Barrie Examiner, 13 Oct 1949, p. 2

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PAGE TWO annular II Published Twice Weekly Monday and Thursday bfseliAltEN rumour An mm GITOI WALLS IIHIItHlNII HAS StitllillllXt ll Hill good many lllllllrli or lIltl name bi written ill the past about liic 1111 11 tinrzi and alill centrally lonw oi darn hare lrtcn extiriiicly gci 19 we aiu maxi ionany the writer lir tarreloprd hi tininc nah litllllls and rg1r calculated io lac ila duller1 riiiagiiratron llut tinre is aiotiicr olich in tin tilttl that is so obvious it may wcll bc nnappreriat ed 11 not overlooked entirely it the iboialit that civilization today would l1ls liiariiz Lilli none of the aimratio ll 11m lake tori liaiitcd lililtgtgt1 Hillltlliif lilllllltli had 111 aycd some money llie kind of saline 1311 lili lvd to tlzrw derclopnient of our natural rc oiicc and the building or our liinlr nonririalicd nation beearr back in tin oay oi the ililltl 1ilci ur forefathers lilibaiaicu Tlrrii incomes and invested their Slllllll in tire tltcltilitiitiil or the land around thein in thc liiliicrtgt tlrrr were building up to ciw other and ill tin lliial analysis in 1111 lllitlll economic 111 vclopnreirt of their country late is more complex today than it was then Their 1111 more deniantb on our come for one thing and we have becoirie accustomed to standard ot living which in those days would liatc appeared luxurious But the things thatiravc been done to make it easier for us to save go long way inward compensating iortlris Canada Savings Bonds are an outstanding example of what has been done to make it easier to save This year Fourth Series or these bonds is being offered to the public To date Canadians have made more thanr three millrorr purchases of Canada Savings Bonds representing total value of more than billion dollars This ar as in the past hundreds of thousands of us Will again testify to their convenience arid to the sound ness of the investment they represent Saving means progress The desire for pro gress is universal Or as the slogan for the lourth Series of Canada Savings Bonds has it Everyone has something to save for FIRE SPREADS FAST This is fire prevention week and the fol lowing information is from the Firemen Educational Fire Prevention Journal We are providing some of this information here be cause it explains how fire spreads from floorbeirig burned through If people use more care in fire prevention stunned woman regained iier wits the whole kitchen was ablaze dashed to rescue it firemen were on the scene in about two min What killed them The halo an and from your chimney And since that air and gas can get as hot as 1000 degrees Fahren heit in few minutes it can not only kill in few breaths but it can also set fire to cur tains draperies furniture or any other com bustibles it reaches Thus you see that fire doesnt have to burn from sofa to chair to table in order to spread it sends its advance guard of withering heat ahead of it starting other fires above In one case on record every floor of fiveStory brick building was alive with flame 15 minutes after the fire broke out on the main floor All of which points out several lessons Dont take any chances with fire because even little one can get out of control be foreyou get your startled wits together If you are in room where fire starts get fine theblaze to that one room as long as getthat the first five minutes at fire are worth the nextrfive hours andthey dont call the firemen until iristoo rate for them to do anything AFigure out some way to get out of the main stairs For it is up that stairwa no this deadly heat and poisonous gas ood through the house after the fire Vets start ed Not long ago two boys were und dead on the threshold of th ir bedroom door because 11 didnt know about this downstairs until you feel it with 181 hOtleave it