Barrie Examiner, 7 Jul 1949, p. 17

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PAGE mom BOZO See the 1949 Vanguard Sedan with its all steel ponderich body providing rust proof protection liour cylinder motor with valve in head Ample room ior six passengers DELIVERY WIIIIIN DAYS PAIGE lENNETI Sales Service ilirs Service Station 150 Bradford St Phone Barrie 3405 providnu IllMy or power at approx 35 miles per NEW DIRECT BUS SERVICE EVERY WEEIlENII Via No 27 Queen Elizabeth Highways vmBARRIE TO HAMILTON Mm NOW IN EFFECT Saturdays Sundays and Holidays Daylight Time ARRIVE HAMILTON 535 p111 910 p111 LEAVE RARRHC 250 pm pm LEAVE HAMILTON 7115 am 1235 pm ARRIVE BARRIE 1030 am 320 p111 ROUND IlnIP FARE HAMILTON $480 Tickets and Information at HAHHIE IlllS TERMINAL PHONE557I GRAY COACH LINES ll lL EREI am ready to go Out My work is all done and unbelievable as it may seem my washing is on the line washing no neighbour could possibly crit icise thanks to my new Simplicity VWasher am stillnmazed at its speed and thoroughness and ease of handling wouldnt be with outi for anythingt Now only$12550 cur ulmplrium Gyms halving up antral Stream Sphith metal cover Lifetime lubricated rubber irnANGIRFI Il li ll VISIIIA Senior Iliiuinl lilali Gen Dwight Eisenhower And Party are Guests Jack Little in Labrador llamlny Ii iti Siicoi truly lildilr Zal IXIIIKII lilil Douglas lttill litxi lust ll liul KIILL slain flora liiuisliau Lint to liitl Elniii Iltkil 13 iii Ill tili ll llllid SJIIiIIIC lliirlllOi II lliliii Duvall ll SS VIISIRA lircnfcli Litcu alphabetically lltltiiltlitl on years uozhi lnn 11111 Lharlcs 511 lizaie Tr llellllt McMaster llitl Soc llilililil lilley IIlluirn llon limit iT 1ilyn VtiiSIItip lttl lioiiiiclly Edna InnaIronIllaziir flux Snaiiow hall lll 1iuicna McGiir Ii iiii lllll llazcld lltclzaidson iiadi Wilfred lceer Ray 11llilllilltl lilill Rae liord Yvonne lnnzi will llcilrni llli l1111ll laltozi arl Val lli llll lllll lonn Jon tll pp Ziadc ll rlc Conpland Iron and lraclier iloiloii Iliiliia Windatt Glade 31 liicddu Rowers Rog 551HH ci liicIi Marie 1ord Ronald Name iliiiiiii onh Harris Dennis Slack Patricia to l1 nii jaais ll1 Sgiaiiow liciitcii Walton 13 llllllt lJ lIdwin Donnelly Noiu Ioti intI Iiliiilllill lit 1111 Hill Ohm BUN lliiimi ll iillilicn Iililwill llllllil Hill IilixllltW JZKklt Til tirade inm Johnston tiiiii lliinc Tiller Mnlhl Iliaon iiade Bobby Milford Aurlin tiigzht litiM mono lcnnctt Tttithtl trade to Dorothy Andiewsp Ilctt nin lioriu aldwilL $5 SUNNIDALE loycv ainpliill liliclo Gilchrist Ilitlicll Keith ltillnii Anne Johnstong Names 11 alphabetical order llaiwy Sioci Grade to Raymond Calder tirade to Raiionl Duncan 1101 SlTJlHNSUH lat lliiligtll til it iIJide to El ilil Cillll IIUIlillll RUDSUII lurid aldwcll lllian Campbell lll1lll lloiiulil Duncan Iiiust repeat tiliillt arithmetic and tipLllllll lctcr lolniston Grade to Harvey Andrews Roliert aiiipliill Ralph Johnson Jack Robson Grade William cati ylisi Marion lilltxy lcaehei Duncan rc SS SINNIIHLE ornhilli trade lionald oc hi Tyn tlna Sciijinken hi Verna Rawn Ihi lrado LT Lois foe hi lleleti lliilloyle lhi 1nricl Rawn pi liude li llclen llirlehey hi Johnnie Howii li Joaan Switxcr hi latricia Thompson hi trail Illlclla Toe hi Gar nctt Inelitlieari hi Donna Swit cr hi Marjory lIirlchey hi Doriulas Rawn pi Grade 127 BCVLllt Anne Cotil ter hi lrenda Rawn hi Gordon llirlehcy pi llilton lawn pi William 11s pi Georgina Rawn pi Mrs ll Shanahau Teacher SS 0R0 Grade tl1tonald Slessor Della May Donna Strachan Glen McArthui Shirley Ash Doreen Dawson Joan Annis Grade to 7DOIII121 Bidwell Hazel Hayes Ted Burtch Martin McAllister Gwen Musgraves Billy McLean Billy Sheardown Louis Cockburn Lance Weathcrill Grade to 5Rcta Bidwell Dianna Slessor Martha Annis E1 da Hutchinson Ronald Dawson Barry Musgravcs Stanley Brown Grade to 4Eunice Cockburn Patsy Hackctt Dianna Hutchinson Bobby Bonneym Charles Shear down Grade to 3Marilyn McLean hr Leonard Bouncy Joseph An nis David Annis Larry Anderson Grade lo 2G1en Bidwell Geo Hutchinson Eddie Cockburn Jim rie Slicardouin