Barrie Examiner, 21 Apr 1949, p. 6

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AGE SIX THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA LL sttllllfNl lRElItl LAFFADAY tlltRSDAi APRIL 1114 Mw oriieiusJulian1 TRACTOR WORK lluuglrlng and CAMPBELL BROS IHUNII lllrll tiiltiiiiting Stroud ICE DELIVERY at Vie ass1111 lltl SIIHHIS HH ltllitlls lt ttltltlt lll ltllk flli tllll Iijil1 1111111 to 1111111111111s durum 11111 of 111111 1114lt111gt1 111 viriiigiiiriiit 1111t11 1121111 1111111 1311ii 11 111 ijiis1 lt11111 1111 tiipplui tlllltl lr1ii 1111 111111 spit11 pziev 1111111 11111111 showcl Stitll 111111 11ririi normal 111quHttoHlt 1111111 bliltilii ali1 111 111 12311111 1111 Hg4 pm 1111 help 11111il1le $11111 piobleiiis and tlil 11111 llitetrary olloix up iI polio 1111 rats 151 senilair LI ttlltll1llr 311111i1i1111r11 11111111 1111114111111 ltll $1 r111 1111 111111 at these ramps lhe Sucre liillllh spend and its affiliach 1911 11 Ulilitl itllt tltitis 1111 1t111rrpttri to rave IIIIHI Ioi iiiiisii and 11111l ramps lllltttltl Intii l1lli 31111 1111li IM1 FFr WAVER Aprzl it 511111ss1111 ran 11 iniiiips two ItZI s111111 ltr annual Easter S1 11 Salt111111111 MINESING BELLE EWART EDGAR LEY 777 iii l111 April It invi pil It 411 Irilinstoii is 1511111 111 De lionau tliel=l 411111 111111 tanip 111s 11111111 i1rl1liii belis flirt French 11111 51111 on Wednesday 1111 Iitrriiri11n spent 1111 111111 loionai 111111 Mrs 111111111 11 litlflitiri Miss Illllld 12111111 is 1s1t1il herp 1111 111 1111111111111 tli strums Well Attended iiaslei thiireh gtllltt were 1III MeltIlll 1llll Within 111 1111111 11111 and Mrs MeAiary 111 To liorne by the newhtorrned choir 1111111 111 Barrie were visitors at 11111 I111rides Ius11e and lwiii spent llraiittoid tiiel1riiii is isitriii her liobsun lolirison Soarl 11111111111 illtit the Searls 1211111111 gt1111it the Weekend 11 her home MiAitliur tinplielltorri isiied 11 II It Mrs 11111 51111y 3111 1151111 at l1iii1 l1111tll Miss 1211 1111111 tutI 1111111 5111311111111 gt11ltl 1111 11111 Toronto 1111 IIIIn MM ll trrw 11 Hill Mus ir 111111111112 lias 111111 ti aliaiii 111 and Ili layerwill 111111111111 iil1lv1p1wgt 1111111 11 II1 11 Ioroiiw 11 Ii 111111111I 11111 Il lioti y111111111 12111 Witt illtl 1tl and Mrs 11111111 Stiathan spent the Dunsrii1 111 lIoinw Irast and Paul 1111 1111111 11 1211111 411111111112 liiironto Mrs 1laiiii lltldl o1 Th Miss Ilerniee Adanison Toronto l1lll the wet head with her par ents Iten1111 tuninier Iltsio iiotnliwl Iii Sillltli 1111s111 t1ItIgtll Mrs Ie1s iltl1 had succes in sale 111 11111 stock and inipleinlt 111lt on lInrrstIay l11ston 111111 nev p1sto1 inieiolt ot 111s the speaker There was special ir111o 11111 1111sit 1111111111 5111111 I111I1II taiol Iriiorito 11111 11111111111 1111111 INIIIIIIIILI 11 tilIrI1l 111 xvii Ii 1t 01111111121 11111111111 Ii1 iiiss II Il1iritei and Mrs attend and Mrs tiniinirnes and Fall 111 Toronto visited at IIeriiian Iriws Mrs from health Mr and Mrs Morley French and llrantford leadership 111 Mrs Itllltl accompanied by lltl 51510111 Miss lltli 1111 the violin Ihet rlieziutiftil llowers were brought by liill liiitlett Mrs ithe Ii hiireli The service nextr txunday April 31 will Ioeloel 11Sl1 tat tlt1ll tIlolitlay Visitors lliourzli the Easter 1athr 111111 iievertlieless poodly rainiber came from