Id Davey ti Toronto his TUCS litckcn wrth Rev here Miss Bes one Mr and Mrs Chus ltJlS McLean Barrie ilis Boon tlkKlIiI Bruce from June 3141 Miss Eva Raiiisdy vi Ililici was home Bert Armstrong fiti1 Wilkinson and Most mlir Wilkinson Toronto spent with Mrs July Long Lllld Weekend holiday guest of his 11 it Miss Patricia liuiignzin in her Sister ll Toronto days Mrs Mrs Archie McLean Slitlltllllll few days in Toronto and while there attended the Oldl iIch Picnic it High Pork M15 mill Ann of Clinton were re guests of Mr and Mrs 1c1iddcn and Miss 21 Cornish nnivcisiry servrces of the loc lirsbytcriun churcth are to bc lltltl its follows Iownlinc Sunday Ill First Essa gilttuber tookstown Sunday Oc mm Elwood McFadden manager ofi London Ruyner of Hamilton and Mr and Closed for Holidays July 16 The Wright Cleaners CLEANING DYEING and REPAIRING PHONE 5531 5532 Shuw Visiting ilrr stcr ham George rind Clark 112111 rind lugstivn ii Scotland is visiting ii town 11 Smith Norman Blolcy liiriiiitv weckcnd Willi AGlass and Mrs spent in few days in loiuu ing friends Miss Joyce 1It llllltl lizir ittimii LI Hill of IHuiiti txl 11i grunt lis port Mrs John Mrs Jzick Duckworth II lort Lorri Dm dcrdulc Florida visited With Mr and Mrs McFadden for ii few days Albert Kcll Czunpbcll flurry Jcbb Miss llor tlltt ziinpbcll Mr ilwn Mr and Mrs Billy Vsilk cr Illis Jzick Walker and Mr and Alis tuuiplicll llittk Vitliilltl Mrs Norman und Mrs uid Mrs Mr Izit Al Hawkins Alix and and Mrs lriiI Frank Fidlcr ittendcd tbclJlm Caldwell Reunion Midland and liolnizi ISIIUTSIdecorated 111 pink and white with wore oru Simmons with Mr and wpddjng bells overhanging it MlS Ed 311111110115 Jilmt SUUWI llwo decorated chairs awaited the land with Mr rind Suthcrrlyoung couple Miss Eileen Clail Burric linker Baker with Audrcy tzimpbcll with Mr Ellld Mrs Now inzin 2impbcll Isobel IJirinotl 211 litr home with hlr zind Mrs lcrniolt At 11 Norma Mrs land and Runkins Funeral Among the relatives and friends funeral of the llllv 11 Rankin on Friduy were Mr and Mrs Tinconibe of Mon Miss Mubcl Rankin of Chi cugo und Mr and Mrs 11 Cole mun of Barrie 1id Well at Exams ongrzitulutions to the pupils of who attended the trcnl 424797 Vii Ill norMARKED ll YOULL APPRECIATE POLICY OF EVERY PRICE ITEM CONSTANT YES MARKING FOR YOUR PROCTECTION PAYS TO SHOP AT YOUR BEST BREAD BUY ANN PAGE OVEN FRESH MILK BREAD SLICIID WIIITI 24m loaf 12c CUSTOM GROUND 110111111 COIFEE isle 1501 iar ANN PAGE FAMOUS MAYONNIIISE YUKON CLUB Contents Only GINIIER 111E 230 bus 19c MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR WHITE CAKEVMIXwrr maritim MAPLE LEAF TEA B1511 41 CLOVERLEAF WHITE MEAT Turinsir NEW LOW PRICE KRIIFT DINNER Redeem Your Libbys Baby Feed Coupons at IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIII FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ORANGESCALIFORIA VALENCIA 344 dot IMPORTED TRANSPARENT NEW CROP No IMPORTED NEW VERDELLI 300s LINESPRISON JUICY LARGE SIZE 117 can 33 POTATOESWW New trinity HEART Native Grown FreshNew Crop being hatvented pardon freshJ daily Green Beans Wax Beans Gauliow Head Lettuce BLUE BRANiiliiiif ZSteuksor Roasts ml sources GRADE Thank you for your gestionsl sug Thousands of our custom ers have been kindenOugh to write us letters telling us just wheythey like and dont like about their AP stores Every one Of the letters received as been carefully any of themhave contained helpful sugges tions as to how we can make APsgores better places to every one of them has helped us learn the kind of food and service our cus tomers want lunch The pihtihg Ofthe booth slides in the Recreational Parkaiid