closed for canto gt 13111119111 the Stairs In tire owand holler for can it or rooms uprer zitAnd THE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WM THE BARRIE EXAMINER MEMBER Class Weeklies and Audit Bureau of Clrcuhifonl Canadian Weekly Newspaper Assoolntlon $11M year 231 year $331 rCsl T113 BARBIE EXAMINER Town of Maine li Mai thitsnle Culiurld vrcrnulorkr Airs sustain INNS bangle Ctrres Metalay Thursday 3c inn Marchburn Mill Built in 1835 inaaiiiiy 11 flair nun llrllilr Aral year die tin lair tltlgtltl tll viillilr lino ll1rl lllitl Myerpine tliioovh building far 111 all oi the actual lltllii lion the oriental itbicak Lot only kiils people but spreads the tire taster liris litil Hoes up iiiuay lf lltVitlUl slialls 1111 1llitll tilllllllll that can act l1 tllliilil it is the liltirlllrl reason th lilllc life 9111 llrl all into Hip lil il wry short taire SN NOW MAGAZINE Readers of iaturday Night noticed dras lez change when they received their tictobcr issue llre change uas noticeable lroni the front cover through every section the llmlll tone was the front page editorial column from which Saturday Nitlit had lone been known in place oi the isual iront pave pho iograph oi an eminent pastoral scene was group of football play ions The name oi the irialrarrne was on airadian some background of scarlet trunsioimation lloiii Ellie jrevious black and white And to com plctc the iron cover revolution llicadirie on an inside article ilollaritinud lli11pkicks by ilink Carroll During its long history the Saturday Night thus been essentarlly anadiaii with unedit lcriar policy emphasizing liberal and broad niinded attitude The thousands of subscrib crs will follow with interest iNielrt which has now branched out to attract wider readership in Was the the Saturday ll lllllblml mm darn l2 Hogan to lift thr potatoes Hct the ririll aeoml to try it lift Warm weather with showers of rain of ir lills incir 111 awav Rainy weather Ill Mr Gill men went away this inorninl lliniployed lilting potatoes very poor crop lrlnd of the t1ll drg lilfi Warm weather llitliLiIi summer llam for it or ll days till lot 11 tho potatoes ill End of week dr liinployml platinc full up Eicrinsl the dam NOVlIMllIIll gllTlllN MADNESS firsttime visitor from the United King donr might have been forgiven recently it he had reached the conclusion that most of Canadas population had gone mad Believing himself iii country where the language and customs approximated his own at the dam and llfllllll the turnips bowed 111 rcic fall winat lie foundlrimself assailed on all sides by 1111 intelligible gibberish which reached climax in the afternoon hours Groups of offensivelyloud were muttering phrases like Watch out for bunt DiMaggio really clorrted that one Page 111 there In restaurants and streetcars nobody seemed to care about the important things of life like devaluation or the price of wheat or what was wrong with the Arsenal football clrrb Everyone was talking about Newcombe and Robinson and Henrich and Raschi Some ohe room to another without the sellzllullllll one finally explainedMa little impatiently Cl 117 to the visitor that these people were baseball ed how rapidly fire can blleild lhel Woum players It seemed that Canada one of the crowns In an Ohio City hOllSPWif Wing llOllbl brightest jewels had lost herself completely getting her kitchen stove 110ml monunf in the antics of two New Yorkdistrict teams made the foolish error 01 lgt0lmllg 501 kelo which were playing in what they called the sing on the me to speed it p111 11 Winklmg World Series Tire papers carried huge photo there was mighty explosion which blew the graphs Of men in peaked caps and the new fire all over the room and by llll 11m lines spoke of hurling duels and slugfests Accustomed to putting in the odd after noon at Lords or the Oval the visitor must By some 11111018 