Barrie Examiner, 27 Jun 1949, p. 4

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wwramik lt lliisi Unltllllj EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA MONDAY JUNE 27 194 Mm it iLl riiply iii pillzirc and lil gtlUi the IVV 3s International Chamber of Commerce Examiner 1949 Program lluroma Association lssuantr ir inoxi znlui Pulll li dlmmmm ngh Spots Ccndr Mina immii has 2i mining the fligtiliilll ljrtiiiCanLC of the IL murmur7 pm lllffntdiyltlfl171lilll1llLlllxllal ll rliiilr lliiiritriirlrxllirgntsbmt or lUZLSDAY page at Haiti Cranstoii rri ilfLl Arrow dbtfmlmun bflwls By GEORGE aroarr ss Qmtlzri Prysuiis at llCAF and to lriilllh lllUliSllAY Strausrnans at Sprit$rlgtlllp in illlflllnlltil lll lrv Canadian liiililtlir Sricicty of on the umpircs but tlrlx din rillillll rs Yili= io fl JNlltiil growth of lion iilil ilgt lrlaliti the rlttrhipliltri of un ceeccwcccccccccccccccrcccccmxxxxn lilUllSllAY mgr at Prysrim ada is Whirlc Hit or mrll iii roniumtmu Willi school iQisriii llrllligt iiltlAl iShtrrri insplrlrirs triii Ukhit rtlllil tr Alli NUT nirr it xiiiii 511 3111 Sponsorship in lillilitirilltill ziitlr rrttmi rrcnbcr of tlic anadiaii Why me Blrm Aillll 5PM liiiltmli 1i Wllimlisliii Midland at Assicnizion of linil zilll Publicity BurrAl it mulllltt lo cn bu we are my 5M lirl Sillilizllluny istiiliii Ncwniaikct Ollllgt tlic irszoiatiiiii of historic sitvs ritzlrar lilllll provrrrcial general opmO 55 l0l115 licrtciti lt at Valliy telltlllbl govcrnnnnt armpitw bow 5mm linolaw rlwiii rm Liiiilll rig Niwiiiniket proposal for thc ixuarni til lvllthil Milli 05lllllllllnh lllt ca ll ball it llli iizii xi iDOl iiiv til tho illzi Mill ll lllr lli=lil rilllt routli mmcoc holdmg Wm um Mv maria irrl TUESDAY rllonllllczid atClillic Ovopilaliiili with Sour mum yourr21 mwnslnp rmmllls and exact Vlnlcrplitutroir llir in in iii mn mam Fumvnb iiiii iiiiiirstrvil hrrrlics to iriiirivr liig wri lilrlllilXS lii limilics ziriti exception of El Crmfmu Mud Indusrial rcsort iiiiris ill liuioiria and in rioiwirtoii with in Ontario Do noted for one lost lint it in Tiipgimy up 13mm Tu partmcrrt of Highways to rsraliiish iiistiiiclivc highway markch for messmg Up plliCcclllis to lri thlllri mg mp main loults ltiltlillL into and lravcitiiiu lirirrinla enough ti oopcratinn with Martyn Slirim rutlzoiitiis in iiriliiicisnig and pro BASEBALLH150 prm viding ricrriiimodalirin for 25000 lgtlltii cxpcctcrl to attend Salutc SUPPOM BAD llr dots toini up limit the llllrM of DuffcrinSimcoe to Canada pagcant ill ittrrr illl of July lUlTSDAYllillllt Ollll Promotion of incrcascd cooptration iiitown Lliambcrs of Com THURSDAY Olllm rucrcc and lluards of Truth within liuronur close contest Docs slumping our lut pounding tlic ground Ind other antics persuade the ulliciJI to change his ltllllr About the only article uliicli hi you our park gt th and wiiiii of us Although ltnbury llltiltlniK lest Mr rariicr also wants suiit action lill on lllt liclil and it is onlyright that learns try to oliligrn PREVIEW of tlic icagucs sliriw crs dccidcd in positions cvcn at undefeated but ticd lWlt arc in in from it lliu llllill lave Motors Prysons Grilic scorn ti cinch to iizir ii iii rrl xvii liyliit llvtl of Camp Bordcn bccrrusc of tlrcir iiirrliilriv 1110 down riid iilm CONSlStCD ball ZIIO lUUiliiillS llicrr is lianri for lit illtl to river lake Gages but they must lattii Olllll ii llilllllldiil lIiillr llill illllW tookadvantagc of tho Bordon tlill lil lliii turi tints and luiirri received their eight points llriy liitlll low illll llil gtllil Wllh prySOHS whiic twicc llrcy haw licrri