out of town 111 spend the holiday here tliein 1loront11 and Mrs lloberts 111 Barrie wilIi their sister Mrs Ferrier with his lizrandparents Mr and Mrs Gor 11 ie at ternooii 11ltes June and Verna lluteiiiii Totkluirn between 1111 Montreal 111 Toronto on Saturu Me X1w1uisll1 llltllll Mainaiet Mr returned iiiipioverl Bannister lliittll and hockey attended Barrie Ann lititllt and hospital Mrs loiianee and was moved lumirer iiriiiie 11y 111111111ane1 Iroiii 1111 easier 111 Toronto at the Mame 11 111111 Hospital on Saturday Miss Salsbuiy spent Easter 1iiss 7111s It Utlttlllh Willi MN 111 at her home 11 ariiden Iillt 111 Orrhard ill Aurora Ilowiiey other NIAGARA features Every loan lrfaitilind uithout utra homo Miss 1311111 weekend here and 11 at 11111111111 Allans 1l Mrs lloss llidwell Sunday 1tMurriy IIlirtelrinsons Mr and Mrs Gale 1111111111 111 Toronto at ll Boniieys llarold Duncan and Ilwart iiid spent Alllilll Toronto and Sunday School r11 No ondomu nqviud MIS Ross Snider Gerald 111 Toronto spent the 111111 day at Leighton Sniders Weekend visitors at ll llari iiisters Were Cordon Drown lor ento Mr and Mrs Clarence Ban nister and family Midland laek lianntster Iiefrov Arthur French 111 111111111 Rateralevcuionoblutonvnni om payments Mrs 11111111111i1 South 11 Walter Iloivneys tor few days rek and iiid lIaiI weather gtnrer1ea India is 111 buy iiioie than lltltltl VIIS bushels 1111111 troui tlillll 1151111 curs BOUGHT SOLD For Better Prices Call 4981 DANGERFIELD MOTORS 65 Collier St iiid Mrs lliorultill visited Sovoroltoun Flam available Wham MM 11le gt111 JOINI Covrlooui plivuta intend1n lions 11 111 I1 laek Orchard lrrai 111 Iiiris1 1111 rer Stan 11 alleles 11ss Dorothea Lees rriiit the weekend at the home of lleleii Lauder of Lauders 1111 Mrs Keith Sanderson ol Siltlll Ilay it Art Slessors Mi irid llennett and Robert 111 Jar llonneys Mr and lilt lrrank Woods and Iaiiiily Dal ston at Ernest Asiis Miss Carole Jack and ltob McLean of Toronto Melaan of Barrie llonneys Mr and Mrs Fred Harris 11 Barrie and Mr and Mrs Iiiiiest llarris rrid daughter lren 111 at Ellis llutehinsons Toronto all in phone or write NOW were Mrs Mabel 11111 isited 1tl on Sunday lediiesday afternoon April ladies of the United Church tea and sale of baking 111 the base the church re responsible for the 111 the baseirient recently Easter weekend isitors inelud SWIMh of 111 ed Mrs llarry learson 111 Toronto Fred Pearsons 511 and Geo Johnstons Mr and Mrs lroystoiL Mrs Super and child ren London at Mrs Foystons liesiei Suzanne of lrirt olborne at 11 Silapuires Mr and Mrs Ias Clem Toronto Diekerison 111 llaiiiilton at ilev It Cleiirenls Rev Iousorr 111Toronto at Iarkers Sollilt Donald of leterboro 11 Youngs Mrs llay McClure Newmarket Pratts Mr and Mrs pond Toronto at Maws laek Toronto Priests Mr and Mrs Geo Beattie Toronto at Mann Toronto Mrs Walt liees Miss Mrs Gordon Clarke Iions Reynolds and Mrs underwent Andrews iiZidland and Maximo Drinkill had her tonsils retiioverl lolin MeWat itlS is also patient in the hospi lionald lluliett Toronto opera ilospital don Ilullett xlid Lynda of Ottawa 11111 loan llildon of Mr and Mrs Mrs Browning and iiace and Jack Mitchell 111 Toronto at their ttttltlLt thftlt FINANCE co 11mm 51 I930 The Wilson Building SQUARE held 1111 15 Toronto witlt I11lt111 Mr John and The ladies 11111111 Mrs