Barrie Examiner, 13 Oct 1949, p. 11

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THURSDAY itltlllliflf Ill lillJ Neapolitans Lovl lllllltllll llIltISll1l Ii Hz iv ll ltii IllllIt Litlrikil Iial n=iiiti ti il ii Hintvi lili mm is time 21 um emu Mr ltltta lilily Ulli tiiiltil of ii lli ll lea in 74 lalli if iliil liliil Mn fault iiligmu was fliufllttl lo itiiiiil Noiiiizu ill flill ll iiyti Iill 1liliilt itlti oil of Mr and Mt ldllcl limit v2 tiililiib litcil ll Williziu if Ballle liie litvIll ticloiiz 156 till iiiiiicli was tiiflliiirtl ivlth palms itittii lt llili= leziiaull itld 11M and autumn IIItl or the form th Jltt in ii irioin riding iiiliiiaec celciiioiiy The hit ii iiiiltiil llIlvEi psiiiizi l7 Riv pink and ll litimil for thelieniell vllltlilll llil lil ll illll Il Ally 3mm WM pl qIilii zilllltl illlii aiiigtliipilyili Miss if no an Hi ii Hull below the ltlllllliy arid llliijifllllliu Ii1illlzii3 lllluuelif llte Yeziis dill lllt the jrilzlilllU lltl line littid bodice crlltllnlileled Lti mm ML Mm Mull llic biiile who was liiveli lll units and lulu itllllkti vit eves mum by vol UHF mil vlllilii llillll fill tfI illlvit ann hi Whit Sldm khhmnod rm my Ki WM with longs tight sleixes slim IV IV tiriiii Illlllilihtx iii gttti peiilfif iiflHHiwikrd and note ieitip if mm mu mum Sh Mimi otlset by IllllltiFiliHVI liilli rude itlllltllil ui inuk iiie ltkti hTtd an pout bustle into chapel train The liiiiid of honor Miss ltlti mum HT mo hm mvlind Iltl fulllength veil of cin mwmwl IHdwyg Wm mmm Ml liroidcrid tulle illusion fell frolli WIHHDM Mfl mm htdIINliKHIItTI tiara lleaddlcls She car ml mum Rh Hnd W0 littti cascade bouquet of white Killallicy rows with tufts of olcliirl matching bonnet and mittens ccptliili was lild at ltonlndale illii Mrs Linton mother of the Iilltl liCLluttl in tilch if wine creptl and law will gzey are wealmg cu of lilialni ltistS Sin was by th Wllilltlix li liltl pm will wole crept With black illttllil Li if Ailezlcan Beauty lost ilif LigtLtI HI Illt mirage lor thin wedding tilp to NH IMId Pall also the lllit Stan ii Iii lriaktl accessories and an oietilp ifgtiltlt ii Lilli lctlllll tile lilldc illil gliiolii istlli make then home in Barrie ilioftown guests the well dim val In in Midlilid lelictiliial Olr aic lii it gt itil Wine in nit Stilt Luisa llilndlllk liiiiiilto il old Mai iiia and Burks Falls DIINOtOllltIRWIN Miss Lennie Margaret Edith it will only IillilIlI of Mr and Mls llwll Ditiolt Michigan wasi married to Leonard Kenneth Dnocoui son of Mr and Mrs Dcnocotll of lllriillllglon Mich igan on Saturday Sept 24 lilitl in St Marys Episcopal Church Detroit at 53 pm candlelight tiiilllilclllll ciictlliiliy Rev Bugler pllltllllltd the liialriage cetcliioliy The bride who marriage by her father was given in wore gown of white satin with bout fallt skirt ending in cathedral train The fitted bodice was trinei med with wide panel of lace Nil Patsy lapp lilttt of the bride was mum mm mm fl mm mt iiniulikbiidg imaml guiltlihidtrliiiil idciiliiwiny iiiin rp 31 my PM 18 fm 19P if NH fl My llvi tinseltil ti LL Mil iiitllillli WWI HUM it place by rhinestone and seed gain of llippv lily roam MW iii him gt Mid pearl crown and she carlled lliiy iiliipliell was glooiilsiiiali i7 5h 11 WW INNl bridal bouquet of Calla lilies Itll wedding trip lo points 915 and idi55m They Cirl Hilltll alld the United States tliciml ilmml hmlilo miniwg bride wore lli anhurdinv Slut Mum mums commmni bluc Iilllflil fashioned