53110 W33 Gt llullby We have smiled toierantly and asked if these blast nor burned by the fire which was all supermen from Brooklyn and the Bronx had alound her Being fl nlOlllel llCi thought Spet the Sjunmef touring Canada and play was for her habit 1151991 11133th and She ing baseball in front of these enthusiasts They liadntNot one iii tlrotrsarrd of the Summoned by startled neighbors the first enthusiasts had ever seen them pelfOlm We hope someone took time between inn utes Yet when they reached the 59001 00 lugs to tell the visitor not to despair The fit hall they found the mother and her infant was only temporary When the last pitch won 1630013 bothwdemrr 77 wthuddedi into thecatchers gloveritwleft sober sensible Canadian people still cherish tOXiC gases from the 1001 below Because ing the British tie and ready to live up to its heated air rises just as the smoke goes up food contracts The same people who would gladly give weeks salary for chance to spend that particular period inrrYankee Stadium and Eb betts Field would be the first to take offence if they were labelled Americans Theyre just sport fans The only reason they feel more strongly about the Yankees than they do about the is that they are closer and radio reception is better This week theyre ready to ask that Brit ish visitor how things are back home EDITORIALNorizs lt1gt IT HAS BEEN SAID As if you could killtime without injuring eternityHenry David Thoreau There is certain satisfaction in feeling out quickly slam the door shut so as to con you are bearing withhemic resignation the irritating fellyof othersJerome KJerome possible andCALL THEFIRE DEfART Perhaps the mostvaluable result of all MENT IMMEDIATELY Too manypeople for education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do when it oughtt0 bedone whether you like it or not it is the first IeSSQntthatought to be learned and however early mans training begins it is probably the 12131 lesson thatghe learns thoroughlyThomas Huxley citizens clustered around radios 1weatlier Show nearly all disappears Vciy clianlccablc Still cmA cmonlcewee put 1y Performed statute labor on the road 16 days and Al days of year ed the $6000 for the Protestant house from yourbedroom without using be NEST When swallows nest fell from the eaves of the court house at Stradbroke Suffolk England policeman climbed up and put lightweight basket in its place The us stepped out oflhen window parent birds lined the basket moved their brood to it and quickly resumed feeding and flying lessons as before OiiINIONS or oTiiEIiS LIFE IS 6000 IN SMALL COMMUNITY Mildmay Gazette Searcer day goes by that we fail to experience asurge of thankfulness for the lot which has cast our life in small community Truly the cities do offer some advantages but the good points soemto be outnumbered many times over by the bad ones In addition to the obvious blessings of cool place to sleep plenty of treshairandvno long rides to work on crowded street car there assets to life in the country Sent upritsheatand caught them Yet tiny any thatyou cant live in that mt because three ha kamilrkumdi are many more vimnortant Journal of the proceedings at MARCHBIKN FARM MEIHHHZ Simeoe ount anada hsi I533 to 13 by 3W ii101111 unsos lt1 WliHKl Wu 1111 at the dash Mr hie1 12H lf fill trllt flllltlttl it 111 11 lilil ilirii 1111 li1lll ila fzainr =1 31 11 l1lr oi llir ladrrlrnw iii El ri JfAi lumpiv mil the 111111 all 11 Zrailvr llll litiriil llre ii llfn 1ir trinillizr be pinup from he iflrtls of Li fionl but r1l1 Llll lff liinplohsl of fly 1i111 Lil onam 111ml rolling down the wii of 111 new lirygtrd LLl Erirplolcd crrltii llrtltll llrcnnred luli tuzu lairl lriin pounds Ii filliir 1ia 11 11111 111 month lr liara 131 Frirr Wtitllul lltlv toolblr lriiniitorml 11 llw 11111 rll lllllig rlnwi tin wheat iii 11112 11 ml 1itl1 ill 1i of Mr Hill 11 