Twice Weekly MONDAY and Memboir Audit Bur lt Aurrromrm AS srcono cuss MAIL em ircurr om 86th YemHmNo 44 05 om anm cm BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY JUNE Igiy Ataxillifi Eli Section 2POQBS7 to l2 gt wwv mm MN 17 Largest and Smallest of Pet Show Indians at Shear Park gt For Busier SummerSeason It is liopcd to have llir small lf moi iirri rill4ll patrols for diving towcr litlltll on tho loop NS millrlm watcr bargc and illilliul liillitlt lilliix HI llllllrl ill 1t1llli bc Commencing on July and liiliiillllW until school oppus EX IGSSCS ThOIIkS tm 111 llll ll dnd mlllh llV Vlil illlillll DrCCtS Recrcahon OlIClHl it playground Ulllltli lay iitlilp llilll lillltll lllllallllll to cricouragc llltlll to particiqu iii llilllll llllllVlllJll and umnwuvo summer Willlilm Nlllr lllililllil Hflifill i=l WWW lllfilllb lb Ml Ul Nltilrt li lulirr in iiilllllllllltt illill inifn ll or rrx it 1llt and ii the four major pin ram and that ti ii in ur rririiiiirrir zili ilfort will lio lililll to rumt all li rirri up ti alxllilll iiir deg nmi HM dmmmib mm MM Bum mmm Ir 1l iiurliird KIM Beach iirvriaratiirsr haw lilrll mi in irl rrir iri tor continuing for lillil llllii and itl Vill ll iv is NplCltll lllrlllllllrlllnl my iii Trina ii ir iii to roruartI ii ulllrl Ii zrziroi or iiiir3rri COianctid and illlll 1111 SC lza ill1TH top up in iii iri lIilii 11 ii Tlll llJ SHOW at the annual Kids KilliilVlll sponsored by llllli3 Ht Hlh SN iiiiiiiviu iilylluiilliiiiiii vi soc irioyiir iv riias ri HKWi the Barrie Recreation Councrl draws much interest With the binm 1725 fl rt gtirrl llru lilrlu trim rumor rv 3x children and thldellh 01 Ball Above rno two entrants llb Institution 11 MHH from lt ing thc bi and the $1113 version of ets INDIAN playground day at Shear Park was big rrcnt in the ii vo iarti mciits will includc paint jobs lad WWW JIM llill ll llllt WWW KljNNlZlll ROBINSON liarrics tummfl Immduon 01 playfffynd fluid fll1ts dcrs on tho rafts and nvcrall rc Alllt nilMl Hlliill llH illlliltllllivirruiiori counsiiior has built up Pom lopplpwn 10ftlnd1ggyvvudlc 511m NUSsmg novation if all watcr iui iiiiciit Ili Mlloiriiaiuc lilltli lllk lllll llil town riiioatroir liiillliil iiirl lllelilS Ol lllCll Indian ZlCllVlLlOS The pniginln IniinlstCHl this tor and riiiiir twncrs as voluntary llll llilll irr ailivrius and Splllril welcome this opportunity on we by this iiriiiatinii council will arsniaiitsr who by tiicir lilipll lttill lira icziili practically ltii behalf of the Barrie recreation be in Similar lilllS to llil pllvillllt llillllii to lllllllliLliIt lillt to lliAii inc of tho most irrrpori HHNG FlrSf Chalrman council to express our Sine SFQSOHIHHIIH is ilni Hm pap ungiM mniiiiiiuily llii highest ant toatirira of tin stirnrncr fiihlli AHDsTON Ah MNW thanks i0 mamwmom and Staff tiCipatiori lignrcs will show tho ox dotNW U1 roilltiilit MIhr liliilmi 10 llillvl hm of The Barrio Examiner for the pcclcd scasonal iricriuisc HrIHI illitl iulil gtlil LVN l5 13 lrmi hl 11 NM NM Md Hm full and mmwohonsive mmmm in Classy mm Imrivl BUM IHX Ihm4thuzzllst lziiiidiiot iii boys and illilsliiiili llllt built iisli trap in all which tlicy liavc at all limos were itivcn instruction last scn Hill on llri liariii lizitliliiz liorrrir3f llf llflmf writtcii up thc rccrcationzii activson liavc iirtornrod tho council of jijir iii Wei iiiirrr xiig giiiuiiisilm ml SERVICE WORK CARRIED 0N BY KIWANIANS For tho past 27 yrars thc Kiwan is Club of Barrio has contributed greatly to tho scrvicc of thc comf irrigation ditch to liclp lhLi tlic wator iii tho licilv rivcr which itics of our town and district ltlrcir dcsirc of lllillltl illltllklloll viir mm Hml iliLlIill liu iir particularly ic iriirrirnrl iii rut iaiilril rind lon was ii mih vim iikm5 in 10 PM Of crippled Child The lllllllllt DIOdUClng this year MM WWW WW Vomnums lyiiniiimrhdliiiorihpiiuiiiivlii lillitll and lilllcl for anulcrs So far limg 81k inlzlrllint held clrniic lllls spccial section on recreation WEgigdtjlxsluggingSI1zitluili 11 lflwlm in Hifmlm it was ltliitcl attcr rho lllsl of tliUHSiinS 0f Sllltltls him lNlH urn i1 W1 3y it ir Ewe Lin hllkl gptlrilliatSvlglitziflii ldlglgllll igdgglvyts week and much mwssuw hlwllml1 11111 