studied 1391 ng F127 Show So thanks to all our good friends and please keep the letters coming APPI LEMON 29 to lie pkg Please write Customer Relations Dept AP FoodStores 135 Laughton Avenue Toronto Ontario lbs Bradford Pam No on First of the season 19 er cucumberq outrt Bryon3slumwtimxvuabrushrw gliuuiiiiummiiiiiiumiiunmmumuiiimimiiiuiimmimimm itiliipliiiiiiii RED rie hospital 77 FPORTEBHIlll Liverpool our mgpuitsr I49 McAitONiAND cheese 0R 12WTCHIi0AP so VIRGINIA mu SEA own in Winnerowl FRESH YOUNG MILK FED GRADE emeritus 49 FRESH ymnv MILKFED CHICKENS comer cums 9m FRESH RESTIGQUCHE somersmx choice LAKE Fred Tebo all been visiting at the home of 412 lb up 41 53 1b59 53 nplb in st 51 IILLEIS 31 IlllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllll large The Sunday Sc 95 SHE FRESH money Iliumiiiiiimmiiuiiminimimmu IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIlllIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII GUTHRIE July vlr qIAl ITIB Howard Campbell end Sllch 15lcd Rev and 5W It this new of Wintby last weck land Mr and hits Hodgsor v3 Mrs Win Campbell for Li longer tsit Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bub Be tEflIlifI Miss Franch Blacki who vere married in Tor onto or June 30 ing Ilxlll on June 24 Mrs jBluck of tlowcs cnturtiiined at lroussmu teii in honor of France Maury Guthrie friends attended ucikend visitors Robert Siti clziir of Estevon Sask his grand daughter Mrs 11 Mohns and her daughter Sherry with the ornurs niece tlrs Newton Bes Miss Marion Gray of Toronto vzit Ilowoid Campbells Miss Jac queline Pearson Toronto with Miss Miriam Hesse Miss Jciin Huwkins Oshziwu Mr and Mrs orncroy of Pclcrboro who cic iziiirricdrcccnlly John Laud and Margaret Land of Couksvillcl Shower for NewlyWeds Last Thursday evening vet huge crowd guthcrcd ill the Cunt inunity Hall to shower recent bride and gronm Mr and Mrs Cards and crokin ole were played The gift table it lthc front of lltc hall was daintilv read 11 SpillltllllglltltlltSS and the tlllll1tll carried in the large dis play of miscellaneous gifts Jun llliltlt Ii neat little thank you speech Refreshments were served in the diningroom Miss Murion Webb who were suc cessful in recent examinations Grade Honors William John Reynolds luss Eric Jonathan Reynolds Crude Honors Fraser William Taur Grade Honors Shirley Bziwdcn Margaret Ann iCzirr Roderick Coutts Pass Mur icl Allen Childrens Day iimp The Day Camp for Children will commence on Friday July ll Children registered for this projch will please bring drinking cup with handle sweater or coat and lunch Water will be provided IAssemblc at 915 sharp at the Fair Grounds Miss Fern Ilainpcl Ul the Simcoc County recreation coni mittcc will be the leader assisted by Betty Gilroy ind Dorccn Baker itcgistrzition forms may be procur cd from Mrs Chas Jevons Over 50 at Afternoon Tea Mrs McMastcr Drury For cst Barrie entertained at an After noon Teri Saturday June 25 at Toronto in honor of her daughter Wilma who is being married this summer Those pouring too were Mrs Whitelock of St Cathar incs Mrs Olive McMastcr Regina Sask and Mrs Gowdy Toronto Ovcr fty guests attended from Cookslown Alliston Maple King Unionvillc Markham and Toronto Presbyterian WMS Meeting The regular meeting of the Pres bytcrian WMS was held at Mrs Gordon Pattons on Tuesday with 16 ladies present After the busi ness very interesting program was carried out Miss Wallace and Miss Jack sang lovely duct Tic Shepherd of Love The ladies were divided into two groups for contest which was much enjoyed Miss Rilla Jack valuable mem ber Of the church choir and the Ladies Auxiliary who