Gordon oron1owitli Iier iirolt itiier Dorothy llarrisoii and Lorne laxter and Robert Stevenson lor onto 11 llaxters Mr and Mrs Lreditville Mr and Mrs Blackwell iiid Brian Marion Goldryiii and Mrs Curtiss $11 1111110 with her son Ilalpii Mrs Atkinson laek llardy and Ronald 111 Toronto with their mother Mrs lilullen Toronto at Ilreir cotta lyn Macleaii of Osliaw sister Mrs BETHESDA 1M April 111 spent couple of lays of last week in Toronto Miss Eldridge of the Givensl Toronto spending the Easter vacation with iiid l1retl llllt Juliu Toronto Illlt BARRIE April It Clifford Belliof Orillia spent the long weekend at his home Mr and Mrs Iedlinizliaiii visited in Aiiteii Mills at the weekend Wuertli and Fred PHONE15533 Barrie and with Mrs Listowel of London llaxter and Mrs reil and WTEBRIDGE April McMurray with Tors Robert Cruickshank home in Toronto for Easter week ledlingiiain is back 1111 Paul ents and and Harry ientivieve enough position in Barrie Mr and Mrs Vern IIieklinp ol weekend Miss Mrs well visited and Craighurst Mrs Eakley Tuesday ielirzious Righteousness was shown in the Wednesday night and was iiiiicii appreciated by those present Visitors over the weekend were ay and llclenilmrnsome Toron to with their parents Alma Ars key Vltll Mr and Mrs Carru Ihers Mrs Bishop with Mr and Rawn Mr ilair and daiigliteConnie with Mr and Mrs Charles Gladys Toronto with her Mrs Rawn and family Mr and Mrs Dawes and baby Ieteiboro and Bob Downer of Sarnia at Mr and Mrs Downers Mr Mrs Feltham Toronto at their cot Marion Downer onto and chma Desroche at their Toronto with her parents Mr and Mrs French and family Brantford with LMr and Mrs PrestOn Mr and Mrs Adamson and family lwithMtiuaiid Mrs Preston of their daughter Mrs CouttsParker Camp Borden with Mr and Mrs Douglas Mr and Mrs Cooper visited Cochrane vith Mr and Mrs with the latters luring and Mrs Irving refs Stroud on Easter Sunday Mrs Allan and children of H0115 lip Davidson of Toronto and Douglas DavidsonofOttaiti visitlt ed on Good Friday withIVlr and Mrs Geo Squibb Mrs Bates attende lingWeaver wedding on Saturday1 April 10 in Kingsville Ohio going on to Centre Line Michigan where she will spend thcEaster week with her Fonteaiid son Benny Bates Easter weekend visitors in the and Mrs llildon Mrs Mer with her Ilouston Mr and and Mrs and film Crown Barrie with Mr and Mrs Addison Mr and Mrs llurrayBell and children Owen Sound are visiting Iev and Mrs Newman Messrs Freud and Lobb 01 Till vonburr spent the Easter holidays with Mr and Mrs lcdlingliam Miss Ruth and Ted Brock 01 T11 Easter holidays with Mr and Mrs Ern Ellsmere iiid Betty and Prime Meltlamen Toronto were at Easter week spent and daughter and Elmer Gordon Vi Aiiglican Church on Iriest Parker THE INK WIDGEONI Boats for Everyones Enjoyment SIX MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Cedar Strip 0r Plywood Construction Priced from $13500 to $33500 FOR PARTICULARS APPLY eown 203 Blake StPhOne 2353 ltlaiguires rat11y 1aws 110011 Friday Service Good Friday service was held in ItIie United Clippeh with Rev Stubbs delivering the address 1101 111111115 11115 subject was Tire Three oii the Three Crosses ISpccial Blister Service special Easter service was held jin the United Church on Sunday linorning and largecongrcgation minister It Clements was iii charge and lguve an inspiring