on llllClJH lilies with The llgtlltl$ were lilit liltiifltllfl iii sweetheart llttklillt Allistoii and Lloyd Pleiiiliig of lor onto matching headdress and llllIItIlN At HTWHUH whim Unowrd aiid carried colonial bouquet of ht unndnivi qum Johanna llill roses lhc bridesmaids Miss Jeallllari ris of Barrie alld Mrs Williami Moore of Toronto were uowncd ilii lotus yellow and orchid taflelai lhcir gowns were fashioned withl tight liasqiles with vncckliiics alid ividc IlflliltlS and fill gathcrcdj skirts and they wore matching lnltlt= mother of the liliilc wore dress of lilocliii brown Willi illilItilillfli nclcssoiics and corsiue of lalisi liiililose Abilhlllltl her it Ill icccptloii was Mr liiill mother of the groom l0lli iii dark brown with iiiiteliill ltflSHllltS lilid ltlllllll corsagc of mums with navy and white accessoriesiShim Owns In their lIltlll they will maizeI their lioliie in Barrie wore gown of iced turquoise taf feta with drop shoulders llttid bodice and ballerina skirt wore Juliet cap aiid mittens of matching lace rWilliam Moore of Toronto cou sin of the groom was groomsmail and the ushers iwerc Edwin Grosc and William Linton both of Barrie Following thcgcercmony re SCOUIS NI llRlCMliN OOIIIRAIIC During lire lieveillioil Week October to Iii Boy Scout groups across Ilic Dominion visited lire balls to see lilctlilitilig equipman demonstrated and to he coached in fire prevention precautions She =oogouo=aono===o=or=a NOW is THE TIME to plan your interior decorating for the fall and winter months Phone 3010 Barrie Better Painters Estimates Free Workmanship Guaranteed Under New Management Green Carruthers o=o==o=o= Pill 0llli 15 llolll for San Essa Oil Burner mum tile balanceon cur convenient deferred payment plan weaned Only the new Esso Oil Burner basthe revolutionary new Eco nomy Clutchmost important contribution to home heating since the rst household burner was introduced Prompt in stallation and an ImperialOil contract with the dependable WeatherControlled delivery service Inquire today Webster Electric rHONE 3230 BARRIE VALLEY mm LOCAL Lone uptown TRUCKING Pcv cruised is 24 HOUR SERVICE DRIVEURSELF cans 10cper mile DRIVEURSELF 12 TON STAKE AND PANEL TRUCKS L10c per mile lLARGEi TRUCKS 15c permit Dial aloenu $135 fLQnooy=iermwlt=wn nuggetsammo elfagree Miss The SUIUiii Mi Betty Hookimcd colonial bouquets of roses Mrs Barbara Jean Irwin Sister illlaw of the bride was matron of honor in gown of peacock blue Two of tlic hridcsliiaids Elaine Srigley of Barrie cousin of the bride and Mrs Bernice Armstrong of liarliiingtoii Mich sister of the groom were gowncil iii Indian orchid Miss llcleii Motto and Mrs Ruth lloff niali both of Detroit wore gowns of fuchsia The gowns of the five attend ants were stylcd in colonial fash ion with ouler skirts caught up in soft gathers over hoop skirts They wore picture hats of match ing colors and carried satin trim was held till of the and the Edmund Irwin brother bride was groomsman illSiltlIS were Gene Armstrong lbrotliCrililaw of the groom Al ibert Hoffman and Harry and Jas Szlgcr cousins of the groom The wedding music was played iby the church organist Miss Mary Straem The soloist Ray molid Scely sang Ave Maria and iTIlC Lords Prayer during the core mony At the signing of the reg ISICI the choir sang Perfect Love Following the ceremony 450 guests were received at Chester field lIall in cast Detroit by thel brides mother Mrs Irwin in dacia colored gown with hat of Kentucky