Miss Ncss Teacher FERNDALE SCHOOL No 12 Vespra To Gradc 7Kenny Crowe Al lan Hooper Murray LongsonHar old Phillips Evelyn Phillips TO Grade 6Ve1vaCarter To Grade SRoy Dunne Jack Elliott Kenneth Pringle Peter Stractsman Teddy Watson Shir ley Crowe Patricia Mitchell To Sr Grade 3Dianne Coulson Harry DunncfGeorge Dunne Rob 1EZClh1 Ronnie Graham Hannel John Mason Charles iMil Jobst burn To Grade 3Carlyle Atkinson Larry Carter Donald Miller Billy Sutures To Sr Grad 2Joanne Clough ley Neil Graham Pearl Montgom ery Myrna Phillips Gerry Long son To Grade 2Jean Montgomery Howl Callinger Lougheed Teacher SS 12 GWILLIMBURY Names appear alphabetically Honors indicatedon personal re ports Grade7i to BJa Grade to lElaine CookeAr lene Sturgeon Grade I5ito GJanice Bateman Robert Cooke Larry Edney Jack Brakes To An 65 couples ST BECOURTEOUs mes Patchett Dontllrivc Public Menace For Sgtetys querLet Us CheClEYour Car p011 These Important Points Steering lv Wheel Alignment We Specialize 111 Brake Service ITOHACAN suuvtcu iuANAGuu Grade to Rodger Ilrockwcll lllllll litisser hi Grade in Leonard Kozak Edward Neill loiiu Ncbb Grade to Marilyn Ritchie Ihi Donald Rogers hi Ililtlcll to 3rltarold Rogers 11 Marion Wood hi Grade to 21v1crvyn BIOCRWCII hi1lcanor Calder hi Kenneth Stephenson hi Betty Wood Gradi 1A to 1l37Carol Arnold Dorothy Bates Teacher ELMVALE July Mel and Roy Rowal of Mattawa new home for the weekend Mrs Jack Calvert and Bobby Toronto are visiting friends in lilinvale and Wildinaii Beach Mrs Simpson is spending month with her mother Mrs Edward Dutchcr gt Norman and Leonard Ineson oil the guest of his sister Mrs A1 Trace over the wclfend and Mrs John Andrew andl daughters Toronto spent few THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIEjoomiKRIO CANADA li1 ooku Mary 41 NEW WATER LINK 51 JOHNS Nfld CF iadais two Island proxiizcu are now bullied by new freight SHVICC THURSDAY JUL 1949 Ln ACE TAXI Dial 5555 10 July tllliotor ship Eskimo recently chdlil 11 21 0pc Cd rum Th gutcling of L9 vl1tgtllui turllil ll ILIIL1A1gtII nu Mcntrcal lgtl Thur ens liistitnte Wlli be hrld at llm product Oct ear Lin Lo on qt we chi lainze of Mrs Cough on ScCgl coasts of Nettieindium Littlc ho is general mood Itcsda Jin 11 im IIUIZIL eeulu the Labrador Mlllllig and Ollilk conxuncr Mrs McDonald COSHPBHX 101d 9115 will be in charge of the meetzigl he woiilzl have General and the roll call will be wear your licl and party from the 110ic dzcss or elsiW Mrs 11 My Swab f0 mp ham Swiucr is responsible Ci rm tltlllu1lulltli as hell iigt Icpoli on the nhowct and his par taken to the camp licad Dummy no at Rurnt Creek Labra It Lairodor Mining and Ex ompany ls engaged in 11 1111 liondollar development ion mo and Jack Little is the THIJi manager This develop gt probably the largest min project in the worlds history Reid is able 11 mil in senrid years before ore produced on commercial scale MB Mlllltl MCAIUIUF on mmm Irurnvg and Rockclille is with her aunt and iii are being built power plants mm md MA and Luvs are being constructed and uncys are beinii continued on tremendous scale Misses Joan Currie left BELIE Ewan July Miss 1C Quantr started to sum ltl school in Toronto this week The hot dry weather continues lil We had nice shower on Mon 12 311 ind Mrs Gordon Rutfctt and daughter Linda of Montreal leti voting with Mr and Mrs Rul 1111 Mr Blackwutcl with Mr and uncle for her Miss Doris SS No it She will Electric Fans 60 cycle Blades Special at $495 81 33359 Camping Specials LOWEST PRICES IEillllLFlllE spending the week with Army Blankets W001 Reg $450 rs Bishop My Hawkins of Sudburyi Specral $329 VlSlth her sister Mrs Robert Pup Tents complete $730 Lockhart for few days John Leadlay Cookstown was Bell Tents man $3930 Hunting Knives asst sizes $198 to $298 days with the formers mothcr Fouling Chairs $235 Ferg Rowat and Gordon and Hawk Holman of Sudbum Spent GIlllS Barbecue 980 row days at the formers homel Fishing Rods $189 $239 Mrs Rowat and Derrick dStrath New Toronto spent fewl Thermlc Jug 3427 ays here Mr and Mrs Everettl Gas cans gawl $238 Napanee are