Barrie Examiner, 13 Oct 1949, p. 4

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pAGE FOUR liliitsmr ocrouign 13 1949 THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA AslridgeMcDonald Wedding Principals For Parents Only Difference In Children By Nancy Cleaver $$$$$k$ WEDDINGS xssnsx SIANIONWIUIHHSLL 33 law Maigczy lttlitfill Iii Mlsl Ilt1 Sixth ll l= tll of SthlitJ ot of hi pg pi 3311 11 LilII Lllltl iil littltx 1r tiraiilr it the gt My up tliiitclr Stitilllll tr Kip lrilrlll lIUWuIIl IlltIIi tll FVII lllli Mrs limxzrid Stanton of Kltlgrlrll llet ll Faster It2flltllci the double ling cur vlv before st tl ids of em and baskets of gladi ltill The bride Wm LiI1 in lltltllftj ii lici fallici Iitl gown titSlthtf er aliii fllbliltllttl ll till illiil Ul lllt IlLlll Saili Till iiikll illttkllllt had ll small loll collar llltli FRAGRANCE 1rrkc oflljirrli lict zlztl lll sirvies SEALED WtlL long and piilrtrd The skull rrf the gown fcil into Mill tolrls till IN VACUUM timm rum illm Hui WU 321 veil of nylon Ilti arid her only loliiztliiclit Attn czrmto brooch ii ilongiiig to he greatiiiiuilliotliel She tillllttl it while liliilc itltl glit lciilzrs falling ill cascades of flow 15 iii llt She Wits attended by All Milli lfook Reg and Miss itielidolyn lluacke gownvd rllkr in gold and nuruvt littltti taffeta fashioned vitli full rkiits and wcetlicari iiccllllic and iiiatclliiitt lltllt hats lllcv illtlttl iiosegliys of Talisman uitl blonc ltlHfl with clusters of elilysziiitliciiiuliis Miss latlicia liapmlln acted as tlowcr girl wearing colonial dress tlrrtiglrtcl lilddrll am Im llaptnt The about the illscrtctl illli Ltr plan job at Iiiil till tll lrtl lit it in iIIli VZIJI grt In liltl3tt Ltil llwirtl pic tLt Ilti tlilt your illll at ZZr litj TrI II ARI IITiltinXl ltil ill the ycie found and and illlll liliivllr isiivtrrliy 1tlL til tiililil tail llltllt to lliF clrir oi 11 ltir tiltIIJ to shyness lict td Hots itlti lrdr on littlxicli plan lii chills lioilnil illrS shirt iir Il3y to ll l1v rllgt lir by mu HI titili Wii part III or liirtznx tlrltitgt altllir lll lttUHICtl his that of the plebetaris llSSlr lll fitl oi ri iltllllltl against the pa Morttlollas great dcsclt is trllltll TintUri WW Rllmv mm the Gobi till lii MURIHYS STIIIIIIIS PortraitsWedding Groups ollectivt til iris tlte litt called oikliol lll tlrilt ll it rtriy lrtt llilictcstcl lit liomc remedy tor relaying Iiiiscrics Hi of childrens colds lo dosing to rilti upset storiilitll Im iJ Just rub it on vAeonus Em mil ml lilil lttlllll late Ittll lolrr liililiitllllf hurt from those ioigl Ittll ltv in the iclgllboi ltittl iil who titlvtlltillll gtrt tr ltt tool boy may also hard lit adolescence to Vm ltl ti Iltr ii ixrt Ll illeli tic tccrl to as llullitl va lllltlrl the arrival oi will li hailed daughter litlllllll Iii lcl treat tir1 li till MRS EMERSON ASIRIIHIE is seen iith her four attendants follow ing her recent Scpicltibcr wedding it the left her sister Its Burton Ilrr of Iiiiiick matron of honor The hridesiltaids are Iroln left to right Miss Norma lizrrrtrllg leg of lllorlltoll Miss fthlltItlI Astlidge of Barrie and Miss Ircda Atridge of iiarrii irtrrs of the groom tll II Rooke Illotoi Lot neatly lwlzli rr irrr lliiiilv iillil tltllilllll liill MHy IiKfli pill about inn itsttinl ll lzr ltl and pli liltltiit4 vilt llrr She itlll and lztoi lut cit itl Iltltll plat like to know xltl lillrll up ott liottiri ftlillllllllh it cls lll it but ill Elli Illlltlo itiirlik well Irrriliflv llc ll Zlzitllt11p th ii lltllt it Tom illlllir nirrkr look tor some one thing czrcli clilll Show ill rlirl Lt1l1 lllltl ttflltltlll ltttilllltilttlltltt tlltl platso that llt lltti circ not only the goorl opiliiinl ll lallt lorc tillr Him illitl lc tti easily with other gill riltl boys in the collegiate rzaii must think not only ri the riiiilirrliotc present liii ot lltt future when they accept tlicl ltlltIItit Jlt they 1liltlltl5lllt tlicin lrt they love llltlll and are iiioirl ct llc ways ill llltl they luirlits prllitutr sll titliiv llll llItY lrzrfi llrru yrviftl yot your lil til Ill itlrr broil o1 ynt lttlxv ili pal lllls is tailing to livery litgttlt ilccils Lil Im not it ttlgttl liiiilsclt much good It anything It lttllili BARRIE GLASS MIRROR SUPPLY GLAZING MIRRORS RESILVERED New Mirrors or Plate Glass Dresser Tops made to Order Designs cut on glass PICK UP and DELIVERY JACK LOWE Prop TOR COUGHS COLDS SORE THROAT YOU WOMEN WHO ARE GOING THROUGH GIIAIIGE of IIFE Heres Good News Are Terrgoing throughtrying change of life Does