Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1949, p. 7

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ll Htlll tlfll ii iii ORILUA aunts W4 FOWLERS program Prion ms ITS NEW 11s NEWS the best made better GoonjfEAn SUPER SureGrip TRACTOR TIRE the new Super SureGrip to more rubber in the lugs which means more rubber in the ground forafor greater pull than even the famous SureGrip Bigger Broader 111 mi 31337 Super SureGrips Save you 935 and Keep production warahead With meropen Cenler lread FOWLERS 1111 scrum 0111111111 BARRIE Phone 5761 marinas F1ibRunYAPRIL Evie rm BARBIE Emitting BARRIE duration caner PAQE SEVEN DONT NEGLile lt lli WOODEN BEAMS cglrtt 111 Misc Iiirlldtii Iiot rillrgi1 County Cattle lat VLA Men Get Simco xp relelrtl and ltillrlllllt lll f1=1rl ri 21 31111 1111111 1131111 11J11 vii lim 121111 I111 liitiii 1111 llltl li1 i11n ift1 Ulnaria r111erilly Inhl 12111 1111111 11111111 luinri Toronto 11111113 Ilisliopn and child rill Io111t11 111 r1tine 1151 lorin Iiml lioulahan Iiiatriszill iv in liava Miss retrained borne 111 hi 11115 III In Ivi 51111111111 IIltil aial ie11 at latmy 117911 11 LKISUN lttllt 11111111 Slit BRIAN lftlll MARSHAL THOMAS lllli WILLIAMS 11 tivr1i Iliill 1s 111111111 15111111 tlvltt gt131i 1111111 NPRU AIR rtllllltllllllrL 11 111 tlllee iltl spoilt 111111 Olin 1112 with 11111 Mr 111 1111111 teat Shaman 1173 Qilli VIII ll Sl IURUNltl ttl llltt l11 niiit firm1111 1211 niand11 11211 11411 lint l11 ifttlll AlIAl II IIltltli Utili 11 Matts Art 13 Reid and Miss Iiatit llllt 111 tmtlran ari 41111111119 the 1111 1111 11111111 11 111 lrain 11113= 11l WIFIIII MIN llill IIIIJI llllll l11 111111 1111 llil lll ltttTiil Itlttlllt Wit1 been patient in the Sick hlltl ians lite111111 1111 month 11tiiin 111 hoiie on Sunday and Mrs 11111 Noniinert timers llilIIFIE 01 MMr agarw litl and MIS curtail and son Ilillie 111 Tor ainlto fpiiri Easter Jtllillltl with AIM Miss 111111 Goddard Mr 1an Mrs LAST SAllTllltAY these VIA officials and others llltt at Barrie where shipment or rattle was being loaded for Northern Ont ario Veterans in the north are building 111 iierdr 111 purebred dairy and beef cattle right are Gordon Exwortli VLA 1101111111113 01775 11111111111011 ii 111111111113 Kiwanis lliydro meritJul picture 111 Hydro leel11p 11 ill Im 13Lmi 1lenerating stations purchasing agent liredhorter Coehrane supervisor Owen Barrie VLA supervisor Ilenry tlltyi Stanley Applcuate Taylor Pipe reevc of Kitslt1 Smith Studio Photo Name VLA Jack llolurove 52111 Percy Newirian and atliairne and Illeanor en ioyed lZaster wrtli relatives in Nev taskeard and ilarlrybiiry We 111 sorry to report that Mrs Andrew llarrie MR ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER Cor Dunlop and Hayfield Barrie Address Sherman Dept 127 QllZlIN Sllltlil ttsl TORONTO TRY AN EXAMINER WANT Al Diamond township 111111 to llltli1 llospital hope slit 1111111 111111 Mrs Alta and II patient friends return Intr llir lictliiiclrgrmmrl man can lltlttAtlttlltlit liisuraiicc illlli NORWCH Iiivei Money 111 lieirtuies 111 Irbent 111 lU11U1l on plant Optlilllll riiet yearly also 11 111 1111 0lltl11 UNION The costs had disfriliutioii 1111111 on borrowed money to Barrie 11i i111eriirilie taleary Metealle of Tor onto sneiit last week with then pl Metealfe seriously ill at his home here The liebekaii District meeting or Mr anti Mrs Bill Lee spent the 7111111111HNNI N0 19 W115 held in the Easter holiday with Mrs Lees par 1001 llilll TIHHHISIN Representatives were present from ollingwood Iiiie brother l11reiie who is are pleased to see Mr and Mrs IIronipson Jennett back home 111n The actual cost would be 1111 1111ltlllllg cost plus charges for merits and operating cost in liar liowever from the feed then debenture pay ttme and work Monday ilairie 11111111 afternoon ind NOW does Severn into hm Illtttll1 the power coming from mum Ur Bun public Ulmmx 111111 Ottawa River and computation 111m1111 cost is very complicated and 19111111151111 peneral 111111 1m 0f the POW 11111111 