spending courile0f Steel Water Cans weeks With the lattcrs parents MEI and Mrs Walter Draper Tennis Shoes and Mrs Alfred Bell and 50157 Pontiac Mich Visited the Cats Boat ea formers sister Mrs Geo Lang man and other relatives this week Haversacks canvas 69c Vglion Bible School Hammocks $149 ildren of the village are en joying Vacamm Emile Schbol be Flashlights $100 Eng helgin St Aldrews frost First Aid Kits metal box erian room is wee is included Bible Study Bible Storiesy complete Bible songs handicraft and games Mina wntvme an smut mmwnco MI ThelCar Market 216 Blake St The little place with the lower prices and better place to buy good used cars and trucks Open ill am For Your Convenience CASH TRADE TERMS li Owned and Operated by 29011919131 qulitisi Makes rumours PHONE 2487 TO THE TOURIST 129 min 11 Goggles Army Air Force$295 Cooking Utensils Dishes Cutlery Many other useful articles Ideal for campers Pup Tents Reg Govt Issue Guaranteed $795 complete Air Mattresses Guaranteed Finest quality $1295 MBLANKETS Pianneieue doubles $379 Army Wool 55329 Bathing Trunks $298 $329 TUBES 200 20 coo 16 3141 600 650 19 3254 650 16 5290 Bicycle Tubes nunnun conunuon WIII be Mrs Swrlzcr and Mrs Me Fuux llad to report that Mrs JoLui to be out ol lieu tor shot lllllt each day bar for her holidays lost Lakcshore House for the tourist season Mrs Gravenhurst Sunday Mawdsley come them to visit her parents and Mrs spent Shirley returned with her aunt one left last Week for home in fillsonburg attend unnmer school 111 ioronto commencing July THE SURPLUS Just what you need for your SUMMER COTTAGE Look these prices over carefully Pressure Gauge Th1 hostcnts AL 0R0 July Ansdcll and Barbara week to be Sparrow lakc ll McCuaiy down with McCulluy the weekend Mrs Grant Ansdcll hohdays Brinn teacher from hori 139 DUNLOP While away Pumt ecIuls Cream SemiGlosps gal$1850 Ivory Primer gal $1850 Brown Exterior gal $1850 Cream Interior gal 31850 Olive Drab Army gal $1200 Cream SemiGloss per gal $395 Red Exterior per gal $325 Cream Gray Enamel per gal Pittsburg Gray and White Gloss per quart $125 Murphy Cream Enamel per quart Scarfes Floor Varnish per quart Regular line of Abbotts paints all colors 95c qt $350 gal Paint brushes all sizes Aurononvi srrcnts Brake ReliningMachine and Grinder new Reg $19950 Special $15000 Friction Jacks sc9sr Dash Foucers Electrical FendermGuides $240 Tail Light Truck Fender Ports $296 Fender Flaps Hydraulic Bumper Jack $649 Automatic Windshield wiper $559 011 qt 95c gal Padlocks L30c each Sealed beam driving and passing light $540 Universal mounting ss2o Driving and Foglight sealed beam way IIght$135 Streamliner clearance light $l49 Anti Glare light $195 HandESpot light sealed beam $735 Backup lamps $495 $369 82 $225 ea Crease Guns EllSpinner wheels and$23l and $1265 Bomber Auto Horn g$350 115 Ton Jack Ton Nick Bumper Jack Ventilating Electric Fan mountingP Vacuum BATT mus ALLSIZES and any other Accessories Us dealer ST RKET Buy right and save your dollars dollar saved is dollar carried Inc all llltlItlS III Radios We have recently installed com plete new repair instrument board Accept our invitation to inspect Our equipment and try our service Theyre the best TPIETTs Furniture and Electric Your authorized General Electric PHONE 3721 Sport Bags CANVAS PLASTIC $199 to $405 $285 to $495 CottageSupplies Lowest Prices Beds steel springs Mattresses Blankets all wool $875 $398 $495 Blankets white navy $695 Sheets 68 96 special $695 Pillow cases Lea 59c Drapes Homespun pr $298 Drapes Satinettc pr $198 Rugs imported r$400 Lamp COTman $995 Drapes plastic $295 Carpet Sweepers $795 Dish rack wire 98c er seats Kitchen chairs leath Rcfrigeratorfyrexse SpongesmCelO Polisher floor 496 59c $155 Paper towel holders Lime Squeezer ea $395 $298 39c $149 980 GARDEN HOSE ExCeptionally good quality 100 50 It 2tt Spades Best quality 9139 Shower Curtains Exhaust ExtensIOH $125 $1551 $1495 Good qualitynew $595 SHOE Tennis Shoes Scamper Shoes Work Boots Finequality plCISIIC $295 89c $259 Rock Bottom

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