this func tional disturbance make you suffer from hot flashes nervous and clrrtimy feelings weakness and sense of being irritable andfltigll strung Then do try Lydia Pinkhams Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms Many wise women take Pink hams Compound regularly to help build resistance against this dislt tress inkliamsiCompound acts on one of womans most important organs and has suchva grand soothing effect Lydia Pinkhams VEGETABLE this way Doctor Spica locus made them Smart aerosols Dr WLocke the only man who ever treateda million feet developedthese shoes Ever pairis designed according to his foot RUTHERFORD Mgr Phone 5048 74 Henry St Barrie lll addition this is ne stomacllic tonic real blessing for women who suffer NOTE Or you may prefer Lydia Pinkhnms TABLETS with nildeil iron gr made them Comfortable Ilello lloriieinaltcisi There will be more hydro power in 1950 iiglit now we must be thrifty fMigllty new plants for the genera litill of tlttlllClly are under rapid construction At Iolrcliiilis itlie lzrrgcst llydro project an average of 731 people visited the site every week during the Summer lbou szrnds have watched the progress of power plant in construction The rspcctaclo llltl1 impressed us most was the mixing of the concrete rIliis was done by four large clccA tiic concictc liichrs ilito which the linglcdicnts were measuer by automatic scales Then each bowl or steel barrel was set revolving by another switch The mixing timc for large aniountrof concrete was the same as for our light cakcll rAs the batter poured out it look cd like the consistency of our best cake This part of the great building project is tremendous when you consider that the amount of col crete used at Des Joachims is equivalent to that required to build fourfoot wide sidewalk from Halifax to Vancouver Not only the concrete structure but the generating system at Des Joachims is expected to be ready for operation in 1950 Meanwhile we must turn oft every switch when not in use TAKE TIP The purpose of tea kettle is to heat water to boiling point for tea Every time yotr make tea measure only the amount you will require Place the tea pot in warm place so it is not necessary to use large amount of water to scald the pot Always turn che electricsvvitcliiiifl soon as the boiling point is reached When you sterilize bottles use small amount of water in covered saucepan or kettle cover prevents evaporation of water dur ing boiling Sterilization requires only 15 minutes This is the allotted time for babys bottles and the fruit jars and such small quantity of water for fresh vegetables is recommended for best results Notonly do you save electricity but you preserve food value One inch of hot water pd all IMPLE great medictne COMPOUND ll prettied them with fashions latest whims Enjoy thisjhappy combination of comfort and fashioncome in and let our experts tyou in the proper last for you calorie BARBIE V30 minutesii MR AND MRS EMERSON ASTRIDGE are pictured following their wedding in Trinity Anglican lilirclt Barrie on September 17 Tile bride is the daughter of Mrs William McDonald of Bradford and the late Mr McDonald Her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Charles Astridge of Barrie in the saucepan for four servings of vegetables is all we use Then when steam front under the coccc indicatcs boiling point we turn lllt switch from high to low and begin to time the cooking period Tcn minutEOdOr beet or turnip greens and twenty minutes for diced pota toes beets or carrots sliced turnips winter squash or pumpkin require Cooking meats and desserts ini quantities sufficient for two meals habit ofthc modern llomo maker Store servings for next day in the electric refrigerator and garnish differently when you serve them fer second time Quickcooking dishes are those containing food prepared in scrvr ings or diced in small uniforml pieces re st Anne Allan invites you to write to her co The Barrie Examiner Send in your suggestions on homel making problems and watch thisl column for replies Mrs Harris Redmond Conducts Kiwanis Kindergarten Class The Kiwanis ladies transformed themselves into kindergarten pup ils Oran evening at their first meeting of the Fall Mrs Harri son Redmond was program conven er for the meeting which was held at the Community House last Thursday evening Mrs Redmond former school teacher who is teaching folk dance ingatthc East End School struck upon the original idea when placed II II Rooke Photo Otton by Norris Kiwanis president and Kelly vice prcsidcnt early in