall rt lLil rlprr Illilvt Illlvlt ollqw ll piz ii cit McLean Ariix 31m rl ll Ii lmal lIiiirl rrrr thIl Allen Alllit Silllllmi glm golp Halli drum at thr Hm prial for Strut llaliii ii Toronto Yr CRIIXICJS IllillliilillvllmlJ Rexcilr Ami Him itlltfllll the llllll rI Vllttrlllllllll1 ill Ylllxl Iliptil iti 1n1 tallmtl til rtii IL re ii the 11 tltl ltigt the ho lt2 Ii lll lt Lair Lllfliilt St cird rt Ell ril ti Toronto Jilirr cf lr ct your gtrrlrlrtiig airs luw rirloll rd at rrrxiu it zlrr rig tl tht Jame Ailgrlt it Shiv spin Mlllliill Iltrllli It rll Ii it til we xllfsl rti Ll lltgtici ts tti lt tu slur nthlit at who iirrucur ye gxw lilltigc gt llli mm If lire Malztaxrcs the war dayw lic Ccietgt Ellillihi rurth and HM llalij up drirug the typhoon ldnfsml gt hrhr Xiis Arth xvi Ilti Olilillli tilrl Jililxt xrtv1 ihad My MIN Tm lie ii in lion itliili lidiillwtl Int It ll l1 of citing our hand luggage oil ill in of Iolrriltu Ilt to ll ship and through the tlsltiti Willi ltwo ttirl but owl boxs airi ili WSI llev lirwir lilltlr and in lr lclodm from luck to trouser ctttl Iillb uolr Mal ltiizir until lttlgtlltrtlllln wa llirlwil HM NH tot trail bit good llrtloductmn to the Illtlt will lr rl rftetzirrol itrrl1 ir have lrcguli to lose soul or tttllttl Hitipi ltittlJJ rlil or tht excess tiltl lilril public riivctarg it erlrz ii found quarters lit ltlflt My Wm MM BTW Ws 74 trotrl rlrri fortunately found hid UMMW in coulrtl open an tixtra door littt ltpftl irrclrts am get tilougn will AND MRS LEONARD IINllll of Wyltlidutle Michigan irtH Yin mm mm mm rrccn following their wedding in St Marys Anglican llurcll Ietroit1uk1 hawk MH Michigan on September 24 The bride is the former Miss Irllrrrel mman Hm Ir Margaret Edith Irwin daughter of Mr and Jlrs Irwin of Detroit Nil unlit riirl rrarl still has the 2Ilgillltlll granddaughttr of Mr and Mrs llillaln Irulli lorslc wk hm ht Tm HI Sump pm in 11tlllllltll fiiililit found llll diaggtliglrntlicd inrrrlrrvrl qualtvis tile for llitli orange peel out the window hidden to litlli the plate lllllt jfiliclirrcls Hospital Ill tttrirg at llmpdzrl l1 ilrtullld lolnlldr are Sslrn Jiilrlcltvri liven Johnston llllilt Smith and lirtly Stairs l1rlliilv lnidoii rnl rlzriirii lirlrl are at lllllll out iigllilmtli to tlttw lf it hair in lizlil vi lillil Iiiillliltf Hid iill IItI St IIUUI lllrhli lr full ifxilrlxal radio Illolid llttt with lvi slot ics wit rrkgiotindl inn 151 titttlll back rt it in milking of thou rttil Ira 01 may from trip tl1 llrc ioitlliiii heroic riblliilt lit ill tlt illli iiadualc lit11v Itiltrll oi ltrollitoli is ltlil lit liltiM at the lloyzrl Victoria Hospital iii liziliic ASPHALT SHINGLE SN 13 Army Married Quarters oiltc Clean My Love lw llorri No Roomlng Houses lllrll irrylot Mix one rich and ilititttltfttl girl Ulli tiilii lralt iiirlc llilttiilll man With it rapidly fall ilii laundry ltiil lllt rrsult is lot of laughs Wyatt bad llltll rtiAl gagtd to oidrllli Front The anip Itordetl itirell Earharlle is often title to an upset kiilncy Olitlilt lion and lor over half century with Kidney Illls hare helped bring lelicl lloni backache by treating the hltillt3 rel liotltls Kidney Iills today at any tlrtig rotililer look lor the blue but with the icil hand You mi depend on Dodill 155 in BECAUSE Jl illincy Itbiiigs lly the littllitit of hickeli Stotil for ycais but uiltr roliipllcalell tlis lltt1 really lulltested rlid ltiistv llvcly Sunday The Second Confession by Rex Aitllll cracks and the lllltLlSllilflt of Ntll Wollcs way of living ltIrc 2r litur dei story ltltli sags lilrrlly at Ill end Not the bed introduction to New Woltr but writ satisfy Ill tans Motor ltiilctlp Manual by It llvcicst sliilply vritlcii text with many clear diagrarrrs and glossary of truth ltt on tuning up luitoiilobilc engines by an ill rlllltlftl Ill ltittlt school This book should interest men who make their cars