is leaving shortly was presented with brief case by Mrs Mumberson on behalf of the WA and cupand saucer by rMrs Patton on behalf of the WMS Mrs HSmith read thcad dress In the remainder of the evening social time was enjoyed over delicious lunch Many Activities of WI The June meeting of the W1 Ook placein the Town Hall with teen ladies present Mrs Couse was in the chair and Mrs Jevons acted as secretary The roll call was answered by the paying of fees The arrangement of the pup ils Day Camp was completed committee was formed to arrange bus to Midland to the quilt and rug fair on July 28 The cost is to be $2 for the return trip and all attending should take picnic at the fair grounds was discussed $50 was voted to up swings and ways and means were spoken of to further help this project The pro gram was in charge of the Execu Thu Friday evcu Secy Hurry Martin Treas Teach clS Iitgilllltlt Mrs Ruikes regular Miss Peggy Oliver supply1 Mrs Viau regular Mrs Af More supply Primary Mrs run again munitions ommo comma WM GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIITS TOYS WHERE YOU 311 MORE FOR LESS WHITE ENAMELLED REFRIGERATORS For ice only Sizes $4995 and $6495 Two Good Used Ice Boxes Domestic Large for $2500 Commercial Barnet The Domestic 51mm BAY By HWWi Rev Mr Lark On Sunday June 26 Rev Lark preached the Sermon Rev Mr Lurk was paying short 3151 to see old friends while on tlccwlpdlllcd them and Iilllalllvd ms way back to Manitoba St Thomu Sundxy School Officers George Wilson Supt Art More Supply Supt Mrs Gibson Gibson regular Mrs Dingman regular Mrs Oliver supply supply Juniors Mrs Ierryl Seniors Jack Kendall regularl Iun Welsmzin supply Learn to Swim Classes For Rural Children The minimum age will be lll be for halfhour in length and lcllipttilltllt of water and Vttlllltl1 years There Vlll bc classes It the llcctory Beach every Tuesday at tvrnoon from 230 to p111 con tinuing until August Each class permitting Will be followed by general plll period There will be no charge for the lessons Every eight children coming to the classes should be accompanied by one iidiilt These classes are under the Suncoe County Recreational om iiiittcc At Shanty Bay on iittcznpt will be llliltlt to touch prcscliool children after the above classes are organized eremony at Game On Wednesday evening June 291 there was it ball game between the Barrie Cubs and Shanty Boy Cubs Harrie winning 1110 During thci game it vcry interesting ceremony took place On June small boy Iviin King fell off the wharf and Donald Simpson only llycars old rain and told the lads mother who was able to rescue her son Mrs King took the opportunity of making ziw presentation to Donald Simpson and told the Shanty Buy and Barrie Cubs that if it had not been for the quick thinking of Donald she would not have her son today Following the game tlic boys had 21 fine time with hot dogs From The Spanner The following is front of The Spanner the Canadianch stuff pipcrof June 1949 Still another record in who has the old est St Johns Certificate census now being conducted through The Spanner by company veterans Newest champion is 11 Wintcrl Of ShzintyBuyI who before being pcnsioncd in 1987 was carmzipsi helper at Toronto Union Station Mr Winter holds St John certifi cute dated June 1895 which beats by three years the record Of his nearest contender to date Lam bertvof Winnipeg who received his in 1898 Mr Winter completed his examination in London Eng land He received his home 11 ing certificate and medal issued or schicc by the brigade in 1897 his medallion number is 16537 He has carried his pocket certicate with him since