liiutiicd rix llirrilt hliillrlSJl Prysons have rim hot and cold llllls lar rrr llt iiiiiu rilrrwri liiilt bCSl games against tlil lcagiic liuidrrs In Hair lit trio illillllliN wrth Harris no decision ll ilunncrup bidding was Kcnt would force him to do is Klloll Estublisllnillll of rritial prcss liurcau to gtlltl out to trawl editors un ard that Kill 11 ltlidcd trtiitc Ari llhl0llll uff of US and aiiadian poriodicals district iltWSpElpflS and trzivcl hed can be gnome hm his id gtli 1th IM IUisqiyliywigiuTie iimlkuumd bureaus irilorrriation iciatiill lo liliilbl attractions of llllllllilarv mnutcs cvvry inning is certainly lirrominc tinslum thins Enltilalllllltiil of groups of llllllttl Stans criiiors and writers on stand note that word ii 511 mid wumi imii ham piivmi tours through liuromri through which will be sccurcd thousands If such gamc is pmililccd tliiv linlll ilhl nilllll rtNiirll 17 IMMHwm ofdollirs worth of publicity for til loser as lhry Ill tlil nililhr Hill llicii isnt oul ilrii ll DtVllllpiillHl in roriiioration Will the Ontario Motor Longue ll El 31mm Olizslly say rcspccl carries with iiorrr Irrwr lioni iiiuu By ROS page map of lluroiiia to appcar in the i049 and future niotorists llmpllt The trouble In gllltlllh lir riftd riulil guidt books back me lNrSOn Wllo talks too much Wuuuw vv lthl llIRll llll 11mm van Ellihiiillhnltnll ltnz irpglr lill lllllrl ship inclincl liiliy Julyl Gullle Lilifrfoivirrlsngiil133flplllflflillllfl Farmer Group Pays llllliltt ii ii ounci momch This was colcrud somewhat in fit ltl lrlS rr iiriiii rir iii Vliiilii iiiidcriiiiirilltdcslL will haw lillf1l mm mm for 3Ye Bill Garner but has not llCtll llll iifririti zi it lrc has clcar sailing all tlic way Rufhven sale Alliston world can biw irriip hiif 471 cm united ii ilk 1C Sidellllts rollin vv i3 Aitcr tlic last rcal rain in innislil lnnisfil and Wcsl nvillimbury Hm my ll Ihiiiittr it rgt irl Hint ll tin old P1 domg ll btcni lllls trick and you iiinriirrsi iii tl tr litlilt 0V mm ixllld It mm mblnld DELV 517l00 01 61 Min in myth million mum5 isorlti if iiililtllll5llll palil 1mm Prnchunm iliiccyClrUld Astor the lllf Now it is was WE 51 11 WIWHHHW about rimiuinrJlt8z mltllull mmmm llyilliiidtniliiiibrimtlilii lthis tstimatc Harbor on Wrdnosdav tVciliilL llllllll bull at disporsal solo by ii la niiI into their on phones But mu If Try flvlfrIn was low as hm W0 llad 11 lllllflllllflll iilgIhVCq lg 3313hl303hi II rain wc could have been in com my ahJgeSlgliznlfnahchtlliiluind inurriilmzr lflllow inlitc lillorc mmm mm mm the districts than wit mnimi ii aci wrii Canadian mic mg two mung ll llrlHll lllll ll SlitlIS have gone all around us llccvc Iiockliarl Silltl also lllllt was linty partncrsliip of lioy War wick lligby and liarry Davis lllcnlrcirri wlriio syndicate from Now England states headed vo arc still waiting lorr soaking sonic discussion on tho town lino rain again Most of the crops cs road maintcnancc Wc arrangcd pcciallyv on clay land are not as at tho County ouncii that wc bad as some and we can hope for would cntcrtain tlicm and at tho at least half crop and it rain samcltrmc iron out any lliiSllllli Hmidn in til ormcrm0n comes soon pcriiaps grcatcr Fall standings thcrc might lio bctwoon staycd in up to $li10ll lunchtim wlicat nccds rain to fill out the us was Rccvc Irockharts ii is son of tlic srx timcs All tlio liriiiit li1 Sir ilil Sotiiiall llifi curly ii iii Motors siill licads llio Spring crops although nicnts on tho evening lclillilLly Canadian Marksman and out of short will improve if moisture is statcd it was not 1i nicctirig of hmhcm 10mm