blue with black acces sories dad corsagc of yellow roses She was assisted by the grooms mother Mrs Dcnocour who chose grey gown with wine accessories and wore corsagc of yellow roses The bride and groom left on wedding trip to Canada the bride wearing stilt of grey gabardinc with black accessories On their return they will make their home in Wyandolte Michigan OutOftown guests at the wed ding came from Barrie Mincsing Thornton Big Bay Point Utopia Angus Traverse City Mich Con neaut Ohio Cass City Mich and Bay City The bride is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs William Irwin of Barrie ltgt LESLIESEXTON The marriage of Miss Angela Teresa Sexton elderdaughtcr of Mr and Mrs John Sexton of Barrie to Roy Norman Leslie son of Mr and Mrs William Leslie of Toronto itggkplace in St iMairys Roman Catholic Church Barrie on Saturday morning October 1949 at nine oclock Very Rev Dean James MJClair performed the mar riage ceremony and said the nup tial mass The wedding music was played by Miss Margaret McKinnon She accompaniedthe soloist Miss Jean ette Caruso in the singing of On This Day Beautiful Mother during the ceremony and Cesar Francks Pants Angelions during the mass Schuberts Ave Maria was sungat the signing of the register The bride was given in marriage by her father She wore gown of white moire taffeta with torso style bodice full skirt and short train Her fulllength embroidered veil was gathered into halo head dress and she carried cascade of pink Dreamroses with streamers Of Sweetheart rises and bouvardia The maid of honor Miss Mary Rose Sexton sister of the bride wore gown of blue taffeta with roll collar andinset neckline of blue net Shewore blue plumed headdress and carried horseshoe bouquetof Tred Briarcliff roses and white baby mumsa The bridesmaids Miss Louise MacDonald of Toronto and Miss Marie Leslie of Toronto sister of the groom were in deep rose and pale rose taffeta with capes and hello borlnets to match their gowns They carried horseshoe bouquets of whitebaby mums and Johanna and pink Delight roses groomsmanand the ushers were Frank Sexton Gerhard Moran and Edmund Pottss 7At the reception which was held at the home Of the brides parents 34 Eugenia Street Ms Sexton mother ofthe bride received the guests wearing wine crepe with black accessories and corsage of Johanna roses with ostrich plumes Mrs Leslie the grooms mother was in Gainsborough blue and wore greyr accessories and cor sage Of pink Briarclitf roses with ostrich plumes The bride and groom left on wedding trip to Niagara Falls Ont VPompi Detroit and New York City The bride travelled in navy gab ardine suit with matching accessor ies wearing corsage of pink Dream roses On their return the bride and groomwlll make their IIE BARBIE EXAMINER UARRIIL ONTARIO CANADA Married at Stoyner MR AND MRS NORMAN BANNERNIAN are seen signing the register following their recent Wedding in Stliyiier Anglican hurch Rev Ialstonc who performed the marriage ceremony is on the right Nor man is the son of Mr and Mrs Floyd Ilaiuiirman of Stayner Ills liridc the former Miss Wilma llodgllis is the daughter of Mr and Mrs II origins of Stliyiier They plan to make their home in Barrie Photo by Henry II Rookel BELLE EWART October ll Mrs ll Qiiziiill visited lll Cooks ville aild lolonto for Thanksgiving The spccnll llilillksgivmg serv ms were well attended on Sunday evening in the Baptist church Miss Elma Qllantl attended the Ieachi convention in Hamilton on