at 111 n1il lw lildltlid tiiti iiic l1lcl1111 at ll dollars per nth 1H lilrll only if 111111 ill rrlirlirlrl lwt21l til 11111 flit lorrf Xvirrlri ill liz 11 Lam to how tiardicr 11 11 111 for all Ililv 1lti 13 in pawn in lilliii pr hrrlt 1111 11 hoard lillillllflt llll dry weather all this ni ilrlll day livllirn l1 tcrlo rlhlir In at It of Mr i1lln1nd llllll excl1d Iida rlr ltllllr his ha liinployed ltllliiiij down 11 lrlll lflll lilil ii if 111 llillittl writing it doun lot all lla uhmt in in 111 12il rilllt Illntllilllilfl Mrchhizm ll lrzin pornid ti llrau rain all Iict night and this day 111 ifllltl rll the 1l till iolllitlul ll of Mr Hill men at tln nnll it it Hit dour tla 1111 1nd praw Two of Steeles llilli ll of dam rniirini tin1111 llr1 iaui nearly all day llt thrill to the 1111111 fair and cold ili ll irVcir liosl these two llllll lilacltvtn all lln ilillllt and tfvlll lfi rlli iill lilil till llrc liiiii of be llilll i111 ii llrr oat and lirdN lll pretty good order In 11in d1 All lr iiil liiill rvtnt aura Zfll llaiir days tlir vcck lIiriployctl at tho dun 2o men from Mi tiill tlillllthNl 11 1hr iirill lixid dual of llrlli Ilil week itltllllill Wet ucathcr Iimployed at the dam ll of Mr lills men at the lillll Lilllri part of this week din ll lrinc 1ill111 all lllli ramL lialiirn surnnrr ll of Mr lills men at the null lInrploytd at tlrr Severe frost Some rain bebiunninl of the week lriiirployrd ti lrilic warm weather Butterflies and flowers l1 Frost with snow occasionally Sowed the remainder of tlic llill ltl oniinenrwl per irroiitlr to pay for his board at It shillings per urnk 13 old with snow andsleet 13 Severe frost llinploycd at the darn lb Mild ployed at the darn Mill sawing its own lumber Wrt weather 2t tremendous gale of wind Many irrs blown down old The ground covered with snow 22 fold frosty weather Show occasional oi oxen 20 Severe frost with show every day all week Mill slup ped by the frost emptying and freezing the water wheel Mill stopped for want of water Snow bitter to foot drifts DECEMBER hmivy fall of snow Cold frosty weather Show occasionally Mill Working or8 hours day lllll Weather inclining to soft lhen Sthlt frost Mercury sometimes more than 20 degrees below zero Mill not much stopped by frost 20 111 warm sun snow disappearing fast ilarLl frost during the week Mill not inricli im peded by the ice To be ctlnuedi Penetang Assessments Are Up More Than 40 Midland Free Press Heraldl mining land values has been most When the last of lenetangs pro difficult Dilly UWHOFSE their new 5053 llighest commercial land assess mmt micTS Ht few dlysrlment is $115 per foot and the high lhly W1 019 lab the ag est residential $8 per foot eontin lllty are up 40 PET 09 0V 1949 ued the Meafordite who last year lotal assessment on property reassessed Wiarlon There are supporting the Public Roman many commercial properties in Catholic schools however has Penetang where the value is much jumped nearly 50 per cent Propel less however and many residential ll Contributing to the lnalllltllmlto lots assessed as low as $3 1161 foot of the Protestant Separate Schools Average for residential property is up just over 25 per cent would be about $450 per foot In 1949 mill rate of 927 mi Comnrercial land in Midland on the other lraird is assessed up to $90 per foot and residential prop erties willabovcthenevrfeiretang maximum Separate School but rate of 2379 was necessary stoiraise the $231468 for the Public Schools Under the assessment 13 rates mfpm There is so much vacantlland in he $011001 supporters are theremre Penetanguishene explains lVIr likely to 1101 mOlC sharply Gardner that most good residen Reassessment 0f the mummpal tial areas cannot be assessed at ity has just been completed by Al over $6 per foot bert Gafdnfl Mealord Assess The new assessor admitted how meynt Cornmrssroner Penetang As ever