Izimlvlgilil llll Lliilid gullll rli hllllJll from those clinics found children cxamplc of thc cuthusrastic CO renovfm mall 19 1m 11mm 101 VimV 0r WW 11 in need of Special hospital can ppcmuon mi The Bnrric Emmy painting and fencc rcpairing vnS riirr gt15 iiiinivil iiii iiiiriiiiiiiiiiiii mi who have bccn treated and some 1101 renders at all times to worthy compltud tlrr iiiicii orguiiilatiiin and admin Civic vcnturcs There will b0 two llllllltllt iii arc still undcrgoing corrective KIDS KARNIVAL at PM 0mm istratiiiii has boon ltlllll in trcatmcnt CRAIGr Chilllmim ShUClorl dilly this 393 Imlllc two provincial and lillt national The Kiwanis Club is over ready to Sqlmc 30 Barrie Recreation Council Spencer imd Pill Kmn Both Of publications lnssiliiy tho whnlc cs hclp in limos of distress but is these boys 41W C0111 HP llllllllflllisinci of this succcsxful pattorii of daily lmDFUVlng 10 101 Of the the junior llllildSIlioll yriluntary iiciiclr satrt liis iii tlit lzltl llml ll By WILLIAM MAHOMSON Although tlic Barrio Agricultural 123 IVVil Chlldlell 0f mt mmmllmly by 35 3fig1f1ttli1fJ$t XV Hgslm lblHPWdbhll llllllntliC7ill Tm Buns Ammmuml Smile Sorirl is primarily sponsor of Sisting in every way the work of ii uc not on cripaiic but willing an annual exhibiiioii they do the recreation councillor and by the bead Pmrimm 14mm IFliilltfllllt 17ml IlSlHlnSibilllY lflU Kllllltnlfwtllll cvcrytliing in lhcir powcr to have PlllChaSing Hind lnSlRlllnH play earSPalll bom hilldf their RLfl all viiliiig lli arc traliicd for thc JOl 10W 01 Buniic It HCD this park used for other acirvitics ground equipment in the town and semij swrgiliniiiglari tidal sda 01i lmnw that tiny linvc the mnfrdcrrcc Huh DNWWH 1mm hmhwuvs so far this vein the park has more recently at Springwater Park away mvo 11 Owe in Idols Dossbly nil llllll ltiiil 000 foot froritanc Von bccn uscd for circus rodco MithlSl By ARRYI MOKREN imwiom lc ensumg years passed the Rm cross smmmmgmy imlormnc YMMV 300 lllt now ElriroritoMuskoki hfour HOCUOI lllCllOil SilC of pureber The Klwilliclub has large Almost fifty years ago the Bar wss so 123331 gfthpubhc welfage 33llmsmg $0le hmhld moan 0f mm ianc highway and sumo 900 foot stock auction sales of household share in the Barrie Bathing Beach rie Horticultural Society was foiin name or law will PM rolls It 01 lhmt hm frontage ill Highway 27 while belongings and three baseball which Provides safe clean sandy cd by the then enthusiastic lovcrs Olhmumon was Changed from year on the Sam Comm Vthh 1th 181 Rlw C2111 P0111 10 10 mcl Highway 90 and Highway ll arc cams consider this their home llll NEIL LAURIE was the bathing spot for the children of of all kinds of flowers tncy were my 01 lcutmal somety to Cidenmuy mcluicb passmg 0f the WWI munmlmlmos lmlllidlilltll 10 the 01m fleld Jill 20 Matron first chairman of Barrie Recrea TB Barrie Many thousands of dol public spirltpd people whose am ht dme Hormmtural and Town hoyal Llfe svmg men medium ham 10mm 15 or T1115 park was P11114135Cd b3 10 lStllLs mm 15 one of Clam lion Council when it was formed in this and other worth while pro planting trees on the streets and During the years Of the laSt minimum age Slandwds 101 fully with satisfyingr results It is tlic lamhave been Spent by the club bition was to beautify Barrie by Improvement Society qualifications Due to raise in the and beach safety udnnnisilmjonf In HI th 1k lf it in grounds were sold by the corpor thCSO lounds and SON 26 Him ac We Con lecls for the community better boulevards as well as their own ame 0cm all those qualle msmc beilcll commlmCS WlllonlOllaW socictv when the former fair 0r harness mClngv le be held ram to Canadian General 310C and 28 the Simcoc Commission only ncctcd as member of the Coun throughout the Province suffered structors arc onlv entitled to bci of ibi 11 bit 1d merit homes That spmt has prevalled aigcr an implmc pairing aClr me 01 the election of plant ind ass ex ii iron wr ie cl through lack of membership but classrfied as assrslant instructOislmps 011 me west sure of mle mv balance was turned over to the DTOJGCLS that hdd been started but bOlh dler Olmndtelyr Willy this bcirig consrdcrcd necessary to the board of education for playl were