Easter message ISpeciat music was rendered by the Edenvale Male Quartet and solo Bless This House by Jim Rup beautiful communion table Edesigned and constructed Maguire and son Bob and present ed by the Womans Association was dedicated by the pastor and two 4lower ripedcstalsv tomatch ere presented by the three daugh ters of the late Mr and Mrs A1 bert Orchard v17 Mrs Max Toronto Misses Anne Of Toronto and Birth of Roch memory Of their Mrs Clarke ronto spent Mrs and Mrs Public School stall Misses Wilma LOOP COUSIH their home for end Francis Greaves Barrie hockey Saturday Miss Orma Sheffield and Bill Of Barrie and Miss Virginia Sheffield 01 Toronto spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Geo Sheffield Visitors with Mr and Mrs Rob ert Greaves were Major and Mrs Young and Robert of Avlmer Miss Gwen Greaves and Paul Beardsall of Toronto The flowers on the altar ofSt Johns Church on rEggter Sunday Weiie iniiemVOry of Mrs Brock and were sent by Harry Brock and family of Toronto Mr and Mrs Broley and fam lily Ivy spent Easter Sunday with rid Mrs Maycs Golieen School is spending the her home iir Men Shanahan attended and Robert Montreal Mrs nto on BethLida Easter Stroud Miss Joan Geo teacher and nine in Toro 1111111 vacation tape here Tor Iwas present Tire Rev Hildon and Ronald Doreen lullett Toronto are spending Eas their aunt homes Stacey week with Mrs Harry Squibb Mr and Mrs Watson Bond Heady spent Easter Sunday at the home by It youll choose trNEW 1111111 111111111 nd Mr Coutts Giles Preston BOICICDTEII Rawns brother Lewis Stewart Camp JEN Time was when the bigger and heavier the tractor Ihebetterfor traction Today 31 farmers buy Ferguson for power ei ciency equal to tractors of much larger size and greater weight gMOUNTSTrthJIS April 18 Mrs Herman Barr has returned ing week in TO vell Lena Mr and Mrs Morley Clements are spending the week in Elmvale Misses Jean and Eleanor Ralston Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harvey Ralston Arrangefor Your Demonstration Today GRAVES BROS Authorized Ferguson Dealers Cundles North Barrie ester NY in parents Evening Candle Light Service There was also special Candle Light service on Sunday evening Iconducted by members of the Ses The Junior Choir led in the processional hymn and also sang anrianthem Iot the Barrie and Vespra Town ship Sunday School Association gave heartsearching message on Easter and itsvmcaning acceptance 111 His guidingLight and being Light to help Others dies wereth at the close to all present The benediction was giv en by thcjpastor EGBER Master Murray Brdlley of Belle ville is spending the Easter holi days at hishome here Mrs Orchard of Mineslngmnd MI and Mrs Allan Newtonand Pte Donald Ruse of Toronto spent the Weekend at Elmeigh Visitors over the weekend were Mrs Ernie Luck and Miseryrtle Fleming of Thompsonville with Mr and Mrs Alfred Thompson Saturday Wedding Congratulations to James Leigh ton and Ormn Brollcy who were married on Saturday Gifts for Mr and Mrs iDutton The residents of this community Eatheredatrthe school house on Wednesday for social evening in honor of Mr and Mrs John Dut Iton who are moving to Cookstown During the evening Roy Holt and heimeth Broltey presentcd Mr and the Mar1 home after spend ronto Mrs Jas Miller and Donna Of Gowattd are home for the holiday season Miss