that the land recently my sessor Edgar More was respons inquired by Dominion Stores from ible for the lemeasurmg of an the town f0 Penttarr gurshene was burldmgs and land and Mr Gard paid for $65 per foot ner undertook the valuation in consultation wrth County Assessor assessment released by MIL Garw Em Simpson ner is as follovvs New fassessment notices were Taxable land 391900 sent out to property owners in the Taxable buildings 1643850 south wald Sept and the Business assessment 234550 others will be mailed shortly Mr Assess Returns T91 Gardner stated and Teleg 18483 It has been tough job largely because of the need for new town $2288783 plan added Mr Gardner Deter1 This compares with $1633074 in 0111145va is forall people whatever their social or nancial Standing maybe EVERY FAMILY mayarrairge fora funeral that meets its ueerlsxor wishes TTEIlS to the EBITOB 311E nvestor service Nanguerrds onr wauraics in ltiillliil ault v4nit frkllnlmV rli1lsilill itllllh iiuoinc lb ndrn rcinai siatcnnnn iia lltllllltf Io nnhdaird lil1llitlil or 111111111 lil 111111111lt111ii ti1ii1 lilill lzl lliir ll 11 it 11 uuurlairt rtllll ills$1131 liltih limitus triii tlllllt lsoi iiilliri ilil lid 1lillll il lrll lllllJ ltiil Sllrllii till 11 ill EilrllJl 1111 l11ittcxiioiislioiilliiinlriliilic 11411 lld 1111 troy liii 1111113 1211l l1 lliill in 111 ll 11 non 14 llll ipcar dciitiblc 111 1111151 11111 V1111 1il lllltltl in ll 1nd from gt You retain full control of Your WtlllllltS 1ou olitl 112i il Kinetic nid iiilc rcrirains lll our 11111112 lnnplrlci ltl inr frill par iii ulna including rates illlilill i1l 1rlra=11l1ifi 1111 llll iltrlri 1111iltii1 ciri on Ittllltl liar 11 locuv THE ioiioNro iiiNiiRAirRUsrs Rlllll1 lilHHlHJlib Ill lllll v31lllltili lifiiliiil li1 i11ll tl iiainwi iii lllll Lillivi bop rt llllililill and Mrltoi 11 flowinrl tool Ilrl tlrr rzilrri lintmli 11 in lilillt nui lilil walld 111 lb liilirr Iroslg lll lllirr 11l and flux tfli llciiii ililllll Hi 11111 llo opt 111111 iii 11 llhllll 111 211131111 vi Hmnl llire 251 111 Street foronlu can way ll1illli Illl llltoricrl any to lLIlltiiyrilis l1 Alli litillll of licic tllb it cciilly bi ililo biatliiizlrl lili coyoft lnlii ll anl l11inI nixlr liirlt lrplivtl 1131 ADMINISTIERING AQKITS ll Swiriilitl000 1rl1l lt Noumea Unreal Lira CKztMWM 2717 ANDERSON IHSIItltT MANAGER llimlop and Hayfield Barrie leleplione 47150 lclatbaly and ran o11 Ftiiii1tl1l llllll llltli aboul it per will School Hulliiol csrinrnl iizniiizi fl ltilitl lilifl Illlllll sliilrd llinl in lnicnf split ijipioiiiiitrly till llil tllil for public and lb per cent for apainlc sclfribl hays Silglillflllll Slltltltltl 111 nearly Fill per cent of awrm lumber ll Engaged Michaul for month at 212 lulliiislln lllllltlffr unitiii of 531936323 liiiillr irlnitnlc llrl inidiici dcizlood that the llzvidcd for public liitlll would be about iiicrciisc llnis now The licsl background 11 man can have Adequate Imurrurccn NORWlCH UNION about Summary oftlre 1950 Penetangl your bank or investment dealer for cashor in instalments 01 Theres onefway to protect such goalarid 1l1ats by saving Canada Savings Bondsv make saving easy Set yourself an 1111101111 that you think you ought to save this yeartheir commit your self to this programhyputting gtrilvl your order for Canada SrIv pings Bonds You can through your company Payroll Savirigsfplain The money you dis as safe as Canadrliinilyoull licsurliiised how soon it ivill mountt up Canada save his 111 Savings Bonds can lie cashed at any limcat any liankfor full face valuebplurs interest buy them through Svas yougo 3k THE FULL BENEFITS of our pgrsonaru Ilehdanee and modemfacilitics are provided Msw 1111 19111111 tool we serve We mMEuKt FUNERAL HOME kw PHONE cilia mm IE 1111133111113 sandals oNsALE BEGINNING oer 17th

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