111111 the tiiioirtlily payments provide it affects Barrie ents 111 Toronto Mrs Meafoirl arlson iiid lhorribiiry William Ernest and Miss Carlsolidmlll 11111 IUIHHitIe were at Ii llaritiinzs for Easter1 Sn inlay and CHOICE UNGRADED GREEN PEAS IONA runners GOLD REEF PINEAPPLE GREEN GIANT CORN NIBLETS CHOICE DICED BEETS FANCY TOMATO JUICE 1111111 was IllltltSlelI Salter secretary Mr and Iloll is Mrs Johnston Norman iiid tliamiltori Mr and Mrs Wilmer Wilson art 1111hnston Stoney Creek and Mr spending the ICAsIei holidays withiand mother and fOc Tins 2111 The is not known year are tirade to carry leien the finalaecountinus for the Ivear arr mtide llarrie is presented km twitli 13111 Power Bill which mayl The Hm tslrow debit or credit Barrie contracted for 1700 horsepower and there were misgivings as to what do with that much power Barrie required 7000 hp Idoniestie $152000 kilowatt hours in 1924 it grose to 1720000 1111 in 1931 111 or 2111111111111 1111 in 11144 to 7478000 got its pnwm ElIl lltl Ill 48 it was 11343000 EILII with restriction and appeals powert In swore 2530 active electric aceouiits tin Barrie and in 1948 there were 13400 In 1913 the cost of power llaid down in Barrie was $3370 per Itiorsepower last year it was $1902 VICC charge of do per ilt floor space followed by con isumpt vatt 11 cost was less than without Iias lrease siivtee Mrs l111111 Johnston Allan lathel 11111 were the guests of Miss Ger tie and Mel Goddard on 111011 Fri Mrs Wilsons near Buffalo Miss Dorothy oeiiiane oi IorIIJF iioriie with her par Eclipse of Moon beautiful Aptil 13 afforded all good view manyof the eclipse of the moon winch friends mourn the passing away of was 111 good view from 91111 till ll Speers who died Saturdaylafter 11 p111 April 111 The sympathy is extend Amateur Night pnwms ed to his daughter Mrs Herman and relatives Easter visitors Roy Wilson allot the Amateur Night to buy 12 his home Mr and Mrs Smyth pairs 111 rubber boots and the same Mrs ilell1 number of rubber coats 11lraw Mr and Mrs Henderson and Improvements to Planing children Mr and Mrs Jack Skill and Wood products mg and fartiin with their parents and Mrs iltltl ltrpioiial 1111 Butt Dari ie 2801 Tin 29 30 funds iiid Salter opened discus sion by saying that the 121111 power bill was offree and some just what rtliis Electric oiito was at ents Mr and Mrs Wes Coehrane for Easter weekend eoiiiiiintiity The clear night on 2001 lttt11l may recent 1y The and Commission is a1 15112 partnership of some 300 iiitinieipal ities cities towns and villages as well as rural districts throughout organized louei 1+0 we would In 1947 In 19H used Bought Firemen Supplies lennett firemen Tire used the proceeds Ontario power provide to those partners Barrie as partner has an equity of 111101116531100th stations Originally from the Big Chute on the Severn tacit tit and little 2001 at cost users Barrio Ill and family iiid generating diktribution lines 2002 P111le The Elmvale Planingr and Wood Tins DilViSi Products Co have installed marl MISS Marian and Keith McVaneli Enemy with capacity ul 1th con at home with their parents Miss lvcrptp blotk5 my pH01 13minng Itlla McLean with her sister Mrstgmd Ilwood Jeniiett Mr and Mrs Gib Mung 111 this rem1 son of Newmarket Gibson of Barrie with their paraI Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Jennett Mr andj 1Mrs Ililll COODCI liltl DllVll1 zzj vrsited relatives on Good Friday rlvy WI Elects Officers The annual meeting of the Ivy Womens Institute was held at the well last week home Mls Jami uh Easter holiday visitors were Mr and Mrs Douglas Gilchrist of To ronto at Gilehrifsts Rev and Mrs Osborne of Whitby with Sr Misses IJean and Sric Bartholomew of loI ronto with relatives here Mr and Mrs Dawson and son of Willow dale at Mr and Mrs Pilkeys eor rze 25 save 1938 there Alonzo Turner will be and Mrs it 11011115 r1111 CANADIAN 11111 caress VELVEETA KRAFT 1P PURhITY Plitilllt SP WHITE MEAT IONA PURITY OATS IONA PEACHES CROWN or BEEHIVE CORN STEiii HAWES rum 11111 1A IllIT