liicii hobby as well as the technician October it Anniversary services were held ill lll United church Sunday Mr and Mrs lctcr Tlrltc Tor onto spent Sunday with relatives lieic Mr rllltl Mrs ill Knapp Tor onto visited llalls during the weekend Digging potatoes is the order of the day during these lovrly varni liull days good crop is rcporlcd The members of the WA of the United church were hostesses to the Allenwood WMS Thursday afternoon The guest speaker was Mrs Johnson of Alillndalc who spoke on Missions Mr and Mrs limit Ncrpin and David and Mr and Mrs Don Ner pin and children left last Thurs day on trip to Saskatchewan to visit Don and Emils parents Word was received that their father was ill YEVALE airmail iodge On Highway 11 miles north of Barrie OFFERS IEHE BEST FOOD AND SERVICE in delightful surroundings CATERING FOR PARTIES GROUPS ETC Removes Superfluous Hair Moles and Warts ELECTROLYSIS HELEN BLACKIuQRE Late if HiscottrliistfteTToronto Will be at Regina Curl Shoppe 58 Elizabeth St from October 12 to 14 inclusive and for one week in each month thereafter Open Tuesday and Thursday evenings Consultations Free GERFIELD BUILDING For Appointment Phone 4311 OPENING About First Day Of NOvember 5Reai Etate BTOker vr In 69 CollierSt Mr Gerdon Markle Will be in Charge After socialhour was spent and Goodwins COOKSTOWN October ill Mrs William Reynolds is vtsi iiig her father in loiorito Mr and Mrs Hector Sriiitlr leltl children spent the holiday at Grant Iitllfl liil Sjolili of Itockclillc was wcckcnd visitor at ll Kidds Mr and Mrs ll Iztikliill of lice toii spent day with Mr and Mrs Nlrival avc M1 and Mrs Lorne Aiiiold and John spent Sunday at Stziyiicr alirl iillltigworitl Mr and Mrs Elias Iilynli of Ilowmanville on Saturday We are glad to see Illue out after being confined to his bed for month or more Mr and Mrs Will Lawrence and Miss Joan Gamble were at their homo for tile holiday Home for the weekend were Isoiicl Dermott Jane Sutherland Alice Jojas loc Davis Garnet Lcadiziy of Ruscomb visited his brother Dr Leadiliy for few days last week Mr and Mrs Stanley Cook are spending the weekend and holiday at IIObart visiting friends Mr and Mrs Frank Mumberson Jit spent tllc holiday weekend at St Clair Shores Michigan Mrs Graham and Miss Violet Graham are spending week ili Detroit visiting relatives Mrs Charlie Carr has returned from Oshawa where she had been visiting friends for week Wallace Cook left on Monday for London where he will be stationed at the CNR depot for month Mrs Bruce Wicc and children of Stroud were callers on Saturday at Mr and Mrs Ken Crawfords Elwyn Braden left on Tuesday of last week for Calgary where he has been posted with the RCAf Mrs McGarvey Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Monkman for the holiday weekend Mr and Mrs Wrcy andE Mrs Handy of Toronto were recent visitors at Mrs Margaret Longs Miss Gladys Andrews of Toronto and George Andrews Hamilton were holiday and weekend visitors at Kidds Mr and Mrs wm Leggett and Marilyn have returned to their home in Trenton after weeks visit with relatives here Mrs Arthur Glass and children are holidaying with relatives in Toronto Arthur Glass spent the holiday weekend in Toronto Mrs Jas Millerand Barbara left on Friday for weeks holiday in Washington DC the guests of Mrs Millers sonDerb Miller FMr Taer MrsPeter Pocoek Vols Scarboro Toronto and Alvin Blackmore were holiday guests of Mr and Mrs Chas Blackmore Mrs Margaret Goodwin and the Misses Dinwoody attended the sil ver wedding of Mr and Mrs Dougl Presbyterian WA Mrs Powers Sr who hasl Hill in Toronto Friday evening been spending three months visit ingrh daughter in the USA re turned to her home in Cookstown Mr and Mrs Oldfield of Brussels spent the weekend and ANNOUNCEMENT Barrie the sick and 48 sick calls were re visited friends hcic Mrs Wm Robinson Wife of Midland MP Dies In Hospital