Friday weekend in Buffalo The Thanksgiving weekend was ideal weather for holiday ilidl llolicr ll Mr and Mrs lloward liclcey of Mr and Mls llarly Kclcey Mr tlllI Mrs lottmin ilid family of Toronto visited on Sunj day With Mr alid Mrs Paul lope Mr and Mrs llcrli Shannon Dorothy Donald and lilioda Mae spent Sunday with friends iilKitI clielicr Mr and Mrs Bruce Wicc and family Vtllltl and Louise Shimi lion spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs ccil Sheardowli Sunday visitors at Coch laiies were Miss Bessie aldwcll of Ivy Mr and Mrs Eldon Wicc of Strollil and Miss Vcllla Wice of Toronto and spent the holiday quite number were in town at their summer homes Mrs Gibbons of Churchill cele brated lier lllst bilthday on Oct 11 her Mrs Mul birthday to She is ill alid staying with daughter Mrs Walton len celebrated her 87th on Oct 10 Congratulations these two voting ladies Among those ili town forthc holi day were Mr and Mrs Brown ing and Grace of Toronto at their cottage Mr and Mrs Walter Stev enson of Toronto Mr and Mrs Al bert Cllndall and Douglas Miss Harrison and Lorne Baxter of Tor ontowith Mr and Mrs George Baxter Mr and Mrs Gordon Saun ders Julie Walton of Toronto and lsobcl Walton of Barrie with Mrs Walton Miss Beth Chappell ric at her home Mrs Atkinson of Toronto with her mother Mrs Mullen Mrs llildoii and Joan and Walters of Toronto with Rillletts Mark Whan of Toronto at his cottage 77A CROSSROADS Oli Singapore is an island Zti miles long alid l4 miles wide with an ariri of 220 square miles If SI Lake Superior is the largest fresh water lake in the world Susan Ruflctt Swallowcd Topper Little Susan Riiflett was playing with large copper and swallowed it She was taken to the RV Hos pital Barrie for Xrays DIGRIENrELJw WW October 10 Look in Coming Events for particulars Of Fowl Supper and good program Quite number from this coni munity attended the anniversary services at Utopia on Sunday Oct to hear Rev Lacey who was former minister Miss Norine Barrett entertained TOWN BM Mil5 ltlltlllll of chlic Kalle ceiltly finial tin lift fill tnl Lili liiylif lw ltlllilllil spent the weekend with group of friends at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Lorne Barrett Friday evening on the occasion of her birthday The evening was spent in playing cards after which Mrs Barrett served dainty lunch 7W Meeting The WA metln the Grcnfcl United Church Wednesday after noon Oct with 18 present and Mrs Wilbur Walton presiding and also in charge of the devotional period Mrs Donnelly read letters and cards for flowers and fruit from the sick and the be reaved The rest Of the afternoon was spent in planning for the fowl supper after which lunch was served in the basemeht The Nov cmbcr meeting will be atlers Bunts home Angus Bride and Groom Honored large number gathered at Pine Grove School Thursday evening Oct when the newlyweds Mr and Mrs Bruce Gardiner received shower of beautiful miscellane ous gifts The address was read by Mrs Everard Harris and the gifts presented by Mrs Frank Holmes and Mrs Everard Harris Bruce expressed their thanks for all the lovely gifts Lunch was served and the evening was spent in dancing Newaduys its no trick of all to pay cl visit to the folks back home on the farm Over thou sands of milespotw Ontarios highways fastrand modern buses home in Toronto Outioftown guests at the wed ding came from Toronto Phelpi ston Cayugaand Cobourg Fares Are Low Largo rOnONTO $300 convenient service