daughter 1204 lbs fat of tlic Century Sirc Mori ogram one of riclicst bred bulls vcr sold at public saic llic 43 licad sold rcalilrcd $42780 availaiilc llic liay crops arc vcry council But it wasa good party short hc admitted Sandwrclics and lllill While this was bcing written an rcfrcslimcnts ucrc passcd around otliir of tiiosc showers wont around us leaving only few drops Icr LOST MORE THAN sun hill Will HM ll Smm for 10110 average of $950High in iiir of rubber boots The mm Writing lhc host was rriothli panlC from Barrie in while CGE and Legion just do MW any luck mm Collingwood Ladies the poik it made busy day there tearing cloth burned and brtuscd loop Newmarket Dixom arc in winning iays Ilhc past two weekends were two his body with Midland mung the 0W with second division clulis mm0 vuiioy Taxi G0 H5 GIVE BARBIE of the largest days that this time $645 fivc open yearliiigs $485 and six licifcr calves $610 Other local buyers included Esmil innlngsi If these Rtilcmitd lillililctltlirhu illililiih in ti itll1ilt1 Philip Reed 18m New york mm Quobec Wlth mm are Slr Arthur Gmnness lilICCIllBilliidniiidilllt313 ZSEELIligid ljontblicgVliirinclllnifiid iiiirrmriii ri sift Nu twiniivo illl rEr SChedule they Wm be mphwi ill itl111llll or hp Inmnmnmml Chamber 01 Com London Enghmd Lhe retnmg presmmlt Illllkllllllc ice wetting pullhird when fcrliiiycr Kprcid tigurc was rcaclicd twice from gt the trains xlll sit In tho lllit iiisittiiir lili riiriiplctrnri as lill lillliCll Jllsl Illlfl li1lSSlllill plt lltllLlC 1111lelllCS DUDCdll DICSKlCIlt or 11 er caught his clothing and began Russell Hood Alliston and by Sf Ma mom he Cr hump um lath Ongu55 lnlllllllNOLlll Innislil School Picnic Dule hlm int0 molmigimll C1 ilk Bimm Wooflsmtk LAKEVIEW DAIRY appcar to liarc cvcrvtlzin much LlCSS ill the Chateau Frontenac Hotcl CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY PHOTO 35 held in mi pinIR on Friday thpely llllflfiwrllli mar1 ictlc iiirCiiiiufiiFvEl niilkirig femalcs the our way in the intermediate groupiiin 4m pom in and was well attended AS 11103 Zelgkl was ml on Volillurd 3331 51 bred halter9 role of runnersup Mingsing Loriswav Cookstown 7in for have Barries hopes Wth Slmllsnmlls arc lacking Doug llcrlgcr Barrie Team second wocrlvlgzglrdwgcccvil COMIC RELth iircd licifcr Wilcosx and Son cant get hisgals to Stay on 1010 mum hm rm is Homing from thcI grounds were jammed with people court JCSlCW lm Enliljld 130019 $625 01 090 yearling the matter that little coopcrnllon and Spirit wont liclp 1mm 165 John chkic ceriqiniy the who were rciicvcd bv the splendid 1n Saxon times Hilard fool of lad Parliaman Bros Alliston $500 for Billric Golf and ountry iii BASEBALL is enjoying great so upgwinn amid bqqebm Circles cool breeze off the lake This pop mund lionsidc being one of tlic an cigiitycarold Russell Hood Juuriiiicd lo illllninmod lhtris ular park wrth ltSShOIC linCO earliest known Alliston $900 for an open yearling Banm Fuels 195011 51mm Jul ml mm 14W Borg may Him to lompclo in thc ountv Cup muddy mgm Essa fidurd sandy beach stretching over mile are ugain hitting their stride plovrtliiii LivurLiiufidvnte llulll sci or BMW imwlim Club mnhi 11 Tl Glounds rho bldnkewfiwmmm 94 is one of the most beautiful spots Barrie Juveniles are recelvmg exccllcnl hurling from iigiiriiaridor John mll won on our hlts N01 DUHCIm Southern Ontario Many largc ill octoriniricd bid heme and southpaw Bruce symwu MM Sm mm mama of Um hz Borg cup mm tth the Coilingwood tcani llh Simcoc engagement gplcmcs come by bug to the park erging from this distriCt in their class lricrwiwrl