While special ilicllical stipplic wcie bilng iiislicd under ttltll tlril lltll from Toronto IitltliiCt litllllltlll wife of Will ltoliiti Ettll MI for Sliilcoc Ilzilzt lied llitiislry olt ti itilti ill s1 Antl eWs Ilospitlrl Midland lhr Ipccirrl drugs not named by lttlltllflllltl physicians llltll might lillt saved Iltl life llllltl loo llrltc Mrs Robinson died at n1 llllt llirgs itlllVld shortly lifteil 530 Slit suffered relapse llflCll up you operation some weeks ago Recalled from the session llriiiliincnt at Ottawa Mr Hill traveled by reach her bedside ifr iii Toronto said cliill Midland to them Dr ll lln about oclock lzill within an hour and half Shc was educated in Midland and IEaton Colleges She was an active illCnibOl oil womens organizations of Cross Society the IODE and of Midland Golf Club where she was familiar figure iii North Simcoo golfing tourneys lhoiiday with their daughter and htltllllllt Mr and Mrs lverctt rBluc Mrs Joe Allen returned Fridayl evening after month with friends and relatives in Toronto Hailiiiton Guelpli and also with her sister at Frcclton Miss Audrey Campbell of Torl onto and Bruce Campbell of Mon1 trcal were with their parents Mr and Mrs Norman Campbell lott the weekend Mr and Mrs Milt Trace and Betty of Elmvale and Jolili Leadl lay of Toronto were Dr and Mrs Harry Leadlays guests for the holiday Weekend Jack and Eric Reynolds attended lthelfith annual convention of the Ontario PYPS which was held on Thanksgiving weekend Oct 710 in Calvin Presbyterian Church Tori ionto Recent visitors at Hansons lwcrc Mr and Mrs John Link and Mr and Mrs Albert Link of Edl lgar Mr and Mrs Erling Hansclil and Mr and Mrs Ralph Hansen of Gravenhurst In Toronto our September Miss Jean Nixon daughter of Mil and Mrs Nixon of Cookstownr was married to Donald Crowdcr of North Bay They have taken up residence at Cainsvillc The Presbyterian WA met at the homc of Mrs Russell Reed with nine ladies present All business was attended to The bazaar is to be held at the Veterans Hall on New from3530 pm and 79 pm All iladies were requested to bring all sewing to the November meet Leave For British Guianzi Rev and Mrs Andrew Heather and Janet who formerly lived in Cookstown left this week for their new home in British Gui rana South America where Mr lAndrew will carry on this work of his ministry under the General Mission Board of the Presbyterian Church in Canada The Andrew familys many friends in Cooks town join with others in extend ing best wishes for their happiness and success in far Southern Mis sion field Thanksgiving Services ing services of StJohns Anglican Church were held onSunday Oct with good attendance both Marwood layreader ably led the serviceson worship and Rev Blevin Atkinson the livered an inspirationalmessage at both services The choir with Mrs Atkinson at the organ rendered special music for the day and Miss Edwards contributed vocal solos at both the morning and evening services United Church WA The regular meeting of the Unit ed Church WA was held on Tues day evening Oct at the home of Mrs Lewis with 14 mem bers present Rev Lewis read the scripture lesson and gave very interesting address The president reported that Rev Jr Morris BA of Stroud Would offi ciate at the Harvest Home service on Sunday Oct 30 committee was appointed to decorate the church for that day Mrs Couse reported four cards sent ato fported by members Following the business period the program com mittee took charge of the meeting Mrs Cause gave an interesting treading and contest was held ing at the home of Mrs Harmon The anliual Harvest Thanksgiv morning and evening Mr rector de right mei the pillow We have jllgtl colrrpictcd getting the llty trunks from the gotlowii to the tttlpltlllt exchange for vlx US wc have done quite bit of shini llongkolig dolllus dollars and ping rznd would have done It lot more and saved our