direct to the form gale WWW HUNTSVILLE $445 gt in ORILLIA $120 and ROUND TRIP IIIOIIICVBIVOMIIIIIS Especially pteparod to treat Bronchial Autumn and Chronic Bronchitis doc to upper resplrotlny infection Cliniciai tests have proved the efficacy of liInllgen It you suffer tho misery and dlxlrau of Ironchlol Asthma or Chronlc Brdnchltiuturttoking cation today on Tolfofwlth this new addition to tho luntlgon family ol prov dluolvod Oral Vaccines lilliiiolll luminous IIMITED lulumull sot iononio Lulu Subject to change provide frequent nd iitTi iltitm Itl an lilli fill in acct Etit It SIIION to tllljic SPECIAL PISTONS BISllIIS CUFPEE CREAMS LOBLAWS IOIS CHRISTMAS CAKE LOBLAWS JACK JILI PEANUT BUTTER UNGRADIIl SIZE Libbys Fancy Polls AYLMER ADDED IECTIN RASPBERRY Jlilll MOTHER JACKSONS lb 29 each 49 35 iUc oz Lin33 IiiIll OZ Jillt 214 Jlrril ill tillllSl 31c lllliriii ilillr CHEESE aa 25 IllcllIRliNS Pimento tlueen fllives om ORANGE PEKOE 34c Mother Purkers Tell has 54 CHOCOLATE 0r WHITE TILBEST CAKE llllx 33c GRIMSBY Sweet Mixed Pickles 27 HOMEMADE STYLE MINCEMEAT Milan in 25 GARDEN PATCH CHOICE cor Golden Wail Beans elfla 25c SHIELD BRANDT gt Slllllll lililissnll 19c SHELLS 6r READY cur iiiliil iiilitillililll 2m Zlc JEWEL SHUilTENlNG 31$ lllYS tinfoil air29c MllllIiElilI MillifilllllllE 35c Bovril Cuties Mlle 25c CTN PKG PKG QUART PREMIUM PKG 21 NEWPORT FLUFFS PLIoiiligi BAG 66c GRAPE JUICE ED SMITHS are no CHUM DUE FUIlll ta IYUNS TElI ORANGE iEKOE ea 59c Junker BRAND iiliilili POWDERS pl23c MBHIWS one plump sun1n 12 ullsnclill WHITE WHOLE WHEAT 2402 GARDEN CRACKED WHEAT LOAF FRESH CALIFORNIA VALENCIA Swsgr JUICY Concrete Blocks Gravel 83nd INNISFII CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phones Stroud 21B51 Barrie 2369 Fthliil 333 with Me LIQUID Willi AEROWAX will 69 roILEr soar IlllSIIMEIIE BUUUUET 335 12c vMEllTY PIIUNESMEWEM sue iziiailillllisnlillililii rafts and Vegetables PAGE ELEVEN =xI RR Harrie III2N LEE LEE All ll iii Ll ii tidal Illtdd PRICES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 13 I4 IS l5lltL oz TIN IN TOMATO slicer oz rm sriiAiNiiii REM PRODUCTS SPAGHETTI Zilliilas Blillil ltlllllS mans WITH IIFESIC IIIIAM SAUCE 17c IN TOMATO SALCII 5FL liliitiilloill 21c Pollllallrlills Juniorloolls MUSTARD atlas 9c VINEGIIR WHITE Willi 14c KETCIIUP altitzllc 57 SAUCE otilla25c CHILI SAUCE olti32c IIIIIIB Bill SOUP BElil loFL oz TINS 98 TINS TOMATO SOUP TINS VEGETA BLE SOUP TIN CREAM of CELERY SOUP TIN BEEF NOODLE SOUP BllBO ciiiliillzii 130 um Iolila solll 90 LGE PKG 34c IVORY MIPS LGE PKG 34c LGE PKG 34 Will SIIIIW1 LGE PKG 34c STlIlI AMMONIA POWDER szasl3c IIIIIIN PASTE WAX 1LB TIN 59c TIN CAKE pm 10c ILB BAG lbsi3lc iii 35c 29c CllllMP CLEANER Plllllll DATES SAIR VELVET tillle Pllsrliii riuilli REGULAR or SMINUTE CREAM UP WHEAT 2802 PKG ROYAL Illllli GlIlIlN RICE 13 19 ociiLv1E SCOTCH OATMEAL 25195 200 ALLENS ifsFL APPLE JUlIiE oz TIN 23 REGULAR PKGS PLUS 106 PKG ainsllilsrlici TISSUES 39c AYLMER cililsrlliilznl lilllillili in Me wun GRAVY pal37 SIZE7 SIZE SIZE 288 gag R3 33 AT LEAST oNEsiz AVAILABLE hens ONTARIO SNOWWHITEcALllLon Lge Size CANADA NO New BRUNSWICK PUTIITUES lbs IllLB BAG ONTARIO NO GRADE Booking Unions GOLDEN WAXED CalorieNo Crisp Juicy McIntosh Ileils lbs ourmic GROWN Illlthlll Clllllltlls Ontario Green Pascal Sweetslotllloes Eellimit SllIIKS Ready To Unihuh llelloiiilile LOBIAWGROCHERIASC uni isLli JAG 296 tor siza

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