The gong is to go with the gavel prescrith at one of the last auxil iary functions of the Spring Mrs Otton presented the gong ilt turn to the auxiliary Robertson opened the meet ing with the reading of the ac ceptancerEcch given atthe Ki wants International at Atlantic City STRANGE CATCH BURIN Nfld CPl heavy catch was taken in by the draggcr Tcm fishing out of here It brought to the surface an oldfashioned mine of the horn type Naval auth orities were told of the mines lo cation in charge of the evenings program Following the businessportion of the meeting with Mrs Redmond as their teacher the members played games rnarchcd and performed such kindergarten ing strings Of beads The Winners of marching garlic which closey resembled musical chairs were Mrs Robertson the auxiliary presidentand Mrs William Stew art MrsJ Rodgers was the champion string of beads maker Mrs Fred Otton presented Mrs Redrnond with corsage of carna tions Congratulating her on her committees effort She was thank ed by Mrs Robertson on behalf of the auxiliary Miss Edna Theoddre accompan ied the class on the piano Plans for bridge to be held iitider the auspices of the auXIllary on NevembEFE in the Eastermtar roomswere discussed at the meet lng MrsB Robertson was in the chair for the evening gong with the Kiwaniscrest on it was preSented to Mrs Fred the evening ot buttcrcup nylon stik wrth mauve ect llcr bonnct was of match on lltliltllltl and she wore black buckle shoes tilttl tIt1ltl basket of Swwtllcait roses and baby llirtiris Allzlli Saunders of Kingston bro lllllllllfl of the groom wvs glooinsiliaii icoigc liapmali and Ian itlltlfilt cousin of tlic blitli acted as llslicrt Mrs Shiite tlllll of the bride played the wedding music Dur ing the Stll Mrs Margery lo doli aunt of the bride sang Bless This lloilsc and My llaycr iollowrlrg the ceremony rcccp tion was held at the home of the brides parents Receivuig the guests with the bridal party the mother of the llltl was gownctl ill Ilcillluda Rose crepe with black accessories and wore it Corsage of pink roses Mrs Stanton the grooms mother wore gown of black crepe and nylon net with matching black hat and accessor ies Tlt bride and groom left on wedding trip to Montreal aiid tl Lauretitians following the recep tion the bride travelling in navy stilt with gold trim with matching accessories She wore Corsage of pink roses and blue coinflowcrs Ihe ilcwly married couple will make their borne in Montreal where the groom is in his final year zit McGill University Outoftown guests at the wetl diiig came froin Cardiff Walts Cliicago 111 Vancouver Kingston St Catharines Bay and Woodstock The bride is niece of Mr and Mrs Tomlinsoii Bradford Street Barrie JAPANESE sooUrs HONOR MACARTHUR General Douglas MacArthur oc cupation commander has been selected as the first postwar lion orary president of the Boy Scouts of Japan Batavia is the capital of Java is Your Back Aching Today When you feel short sharp twinges with every sudden moveyou simply dont feel like working Ask any house wife how painful it is to iron sweep Ulash dishesMica herbackcches so she can scarcely straighten up Many women have found that Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills bring quick relief from backache because this time proven Dr Chase remedy acts on both the kidneys and liver For over 50 years Canadians have used Dr Chases Kidlie Liver Pills for backache and painfuljoints kidne and liver disorders and slu gis system Try Dr Chases Kidney Iver Pills tonight At all drug counters t7 yet Vstriongl The balanced tissue Always perfectly balanced for strength softness and VAN ii EDDYV PAPEItPRoou absorbeneyir WROLLS 2250 sums it Commercial Passports Amateur Photo Finishing HOUR SERVICE 63 ELIZABETH ST PHONE 5440 BARRIE Free Consultation COMING IN PERSON THE NOTED TORONTO HERBALIST Leo Thuna MH Has helped thousands to regain health and strength through herbal therapy If you are sick of being sick dont fail to see him FREE CONSULAIION at QUEENS HOTEL EVERY FRIDAY ONLY HOURS From to pm Proven herbal treatment for Rheumatic Pains Back Aches Stomach Disorders WolfKidneys Bronchial Asthma Nerves Skin Disorders and litany other com plaints TORONTO ADDRESS 25 WENDOVER ROAD mamWES Your handsspeok acyclil in bylqokond by touch so keep their beauty in delicate bloom with these famous preparationsr cAMruIA limo CREAM 115 mWemx norm slsAcniNE culiur Lao norm Clllltl cum Lui roomur UNDERCOAT ioo AIDENA NAIL ucouril Loo Cudens Pharmacy mm 3710

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