irtcndriicc liiq boon lll lS of mt com 606 Barrio was SCC The Sums Starth on the Allandalc this aso terrlflcbheltp to thrr porbpllls lllitl jilllyiil fluid and lJlOZIClilis ilim Thnmm in Allundalgcthglr ond with 633 Midland lliild 634 right loot collecting one iviin rm U1 provrded be Barrie Agrrculturaijomcty Cniimd Vidmioug by soundly and 0mm mum will The two hits in the first inning and Building permits issued Since asorr as far as Bnrric is conccrricd lamp Wonderful New troiaicing that rivals 68434 and Cmcmiod hole prize was won by two runs on one hit in the Second first of theycar in Innisfil total hum cw aopomt load Mis Ciiiiiick HOWCVCI they fell apart in the $209745 already This huge sum the twoycai champions third when Barrie scored five times may onlyhpartlyurepresclnt 1thc total Barrie bowlers were in grczrl who 105 W10 comm l0 overtake the early deflClt The ammml at WI ac Sper lst fun as 10w0n all threr gamps were Mrs Boys Mrs iocais outscored ihe opposition 2i on burldmgs as the permits are Tim iink of Eimm Thompson as Cllillick Mrs Currie Mrs in the fourth and added another taken for an estimatcdcmount of Way to Save Money i3853rlelva le3tt TEX 1dropplcdda tBari Erlliililig madt lllll lust Slup and Bob Smith made the best McNabiJ Mrs Bucimn pair in the sixth the costsand an1 occasronallyb bed 151 Cagmca 15 Barr Industrial Soft an Mrs Rav Lrvrnrsiorr Mrs low the Com est Perm1 15 359 mg thewlElIiarkfll Dlxliils atttNow ban League smmmim mmcmb ibic alight kgrririiplfitirlll Charles scaglah MrSLJ IL Har Lacdill golokudform chi on thelimitimtlited Clmtf llid If on ry eanlng mar urs try mg pu mi or Friday at CGE diamond as thcv anne erswa seven an mayr uce COS Per ha tothen bld for second place surged uhmd in Mahcc 33 llS Mrs Vcri lVldLKCIILlL and Struck one Aside from the walks Its rarely thanhe cost of plumb Now get extra value for my the 33 and district ladies Electric 15 10 anmm mm the second Come D1 5mm Mm COlby he failed to weaken to any serious 10E and Wiring is ineludei in these cleaning dollar and Ive softball lea ue and Herman Osborne COmblnCd to estimates and extras are usual and It lg The imll W118 thrilling to cx iltideal 11 Pair Of renames 0f the exitinain Oriilia started well are net conSidcmd Ifdwliin tilesd dlsloverdd diathsamone wa 00 mm as tent of the it Allandali crew Gcor bb n1 buildings are assesse ceane cot es wear 331 rqimdwrlhe top hurl CGE who dioiipcd lhcsirooiiirliilriir Bill lltli by 1612gC0UnE remlng Side order the values are tllke mm conSiderauon longer The ingrained mthy Mlner It was PM 500 test to Clarke and Clarke cxpcri The closest came of the night Opening pa Pf mmgs but the logether Wlth the complet c9st and game in as many nights and Copaco moved into sole posscs third he ran into trouble with hits it should make substantial In 5011 that weakens abIICS expecting victory from well mmth 1th 15 pluyms trymg was pm between Jerry Qum SiOIi of second place in the inter and crrors by his teammates crease in the assessment values st bb listed team like the Dixons just to uncover wmmng mm and Hal01d Tod of Bame and mediate SOHball standing Wedine th lked two and Very little of these buildings are 15 gone or waist hoyla They almost hit the nail on the JCk RUECIS 11M GOIdOIl SPCHCCF day when hey iigiiiiccd Mingsing Struikatrilrie bartetgrs on farm proprties Considerable of SP0ts disappear C010 The hdmesters touched the local head for four innings as they him ganfgilmiilehosg311 21 2114 at Minesing Theygamc con Lloyd Cole was in from in the this growth is in No School Ares 100k brighterand domes ed neck and neck with