VEGETABIE 54 are YOUR or PRODUCE BUY 01 THE WEEK OMHTOE NEW CROP MEXICAN FIRM RIPE No1 HAND SELECTED QUALITY elloiilss 25C lbs 15 911 15 39 ANN PGEN1IITE or BROWN ratau CUSTOM GROUND COME COPPER HEDLUNDS MEAT CAMS FANCY KEEA SALMON tritium 12 1111 Hits Frank Gibson The domestic rate in 19111 was 100 sq GUTHRIE J1 71 121011 111 lb M1 to SO12 the lit Mrs Ed McLaughlin and son Bill 101 ltansonville1 New York visited Iwith Mr and Mrs Wesley charge of tile per kilo the average lc perkn The 1947 Cald CaEt R13 service charge eominercial ra has been reduced to 2c and ti 10c last year the rate for members and Mrs Jennett presiding Roll calli rlCSDOIISC was garden suggestioni and paying of fees consisted of plans to finish bale Salvation Army col The Red fourteen present 13 sttl 3021 11 1from SC and with the 139e per kli street lighting was lamp and $20 per 100 The sign of Trustworthy Service The rate for 100Walt lam ps $9110 We have been passing thrOL prosperous years Commission has for the future average cost In 19 he busmess Mrs Campbell 430 Pkg 153 74 for Europe lecting was planned for Cross Eellectinglwas finished Manyt lettcrs Of thanks front those whoi were ill were read The Treasurch reported line balance on hand for Sunday morning when Miss May tliecmninrr year The election 01 beth Standen wiii be the guest Please note services are It lamp today 207m CATELLI SPililiZlT ANN PAGE FAMOUSWITH PORK VEGETARIAN 01111051011 STYLE 1502 tin 19c DAINTY RICE CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP HEINZ TOMATO KETCHOP JELLY POWDERS JELLn arena BULK ROLLEDV OATS AYLMER CHOICE 11011111111111 APENN MOTOR OII MAPLE LEAF MATCHES 51 PRIMROSE SWEET MIXED PICKLES Buy lied or Blue Brant11111145111115 TEAK$ on ROAsrs PORTEIIIIOIISE 169 53 We are Hertz station Hertz is the only and coorllomoesl car rental iystem operating in been preparing when conditions may not be so good The capacity Ilias been doubled and new sub There is no indebt inereased business necessitates more office space and plans are under way new building at an estimatedvcosl There are 20 members on the staff of the HydroElectric Dept and 12 on the Waterworks commrssroners are men who want to know why but are most cooperative in every endeavor to improve the servrce Chas Crease explained meant by kilowatt hour and in troduced Ferguson who ex plainedwhy power was so short There has been tend ency during the past few years to decentralize anti 325 cities dependable uniform in service and conducted bV MIS resulted as fellows IIenncttlst Vice Pres icers 13 speaker FIGS on DST On Saturday morning the snow Bfltlng 21191Vice PICS shovels and winter goloshes were MIS M01 in Martin 5065 Mrsjonce more pressed into Service The children had discarded their Mrs Esteriiskipping ropes roller skates and irectors Mrs wagons for their sleighs Easter visitors Mrs Watson N1 Mrs agara Falls with her mother MrE and Mrs and Mrs Lloyd McLean and Mr Jenf and Mrs Cohen of Call With Mr nett Condeners Agricul ire amLand Mrs McLean Mrs Fert nlcy iier and Marian andMrs Church1 csi ill of Beeton with friends Mr and Mrs Langdon Clifford with her parents inity WMS Meeting WMS Auxiliary of Trinity held their April meetiiigg experienced through 24 years For buliness or 111 61 plcmvle rent at here current model 0heculilvllytonditioned raped muted station built edness Coml in or call for full information BARRIE DRIVELenin Company 69 COLLIER Sl PHONE 2488 The Earl Reid arth District Davis Institute rLvDavLiSsandM Committees Flow Jennett Mrs Earl IJ Banting Attditor 2Ib Pkg 31 Tins 1302 erect LoganBanting of $42000 Limited Dept The local Canadian IndirstriesMrs Applegatej Citizenship Mrs lVIeDermott Mrs Estcn Davis Home Econom ics Mrs Clarence Hogarth Publit city Mrs Banting The proI gram committee in charge of Mrsi Chur ftanley Applcgate was very later at the ome of Mrs H1M Thomp ednesday afternoon The orted having sent to the Presbyterial 241 Historical Resear what is SPRING TONEup SPECIAL Eon 1133111 Clean and adj 11st plugs and points