maintained in their fullest qualified in the practical and teach hundie the waging number 0i 113 zi cm The Society is justly proud of the ing phases Of this training motoririU water enthusiasts who ii is he ed riiso this car that RoseGardcn Situated Just east of tt ti miniakc usc of thcsc munic1pal tell on the new gmundb ihelo 15 ihEIPOStfomce This causes great vilfbgr iiialfle irlgfrlvriggrolr mes one the be halfmllc we ea 40f aiorable comment from with ioiai Mach attendance of rim15 in the piovmie somc 50 MORmsoN the Kiwanis club has from its in By DOBSON Efanzdnpfigglris 0tic til gullluskglil dimers tails well its homehtowners sons usmg the beaCh 21700 in 1947 and 22149 duringmgt fem Wldc fenced on bgith Sldis Barri Kiwanis Club was organ ICCDliOH SPOUSOIed variOUS kinds 0f The Lions Club of Barrie is 111 wea er con itions are are season it is intcrcslin to ccuiatebimlid the ends an on 10 happy to be included in this special outtboard molorboat With web that many replacements are more beautiful Our one regret is on this ycars probablgtotali bOmC Stretch there is natural lze11922itthte ilrdSt fzvme Club 31333 issgucxggLilgznentge12 issue Of The Examiner dedicated mo or Even If you ammt wm needed every year but the results in the 130k 0f members becmlsel In pcakln 01 the fmthcomln so some800 fem long and 10 feet udmc ar me ltiircc seasons and hundreds of b0 ner you have the satisfaction Or have been wen worth the eff rt Wide which will accommodate bcrship of 00 and 15 of those chartI to the ecleatlonal work 0f the knowing that your money will be thersmau Conmbuuon WOUldghdp Gummy Vmmmc 5088 few houslnd of speciaiorg Any ac or members are still active in tliciimd glllS lealmd 10 SWIM When t9wn we gxtend to the recrea used in helpful practical Way in MOSt people Who have lived to pay for replacements and smltwords the summimy Of our tiviiics do this track coll bc seen Club The motto We Build hHSSOItbaH 35 Started the Nb tlonal Powell and the dnFCtor 0f service to the district Barne for many years will rec new things for the Cominqu beau Bay Water mimming purposes from start to finish as there are no always been kept to the fore in the igaVG aSSiSlZIDCC in OlgimiZing teams recizationl orrdcongliattrlattlgni up In recreati0pal activities we thetglddungaiand eytesorecoln Eillz tification of Barrie Tum to page twelve please Obstructions on the infield Clubs activities and realizing mat iami leagues The Bathing Beach on sp en wor is eing lend our sup ort to the recreation abe ween he legiate At the mrancc to the rounds the boys and girls of today are the whlch has pmde so popular was done in the interests of the child Institute and the Arena where an Cl fen and youth of ghe town It iq councri and community house For old building had stood in the days canoe Tilting Always Popular there are three ticket booths as 18599n51b19 Clllzen of tomorrow WW an source of satisfaction thatwe many yrcarswve have sponsorcd of the 01d fair rounds this iece well as building containing Barrie Kiwanis Club has devoted Lions Club and improved ycar service Club have been able to jUVenilehOCkey in town and thus of ground was liken byp the wash rooms etc with ample ac most of its activities to giving lam1 Yeah AflCl the 01d Skatmg have given youth leadership and help both fmancrally and person commodation for large crowd youth icvcry opportunty to grow illnk 35 deSllOyed by re and 139 Sucjety and an extensive rock won honor for the town We with land an office is also contained in into good citizens The club has we the PICSCM Erma W35 bUilti any the work garden bum many evergreen trees this building For the accommo 2500 3000 llllC Kiwanis Club operated an open our en the Kwams have planted and because of it bein 31 Spcn 10m cry Our PrinClpal Summer actIVIty been active in the sponsorship of dation of stock at exhibition time veal on Child welfare work crip rink for two winters which prbved most pure sand it has to be re lant in the past yeais has been the the bathing beach project and its 01 01 53195 910 them is bund plcd childrens work has been VCIY DODUIHI Th0 Ski Clllb was holding of our carnival and street 9d mid year bUt 1t 15 0W Very ing of aluminum and cement con sponsored by the Kiwanis