receiving it 55 years ago Its bit the worse for wear says Mr Winter but it can still be read Fy WAVERLEY July Miss Phoebe Dent is visiting friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs Lloyd French Al liston visited at Owen Frenchs Miss Loretta McWatters of Tor onto visitcd at Elmer Frenchs Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Harry Willis on the arrival of daughter Norm Greenwood of Kenosha Wisc is visiting Mr and Mrs Farney Miss Hazel Vallentyne Toronto village Mrs Gordon Smith nee Mildred Corner The bride with her mother and motherinIaw were seated on decorated chairs behind gaily decorated table with background of pink and white streamers festooned in gay little loops Her girl friends presented the decorated cartons of gifts and many beautiful articles were re received by the Winsome bride and gratefullyacknowledged dain ty lunch completed the evenings activities The bridal couple left for their new home in Oba Wed nesday evening where he is em played as aSSistant station agent taking with them the best wishes of the community for their health tive Miss Cowan conducted and prosperity contest which was won by Mrs Monkman Mrs Long gave two readings on Dominion Day and Mrs Couse gave an interesting pa er on Historical Research and ac vities of Womens Institutes from the time of organization af ter which lunch was served by the executive July Mr and Mrs Pete Letts spent the weekend in Sutton Miss Jean Ralston motored with friends to Pittsburgh and spent the long holiday there MrsK Young and Anne of Toronto are visiting with Mr and Mrs Arnold Young and family Mr and Mrs John OHearn and Larry of St Catharines are spend irig holidays with Mrsj0Hearn Dont forget the carnival and street dance uly8 Come Out and enjoy the fun see Coming Events Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Morley Clements On the safe arrlv 14 al of theirbaby son born in Bar Mr and Mrs Rov Houghtori Bril an and Anne of Fort Frances are spending holidays With Mrs Houghtons parents Mr and Mrs Mr and MrsvG Robinson and baby fromSault Ste Marie Mr and Mrs New Land family from Chatham and Mr and Mrs Matt Bell and family from King have their parents Mrand Mrs CI Allan New Pastor Takes Charge Rev John Morris began his mirr istry on the StroudLefroy charge on Sunday Despite the terric heat wave the attendance at the morning service here fairly 001 has been cancelleduntll further notice The WMS will hold their July meeting at the home of Mrs Stephens next Wednesday July 13 at 230pm Allare welcome Shower For Bride on Tuesday evening the churc people and otherfriends tendered 3e shower to recentxbrlde of the Jsroitrs SLAcKs 0f fine Tropicallltayon Leg Lengths 31 to ins Sizes 34 to 38 ifortiibleiend ZeiierThrutPric edl Style shOwng made of good quality 9Tropical Rayon with pleated front Zipper flyfront 4eckets59e1t 10995 Grey 9f3WD plain or striped THURSDAY JULY 1949 ===o=o==oz=o==omoz===or=o===lox=o Electric Fans For Comfort $695 $750 $975 $1195 $1450 ELECTRIC HOI PLATES Burner $198 $440 $595 $745 $945 $1375 COLEMAN GAS STOVES Burner Some have legs lllltl splash backs $3995 PERFECTION Burner OIL STOVE $5750 $5000 has galvanized Lining The Commercial Porcelain Enamel lined ROLL PAPER TOWEL HOLDERS 35c Red Green Ivory FISHING TACKLE FOR YOUR FANCY Baits Rods Reels Tackle Boxes PRESERVE KETILES Enamel Aluminum $200 $300 $395 SINGLE BURNER on srovrs $350 Connor Electric Washers Connor Gasoline Washers man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong which Is but saying in other words that lie is wiser today than he was yesterday Tennis and Golf Balls LAWN BOWLS Townsend