Test battery and cable circuit Examine starting motor generator and Test compressimiland fuel pump pressure rEXamine distributor cap and hightension wrrcs Tighten Witch and ammeter connections Checkicoiland connections Checklgas line connectionsand cleft Ibsf lftJoz min 2801 1351 yeah esting Mrs rApplegate read paper on the danger of the common Treasurer Mrs Bert McQuay article on button manufacturing and another paper was on the Afri can Violet entitled Puzzling but The meeting closed as usual and the hostess assisted by Carruthers Thompson Jennett Mrs George Davis and Mrs served lunch THO April18 Easter ill SOD on New Spring Crop rkdnsas Fresh No NewSpring Crop Arizona ea iceberg Extra large 48erotrl for industry this requiresmore power In the Georgian District the 12 rydroelectric developments were not meeting the requirements so line was built from Harriston to Mount Forest and from Kitchener to Hanover Then 110000volt line to Camp Borden and on to Last Summer the capacity of the 12 plants in the Georgian District the requirements for therdistrict At present the HEPC has three developments under will give 30 powerin excess Of the Queciiston development also two steam plantsrwith ah equal In FNorthrn Ontario vast developments will tie incwith the south year and substantialsci Treasurer IQ LUMBER The United States its annual lumber supp SiljthlththC rest for farm ire and other manufactured articles read an SPINACH LETTUC NATIVE Nb new Imp Gal 119 71911 ton Popular New Spring Crop iyLarge Bunches Fresh Shredded Vegetables No New Brunswick Canada Table Stock Peck Mrs George Mrs ilator ceuo reg1 Pkg 1511 Carruthcrs 1662 16 21 Owen SOund 1602 Btl met only half Pain Seeds Buy where quality counts Euro way which 11 fire filter and Mrs West spent th weekend in Barrie Serviceat Townline Presbyterian 30 DST on Sunday Franklin Mrs Stewart of OtI Quality rid adjust timing Capacity Church year MEAT 3111 OF in WEEK April 24 half ago the prO SLICED SMOKED Screen TeStand adjuSt fan rbelt Check distributor advance Examine heatcontrOI valve Free up if possible Clean air cleaner if necessary 33 Bayeld Si CLOVERS Alfalfa Sweet Ladino Mammoth and White Dutch tawa spenthplidays with the formr ers parents Miss Ethel Mathews spent the veekendeith Mr and Mrs NorE man Thompson Miss Pamela Carroll of Barrie is visiting her grandparents Mr and Mrs Vernon Fletcher Mr and Mrs John Simpson Gariyand Robert spent Easter Simpsonts parents Adjust carburtor clean choke Ascreen vince was divided into eight reg Adjust valve clearanceon overheadvalves ional districts and Barrie has one ofthese regional offices haying charge of 60 municipalities and 13 rural areas with some 6000 miles giving employment to Every effort is WING OBSIRLOIN 691 CORDLESS ROUND 65 PLAT BIB BBISKET 25 Hiram CHICKENS LAMB IECS 111113 PRONTS PORK JOINS 57 53 FRESH SHANKLESS ronxysnouw BREAKFAST cuorc SLICED POINTWEI MILK recoupingnos LBS 49 11155 1351 311 Red Alsik 33 BCYLINDER CARS $600 11 CYLINDER CARS $800 ANY PARTS NEEDED EXTRA INY ADDED WORK NEEDED of line over 700 people made to give service at the low est cost Following the interesting films were shown Buchanan on behalf of the expressed thanks Salter and Chas Crease for fine program Timothy Pasture Grass Mixtures two with Mrs Stratford Mrs Jamieson her sister in Elmvale and Mrs Grose is visitingher Mount Albert Mr and Mrs Geo Holt have re turned home after spending few days with their cousins in Hamil ton While there they motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday Trinity WMS will hold their Easter lhankoflerlngr service next addresses FRESH PORK BUTTS SILVERBRIGHT worstlulu Farm Fertilizers Seed Corn etc 11111 Scedsmcn since 1871 59 45 is visitinu club to Bi daughter in hV NERVE CENTRE Pythagoras Greek philosopher was one of the first to discover that lthe head is the consciousness FREBH Brennans Auto Electric BARBIE Phone 2464 Eris 45 Ll tumors in EFFECTUNTILI SATVAPltIL23 centre of

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