Club plogram We have supplied sweat major actmty for Over 20 items falr This mam fund rals ersh crests etc for winning school auramve beauty spot lendmg dlg stiuctiori some 32 by 120 feet and and them age hundreds of Children and manual assistance given the ing activity and we are glad that in past years it has been succesg ful in accomplishing its purpose From the monies so raised we nity to that large piece of open ground and will in future be seen by thousands as they stream into Barrie from the new highway athletic teams have held model building contests and most rccent 1y sponsored lheriew hobby show second building of the same con struction 36 by 120 feet for the accommodation of livestock and horses There is also small in the county who would be dc iflrSt yeah EVmBleal HQHOY pendent on others all their lives 00 Daily 01 ll botS and girls 15 but are now living useful and hap Staged by the hlwams Club Wthh for children In years past we py livcs becauseof the assistance of sales 101 Of 0113 for the moreh have been amed t0 Qarry 91 took leadership in organizing the iWhld passes by to the weSt Of falimpamf 91 th acommocfis the club ants many and varied servrces through Boy ScoutsAssociation then the Town 0t mlses OI Iaces one The club raises most of itsfunds Today with membership of lhe yea Th15year the caleal Sea Cadets These now function The some has JuSt completed by the Karnival held each vear in over 90 the Barrie Kiwanis Club Is to be hem the P051 Ofce splendidly under their own organ ower garden on the gore Wthh Although the grounds are not Square on the nights of July 27 we Shqded the society have July The dates this yerir are finds worthwhile activities and and has aincd the res cct and confi gggdi6nghggguggggidtg b2 Realizing that recreation is es denc of the citiicng of Barjrieand problem There is driveway em scnlial to growing boys and girls the rural residents circling the complete park and igiescfs to same mm Learli Artificial Respiration On the infield of the halfmile race course containing some 12 nations is at the junction of McDonald and 28 and 29 and once again we hope These and many more worth Owen Streets this is tremendous for the continued support of the while ventures are part of our improvement over the old washed people of town and country to record of service Along with an out triangle of roads and does much aggssful WWW similar organations in town we to improve that section of the We will have parade there count it privilege to serve oui Tow willbe games and amusements and day and generation In this wc Thls year the some hQSPlant all the features that go to make take pride and find our reward ed the entrance to Earn New Fair Grounds on Essa Road and has already recived some very acresi them is 131 01m ibsoccel field on Which ma soccer Playground Pennant wmner complimentary remarks the team practises and play their workdone scheduled gmes There is also While lhS9cetY generany has gr regulation hardball diamond with eemhlpk gear five gun adequate wellbuilt backstops and re WOT re are We win and c0nsiderableg money is done byithe directorspersonauy HILARIOUSactrQn in thegannual Barrie Regatta staged at hasbeen spent on the surfacing of in With SOmetimS aviary littlehired thetown dockis the canoe tiltingevent HereIHarold Forster the field The society owns some help it is donebecauseiof anurge l3 setsof bleachers which are to improve the general gondmbns rrghty1sseensteering hrs battlc comrade Harry Ileid rpto movable and solare used for any ofBaIiie to help make Barrie even aetlon With the p013 activity going on in the park uVn Lions and Kiwanis Challclngwe Lmmlmu PLAYGRdUND leaderetty Ballyright is seen proudly dis playing the pennant Which she captured in 1947 and 48 While mums RecreqthnCouncu gndusiir conducting activities at Shear Park The pennant is awarded isponsorannuarllfy thelnstru courts anhtilytohcplaygrcundswrlng thmostpolntsthroughJ The annualchallenge race between the Kiwanis and Lions rte Regatta Here they churn ther waters or Kempcnfelqt the BarriefBatlilng= ea Outivtlresutxuner clubs of Barrleqauses muchexcltement aitrthe annuallBarm Bay loosely in boats loaiied them by the BarrlSa Cadets in artifiCtalresphSnn gt IV