Clark Set $3400 Electric Rangettes $5700 $6800 $8400 88495 TABLE MODEL RANGETTES 3m DED FLY SPRAY 29c 49c to $195 Containing per cent DDT MOTH CRYSTALS Large Pkg 49c $2500 SOFT BALLS nud SOFT BALL BATS SOFT BALL GLOVES DICADOO PASTE CLEANER LimitHose INozzlcsiand Sprinklers MEAT SLICER SPECIAL 5995 CCM BICYCLES and TRICYCLES PYREX FLAMEWARE SETS Siiucepyans Skillet and Handle PRESTO ALUMINUM WARE SETS Cast Aluminum Beautiful Finish Pieces Dutch Oven Frying Pans Sauccpans and Pyrex Covers HOUSE PLANT WATERING CANS 796 WHITE EARTHENWARE JUGS Sizes 49c 75c $100 TIDECORATED JUGS DUTCH SHAPED 90c $120 $150 45c SALE OF DINNERWARE CONTINUES Sets of 32 Pieces Reg $1150 for $895 HAND PAINTED DINNER SETS ON SALE 42 66 and 96 Pieces in Set $1495 $2495 $3395 FLORAL DECORATED Breakfast Sets $1150 $1195 $1275 and $1350 Thirty two pieces in these new sets SPECIAL $295 $2595 omo=xo=o====o===o SETS of 96 Pieces Grand Decoration $3395 $4150 $5300 $7500 $7995 and Iililldens Points Varnislics and Enambls HA RR RMS TRONG 98 104 DUNLOP ST ix===lo=ro===o=lo===o=o====or=ro===or=ro===o=02 Mrs Johnson and aunt Mrs Eva Drinkill Congratulations to Watters o=o==o=m=ox=ox==o==or=o===o=o=====xcr=on=mo=o PHONE 2801 spent the weekend with chmu Drinkill Mrs Jack Morrison and family Midland spcnt Armstrongs Miss Dianna Burton of Toronto holiday at her home missed The evening was spent in few games conducted by Miss chmzi Drinkill after which Mrs Lorne Archer read an address and Elmer Frenchand Lorne Archr presenteddo Mrs Caston lamp and on endtable to Mr Devine smokers stand after which lunch was served Jb my AN EXAMINER WANT mom 6414 Buddy Mc Ken Snider and Tom Kulckyzcski who passed their En Entrance Friday at Lloyd trance passed Farewell Address farewell part the school lawn esday evening for our teachers Mrs Caston and Mr Devine who will be greatly class spent here lamp and Chester Townes Presentatlon and girls Orillia visited at Thos Robsons Mr and Mrs McArthur Of Camp bellford called on Mr and Mrs Hornsby Mr and Mrs Beard and children hohday and Mrs was held on of Toronto spent weekend at Mrs Scarletts Mrs Annie Jordon Orillia and Mrs Miller and son Coldwater visited Mrs Wood Mr and Mrs Roy Brown Saskatchewan formerfis sister Mrs Searl Adamson and Ted spent Friday with Mr Adamsorrat Sunnybrook Hospital Toronto Misses Noreen and Doris Sproule thel holiday weekend with Mr and Mrs Wood Mr and Mrs Irwin Elliott and Aldene spent the weekend at Tor Aldene remaining for Special Feature Value for Boys 25423 PHONE 2439 visiting Mrs Luke Of Toronto spent 75 SHIRTS and 511 nrsj White Gottenknit 999 59l111 Sizes 24 to 34 rance week Mr and MrsMorley French and girls Brantford spent few days at Chas Frenchs and with other relatives Delores and Beverley Howe bf Tlmmins areholidaying with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Bannister large attended the Union SS picnic at Little Lake on Thursday and all reported good time Charlie and Brock Johnson of Lindsay called on their mother number Retailers to Thrifty Canadians THE SWING T0 sronrs SLACKS tht are cool com3g anLiinwALUE each Inrthefl Boys wear Section Goods SATISFACTORY or your money refunded ZELLERS LIIYIITED 60 DunlOp St BARBIE Help um iieip Kiddies11f ifi SPECIAL PURCHASE from Nationally Famous Maker of Athletic Underwear makes this feature the Buy of the Season forthe Young chips in lhhniiyifmme hey you value iiem medpt bottom with tapeneck and armopenmgs Shotto Ines 98o Value with full elastic Waist doublfrohtpenel 1x ribknit legcpenlngsi Wittfot lockeeams VSATURDAY IULY 23 Mount 1er DAY BARBIE KINSMEN CLUB mo ZELLERISLIMITED honoree anew our