excess baggag only kct US if we had known that prices were so reasonable here Ilongkoiiil 1titic to treat Britains valiant jlort to recapturi the cristcrii mar Wooliciis drugs rare all very reasonable and many cheaper than you This price and perhaps cars lllktS could buy In especially tho drugs Yesterday we took the boys up in picnic View AllfFrund covered the entire cafe lllill llltlv Lllllltltll lllt SilililtS l0 reminded us of how the Scottish LPlllll 11ml NM 10m to Mlllllmtlcovenantch wurc saved from the troopcrs when the cloud hid them lifclong ttSlltl1t of MltllrllltlThlllllt rain came and we got Mrs Robinson was in her 41111 year wet trying to got back to the tram alnous liongkong peak on The funicular tram was Va great thrill to them Rlf at some points almost straight up arr Wednesday 03 The View from the top was grand ch went to little rate for luncii Tl wl JllSt Im hit 61le said My look at that grand looked but saw only WP WW lilll=cioud which suddenly descended It climbs It At the station had to go to at Bishop Sllllcllftll and MargaretChinatown and buy two Chinese lumbrellas two for $1 US and nine back and we then went all queczcd together to do bit of lunch scrvcd Tile next meeting is Malkls Anglican Church Midlalitlzllooking around in the shops We of Midland Branch Canadian Ilcdithen went back to the mainland to be held on Nov 1st at the borne Of Mrs Jim Miller with Mrs Ira Wilson assisting are 177 Canadasluvouliie iOMAioxJUKE FreshFromJimGarden boarding lrrrirw or takr tli rrorrri but they can ltlrt ilitll ilrotlirlilrl law staying llll llltlll This Ill effect is the giltt of an order issued this week to fliltlltli living In camps where such boost and ipliitlncnts iic lciited to Scr vicciileii and the govciiiilrltit the landlord The practice of ltlllllltl to ttiiilii rs or taking ilr boarders is mir ltttl to the policy of ptiiltlllll quarters for farinllo of gt1ttlt1 personnel and Will cclrsc illl tlltlt states It states further that military authorities have no lJilUlt to relatives of military personnel ll mg with tliclii or married liltllltl IIowvvcr it forbids the ollieer oi soldier concerned to charge lltlil rental llicy cairstzry but for free by the ferry and had noodle sup per Tomorrow we flyr in Kunming alid from thch Wr get truck to Tlili and for the little lillllll shall be at Tali But address mall in Kunming till let you know The plane is the mission one which we have been using and it takes all our baggage This is great help for we have no worries llll rough handling Wcll we are just going down to the hotel dining room for our last meal in Hongkong and then the boys to bed early as we fly at seven am So good bye for now Looking for your next letters inrl sending heaps of love and kisser from cacti of us and If youve ever stood in tomatopatch and enjoyed the reddest ripest juicist tomato on the yine you know they mafchless gardenfiegh flavOur of Libbys Gentle Press Tomatouice And heres good news The new pack is just in from the gardenat your grocers now Get in supply Enjoy Libbys often 3$$SS HE SlGN OF GOO 56 Ellen Street PHONE 2517 lMltlllTEll Holland Bulbs Your iizrrdcn will bloom in lllt Spring if you plant now LUMBE Barrie We have several colors 111 the following luietic of bulbs cnocus SCILLA HYACINTH GRAPE HYACINTH NARCISSUS DAFFODIL ALL VARIETIES or TULIP ROSSCOOK FLOWER SHOP 112 Dunlap sr We Deliver Phone 4392 if SSS $i$$SSS$$gm Remember Libbys Isaaatcetiem ditsry make of vitamins and When you consider that an insufficiency of these vitamins may lessen the resistance of the body to infection you realize how important it is to include them in way than in daily glassful of Libbys SGentlePress TomatoJuice FIRST lAvounjligjllrllvOHR DOUBLE YOUR MONEY Bani if you dont agree that tib Gen Prodlicl5Juile Calcium Chili Some mid the best youve ever tasted yOur diet regularly What more pleasant ii