Maureen Crowe is spending community included Mr and Mrslthe hOIidy With CalOl CTOWC 81 Earl McMaster and children Tor Orr Lake onto at MeMasters Lorne Gallaughcr Toronto at Gallan ghers Miss Eileen Coutts Toronto at Forbes Coutts Mrs Clips SCEne and children of StaynerMrs Gates of Barriean and Mrs CO eland La eview daughter Mrs sion President Mr Wigg Timiskaming spent Easter withhis mother Mrs NI Brown Miss Margaret Belanger of Tor ster holidays at her Ross Brown of Lighted can onto spent Ea home here Tom Eiawley Jack Rumbleand Bill Burtch of Toronto weekend withfriends here Mr and Mrs LeoBcrthelotte and Rita spent Sunday with Mr and MisThos Berthelotte Utopia Mr and Mrs Wm Miller and Dale are motoring to Toronto to everything from day 01 summer attend the banquet and Provincial Public Speaking finals at the King Dale is the con testanttrom this district luck Dale and Clarence son Georgie Copeland of Cookstownwith MrsMaud Cope landSherwood Bailey with his parents The Kind Weatherman The weatherman gave us 11 great variety of for the Roof Save repair and maintenance coSts Provides pleasingcolors and fire gag protection CAMERONELLIS GIBSON LTD BP Toronto gt Performance must be Iopidn the milker you buy You must vesinoorhrunning efciency mic massaging milking am and the milker itself easy to use handle can Youll quickly of these qusts henchmen warnich uuhow weather last week warmth toa fall of Snow with Easter Sunday dawning withtheEdW3rdHl1 beautiful warm sunshine again must andkccp nd that and many built into the Deering Milken you at McCormick sting Then discoveritndun cs for yourself We Have a1 few Spring chines Lett GIVE US 1A team HERTY In cs 3511111111 51 3111 115933 Best of and TRYAN EXAMINER WANT AD Mrs Dirttonwith table lamp zismokers stand Fer Delivery of Fresh Purina Chiows PHONE 817131 attains 3800st none is nation 25 ANNOUNCING THE OPENING 01 Ult RADIATOR REPAIR snow EQUIPIED TO HANDLE ANY RAD lilCIAIII 1013 Every radiator is boiled out and repalnted alongr with necessary repairs Replacement rads 1111 sale if desired DOMINION AUTO SUPPLY C0 MAPLE AVII BARRIE PHONE 3355 ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER Homes Houses Cottages When You Think of Building Think ofiUs ESTIMATES FREE UPON REQUEST Will build under II Requirements BANNISTER Phone 2377 Barrie FURNACES CLEANED NOW is the time to have your Furnace Pipes and Chimney cleaned by the POWERED VACUUM WAY for Complete Satisfaction N0 MUSS N0 lrUSS SAWYER PHONE 5291 imriruir owr FINE QUALITY of both service and met chandise is assured in funerals we direct THE HELPFUL QUALITY of our service is fully maintained In every funeral regardless of how simple or how elaborate the Iumisliing may be Ourwidc choice ownK of prieesnieels ERA 0M5 Eiieryfaiiiilya wishes PHONE 0553 gp vAcNISH Orr reaps RUBBERSET ToriIonic and Garden Household Step Ladders Well made 5ft $525 it $625 rt$s25 restarts RubberxTiredWheelbarrows $ll50 GardenRakes at Scand $130 Dandelion Rakes $145 Garden Spades $179 Turf Edgers to Save labor 130 Dutch Set Onions 11111 25o aytag tasking Machines $14400 and $14900 Johnson Electric Floor Polisher for mm Have You Tried theMiracle Mops at $398 STEELEBRIGGS VEGETABLE FLOWER SEEDS 11311111 is Hardware Gowcm St at Essa Rd Phone 3997 GOODVPABKING

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