the Tam Smuth postponed conicst earner hit de artment with threefor Whlcllell assrst With the cost dehold 31115 01 l0 15 lhrec lnmnllSi 19 th education there 00 smarter to cantthrough the seveninninginers CGE tamed meow the first Tim qt it wan on Thurs 5C three average while singles were Calling George Consume their shape better st Valleys rally in the sixthlamC only to 5C the Silo Count dav ii BiiiiECJnCQSS Comm go ff 103 flyingstarl collected by Cote and Kenwell George is on his way wmi his mounted to three runs but thyla Singlerlm in the Second Ln gicdfrrithinnmg agdwerc never Heliotis Wilde Jim Wilde Rol trailer homc and heading towards TwitTye went down in order in the final Each team crowd the JUNE TOURNEY 33 CY SCOIC every land obtained one hit each for Calgary where bythe time of the 11 e1ttoo atc four rame ng but 16 third touching R09 Orjllja Stampede he will meet his brother times in thc third for tcnsion Mrs Greasy and Mri pom heavily Miller found the task too stren filled 55 deadlock CGE shoved and WIH haVe reamed the flrS uous as she made her second trip their nose infmnt in the fourth on Hook on the first 31118 In the Foster went the route for Cu SPEAKS ON INDIA stage of his trip aroundthe contin go the mound in two daYS She one run but then the bottom fell annu Junc tournament of the paco and aiihmim he was also bYDNEY Ns CF Dressed ent In Barrie ladies lawn bowling club bqiied around lot k0 iiem We wouldlrke to hear from hlm ave up seven walks in srx in in native costume Mrs Delcra mugs allowed Six hits and fannedluioflhjlf bond finrlngzjsdgirt fgergggourggegg down minimum Reddy of Mysore India spoke on $363 pmiegags gegoyshenilygg hiea Barrie Tanning exploded wrth with players bowling from Tobi Home runs were dime dozen life in India to the nal meeting joying himself we are sure that Her mates garnered 10 hits Off half dozen in the fifth and four in Wjfferings of Hester Clark but the Sixth to takc acornmandmg couldnt make them count in runs lead and the Stopped CGE my Percy ThompsOn and Earl Morri of the Empi Stud Gr the ti he dld not neglect to have the Ex mug LelaaeilfheqfdwgzlEma gameeq mm guts 91 Louisburgl Chapter IODE Mrs aminer follow him even if he had poor for bowlingjihe women en RamW Gharhe Mllesv Bl Reddy is studying Nova Scotia to arrange with someone to keep Thc Wright Cleaners They got four hits in each of theiin the Seventh ed me mws Adams Md 398 Paptured YOUlld teaching methods posted to send it Olb each week third and fourth chapters but cap re briso rid P1 lth Cm arid Mrs Hook hzidltmpersfor Mmesmg gtw George made comment about his huednnlyone run in each 51 i3 aT InaT three lwms yami genre of 43 BRAINWORK truCkinE busmessv that it WaslnOt Mary Ellen Mann and L015 Bialeroblgr angrrlleallfnsnriinigh vivclr points while Mrs Claridge won third prize with two win TheEYe is only andnstrument of honeyIdltthtetewr glt may and Blight pacedlhe Dixons with two an ac en was ways best for CGE and Mrs Anderson of Tot and total score of 45 points Vision Sight is brain process de tcnham were second worm Mrs Thus Mitchell and pendent for its COIIGCt funCtlonlng of 39 points Mrs Frank GoringIM Caldwell with one win and and Mrs Jonesof Allgndalc bye had arscorcrrgfjig llt hits each while Mary Wood with three and Joyce Rodgers with two UmpiresA Rive Plate Ev bcaded Valley Taxi anvsrbasc someone not covered with insur ance When he had atcar burned On the normal reactlon 0f the 1191 in the Sherring fire he just had not rvousdsystegi got the car ready for the road tonnan mums we

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